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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 18及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a rema

2、rkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in

3、some cases thousands of years to build. Many of the worlds coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the worlds highest seamounts areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life are also found in t

4、he deep ocean. These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,

5、000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems. Yet just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food prod

6、ucts and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching every

7、thing in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor. Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomen

8、on, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishi

9、ng industry. 2 Most of the worlds victims of AIDS live and, at an alarming rate, die in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26. 6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS(UNAIDS), the special UN agency set up t

10、o deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling. AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers

11、; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa where it was called “slim“ after the appearance of victims wasting away within a few years after its emergence was established in the world in 1981. One theory of the origin of the virus and syndrome s

12、uggests that they started in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled. Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and devi

13、ce, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint. An important part of anti-AIDS ca

14、mpaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing(VCT). In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them. Funds for anti-AIDS efforts are provided by the Global Fund to Fight

15、AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities around the world; the fund was launched following a call by the UN Secretary-General in 2001. However, much more is needed if the spread of the pandemic is to be at least hal

16、ted. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 近年来,中国经济保持快速发展,为世界经济发展注入了活力。实践证明了中国在加入世贸组织之前的预言:中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展需要中国。未来 20年,在全面建设小康社会的进程中,中国一定会对世界经济的发展和实现全人类的共同进步做出历史性的贡献。为此,中国将继续扩大外贸,大力实施西部大开发战略,进一步改善投资环境,为外商提供更大的商机。同时,中国将引导和支持更多有比较优势的企业对外投资,开展平等互利、形式多样的经济技术合作。中国将进一步加强双边、多边和区域经济合作,实现世界各国各地区的共同发

17、展。 4 移动电话正在成为 21世纪一个主要的技术领域。在几年之内,移动电话将会发展成为多功能的通信工具,除了语音之外,还可以传输和接收视频信号、静止图像、数据和文本。个人通信的新纪元即将到来。 在一定程度上多亏了无线网络的发展,电话正在与个人电脑和电视融合起来。不久之后,配有高分辨率显示屏的轻巧手机便可以与卫星连接。人们可以随时随地通话,收发电子邮件或者参加视像电话会议。这种手机也许还会吸收电脑的许多主要功能。移动通信工具有望带来一些互联网所能提供的新服务,如股票交易、购物及预订戏票和飞机票 。 电信革命已在全球范围内展开。不久之后,用一台装置就可以收到几乎任何形式的电子通信信号。最有可能的

18、是一部三合一手机。在家里它可以用作无绳电话,在路上用作移动电话,在办公室里用作内部通话装置。有些专家甚至认为移动视像电话将超过电视,成为主要的视频信息来源。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 18答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 前不久,科学家们对深海生物还知之甚少,也不太相信它们正受到威胁。现在,随着深海 探测技术的发展,研究人员发现 660多英尺,即 200米深的海底生存着大量多种多样的物种。但与此同时,渔业人员也可以依靠技术到达比以前更深的地方,进行海底拖网捕捞,而此种深海捕捞则可在几分钟内就把大自然几百年乃至几千

19、年产生的一切毁灭。 例如,世界上的许多种珊瑚在二百多米深的海底才能找到。此外,据估计世界上一些最高的海底山约有一半位于深海海底。这些海底隆起的地方,海洋生物特别丰富。 这些深海生态系统为鱼类和其它生物提供生存、产卵、繁殖的场所,也保护它们免遭强大海流和猎食者的侵袭。此外,据信这些深海 生态系统蕴藏着世界上最丰富的生命宝库,估计有五十万至一亿种生物生活在这些大体上未经勘探且极脆弱的生态系统中。 当我们现在刚刚开始认识这些地区极其丰富的生物多样性,并发现这些新物种可能为人类社会带来好处时一如新食品和新药品,这些地区却面临着永远消失的危险。由于确定物种丰富地区的能力增强,由于拖网捕捞能到达比过去更深

