1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 10及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 There are several reasons why he (Kissinger) no longer appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be, an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward mega
2、lomania. 2 Here at home in England, under the fire of the Boche, we do not forget the ties and links that unite us to France, and we are persevering steadfastly and in good heart in the cause of European freedom and fair dealing for the common people of all countries, for which, with you, we drew th
3、e sword. 3 China has a huge variety of different dialects, but due to the common use of standard Mandarin in schools and general public places, these dialects are becoming increasingly difficult to preserve, and some dialects are even on the verge of becoming extinct. 4 Preserving a language means p
4、reserving a history as languages are the carriers of history and culture. 5 Promoting a healthy lifestyle improves ones chances of remaining healthy and productive in ones later years. 6 The other three cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are on the rise everywhere, particularly in low
5、- and middle-income countries, and increasingly among younger people. 7 So Danes and, they hope, foreigners will be reliving the humor, pain and lessons to be found in evergreen stories like “The Little Mermaid“, “The Emperors New Clothes“ , and others among Andersens 150 or so fairy tales. 8 It wil
6、l be followed by concerts, musicals, ballets, exhibitions, parades and outreach education programs costing a total of US $ 40 million. 9 In other words, it would take you over a hundred years of doing nothing but counting one number every second just to count to 3 billion. 10 Scientists would find p
7、laces where these radioactive metals are plentiful even though all mixed up in rocks and soil. 11 Reflections of Beauty As the famous Chinese saying goes, “ Above, there is Heaven below, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou“. An impressive claim, but the only way to find out if Suzhou is indeed one of thes
8、e two earthly paradises is to actually visit the place. Suzhou sits only four meters above sea level, so water features heavily in the landscape of its canal towns, as well as in the serene classical gardens that have been designated as World Heritage sites. This was immediately obvious on arrival,
9、with rivers and canals crisscrossing the streets on the ten-minute walk from the train station to my riverside hostel. Because of Suzhous location near the mouth of the Yangtze, numerous canals were built to stabilize the flood-prone delta areas. Several other towns and cities in the region followed
10、 suit, creating what has become known as Chinas region of water towns. As well as the countless lakes, 35 kilometers of rivers, and 168 bridges nearby, the Grand Canal is another significant draw. Stretching from Beijing to Hangzhou, it cuts an impressive path from north to south, and brought signif
