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1、笔译三级综合能力模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 1 We have had to

2、 raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of materials. ( A) primitive ( B) rough ( C) original ( D) raw 2 With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very for the students. ( A) hostile ( B) anxious ( C) tedious ( D) obscure 3 Whenever the governme

3、nt increases public services, _ because more workers are needed to carry out these services. ( A) employment to rise ( B) employment rises ( C) which rising employment ( D) the rise of employment 4 Our flight to Guangzhou was _ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had exp

4、ected. ( A) delayed ( B) adjourned ( C) cancelled ( D) preserved 5 Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but _ in winter. ( A) should be ( B) would be ( C) preferred ( D) preferably 6 Both longitude and latitude _ in degrees, minutes and seconds. ( A) measuring ( B) measured

5、 ( C) are measured ( D) being measured 7 Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, _ made up of electrically charged particles called plasma. ( A) one another ( B) the other ( C) other ones ( D) each other 8 Good pencil erasers are soft enough not _ paper but hard enough so that they

6、 crumble gradually when used. ( A) by damaging ( B) so that they damage ( C) to damage ( D) damaging 9 The magician picked several persons _ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. ( A) by accident ( B) at random ( C) on occasion ( D) on average 10 On turning the comer, th

7、ey saw the path _ steeply. ( A) departing ( B) descending ( C) decreasing ( D) degenerating 11 English language publications in China are growing in volume and _. ( A) circulation ( B) rotation ( C) circumstance ( D) appreciation 12 Hydroponics _ the cultivation of plants without soil. ( A) does ( B

8、) is ( C) do ( D) are 13 To impose computer technology _ teachers is to create an environment that is not conducive to learning. ( A) with ( B) to ( C) in ( D) on 14 Marketing is _ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. ( A) rather than ( B) other than ( C) bigger than

9、( D) more than 15 _ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary, grammar, and sound system. ( A) What linguists call ( B) It is called by linguists ( C) Linguists call it ( D) What do linguists call 16 In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermo

10、nt, was famous for pottery. ( A) it made ( B) its ( C) the making ( D) where its 17 _ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. ( A) Children ( B) Children, when they ( C) As children ( D) For children to 18 _ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with th

11、e inspiration for two of his most popular novels. ( A) Remembering ( B) Memories ( C) It was the memories ( D) He remembered 19 Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect of the wind. ( A) from the effects ( B) it the effects ( C) it from the effects ( D)

12、 the effects from it 20 Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are a ( A) scarcity ( B) minority ( C) minimum ( D) shortage SECTION 2 Vocabularly Replacement This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is given in the brackets. B

13、elow each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. 21 The doctor preferred to resign rather than b

14、e accused publicly of infamous conduct. ( A) unknown ( B) extraordinary ( C) mysterious ( D) disgraceful 22 Since Jonas Salk came up with his polio vaccine, infantile paralysis has virtually disappeared from the United States. ( A) surfaced with ( B) raised the price of ( C) discovered ( D) elevated

15、 23 In the nineteenth century, poor Europeans seeking to make their fortunes turned to America as a matter of course. ( A) automatically ( B) obviously ( C) traditionally ( D) resignedly 24 Nineteenth-century scholars tried to trace the origins of modern languages to ancient Hebrew. ( A) limit ( B)

16、connect ( C) convert ( D) draw 25 Icy roads and poor visibility are familiar hazards in the midwest. ( A) chances ( B) dangers ( C) conditions ( D) occurrences 26 For all their protestations, they heeded the judges ruling. ( A) In spite of ( B) On behalf of ( C) Because of ( D) Without 27 The space

17、shuttle program entails the use of sophisticated technology. ( A) enhances ( B) develops ( C) creates ( D) involves 28 Tom was avid for learning and imitating and read everything he could. ( A) eager ( B) surging ( C) appreciative ( D) vigorous 29 The country will no longer be plagued by turmoil. (

18、A) constant change ( B) bad weather ( C) utter confusion ( D) fuel shortages 30 As a general rule, September is the worst month of the year for hurricanes in the Gulf. ( A) Normally ( B) On rare occasions ( C) Invariably ( D) Sometimes 31 Innovative approaches to manufacturing, coupled with the trem