20、的区域,商业渔船可把足球场大小的拖网撒入海中,碰上什么捕捞什么,同时损坏了脆弱的珊瑚,破坏礁石和海底山的脆弱的结构,而正是这些东西为生活在深海海底的无数鱼类和其它海洋生物提供了赖以生存的场所 。 因为深海海底拖网捕捞是最近才出现的一种现象,它所造成的损害还是有限的。如能赶紧采取措施防止这些在公海上的破坏活动,它为海洋环境和子孙后代带来的好处将是无法估量的。这些好处将远远超过渔业短期内需承担的花费。 2 【正确答案】 世界上大多数艾滋病患者生活在非洲,并以惊人的速度大批死亡。据估计, 2003年底非洲的艾滋病患者达到 2660万人。联合国联合防治艾滋病计划署是联合国为对付艾滋病而设立的专门机构,

21、该机构将要公布的最新数字可能证实艾滋病还在非洲继续蔓延,但同时也可以说明它蔓延的速度是维 持不变,或在加快,还是在放慢。 艾滋病最猖獗的地区是非洲的东部和南部,在南非、津巴布韦和肯尼亚患者人数最多,疫情严重的国家还包括博茨瓦纳和赞比亚。 1981年艾滋病的出现在世界上得到确认,没过几年,这种病就在非洲东部流行起来一当地人管它叫 “瘦病 ”,因为患者的容貌是日渐消瘦。关于这种病毒的发源地,一种说法是发源于东刚果盆地;然而关于艾滋病来源的说法不一,很有争议,且带有浓厚的政治色彩;这场争论至今还远未结束。 整个非洲都在采取措施,最主要的是提高公众意识和防范手段,包括建议忠实于一个性伴侣和使用 避孕套

22、。人们一般不愿使用避孕套,因为不习惯,还有文化方面的原因,同时它也不符合基督教和伊斯兰教的教义,它们更强调自我约束。 在防止艾滋病的活动中,重要的一项就是提倡 “自愿就医检查 ”,这项活动,有的是政府组织的,有的是民间组织的,也有的是政府和民间共同组织的。此外,医学研究也已找到了一种办法,虽然不能治愈,也可对患者有所帮助。 “全球预防艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾基金会 ”是世界各国政府部门、市民社会、私人企业和患病群体的一个协作机构,是应联合国秘书长的号召,于 2001年发起成立的。这一机构为防治艾滋病的各项活动提供资金。然而,即便只是为了制止艾滋病的蔓延,这也是远远不够的。 SECTION 1 Co

23、mpulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 In recent years, Chinas economy has maintained rapid development, injecting vigor into global economic growth. Facts have confirmed the prediction made by China before its WTO accession: Chinas development cannot be sustained without the world, and world dev

24、elopment needs China. In the coming 20 years, China is bound to make historic contributions to global economic development and to the common progress of mankind, while building a well-off society in an all-round way. To achieve this, China will continue to expand foreign trade, energetically impleme

25、nt its west development strategy, further improve its investment environment, and provide overseas investors with greater business opportunities. Meanwhile, it will guide and support competitive enterprises to invest overseas and carry out diverse forms of economic and technological cooperation on t

26、he basis of equality and mutual benefit. China will further intensify bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation, so as to achieve common development in all countries and regions in the world. 4 【正确答案】 The cell phone is becoming one of the major technologies of the 21st century. Withi

27、n a few years, it will become a multi-functional communicator capable of transmitting and receiving not only sound, but also video, still images, data and text. A new era of personal communication is on the way. Thanks in part to the growth of wireless networks, the telephone is converging with the

28、personal computer and the television. Soon light-weight phones outfitted with high-resolution screens will be connected to satellites. People can talk, send and receive e-mail, or take part in video conferences anytime, anywhere. These phones might also absorb many of the key functions of computers.

29、 Mobile devices are expected to be ideal for some of the new services that are available via the Internet, such as trading stocks, shopping and booking theater and airline tickets. The telecommunication revolution is developing around the globe. It will soon be possible to receive almost all forms of electronic communication through a single device. A three-in-one phone is most likely. It can serve as a cordless at home, a cell phone on the road and an intercom at work. Some experts even suggest that cell videophones could overtake television as the major source of visual information.


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