11、icant trade to the towns. After a few minutes exploration down some of its many back streets, I discovered why Suzhou is often praised as the “Venice of the Orient“. Aside from the countless picturesque stone bridges peppering the city, Suzhou, like Venice, was once a great trading port, supplying g
12、oods from Chinas “most productive land“. And during my brief visit I saw many small boats using the rivers to transport goods throughout the city. Its also the silk capital of China. In ancient times it was from here that silk would have been transported along the Grand Canal to Beijing, and eventua
13、lly all the way along the silk road to places as far away as Rome. Even today, Suzhous silk exports account for 30 percent of the countrys total. With its mild climate, fertile land and abundance of produce, it is no wonder that Suzhou is referred to as “heaven on earth“. Suzhous gardens date back a
14、s far as 600 AD. These gardens were designed by artists who were hired at the height of the Tang and Song dynasties, and used four basic elements to create a harmony between heaven and earth: trees, water, bridges and rock. With an abundance of water, and stones brought from nearby Lake Tai, it was
15、the trees (the older the better) which were the most prized elements of the gardens. The gardens are not known for their size, but for their delicate design incorporating hills and ponds, terraces and corridors. Suzhou also has a strong tradition of Kunqu Opera, which was listed by UNESCO in 2001 as
16、 one of the “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity“. A good place to see it is at the Garden of the Master of the Nets, which is also one of the citys nine gardens to have earned a UNESCO World Heritage listing. 12 Why Do We Dream? Our dreams may affect our lives (and vice ver
17、sa) more than we ever realized, says new research. For 11 years, a 58-year-old anthropologist kept a journal of nearly 500 dreams by a man. By analyzing color patterns in the dreams, Arizona-based researcher Robert Hoss could accurately predict certain things about the mans emotional state. Hoss cor
18、rectly identified two separate years when the man experienced crises in his life. The anthropologist confirmed that in 1997 he had clashed with a colleague over a management issue, and in 2003 hed had a falling out with a friend that left deep emotional scars. How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamers
19、 turmoil? “The clues were in the colors,“ he says. The anthropologists dominant dream hues were reds and blacks, which spiked during difficult times. “Even without knowing the events in his life,“ Hoss observes, “we accurately determined the emotional states based on those colors in his dreams. “ Ho
20、ss is among a growing group of researchers who, thanks to cutting-edge medical technology and innovative psychological research, are beginning to decipher the secrets hidden in our dreams and the role dreaming plays in our lives. A look at some of their latest discoveries can give us new insights in
21、to the language of dreams. Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the conscious mind. Dreaming of something youre worried about, researchers say, is the brains way of helping you rehearse for a disaster in case it occurs. Dreaming of a challenge, like giving a presentation at work
