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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 A few months back, Desalegn Godebos wife descended into a feverish delirium. “It was as if she were mad,“ he said, shuddering at the memory, “she was scratching me like a crazy woman. “ Before a new road was built through this villag

2、e, Godebo would have loaded his wife onto his back and hiked six hours along narrow dirt paths to the small city of Awasa. Instead, he lifted her into a truck for the one-hour ride to town. Her condition was diagnosed as malaria and typhoid. She is well now and back home caring for their baby. The d

3、irt-and-gravel road may look like a timeless feature of the Great Rift Valley (东 非大裂谷 ) . But it is part of a huge public road-building project that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations on earth into modernity. The people who live along it divide time into two eras: Before the Roa

4、d and After the Road. Because of the road, people can take their sick to the hospital and their children to distant schools. Farmers like Godebo who had only their own feet or a donkeys back for transport can now transport their crops to market. Ethiopia, an agricultural society where most farmers s

5、till live more than a half-days walk from roads, has been especially hobbled by their absence. Support for roads in Africa, particularly from the World Bank, is growing again after a decade of decline in the 1990s. Then the bank reduced lending for roads. Road-building is coming back in style as a w

6、ay to combat rural poverty in Africa. While no one expects roads alone to end the chronic hunger faced by millions of Ethiopians or the famines that loom periodically, most development experts agree that they are a precondition for progress and are essential to the success of the Green Revolution, w

7、hich produces abundance in much of Asia but bypasses Africa. 2 Campaigning for votes in the western province of Maharashtra this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India vowed to give such a remarkable facelift to Mumbai, the state capital, that people “ should forget talking about Shanghai. “

8、Now that the election results are in, and a coalition led by Singhs Congress Party has retained power in the province, the prime minister must make good his promise, which will take more than a paint job. The consulting firm McKinsey says it would cost $ 44 billion to make Mumbai a world-class city

9、that can rank alongside Shanghai. A revival of Mumbai, the countrys trade and entertainment hub, is more than a matter of image. Its an economic necessity. The city of 12 million fills two-fifths of the nations corporate-tax kitty, yet a third of its people live in slums. Mumbais economy has lagged

10、the national average growth rate of about 7 percent since 1998 a level of underperformance that is impossible to reverse without mending the citys creaky infrastructure. A choked, potholed Mumbai is symptomatic of a wider urban malaise. It isnt that a fast-growing economy like India cant find the re

11、sources to invest in its cities, where much of its economic growth is being produced. By 2025, one of (the) two Indians would be living in an urban center, up from one in three now. Morgan Stanleys chief economist, Stephen Roach, recently undertook a 115-mile, or 184-kilometer, car journey from Mumb

12、ai to the industrial city of Pune on a new expressway, which he says “ is a huge cut above any of the other motor routes that I had been on in India. “ Yet, by Chinese standards, the new road merits a “B minus, at best,“ he says. “If this is progress in closing Indias infrastructure gap, the problem

13、 is even worse than I had imagined. “ SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 作为短期项目,中国已经开始中等距离地将黄河水引到大城市里去。但是中国政府还有更大的计划,作为一个长期战略性项目,它将发起一个庞大工程,南水北调工程。这个项目由三条路线组成,东线、中线和西线,将分别从长江的上游、中游和下游调水以满足华北和西北地区对水的需求。这项工程投资 5000亿元 (600亿美元 ),调水量将达 380480亿立方米,相当于长江年水流量的 5。 这项工程 2002年在东线 715英里,中线 774英里的距离上

14、已经展开,预计到2010年完工,花费大约为 1800亿元 (220亿美元 ), 届时这两条线路将调水 160亿立方米甚至更多。花费最大的西线至今还停留在制图版上。以 2000年价格计算,世界银行估计该工程的投资、运行和维护费用平均大约为每立方米两元。 4 避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是清代最大的皇家园林。 清朝康熙皇帝在为巩固多民族国家的统一,安塞固疆的多次北巡途中,见这里风景秀丽,气候宜人,离京师又近,遂于 1703年在此修建避暑山庄。此项工程历经康熙、乾隆两代,用了 87年时间才告完工。康熙、乾隆每年有半年时间在这里避暑和处理政务。清朝以后,山庄遭到严重破坏。解放后,人民 政府把山庄列为全国

15、重点文物保护单位,并拨巨款进行修复,使之成为国内外游客消夏和游览的场所。 避暑山庄规模宏大,占地 560万平方米,宫墙长达 20华里。山庄分宫殿区和苑景区两部分,景观丰富,秀丽如画。整个山庄楼堂殿阁鳞次栉比,寺观庵斋遍布山壑;绿草如茵,林木苍翠;山峦起伏,峡谷幽深。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 12答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 几个月以前,德撒林 ?高德宝的妻子因发烧而精神错乱。高德 宝想起当时的情景就不寒而栗。他说: “她当时就像疯子一样。她用指甲抓我,简直是个疯子。 ” 过去这个村子不通公路,高德宝就得背上