19、endous size of the domestic market, led to the emergence of the United States as an industrial giant. ( A) followed by ( B) deriving from ( C) combined with ( D) mixed with 32 Laurel leaves are still an emblem of victory. ( A) a symbol ( B) a result ( C) a suggestion ( D) a spoil 33 The National Ind

20、ustrial Recovery Act was designed to spur industry. ( A) tax ( B) stimulate ( C) censure ( D) rebuke 34 When the Erie Canal was built in the 1820s, it was the engineering marvel of its time. ( A) wonder ( B) dispute ( C) frustration ( D) model 35 Mary McCarthys satires are couched in the prose style

21、 that has a classic precision. ( A) fused ( B) prefaced ( C) standardized ( D) expressed SECTION 3 Error Correction This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence there is a part given in the brackets that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively

22、marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. 36 All dont have a free ticket must pay the admission fee. ( A) Everyone who doesnt have a free ticket ( B) No one who doesnt have a free ticket ( C) No

23、one who has free tickets ( D) Anyone who has free tickets 37 When I last saw them, the police had chased the robbers down Columbus Street. ( A) were chasing ( B) was chasing ( C) chased ( D) were on a chase 38 Erosion that is a slow process, but it constantly changes the features on the surface of t

24、he earth. ( A) which is ( B) although ( C) being ( D) is 39 When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil, therefore turning into evidence of things that once lived. ( A) thereby ( B) as a result of ( C) so ( D) in the end 40 The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster sho

25、w a remarkable resemblance to a plesiosaur, a large water reptile of the Mesozoic era presuming extinct for more than 70 million years. ( A) supposed ( B) presumably ( C) presumptuous ( D) is presumed 41 In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200 billion stars, a small part of them prob

26、ably have planets on which life is feasible. ( A) a small fraction in which ( B) a small fraction of which ( C) a small fraction which ( D) which a fraction of 42 “But youll be able to come, wont you?“ “Yes, I think such.“ ( A) that ( B) it ( C) so ( D) this 43 The professor is quite difficult pleas

27、ed. ( A) to please ( B) to be pleased ( C) for pleasing ( D) pleasing 44 Because everyone knows, facts speak louder than words. ( A) Since ( B) That ( C) It ( D) As 45 The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown broke up the lion tamers heart. ( A) broke away ( B) broke down ( C) broke ( D) broke

28、n down 46 His heavy drinking and fond of gambling makes him a poor role model. ( A) and fact that he gambles ( B) and that he gambles ( C) and he gambles which ( D) and gambling 47 Depression that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rush of the busy week stops referred to b

29、y a prominent psychiatrist as Sunday Neurosis. ( A) has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist ( B) has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatrist ( C) a prominent psychiatrist has referred to it ( D) it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist 48 Just as there are occupations tha

30、t require college degrees also there are occupations for which technical training is necessary. ( A) so to there are ( B) so too there are ( C) so there are ( D) so too are there 49 Most of the older civilizations which flourished during the fifth century B.C. are died out. ( A) they have died out (

31、 B) has died out ( C) have died out ( D) they had died out 50 The student asked her professor if he would have gone on the space ship he did know earlier. ( A) if he knew ( B) if he knows ( C) he had known ( D) had he known 50 Sen. John F. Kerrys 11-day mini-campaign on the theme of national securit

32、y appears unlikely to produce sensational headlines or seize the countrys attention which is, on balance, to his credit. At a moment when the crisis in Iraq dominates the national discussion, Mr. Kerry is resisting the temptation to distinguish himself from President Bush with bold but irresponsible

33、 proposals to abandon the mission, even though that course is favored by many in his party. Nor has he adopted the near-hysterical rhetoric of former vice president A1 Gore, who has taken to describing Iraq as the greatest strategic catastrophe in American history and calling US handling of foreign

34、detainees an “American gulag. “ Instead, Mr. Kerry is in the process of setting out what looks like a sober and substantial altemative to Mr. Bushs foreign policy, one that correctly identifies the incumbents greatest failings while accepting the basic imperatives of the war that was forced on the c