22、 or playing sports, can enhance your performance. And cognitive neuroscientists have discovered that dreams and the rapid eye movement (REM) that happens while youre dreaming are linked to your ability to learn and remember. Dreaming is a “mood regulatory system“ , says Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, cha
23、irman of the psychology department at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Shes found that dreams help people work through the days emotional quandaries. “Its like having a built-in therapist,“ says Cartwright. While we sleep, dreams compare new emotional experience to old memories, creating p
24、laid-like patterns of old images laid on top of new ones. As she puts it, “You may wake up and think, What was Uncle Harry doing in my dream? I havent seen him for 50 years. But the old and new images are emotionally related. “ Its the job of the conscious mind to figure out the relationship. In fac
25、t, dream emotions can help therapists treat patients undergoing traumatic life events. In a new study of 30 recently divorced adults, Cartwright tracked their dreams over a five-month period, measuring their feelings toward their ex-spouses. She discovered that those who were angriest at the spouse
26、while dreaming had the best chance of successfully coping with divorce. “If their dreams were bland,“ Cartwright says, “they hadnt started to work through their emotions and deal with the divorce. “ For therapists, this finding will help determine whether divorced men or women need counseling or hav
27、e already dreamed their troubles away. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 杨景致同志原在石家庄帮助建立一座新工厂,任务完成之后,他就去上海休假,看望老朋友,一个礼拜以前才回北京来。 14 太平宫位于崂山东部的上苑山北麓,初名太平兴国院,是赵匡胤为华盖真人刘若拙建的道场之一。 15 互联网对企业内部也是一种革命。 16 新经济的另一个改变就是,很多跟互联网或高科技有关的新公司像雨后春笋般兴起。好像只要成立一家公司,高获利率的前景就指日可待 。 17 只有注重技术、企业精神和创新三点,才会在新经济时
28、代成为赢家。 18 儿童友好型环境需安全、洁净,有益于学习和玩耍。 19 教育能终止贫困和疾病的世代循环,提供可持续发展的基础。 20 的确,性别平等是消除歧视、实现社会公平的重要策略。 21 而且,在这个渺小、独一无二且极其珍贵的星球上,在形势变得愈加岌岌可危的情况下,如果采用 “他们和我们 ”的说辞方式是不可能找到解决问题的办法的。 22 任何一个资源库或生态系统的生态弹性的下降都将增加整个体系的脆弱性。 23 书画 家宋徽宗 宋徽宗是北宋第八位皇帝,是宋朝最著名的皇帝之一,他不是个称职的皇帝,却是一位杰出的书画家。 宋徽宗的艺术活动开始得比较早,他身在宫苑,学习书画有条件接近当时的第一流
29、名家。他的花鸟画,主要受吴元瑜的影响;在书法方面,他最初是向黄庭坚学习,后来自创瘦金体,和他的绘画技法相得益彰。宋徽宗在位时,广收古书画,网罗画家,扩充翰林图画院,将画家的地位提到在中国历史上最高的位置。 宋徽宗在不断提高自身书画艺术水平的同时,还积极致力于书画艺术的改革创新,他深感由宫廷招募而来的画师们工匠气太重,其 作品写意性很差。因此,他于崇宁三年设立画学,这是世界上较早的绘画专科学校,开辟了我国教育史上的新局面。他还以画作为科举升官的一种考试,每年以诗词做题目,刺激出许多新的创意佳画。如题目为 “深山藏古寺 ”,许多人画深山寺院飞檐,但得第一名的没有画任何房屋,只画了一个和尚在山溪挑水
30、;另题为 “踏花归来马蹄香 ”,得第一名的没有画任何花卉,只画了一人骑马,有蝴蝶飞绕马蹄间,凡此等等。这些都极大地刺激了中国画意境的发展。 24 孔子学院介绍 中国自改革开放以来,与国际社会的关系日益密切,国际社会对中国关注度 也越来越高,越来越多的外国人士希望学习中文。为了满足这一巨大的需求,中国政府于 2004年在国外通过与大学合作的方式,开设了第一所孔子学院。实践证明,这一做法十分成功。 在短短的十年中,中国已在 120个国家和地区开办了 440所孔子学院和 646个孔子课堂。到 2013年底,已经有 850, 000人参加了孔子学院的学习。有 28, 000名来自中国和当地的老师参加了
31、孔子学院的汉语教学工作。孔子学院作为加强教育和文化交流的平台,极大地促进了中国和有关国家的相互了解和友谊。 大家可能会问,为什么这个从事汉语教学的 机构叫孔子学院 ?孔子是两千多年以前中国一位伟大的思想家和教育家。他主张的一整套道德行为准则,影响了一代又一代的中国人。他特别主张实行全面教育,认为所有人都有受教育的权利。可以说,孔子在塑造中华文明的过程中,起到了关键的作用。中国政府把这个机构命名为孔子学院,表明了我们当代中国人对这位古代先贤的尊重,和我们愿与其它国家分享中国文化的强烈愿望。 今年是开办孔子学院十周年。贵校决定和中方合办孔子学院,这将不仅满足贵国公众学习汉语的要求,也将加深贵校和中
