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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 The first outline of The Ascent of Man was written in July 1969 and the last foot of film was shot in December 1972. An undertaking as large as this, though wonderfully exhilarating, is not entered lightly. It demands an unflagging i

2、ntellectual and physical vigour, a total immersion, which I had to be sure that I could sustain with pleasure; for instance, I had to put off researches that I had already begun; and I ought to explain what moved me to do so. There has been a deep change in the temper of science in the last 20 years

3、: the focus of attention has shifted from the physical to the life sciences. As a result, science is drawn more and more to the study of individuality. But the interested spectator is hardly aware yet how far-reaching the effect is in changing the image of man that science moulds. As a mathematician

4、 trained in physics, I too would have been unaware, had not a series of lucky chances taken me into the life sciences in middle age. I owe a debt for the good fortune that carried me into two seminal fields of science in one lifetime; and though I do not know to whom the debt is due, I conceived The

5、 Ascent of Man in gratitude to repay it. The invitation to me from the British Broadcasting Corporation was to present the development of science in a series of television programmes to match those of Lord Clark on Civilisation. Television is an admirable medium for exposition in several ways: power

6、ful and immediate to the eye, able to take the spectator bodily into the places and processes that are described, and conversational enough to make him conscious that what he witnesses are not events but the actions of people. The last of these merits is to my mind the most cogent, and it weighed mo

7、st with me in agreeing to cast a personal biography of ideas in the form of television essays. The point is that knowledge in general and science in particular does not consist of abstract but of man-made ideas, all the way from its beginnings to its modern and idiosyncratic models. Therefore the un

8、derlying concepts that unlock nature must be shown to arise early and in the simplest cultures of man from his basic and specific faculties. And the development of science which joins them in more and more complex conjunctions must be seen to be equally human: discoveries are made by men, not merely

9、 by minds, so that they are alive and charged with individuality. If television is not used to make these thoughts concrete, it is wasted. 2 Its not that we are afraid of seeing him stumble, of scribbling a mustache over his career. Sure, the nice part of us wants Mike to know we appreciate him, tha

10、t he still reigns, at least in our memory. The truth, though, is that we dont want him to come back because even for Michael Jordan, this would be an act of hubris so monumental as to make his trademark confidence twist into conceit. We dont want him back on the court because no one likes a show-off

11、. The stumbling? That will be fun. But we are nice people, we Americans, with 225 years of optimism at our backs. Days ago when M. J. said he had made a decision about returning to the NBA in September, we got excited. He had said the day before, “I look forward to playing, and hopefully I can get t

12、o that point where I can make that decision. Its O. K. to have some doubt, and its O. K. to have some nervousness. “ A Time/CNN poll last week has Americans, 2 to 1, saying they would like him on the court ASAP. And only 21 percent thought that if he came back and just completely bombed, it would da

13、mage his legend. In fact only 28 percent think athletes should retire at their peak. Sources close to him tell Time that when Jordan first talked about a comeback with the Washington Wizards, the team Jordan co-owns and would play for, some of his trusted advisers privately tried to discourage him.

14、“But they say if they try to stop him, it will only firm up his resolve,“ says an NBA source. The problem with Jordans return is not only that he cant possibly live up to the storybook ending he gave up in 1998 earning his sixth ring with a last-second championship-winning shot. The problem is that

15、the motives for coming back needing the attention, needing to play even when his 38-year-old body does not violate the very myth of Jordan, the myth of absolute control. Babe Ruth, the 20th centurys first star, was a gust of fat bravado and drunken talent, while Jordan ended the century by proving t

16、he elegance of resolve; Babes pointing to the bleachers replaced by the charm of a backpedaling shoulder shrug. Jordan symbolized success by not sullying his brand with his politics, his opinion or superstar personality. To be a Jordan fan was to be a fan of classiness and confidence. To come back w

17、hen he knows that playing for Wizards wont get him anywhere near the second round of the play-offs, when he knows that he wont be the league scoring leader, thats a loss of control. Jordan does not care what we think. Friends say that he takes articles that tell him not to come back and tacks them a

18、ll on his refrigerator as inspiration. So why bother writing something telling him not to come back? He is still Michael Jordan. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 众所周知,鸟无翅膀不能飞,人无双腿不能走。但对尹小星而言,鸟无翅膀不能飞,人无双腿却能走 ! 1970年出生于江苏一户农民家庭的尹小星,出生仅 8个月就患小儿麻痹症并发急性肺炎。虽然最终保住了命,他却再也不能站立。因为身体残疾,初中毕业后小星不得不