35、ountry on Sept. 11, 2001. In his opening speech on the subject Thursday, Mr. Kerry reiterated one of the central tenets of Mr. Bushs policy: Lawless states and terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction present “the single greatest threat to our security. “ He said that if an attack on the Un

36、ited States with unconventional weapons “appears imminent I will do whatever is necessary to stop it“ and “never cede our security to anyone“ formulations that take him close to Mr. Bushs preemption doctrine. Yet Mr. Kerry focused much attention on the presidents foremost weakness, his mismanagement

37、 of US alliances. The Bush administration, he charged, “bullied when they should have persuadeD They have gone it alone when they should have assembled a team. “ Not only is the truth of that critique glaringly evident in Iraq and elsewhere, but Mr. Kerry is also right to suggest that repairing and

38、reversing the damage probed will require a new president. Though Mr. Bush has belatedly changed course in response to his serial failures in Iraq, there is no evidence that he would pursue a more multilateral foreign policy if reelected Mr. Kerrys promise to “launch and lead a new era of alliances f

39、or the post 9/11 world“ nevertheless does not add up to a strategy by itself. Tensions between the United States and countries such as France, Germany and South Korea predate George W. Bush and will not disappear if he leaves office; leaders in those nations have their own ambitions to challenge or

40、contain American power. Strong alliances require a common strategic vision and the vision offered so far by Mr. Kerry is relatively narrow. His Thursday speech focused on combating threats and on reducing dependence on Middle East oil; this week he will set out policies to block the spread of nuclea

41、r weapons. But he has had little to say about the good that the United States should seek to accomplish in the worlD In an interview Friday, the candidate stressed that he has set out the “architecture“ of his foreign policy and will talk more about goals and values in coming weeks. Thus far he has

42、spoken more about protecting American companies and workers from foreign competition something that hardly promotes alliances than about fostering democracy in the Middle East or helping poor nations develop. The emerging Kerry platform suggests that ultimately he would adopt many of the same goals

43、as Mr. Bush. In his latest speech he rightly warned of the terrible consequences of failure in Iraq and, like Mr. Bush, embraced elections and the training of Iraqi security forces as the best way forwarD His proposal for a U. N. high commissioner represents a slight upgrade on the deference already

44、 given by the White House to U. N. representative Lakhdar Brahimi; his call for a NATO- led military mission already has been aggressively pursued by the Bush administration, with poor results. There are, in fact, few responsible alternatives to the administrations course. Mr. Kerrys argument is tha

45、t he has a better chance of making it work. Its not a bold offer to voters but its probably the fight one. 51 The fact that Mr. Kerry did not propose to abandon the Iraq mission might_. ( A) leave him in a disadvantaged position in the campaign ( B) result in a draw against President Bush in the cam

46、paign ( C) do him good instead of harm in the campaign ( D) bring about a general disappointment among the public 52 The second paragraph suggests that_. ( A) Mr. Kerry and Mr. Bush both support the war on terrorism ( B) Mr. Kerry and Mr. Bush have very different views on national security issues (

47、C) Mr. Kerry prefers a more sober and substantial foreign policy than Mr. Bush ( D) Mr. Kerry has nothing new to offer in his opening speech 53 Mr. Kerrys attack against the president focused on_. ( A) the latters use of force against Iraq ( B) the difficulty in reassembling US alliances ( C) the ne

48、ed of a new president in directing the Iraq mission ( D) the latters practice of unilateralism 54 In the authors view, the “good that the US should seek to accomplish in the world“ might be_. ( A) creating a strong alliance with France, Germany and South Korea ( B) combating threats and reducing dep

49、endence on Middle East oil ( C) fostering democracy in the Middle East or helping poor nations develop ( D) protecting American companies and workers from foreign competition 55 The author seems to suggest that_. ( A) only when Mr. Kerry is in power can we judge whether he is right in his policies ( B) Mr. Kerry has not made powerful proposals in favor of his election campaign against Mr. Bush ( C) Mr. Kerry always follows Mr. Bush in his foreign policy guid


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