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1、笔译三级综合能力模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 1 The feeling of

2、_ disaster haunted them all the time. ( A) resolute ( B) impending ( C) agile ( D) brutal 2 The statement is _ incorrect. ( A) substantially ( B) inherently ( C) exhaustedly ( D) prudently 3 The shipping clerks must know which orders _. ( A) take priority ( B) for wait ( C) are paid for ( D) require

3、 little attention 4 My wife didnt _ with what you suggested to us. ( A) agree to ( B) believe in ( C) listen to ( D) argue about 5 The rebels are planning the _ of the King and the establishment of a republic. ( A) exchange ( B) persecution ( C) overthrow ( D) subordination 6 The Minister of Finance

4、 _ the demands of the negotiators and agreed to a meeting with the leaders of the five unions. ( A) gave in to ( B) gave away ( C) got away with ( D) got along with 7 A _ biologist studies the fish and other living things in the oceans. ( A) merry ( B) typical ( C) professional ( D) marine 8 Mike an

5、d I really did _ Leigh how to play the lost game. ( A) demonstrate ( B) show ( C) manifest ( D) display 9 My grandfather Paul Goodman _ to my endless of music. ( A) helped ( B) dedicated ( C) committed ( D) contributed 10 Heart _ is much more common these days than it was even ten years ago. ( A) su

6、rgery ( B) surgeon ( C) work ( D) circulation 11 I was discharged in 1947 and, motivated by intellectual curiosity, decided upon a career in medical research at a time when such a choice was not _. ( A) fashionable ( B) adaptable ( C) welcome ( D) warmhearted 12 Language learning usually _ conscious

7、 imitation. ( A) inspires ( B) enriches ( C) necessitates ( D) stimulates 13 Unfortunately, Gutzom Borglun died in 1941, just a few months _ finishing his college education. ( A) lack in ( B) short of ( C) not enough for ( D) insufficient in 14 These planes are designed to travel at _ speeds. ( A) s

8、ounding ( B) fatal ( C) supersonic ( D) soaring 15 But if you allow me to be frank, its the people, especially, the younger generation that Im _. ( A) worried about ( B) taken in ( C) likely to be ( D) agreed at 16 My friend was gone _ after staying in the same house for over six months. ( A) for go

9、od ( B) for all ( C) on end ( D) on the spot 17 The teacher _ his fingers on the desk impatiently while waiting for the students answer. ( A) sprayed ( B) nodded ( C) rocked ( D) tapped 18 Romanticism _ emotion and imagination over reason. ( A) estimated ( B) involved ( C) invoked ( D) valued 19 As

10、a result the composers ended up taking home tapes of real performances rather than desperately struggling to _ the notes. ( A) get at ( B) get over ( C) get on ( D) get through 20 Why dont you _ insurance on your possessions? ( A) take out ( B) take off ( C) take for ( D) take up SECTION 2 Vocabular

11、ly Replacement This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is given in the brackets. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part without causing any grammatical error or changi

12、ng the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. 21 The two companies are going to merge by the first month of the year. ( A) become one ( B) divide into two ( C) dissolve ( D) change owners 22 The old woman is too feeble to cross the street without her nephews help. ( A) tired

13、( B) weak ( C) timid ( D) blind 23 There is no alternative, the president must approve the bill if Congress passes it. ( A) chance of agreement ( B) doubt ( C) other choice ( D) mistake 24 It is futile to argue with him once he has made up his mind. ( A) unpleasant ( B) encouraging ( C) helpful ( D)

14、 useless 25 He hurled the statue to the floor with such force that it shattered. ( A) dropped ( B) pulled ( C) pushed ( D) threw 26 He is the most intrepid explorer in the present century. ( A) successful ( B) fearless ( C) reliable ( D) fearsome 27 It is not easy to remain tranquil when events sudd

15、enly change your life. ( A) superior ( B) serious ( C) severe ( D) serene 28 One symptom of the disease is a high fever. ( A) symbol ( B) sign ( C) cause ( D) pain 29 He was greatly vexed by the new and unexpected development. ( A) astonished ( B) annoyed ( C) enlightened ( D) contented 30 The clerk