19、辍学。生存的压力对他来说显得格外沉重,他贩过水果,养过鸡,还下工夫学习过中医。 在他 21岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。 近 12年来小星手摇轮椅,足迹遍布 31个省、市、自治区 ,行程 7万多公里,用坏了 4部轮椅。他实现了徒手攀登泰山、华山、衡山等 20多座名山,孤身翻越海拔 5231米的唐古拉山,手摇轮椅走过丝绸之路,穿越塔克拉玛干 (Taklimakan)大沙漠,徒手攀登上海东方明珠电视塔,圆满完成从沙漠到香港的旅行。 4 长城是世界一大奇迹。现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄

20、不通。 中国人修筑城墙的历史久远,可以追溯到战国时期。历史上,中国共修过大约20座长城。在所有这些长城中,明长城最长,达到 6700公里。在当 时,中国技术在世界上处于领先地位,因此明长城的结构也是最复杂的。明长城的修筑是为了抵御北方游牧民族的入侵。 清朝建立后,由于它的建立者本身也是游牧民族,他们觉得没有必要继续修筑长城。不过,清政府还是颁布法令对长城进行保护,禁止拆砖。但是,岁月的流逝和连续战乱使人们易到之处遭到了严重的破坏。 十几年来,蓬勃发展的旅游业促进了长城的修缮工程。目前,多处长城已经修复,或正在修缮中。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 19答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsor

21、y Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 人类的进程一书的提纲初稿是 1969年 7月完成的,影片的最后一部分是 1972年 12月拍摄的。像这样大的一个项目,虽然异常精彩,令人激动,却并不是轻易上马的。它要求我保持旺盛的脑力和体力,专心致志地投入工作。我还必须能持之以恒,并从中得到乐趣;比方说,我不得不停下已经开始的研究工作;我还应当说明一下,究竟是什么促使我承担这项工作的。 二十年来,科学的发展趋势发生了深刻的变化:关注的焦点已经从自然科学转移到生命科学。结果,便把科学越来越吸引到个体特性 的研究。然而相关的观察者几乎没有认识到此事对于改变科学塑造的人的形象产生

22、了多么深远的影响。我是一个研究数学的人,早先学的是物理学,若不是中年有幸有几次机会涉足生命科学,我也不会对它有所认识。我应当感谢我交的好运,是它使我在一生中参与了两个创新的科学领域。尽管我并不知道应该向谁表示感谢,我编写了人类的进程一书,以表示我的感激之情。 英国广播公司邀请我做的是通过一套电视节目来表现科学的发展过程,以与克拉克勋爵制作的关于文明的电视节目相匹配。通过电视来进行解说有几大好处:它有力、直观,能使观众身临其境 或亲身参与所描述的过程,它的语言亲切,能使观众觉得他所看到的是人们的行动而不是事件。这些优点之中,我认为最后一点最为突出,它是一股最大的动力促使我同意以电视散文的方式从个

23、人的角度来讲述各种思想的发展史。重要的是知识总体,尤其是科学知识不是由抽象的思想构成的,而是由人的思想构成的,自有知识开始直到现代千奇百怪的模式莫不如此。所以介绍打开自然界之门的基本思想,必须表现出它们很早就已产生,而且是产生在人类最纯朴的文化之中,产生于人类基本的、具体的感官之中。同时还必须表现出使种种思想形成越来越复杂的结合体的科学的发 展也同样是人类的贡献:种种发现都是人们通过实践完成的,而不仅仅是他们头脑的产物,因此它们都是有生气的,而且具有个人的特色。如果电视未能把这些思想表现得很具体,那岂不是浪费 ! 2 【正确答案】 不是因为我们害怕看到他会因失误而给他辉煌的生涯画上遗憾的一笔。