32、国大学的交流,并对加强我们两国人民的交往作出贡献。我相信 ,在双方的共同努力下,孔子学院一定会越办越好,成为贵国了解中国的一个重要窗口。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 10答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 全世界报界曾经把他渲染成魔术师一般的人物,他也没有阻止人们制造这种错误印象,因为他自己也承认有一种自大狂的倾向。现在他不再像是这样一种人物了,这里有几个原因。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 我们在英国本土,虽然处于德国鬼子炮火之下,并没有忘记我 们和法国是通过种种纽带联结在一起的。为了争取欧洲的自
33、由,为了各国的平民能受到公正的对待,我们曾与你们一道拿起武器并肩作战。现在,我们正抖擞精神,不屈不挠地坚持着这个斗争。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 中国方言种类非常多,但现在在学校和其他公共场所人们都用普通话,方言的保护越来越困难。有些方言甚至濒临灭绝。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 保护一种语言就是保护一份历史和一种文化,因为语言是历史和文化的载体。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 提倡健康的生 活方式,可以使一个人到了晚年仍然健康并老有所为。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 其他三种疾病 癌症、慢性呼吸系统疾病及糖尿病 发病率在世界各国都呈上升趋势,在
34、中低收入国家尤其如此,而且越来越多的年轻人患病。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 由此看来,丹麦人 他们希望外国人也一样 要重新体味百读不厌的 “鱼美人 ”、 “皇帝的新衣 ”及其他安徒生所创作的 150多个童话故事中包含的幽默、痛楚和教训。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 随后还有音乐会、音乐剧、 芭蕾、展览会、游行和专题教育节目等,共耗资 4000万美元。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 换言之,你要心无旁骛地一秒钟数一个数,数 100多年才能数到30亿。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 科学家时常找到富含此类放射性金属的地方,尽管这些金属全都混于岩石和土
35、壤之中。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 美的追思 中国有句名言, “上有天堂,下有苏杭 ”。这话很吸引人,不过这两个人间天堂,苏州是否真能位居其一,只有实地察看察看了。 苏州海拔 仅四米,水之风韵,融入苏州水乡古镇的景观,也见于作为世界文化遗产的苏州静谧的古典园林。这一点,一到此地就能领略。步行十分钟,从火车站到我落脚的临河招待所,一路只见运河水道纵横交错。 苏州靠近长江入海口,洪涝多发,因此建运河沟渠无数,以稳定这一长江三角洲地带。这个地区的其他几个城镇也跟着这么做,这就形成了中国的水乡区域。除了有数不清的湖泊, 35公里的河流, 168座桥外,大运河也是这一地区重要的景点。它从
36、北京到杭州,由北向南开了一个通道,给苏州带来巨大的贸易商源。 苏州有不少小街,花上几分钟,走上几 条看了看,我便找到了苏州被誉为 “东方威尼斯 ”的原因了。且不论散布城内许多别致如画的石拱桥,苏州和威尼斯一样,也曾是个商贸大港,向外提供中国这个 “高产之乡 ”的物品。短暂的游览期间,我看见许多小船在这些河流中来来往往,把货物运往全城的每个地方。 苏州还是中国的丝绸之都。在古代,丝绸可能是顺着这条大运河运到北京,最终又沿着丝绸之路一直远运罗马等地。这些丝绸正是从这儿发出的。时至今日,苏州丝绸出口仍占全国百分之三十。气候温和,土地肥沃,物产丰富,无怪乎苏州被称为 “人间天堂 ”了。 苏州园林可追溯
37、至公元 600年。这些园林是唐宋巅峰时期聘请艺人设计,以树、水、桥、石这四种基本元素,创造天地之和谐。园中虽充满水景异石 (取自邻近的太湖 ),但最为珍贵的却是树木 (树龄愈老愈好 )。园林的闻名不是因其大小,而是因其设计,它将山亭水榭巧妙地融为一体。 苏州还有厚重的昆曲艺术传统。 2001年,联合国教科文组织将其列入 “人类口头和非物质文化遗产代表作 ”。要看昆曲表演有个好去处,就是网师园,它也是苏州九个被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的园林之一。 【知识模块】 英译汉 12 【正确答案】 我们为什么做梦 ? 有新研究表明,我们的梦对生活的影响 (以及生活对梦的影响 )比我们已意识到的要多
38、。 11年来, 58岁的人类学家罗伯特 ?胡斯记录下一名男子近 500个睡梦,通过分析这些睡梦的彩色图案,这位在亚利桑那州工作的研究员准确地测出了和该做梦男子情绪状态有关的一些事情。该男子在生活中曾经历两次危机,发生在不同的年份,胡斯都准确无误地测了出来。胡斯认定,该男子在 1997年曾为管理上的事情与一位同事有过冲突,而在 2003年又和一位朋友闹翻,受了很深的情感创伤。 胡斯是如何能够测出做梦者的情感风波呢 ?胡斯说: “线索就在 这些颜色中。 ”胡斯用红色和黑色作为标识睡梦的主色。当做梦人处于困难的时期,这些红色和黑色会产生峰值。胡斯说: “即使不知道他生活中发生过什么事情,根据其睡梦,
39、我们也能准确地测定他的情感状态。 ” 胡斯是正在扩大的研究群体中的一员,他们采用尖端的医疗科技和创新性心理学研究成果,开始破译隐藏在我们的睡梦中的秘密,探究出睡梦在我们的生活中起到的作用。看看他们最新的一些发现,可以让我们对人们梦中的表达方式有进一步的了解。 梦是潜意识和意识沟通的一种方式。研究人员说,梦到你所担心的东西,这是大脑在以它的方式帮 你进行预演,以防不测。梦到某种挑战,比如做工作报告、参加比赛,能够增强你的工作能力。认知神经科学家已发现,做梦和做梦中眼球的快速转动 (REM)与学习能力和记忆能力有关。 芝加哥拉什大学医学中心心理学系主任罗莎琳德 -卡特赖特博士说,做梦是一种“情绪调
40、节系统 ”。她发现,梦能帮助人们克服白天遇到的情感困境。她说, “这就像是人体有个内置的治疗师。 ”在睡梦中,梦境将我们新的情感经历和已有的记忆进行比较,就像用原有记忆影像造出格状模型,再将这一模型置于新影像之上进行比较。如她所说, “你可能醒来后在想: 哈里叔叔 跑到我的梦里干什么 ?我都有 50年没见他了。 因为,在情感上新旧影像是相互关联的。 ”弄清楚它们的关系,就是显意识要做的事情了。 事实上,睡梦中所表现出的情感,有助于治疗师医治经历过生活创伤的患者。卡特赖特对 30名离异的成年人进行研究,在研究中,她连续 5个多月跟踪记录了这些人的梦境,以测定他们对前配偶的感情。她发现,那些在梦中
