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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 There they come, trudging along, straight upright on stubby legs, shoulders swinging back and forth with each step, coming into focus on the screen just as Im eating my first bite of popcorn. Then Morgan Freemans voice informs us tha

2、t these beings are on a long and difficult journey in one of the most inhospitable places on earth, and that they are driven by their “ quest for love. “ Ive long known the story of the emperor penguin, but to see the sheer beauty and wonder of it all come into focus in the March of the Penguins, th

3、e sleeper summer hit, still took my breath away. As the movie continues, everything about these animals seems on the surface utterly different from human existence; and yet at the same time the closer one looks the more everything also seems familiar. Stepping back and considering within the context

4、 of the vast diversity of millions of other organisms that have evolved on the tree of life grass, trees, tapeworms, hornets, jelly-fish, tuna and elephants these animals marching across the screen are practically kissing cousins to us. Love is a feeling or emotion like hate, jealousy, hunger, thirs

5、t necessary where rationality alone would not suffice to carry the day. Could rationality alone induce a penguin to trek 70 miles over the ice in order to mate and then balance an egg on his toes while fasting for four months in total darkness and enduring temperatures of minus-80 degrees Fahrenheit

6、? Even humans require an overpowering love to do the remarkable things that parents do for their children. The penguins drive to persist in behavior bordering on the bizarre also suggests that they love to an inordinate degree. I suspect that the new breed of nature film will become increasingly mai

7、nstream because, as we learn more about ourselves from other animals and find out that we are more like them than was previously supposed, we are now allowed to “relate“ to them, and therefore to empathize. If we gain more exposure to the real and if the producers and studios invest half as much car

8、e and expense into portraying animals as they do into showing ourselves I suspect the results will be as profitable, in economic as well as emotional and intellectual terms as the March of the Penguins. 2 After years of painstaking research and sophisticated surveys, Jaco Boshoff may be on the verge

9、 of a nearly unheard-of discovery: the wreck of a Dutch slave ship that broke apart 239 years ago on this forbidding, windswept coast after a violent revolt by the slaves. Boshoff, 39, a marine archaeologist with the government-run Iziko Museums, will not find out until he starts digging on this des

10、erted beach on Africas southernmost point, probably later this year. After three years of surveys with sensitive magnetometers, he knows, at least, where to look: at a cluster of magnetic abnormalities, three beneath the beach and one beneath the surf, near the mouth of the Heuningries River, where

11、the 450-ton slave ship, the Meermin, ran aground in 1766. If he is right, it will be a find for the history books especially if he recovers shackles, spears and iron guns that shed light on how 147 Malagasy slaves seized their captors vessel, only to be recaptured. Although European countries shippe

12、d millions of slaves from Africa over four centuries, archaeologists estimate that fewer than 10 slave shipwrecks have been found worldwide. If he is wrong, Boshoff said in an interview, “I will have a lot of explaining to do. “ He will, however, have an excuse. Historical records indicate that at l

13、east 30 ships have run aground in the treacherous waters off Struis Bay, the earliest of them in 1673. Although Boshoff says he believes beyond doubt that the remains of a ship are buried on this beach the jagged timbers of a wreck are sometimes uncovered during Septembers spring tide there is alway

14、s the prospect that his surveys have found the wrong one. “ Finding shipwrecks is just so difficult in the first place,“ said Madeleine Burnside, the author of Spirits of the Passage, a book on the slave trade, and executive director of the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society in Key West, Florida.

15、“ Usually not always they are located by accident. “ Other slave-ship finds have produced compelling evidence of both the brutality and the lucrative nature of the slave trade. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 近年来,中国经济保持快速发展,为世界经济发展注入了活力。实践证明了中国在加入世贸组织之前的预言:中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展需要中国。未来 20年

16、,在全面建设小康社会的进程中,中国一定会对世界经济的发展和实现全人类的共同进步做出历史性的贡献。为此,中国将继续扩大外贸,大力实施西部大开发战略,进一步改善投资环境,为外商提供更大的商机。同时,中国将引导和支持更多有比较优势的企业对外投资,开展平等互利、形式多样的经济技术合作。中国将进一步加强双边、多边和区域经济合作,实现世界各国各地区的共同发展。 4 移动电话正在成为 21世纪一个主要的技术领域。在几年之内,移动电话将会发展成为多功能的通信工具,除了语音之外,还可以传输和接收视频信号、静止图像、 数据和文本。个人通信的新纪元即将到来。 在一定程度上多亏了无线网络的发展,电话正在与个人电脑和电

17、视融合起来。不久之后,配有高分辨率显示屏的轻巧手机便可以与卫星连接。人们可以随时随地通话,收发电子邮件或者参加视像电话会议。这种手机也许还会吸收电脑的许多主要功能。移动通信工具有望带来一些互联网所能提供的新服务,如股票交易、购物及预订戏票和飞机票。 电信革命已在全球范围内展开。不久之后,用一台装置就可以收到几乎任何形式的电子通信信号。最有可能的是一部三合一手机。在家里它可以用作无绳电话,在路上用作 移动电话,在办公室里用作内部通话装置。有些专家甚至认为移动视像电话将超过电视,成为主要的视频信息来源。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 30答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Transla