16、妻子顺着狭窄的土路走上六个钟头,上小城阿瓦萨去看病。这一次就不用了,他把妻子扶上一辆卡车,一个小时就进了小城。经诊断,她得了疟疾和伤寒。现在她已经好了,又回到家里照顾孩子了。 这条石子路可能看上去很像东非大裂谷的一个永恒的标志。其实不然,它是一项宏伟的筑路工程的一部分,这项公共工程正逐渐推动世界上贫穷、饥饿最为严重的国家之一走向现代化。 沿路的百姓把时间分为两个 时代: “修路前 ”和 “修路后 ”。因为修了这条路,大家就能把病人送到医院去看病,把孩子送到远处去上学。像高德宝这样的农民,过去全靠自己的双脚,或用驴子来驮东西,现在也能把自己种的东西运到市场上去卖了。 埃塞俄比亚是一个农业国,至今

17、大部分农民要走半天的时间才能走上公路,因此,没有公路一直对埃塞俄比亚的发展影响很大。 非洲筑路得到的援助,尤其是世界银行的援助, 20世纪 90年代逐渐减少,现在又逐渐增加了。当时世界银行削减了筑路的贷款。 筑路工程现在又轰轰烈烈地恢复起来,这是非洲农村战胜贫困的一 条出路。 虽然谁也不指望只靠修路就能解除千百万埃塞俄比亚人长期忍受的饥饿之苦,就能消除不时出现的饥荒之灾,然而致力于发展的专家们一致认为,修路是取得进步的先决条件,也是绿色革命成功的基础。当年绿色革命在亚洲广大地区取得了丰硕的成果,却与非洲失之交臂。 2 【正确答案】 印度总理曼莫汉 ?辛格本月在西部省份马哈拉施特拉邦争取选票,曾

18、宣称保证使首府孟买的面貌大为改观,到那时人们就 “用不着老念叨上海了 ”。 既然选举结果已经揭晓,辛格的国民大会党领导的联合政权在这一省份继续执政,总理就必须 兑现其诺言,不过这可不是一件粉刷一下就能了结的事。 据麦肯锡咨询公司称,需要耗费 440亿美元方能使孟买成为一个世界级城市,以与上海相媲美。 孟买是印度的贸易枢纽和娱乐中心。孟买的振兴不只是一个形象问题,为了发展经济,必须使孟买复兴。 孟买有人口 1200万,为国家提供五分之二的公司税收,却有三分之一的人生活在贫民窟里。 自 1998年以来,孟买的经济一直低于全国平均百分之七的增长率。如果不改善陈旧的基础设施,孟买就无法扭转这种落后的状

19、态。 孟买空气污浊,道路坑洼不平,这些 表面现象隐藏着一个更大的城市问题。不是说像印度这样经济迅速增长的国家没有钱在城市里投资,它的经济增长在很大程度上就是在城市里实现的。 到 2025年,每两个印度人中就有一人生活在城市里,而不像现在这样每三人才有一人生活在城市里了。 摩根斯坦利公司的首席经济学家斯蒂芬 ?罗奇最近驱车 115英里 (合 184公里 ),沿一条新建的高速公路从孟买到达工业城市浦那。他说,这条公路 “比我在印度走过的任何一条高速公路都好得多。 ” 然而,按中国的标准,这条新建的公路,据他说 “最多只能打个 B一。 ”他还说: “如果说这也算印度在缩小基础设施的差距方面取得的进步

20、,那么问题比我原先想像的还要严重了。 ” SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 While medium-distance diversion of the Yellow River to large cities has been carried out as a short-term project, the Chinese government is about to start a massive water diversion from South to North as a long-term strategic

21、 project. This project is composed of eastern, central and western routes and is designed to divert water separately from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to meet the needs of North and Northwest China The 500 billion yuan ( $60 billion) project will divert 38-48 billion cubi

22、c meters of water, 5 percent of the Yangtze annual flow. Construction has begun since 2002 on the 715-mile eastern route and 774-mile central route, and it is expected to be completed by 2010 at an approximate cost of 180 billion yuan ( $22 billion), which will divert 16 billion cubic meters or more

23、. The western route, the most costly leg, still remains on the drawing board. The World Bank estimates the investment, operation, and maintenance cost roughly at 2 yuan per cubic meter on average according to 2000 prices. 4 【正确答案】 The Mountain Resort (Bi Shu Shan Zhuang, or literally “Mountain Hamle

24、t for Escaping the Heat“) in the northern part of the city of Chengde was the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty. In order to consolidate the unity of the multinational state and pacify the frontier areas, Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China During h

25、is tours, he found that Chengde with its proximity to the capital of Beijing was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here. Construction of the project lasted through the reigns of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong and was completed in 87 years

26、. Every year both Kangxi and Qianlong spent about six months enjoying the cool and handling government affairs here. After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the Mountain Resort was left in bad repair. After liberation, the Peoples Government designated it as a major historical monument under state pr

27、otection and allocated a huge sum of money to restore it so that it has become a summer resort and a tourist attraction for visitors at home and abroad. The Mountain Resort covers 5. 6 million square metres and the wall enclosing it is as long as 10 kilometres. It is divided into the palace area and the garden area. The entire scenery creates an effect often seen in traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Rows upon rows of pavilions and halls bejewel the whole resort, and temples and nunneries dot the deep, grass-carpeted valleys and tree-clad, undulating mountains.


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