16、 had been insolent to his superior once too often; now he was without a job. ( A) affectionate ( B) rude ( C) dishonest ( D) sly 31 The picture is tilted. “Please straighten it“. ( A) high ( B) level ( C) crooked ( D) adjustable 32 His employer appeared to be in such an affable mood that Tom decided

17、 to ask for a raise. ( A) despondent ( B) irresponsible ( C) agreeable ( D) uncertain 33 At the end of the valley we turned right, and made for the summit. ( A) headed for ( B) went for ( C) looked for ( D) searched for 34 Her type of woman can cope with life much more easily. ( A) look after ( B) d

18、eal with ( C) take care of ( D) take advantage of 35 He tried hard to restrain his tears from falling. ( A) hold on ( B) hold up ( C) hold back ( D) hold out SECTION 3 Error Correction This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence there is a part given in the brackets that indicates a gram

19、matical error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. 36 By the time of 1969, there were many space explorations. ( A) have been ( B) must

20、 be ( C) had been ( D) must have been 37 I would have finished my paper if it was at all possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week. ( A) had it been ( B) were it ( C) it had been ( D) it were 38 I always think of books with unutterable feelings, being deeply indebted to them, as I am

21、, for the warmth they have brought me. ( A) preferred ( B) mixed ( C) profound ( D) dissatisfied 39 With the change of red lights, there are long queues of vehicles that wait while a few people who walk across the zebra. ( A) wait. walk ( B) waiting. walking ( C) waiting. walk ( D) wait. walking 40

22、In spite of ill health and a physical disability that threatened her career, Carson McCullers completed a novel in the summer of 1961 that made the best-seller list. ( A) inability ( B) incapacity ( C) incapability ( D) failure 41 It was one of those days when it looked at first something interestin

23、g could happen, but then later, when you didnt expect anything, almost everything happened. ( A) nothing ( B) anything ( C) everything ( D) all things 42 Catching sight of her old friend Brown, Mary moved for him to come over and sit in a seat next to her. ( A) signed ( B) swayed ( C) twisted ( D) s

24、ignaled 43 We actually found it all worth to prepare for the worst condition we might face. ( A) to be worth ( B) worth our while ( C) worthy of ( D) worthwhile 44 The old lady was suffering from the empty nest syndrome for so long that she felt like to find someone she could talk to her. ( A) to fi

25、nd someone to talk ( B) finding someone to talk ( C) to find someone to talk to ( D) finding someone to talk to 45 Martha has made up her mind to buy her favorite furniture, disregard how much money she would pay. ( A) no matter how much it costs ( B) no matter how much does it cost ( C) no matter h

26、ow it costs ( D) no matter how does it cost 46 Having the highest marks in her class, a scholarship was offered her by the Department. ( A) she was offered a scholarship by the Department ( B) a scholarship was offered to her by the Department ( C) the Department has a scholarship to offer her ( D)

27、the Department offered her a scholarship 47 This was but an additional testimony of the superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system. ( A) proof ( B) witness ( C) evidence ( D) validity 48 Eating too much fat can distribute to heart disease and cause high blood pr

28、essure. ( A) attribute to ( B) attend to ( C) devote to ( D) contribute to 49 Lack government support, they had to approach sponsors, organizers, and musicians on their own - at first, she claims, in her country. ( A) Lacks ( B) Lacked ( C) Lacking ( D) A lack of 50 The suggestion that the mayor wil

29、l present the prizes was accepted by everyone. ( A) present ( B) presents ( C) would present ( D) ought to present 50 Texans have bursting pride and love attention. They also have a thick streak of short- sighted greed and, even by American standards, a busted disposition to violence. When they hear

30、 this sort of criticism they usually ascribe it to the ignorance and jealousy of stuffy Yankees who have not spent enough time in the state to understand it. For such avowedly robust people they are surprisingly sensitive. They hated Edna Ferbers novel Giant, which scourged Texan vulgarity, racism a

31、nd the mores of millionaires, but they bought it in great quantities and packed cinemas to see the film. They would rather be talked about than not, and if you do not talk about them they do it for you. In claiming special qualities for themselves, Texans have had to become reconciled to the fact th

32、at a large number of them are not native. In the last century “Gone to Texas“ was a commonplace graffito daubed on barns in other states, and in recent years “Gone to Texas“ has, figuratively, been written on the front doors of millions of Americans and also Mexicans. In the early 1980s newcomers ac