24、从善意的角度说,我们想让迈克知道,我们仍然欣赏他,至少在我们的记忆中,他仍然是英雄。事实上,我们不想让他重返球场,即使他是迈克尔 .乔丹。我们觉得这是个贸然之举,我们不想看到自信的商标蜕变成一种自负的象征。我们不想让他重返球场,因为没人喜欢卖弄。失 误呢 ?那将会很有趣。 但是我们是有着 225年乐观历史的美国人,我们都是好心人。当乔丹几天前宣布他将在九月重返 NBA时,我们曾为之一振。宣布的前一天,他说过: “我盼望能打球,并希望事情能如愿以偿。有些人怀疑,有些人紧张,都属正常。 ”时代周刊和美国有线新闻网上周做的一项民意调查表明,每两个美国人当中就有一个人希望乔丹尽快重返赛场。只有 21的

25、人们认为,如果他的重返导致一场彻底失败,将会损害他的传奇。事实上只有 28的人认为运动员应该在他的运动巅峰时期引退。 与乔丹关系密切的人告诉时代周刊 ,当乔丹第一次谈到重返他与其他人共同拥有的华盛顿奇才队并为之效力时,一些他最信任的顾问试图私下打消他的愿望。 “但他们说,如果试图阻止他,只能坚定他的决心, ”一位 NBA人士如是说。 乔丹复出所产生的问题不仅仅在于他不可能重现 1998年的神话,那一年,他以一个精彩的最后一秒投篮,使球队赢得了冠军,也为自己赢得了第六只金指环。问题是他重返的动机一他需要人们的关注,需要在 38岁体力不支时,仍然打球。这一切都有悖于他所创造的神话一一个展示绝对控制

26、力的神话。如果说 20世纪的第一个球星巴比 .鲁斯是一个身材魁梧肥 胖的鲁莽之夫和酒鬼天才,乔丹则证明了刚毅所能带来的优雅风度,并以此结束了 20世纪。巴比对观众的颐指气使被乔丹无奈耸肩的魅力所取代。乔丹代表着成功,因为他的名字没有被他的政治倾向、他的观点或是他的超级明星个性所玷污。乔丹迷就是典雅和自信迷。 明明知道加盟奇才队他将不可能进入联赛第二轮赛事,明明知道他将与联赛最佳投手无缘,他的重返赛场就是一种失控。 乔丹并不在乎我们在想什么。他的朋友说:他把所有奉劝他不要复出的文章都贴在冰箱上作为激励。那么,我们为什么还要喋喋不休地告诉他不要复出呢 ?他依然是迈克尔 .乔丹。 SECTION 1

27、 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 As everyone knows, birds cannot fly without wings and a person cannot walk without legs. But for Yin Xiaoxing, while birds cannot fly without wings, a person can walk even without legs! Born in 1970 into a farmers family in Jiangsu Province, Yin Xiaoxing

28、suffered from polio and acute pneumonia at the age of only eight months. He survived but lost the ability to stand on his feet. Because of his disability, Xiaoxing had to give up his study after junior middle school. The burden of life seemed to be especially heavy for him. He tried to make a living

29、 by selling fruits, raising chickens and taking pains to learn traditional Chinese medicine. At the age of 21 , this young man, with a map and a compass in hand, embarked on the hard journey of traveling around China in his wheelchair. In the last 12 years, Yin Xiaoxing traveled a total of 70,000 ki

30、lometers in his wheelchair and left his footprints in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. During this period, he wore out four wheelchairs. He left a trail of human records including climbing more than 20 famous mountains like Mount Tai, Mount Hua and Mount Heng with his hands, cros

31、sing the 5, 231-meter-high Mount Tanggula alone, traveling along the Silk Road in wheelchair, crossing the Taklimakan Desert, getting to the top of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai with his hands, and completing the journey from the desert to Hong Kong. 4 【正确答案】 The Great Wall is a wonder of

32、the world. Now, millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year, making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy seasons. The Chinese have a long history of building walls, dating from the Warring States period. In history, about 20 walls were built, with the wall con

33、structed during the Ming Dynasty being the longest, extending 6, 700 km. China was the most technologically advanced nation in the world then, so the wall was also the most sophisticated in structure. It was built to ward off the invasion of nomads from the north. After the establishment of the Qing

34、 Dynasty, since its founders were themselves nomads, they did not see a need to continue with wall building. Nonetheless, the Qing government did institute a law to preserve the wall, banning the removal of bricks from it. But, the impact of time and continuous wars have left the wall greatly damaged in its most accessible sections. Over the past 10-plus years, the booming tourist industry has stimulated the Great Walls renovation project. Now, many of its sections have been or are being revamped.

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