41、对配偶表现得最为愤怒的那些人,最有可能成功地处理离婚问题。卡特赖特还说, “如果他们的梦境很平和,那么说明他们还没有解决好情感上的纠葛,还没有处理好离婚问题。 ”对治疗师而言,这一发现将 帮助测定离婚男女是需要心理咨询呢,还是已经通过做梦把烦恼抛开了。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 【正确答案】 Comrade Yang Jingzhi came back to Beijing a week ago from Shanghai where he had spent his vacation visiting
42、 his friends after the completion of the job he had been assigned to help build a new factory in Shijiazhuang city. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 Taipinggong Temple is located at the northern foot of Mount Shangyuan, east of Laoshan Mountain. Its original name was “The Garden of Taiping Xingguo“ , one of the
43、 Taoist temples built for Liu Ruozhuo (his religious name was Huagai) by Zhao Kuangyin, founder of the Song Dynasty (9601127). 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 The Net has revolutionized the way companies are run. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The New Economy has also led to the mushrooming of IT or Internet-related fir
44、ms as though the mere setting up of such a company is a guarantee of high profits. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Invariably, the winners will be those prepared to embrace technology, entrepreneurship and innovations. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Child-friendly environments are safe, clean and conducive to learning a
45、nd play. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 Education ends generational cycles of poverty and disease and provides a foundation for sustainable development. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Indeed, gender equality is an essential strategy for ending discrimination and achieving justice in societies. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 More
46、over, in our increasingly precarious situation on a small, unique and precious planet this is not a problem resolvable in terms of “them and us“. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 Any decline in the ecological resilience of one resource base or ecosystem increases the fragility of the whole. 【知识模块】 汉译英 23 【正确答案】
47、 Emperor Huizong the Painter and Calligrapher Emperor Huizong was the eighth and one of the most famous emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty. Though incompetent as a ruler, he was an excellent painter and calligrapher. Huizong began his artistic life quite early. Being an imperial member, he had th
48、e advantage of being close to the top artists of that time. His flower-bird painting was influenced by Wu Yuanyu. In terms of calligraphy, he first learned from Huang Tingjian, but later he created his own style known as the “ Slender Gold“ ( Shou Jin Ti) the name “ Slender Gold“ came from the fact
49、that Huizongs writing resembled gold filament, twisted and turned which matches his painting perfectly. When he was on the throne, he collected not only voluminous ancient paintings and calligraphic works, but also a legion of painters to expand the painting school of the Imperial Academy, elevating the painters status to the highest level in the history of China. While devoting himself to his own artistic improvement, Huizong also concentrated on the renovation and innovation of painting and calligraphy. He was acutely a