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1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Our world has never been so small or so flat, thanks to technologies that have altered our relationship with time and space in ways that would startle even Albert Einstein. 2 To be effective in the 21st century, educational insti

2、tutions will have to become truly cosmopolitan. 3 Were at the mercy of fluctuating gas prices all too often; we pump too many greenhouse gases into the air. 4 What we need, then, is a smart transportation system equal to the needs of the 21st century. 5 This high-speed rail system is not some fancif

3、ul, pie-in-the-sky vision of the future. 6 More people travel between those cities by rail than by car and airplane combined. 7 By making investments across the country, well lay a new foundation for our economic competitiveness and contribute to smart urban and rural growth. 8 Well create highly-sk

4、illed construction and operating jobs, and generate demand for technology that gives a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs the opportunity to step up and lead the way in the 21st century. 9 The Electron Microscope The general layout of the illumination system and lenses of the electron mi

5、croscope corresponds to the layout of the light microscope. The electrons are accelerated by a high-voltage potential (usually 40, 000 to 100, 000 volts), and pass through a condenser lens system usually composed of two magnetic lenses. The system concentrates the beam on to the specimen, and the ob

6、jective lens provides the primary magnification. The final image in the electron microscope must be projected on to a phosphor-coated screen so that it can be seen. For this reason, the lenses that are the equivalent of the eyepiece in an optical microscope are called “projector“ lenses. Normally, t

7、he electron microscope is upside-down when compared with the light microscope, with the electron gun at the top of the column and the fluorescent screen at the bottom. The screen is viewed through a window let into the front. The column of the microscope is held under high vacuum to prevent the elec

8、trons passing through it from striking air molecules and being scattered. The strength of an electron lens depends on the current passing through the coil that produces the magnetic field. The strength of the lens can be varied by altering the current. In the electron microscope, therefore, the lens

9、es are fixed, and adjustments are made to magnification and focus by altering the current passing through the lens coils. The condenser lens focuses the beam of electrons on to the specimen and affects the amount of illumination on the screen; the objective lens focuses the image; and the projector

10、lenses alter the magnification. Magnetic lenses suffer from the same defects (chromatic and spherical aberration) in the same way as glass lenses. But the same methods of correction cannot be used, because there is no “negative“ electron lens. A very small lens aperture is employed to correct spheri

11、cal aberration, but this severely limits the final resolution. Chromatic aberration is reduced by using electrons of a single wavelength. To produce such electrons, the accelerating voltage must be kept very steady because the wavelength of the beam is related to the accelerating voltage. Electron-m

12、icroscope lenses suffer from the further aberration of astigmatism, which affects light-microscope lenses to a far lesser degree. Astigmatism is caused by the lens having two focal planes for axes at right angles to each other . Nothing can be done about astigmatism in an optical microscope. But in

13、an electron microscope it can be corrected. Astigmatism in the electron microscope arises from two sources: from the lenses themselves, and from dirty apertures ( which are only 25 to 50 microns in diameter) in the objective lens. In both cases the astigmatism can be corrected by a skilled operator.

14、 In effect, the electron microscope achieves its superior resolution more in spite of, than because of, its lenses. 10 Electric Traction It is generally held that the most efficient method of railway operation, and ultimately the most economical, given a reasonably cheap electricity supply, is with

15、electricity as the motive power. The electric locomotive is not dependent, like its steam counterpart, on the competence of driving and firing or the quality of the fuel burned. On the other hand, the speeds that will be possible with any given load are completely predictable and apart from signal o

16、r permanent way checks, or other delay-producing casualties, exact observance of schedule times can be guaranteed within narrow limits. With such accurate timetable observance trains can be operated with shorter turnaround times at terminals, which means that more intensive use can be made of rollin

17、g stock than is generally possible with steam power. In suburban areas the rapid acceleration afforded by electric motors from rest and in recovery from speed restrictions makes it possible to work trains with very frequent stops at higher speeds and a closer headway than with steam locomotives. Mul

18、tiple-unit working, which brings the motors of two or more sets of passenger stock, or two of more locomotives, under the control of one motorman in the leading driving cabin, would be impossible with steam, for each steam locomotive must be manned by its own driver and fireman. Moreover, except on

19、the fastest and heaviest passenger and freight duties, on which it is advisable to have a second man at the head end to assist in the observation of signals and, if necessary, to attend to the electrical equipment, the equivalent of the steam locomotive fireman is unnecessary; thus the great majorit

20、y of electric trains have a driver only, which makes for considerable economies in staffing. So much for the credit side of the ledger with electric operation. On the debit side is the extremely high cost of providing all the line equipment for supplying current to the trains, and of the sub-station

21、s for feeding the current to the line conductors, hitherto this has been the chief obstacle to more widespread electrification. There is also the obvious disadvantage that, unlike the steam or diesel or diesel-electric locomotive, the electric motive-power unit cannot run anywhere beyond the line or

22、 lines equipped with conductors. Concentration of the power supply in large power-stations, also, means that any serious breakdown in the supply can have very widespread effects, bringing a large number of trains to a stand, though with the help of the modern grid system of current distribution in a

23、 country like Britain alternative sources of supply can generally be made available without much delay. There is the final disadvantage that in hard winter conditions icing of the conductors, which hinders the picking up of the current, may cause serious delays to trains, as has often been the case