33、counted for nearly two-thirds of the states population increase. But Texans do not believe they are being diluted. They maintain that Texanhood, or Texianism, is a matter of attitude and that Texanic qualities exist in abundance in many Americans, regardless of their birthplace: it is when these peo

34、ple are planted in Texas, and nourished by its atmosphere, that they flower like true Texans. A man may not be born in Texas, which is unfortunate; but he can be born to be Texan. Many Alaskans are urban, young and raising families, here for a while, and trying to make money before moving to somewhe

35、re warmer. But many are staying. While most remain in Anchorage and other centers, some set out to build a cabin in the wilderness and live by hunting, trapping and fishing, learning how to skin a muskrat and moose, how to survive terrible weather, how to be truly in tune with the land, taking pleas

36、ure in great silence and unpeopled immensity. To settle the frontier the state has a homesteading program, based on the federal Homestead Act of 1864, which was a key event in the opening up of the American west. Hundreds of Alaskans are awarded parcels of wilderness land in an annual lottery and un

37、dertake to invest sweat equity, to build a home within three years and clear and cultivate the land within five. Alaskans love reading about Alaska, and two of the most popular books are a manual on log cabin building and a collection of tales about grizzly bears, of which Alaska is a stronghold. Lo

38、g cabin life is for the stout-hearted few with the springs of adventure strong in them, and these wilderness Alaskans are remarkable. Some are refugees of one kind or another. Several hundred are Vietnam veterans, tortured by their experiences of war and unable to fit into normal urban life, seeking

39、 solace in the wilds. 51 Which of the following statements can best describe Texans? ( A) They are aggressively self-confident of their wisdom. ( B) They are brutally crude in making a living for themselves. ( C) They are blindly allergic to negative comments on their weakness. ( D) They are openly

40、and crudely thin-skinned about discriminations against them. 52 The author in Paragraph 1 describes Texans as a class of people who are _. ( A) of a mixture of personality consisting of both morality and immorality ( B) of a mixture of nature consisting of both pride and violence ( C) more sensitive

41、 to criticisms of their uncivilized conducts ( D) born to be savage and uncivilized people 53 Which of the following statements can best summarize the implications of Paragraph 2? ( A) Texans are so conceited that they blindly and subjectively consider everything Texan to be inclusively Texan. ( B)

42、Texans pride themselves on being superior to other Americans who are not as rich as Texans. ( C) Texans thumb down on all non-natives and regard them as being less educated and resourceful. ( D) Texans are crude in nature, savage in behavior, and conceited in personality. 54 According to the author,

43、 Alaskans are characterized by their distinctive and unique way of life that _. ( A) is embraced by both a strong desire to make money and special qualities for enjoying peace ( B) takes hunting, fishing and learning how to skin wild animals as their major activities ( C) is made up of both the enjo

44、yment of staying indoors and the exploration of and doing the wilderness ( D) consists of both the love of themselves and the lust for wealth 55 Alaskans love reading books about _. ( A) Alaskans way of living as hunters and as log cabin builders ( B) Alaskans keen interest in living in the wild and

45、 the abundance in wild animals ( C) stories about Alaskans log cabin life and their abundance of grizzly bears ( D) stories telling how Alaskans were cultivating the land and building log cabins 55 Caesar was right. Thin people need watching. Ive been watching them for most of my adult life, and I d

46、ont like what I see. When these narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. Youve got your “together“ in person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin purism, your tsk-tsk thin person, your efficiency-expert thin pers

47、on. All of them are dangerous. In the first place, thin people arent fun. They dont know how to goof off, at least in the best, fat sense of the word. Theyve always got to be adoing. Give them a coffee break, and theyll jog around the block. Supple them with a quiet evening at home, and theyll fix t

48、he screen door and lick S second, knowledge of the field in which he or she will (4) . The skills and experience for translation include the ability to write (5) in the target language, the ability to read and understand the (6) language material thoroughly, and the ability to work with the latest (

49、7) and communication hardware and software. Does a born and bred bilingual (8) a better translator than someone who learned language B later in (9) ? There is no definite answer, but the following issues are important. (10) , a born and bred bilingual often suffers from not truly knowing (11) language well enough to translate, with some even suffering from what (12) known as a lingua-ism, a state in which a person lacks (13) full, fluent command of any lan


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