18、tion (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 当我正吃着第一口爆米花的时候,它们的形象出现在银幕上,它们缓步走来,短粗的双腿支撑着笔直的身子,肩膀随着步子前后摆动。接着就听见摩根 .弗里曼的声音,告诉我们说,这些生物正在地球上一个最荒凉的地方,进行着一次漫长而艰苦的旅行,而驱使它们这样做 的正是它们 “对爱的追寻 ”。 我早就听说过帝企鹅的故事。然而,在企鹅的旅程里看到它们那优美奇妙的形象时,我还是惊叹不已。这部电影是今年夏季爆出的冷门,轰动一时。电影演下去,有关企鹅的一切表面上看和人类生活显得截然不同,然而与此同时,你越仔细看就越觉得一切又似乎很熟悉。 纵观生命之树上繁衍的数百万种生物

19、 草、树、绦虫、大黄蜂、水母、金枪鱼、大象 就会发现这些在银幕上走过的动物确实可以算是我们的近亲了。 爱是一种感情,一种冲动。它与仇恨、忌妒、饥渴一样,在光靠理性不可能成功时,是必 要的。 企鹅在冰上行走 70英里,前去交配,然后在脚趾上孵卵,在此期间,它们四个月不进食,周围一片漆黑,还要经受零下 80华氏度的严寒。这一切光凭理性能做得到吗 ? 即使是人类,也需要有一种强烈的爱,才使得做父母的能为自己的子女做出那些了不起的事。企鹅在那样恶劣的环境里坚持那种近乎古怪的作法,说明它们的爱也到了异乎寻常的程度。 我估计这种新型的关于自然界的影片会日益成为主打影片,因为我们能通过了解别的动物增加对我们

20、自己的了解,并懂得我们与它们比原来料想得更为相像,而且现在我们承认与它们有关 ,所以才会产生情感认同。 如果我们能看到更多的真实情况,如果制片人和制片厂将为了表现我们自己所花的心思和经费的一半用来表现各种动物,我估计,其丰厚的回报,无论是在经济方面,还是在感情和知识方面,都不会亚于影片企鹅的旅程。 2 【正确答案】 多年的潜心研究和详尽调查也许即将会给雅戈 ?博肖夫带来一个世人几乎前所未闻的发现:一艘荷兰贩奴船的残骸。在 239年前,在这一带风险浪急的恶劣海岸,这条船在经历了一场激烈的奴隶暴动后,断裂沉没。 博肖夫,现年 39岁,海洋考古学家,在政府经营的伊 泽科博物馆任职。他准备今年晚些时候

21、在非洲最南端这一带荒凉的海滩开始发掘,在此之前不会有任何结果。 利用灵敏的地磁测量仪,经过三年努力,他弄清楚了该从哪儿着手 几处地磁异常现象集中的地方:三处在沙滩下面,一处在浪线以下,地点靠近霍宁格里斯河口,这就是 450吨的贩奴船 米尔明号 1766年搁浅的地方。 如果他成功了,这一发现将载入史册。如果他找到镣铐、梭标和铁炮,从中可推断出那 147名来自马尔加什的奴隶怎样夺取人贩子的船,后来又被制服的经过,那就更要大书特书了。虽然欧洲国家在 400年中从非 洲贩运了数百万奴隶,考古学家估计,全世界迄今找到的贩奴船残骸不到 10艘。如果他不成功,博肖夫在接受采访时说, “我就要作大量的解释工作

22、。 ” 不过他还可以有另一个理由。据历史记载,在斯特鲁斯湾附近的险恶海域至少曾有三十艘船搁浅,最早的一宗发生在 1673年。虽然博肖夫说他毫不怀疑这片海滩里埋着一条船的残骸,残骸那散乱的木头有时会在九月涌潮的冲刷下显露出来,不过另一种可能总是存在的:他经调查所发现的是另外一条船。 “寻找船只的残骸本来就是件非常困难的事, ”马德林 ?伯恩赛德说。伯恩赛德是美国佛罗里达州基韦斯特市梅尔 ?费希尔海事遗产学会执行会长,著有海上孤魂,这是一部有关贩奴的书。他还说: “船只的残骸,虽不尽然,往往都是偶然发现的。 ” 其它贩奴船的发现令人信服地证明当年贩卖奴隶是多么残酷,利润又是多么丰厚。 SECTIO

23、N 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 In recent years, Chinas economy has maintained rapid development, injecting vigor into global economic growth. Facts have confirmed the prediction made by China before its WTO accession: Chinas development cannot be sustained without the world, and wor

24、ld development needs China. In the coming 20 years, China is bound to make historic contributions to global economic development and to the common progress of mankind, while building a well-off society in an all-round way. To achieve this, China will continue to expand foreign trade, energetically i

25、mplement its west development strategy, further improve its investment environment, and provide overseas investors with greater business opportunities. Meanwhile, it will guide and support competitive enterprises to invest overseas and carry out diverse forms of economic and technological cooperatio

26、n on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. China will further intensify bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation, so as to achieve common development in all countries and regions in the world. 4 【正确答案】 The cell phone is becoming one of the major technologies of the 21st century.

27、 Within a few years, it will become a multi-functional communicator capable of transmitting and receiving not only sound, but also video, still images, data and text. A new era of personal communication is on the way. Thanks in part to the growth of wireless networks, the telephone is converging wit

28、h the personal computer and the television. Soon light-weight phones outfitted with high-resolution screens will be connected to satellites. People can talk, send and receive e-mail, or take part in video conferences anytime, anywhere. These phones might also absorb many of the key functions of comp

29、uters. Mobile devices are expected to be ideal for some of the new services that are available via the Internet, such as trading stocks, shopping and booking theater and airline tickets. The telecommunication revolution is developing around the globe. It will soon be possible to receive almost all forms of electronic communication through a single device. A three-in-one phone is most likely. It can serve as a cordless at home, a cell phone on the road and an intercom at work. Some experts even suggest that cell videophones could overtake television as the major source of visual information.


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