24、on winter mornings on the suburban lines round London; but such trouble is confined mainly to the railways on which the current is picked up from a third rail rather than from overhead conductors. These lines have to be provided with de-icing trains, which patrol them in the early mornings when icin

25、g conditions are severe, spreading certain liquid compounds on the rails in order to melt ice formations. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 单位 GDP能耗同比下降 4 2,碳排放强度下降 5左右,是多年来降幅最大的。 12 我们支持推动传统经济转型升级,挖掘绿色经济、蓝色经济、互联网经济等发展前景良好的新经济形态,走绿色、循环、低碳和高效发展之路。 13 稀土作为不可再生的战略资源,在新能源、新材料、节能环保、航空航天及电子信

26、息等领域的应用日益广泛。 14 在新能源、信息及节能减排领域,具有自主创新能力的中小企业发生了巨大变化。 15 据统计,将有近 10万名科技人员进入企业、进入农村、进入各行各业,帮助中小企业渡过难关,帮助中小 企业进行产品创新和技术改进。 16 随着总量扩大,经济增长的就业容量扩大了,对波动的容忍度也提高了。 17 稳增长是为了保就业,调控的下限是比较充分的就业。 18 我们更加关注结构调整等长期问题,不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。 19 中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力和回旋余地。 20 我们采取的措施既利当前、更惠长远,有能力防范出现大的起伏,更不会发生“硬着陆 ”。 21 数字、模拟和混合计

27、算机 数字计算机是对离散数据进行操作的计算设备。它直接对表示数字、字母或其它专用符号的数 进行计算。正如数字表以秒、分来计算小时那样,数字处理器也对离散数值进行计算以获得所需的输出结果。 还存在一种与数字计算机相反的模拟计算机,它不直接对数进行计算。模拟计算机处理在连续标度上测量的变量并按预先规定的精度进行记录。例如:测量时,温度可精确到 1 10摄氏度,电压可精确到 1 100伏,压力可精确到 “磅平方英寸 ”。模拟计算机系统常用于控制诸如炼油厂中的流量和温度测量过程。 有时把模拟和数字计算机的优点结合起来形成一个混合计算机系统。例如在医院重症监护室中,模拟部件可用于测量病号的心功能、体 温

28、和其它生理症状。然后把这些测量信号转换成数字并送给系统的数字部件,该部件用于监视病员生理症状,当检测到异常信号时,向护士值班室发出报警信号。 很明显,模拟和混合处理器用于完成重要的特定任务。但绝大多数商业和科学用的计算机是数字计算机。 22 地铁施工 在地铁施工中一直采用深挖法的原因是为了避免妨碍城市底下复杂的煤气、水管、电缆、电话线路及下水道系统。为了尽可能使地面上建筑物由于震动引起的损失减少到最小程度,地铁还要尽可能建造在主要街道中间部分的地底下,这就是为什么有些地铁系统有许多急 弯的原因。有些地铁的大部分线路是靠完全临时控制有关街道建成的,从地面向下挖到铁路要求的深度,铺上轨道,然后又将

29、所挖区域覆盖,恢复原来街道的面貌。这种方法叫做 “明挖法 ”,当然这比挖地铁隧道对地面的干扰要大得多。 与在粘土及类似土壤的机械化地铁挖掘截然不同的是在山区岩层挖掘隧道,这是所有挖掘工程中最花劳力和财力的。线路的每一英尺都要砸开。工人们使用风动和电动操作的凿岩机,在工作面上凿满了洞,将炸药装进去,夯实,随后他们必须撤到安全地方,直到通过电气插头把炸药引爆完毕。然后将砸开的岩石运走。接着整个过程重复 进行,几乎是无休无止的,直到从岩石中开出一条线路来。岩石越硬,开凿工作就越困难,尽管如此,也很少有什么岩石坚硬到爆破后不用圬工或混凝土进行衬砌就可直接形成隧道壁。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 11

30、答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 由于技术改变了我们与时空之间的关系,我们的世界从未变得如此之小、如此之平,而这些变化甚至可能让爱因斯坦也惊讶不已。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 要在 21世纪有 效地发挥作用,教育机构必须名副其实地国际化。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 我们时刻受到油价波动的任意摆布,还向大气层排放了过量的温室气体。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 我们需要的是与 21世纪的需求相匹配的智能交通系统。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 高铁并非是异想天开的

31、未来幻想。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 乘高铁来往于两地的人数超过了驾车和乘飞机的人数总和。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 通过在全国范 围内投资,我们将为我们的经济竞争力打下新的基础,促进城乡的巧增长。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 我们将创造需要高技能的建设和运营岗位,并增加对技术的需求,这将给新一代的创新者和企业家机会,使他们脱颖而出,引领 21世纪。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 电子显微镜 电子显微镜的照明系统和透镜系统的总体布局与光学显微镜的布局是相似的。电子通过高压电动势 (一般为 4万一 10万伏 )来加速其运动。电子束通过一般由两个磁

32、透镜组成的聚光透镜系统。聚焦透镜系统把电子束集中到 试样上,由物镜进行初步放大,电子显微镜的最后图像必须要投射到荧光屏上,这样才能看得见。因此,这些相当于光学显微镜的目镜称之为投映透镜。 在正常情况下,电子显微镜与光学显微镜比较,是上下颠倒的,电子枪在镜筒的顶端,而荧光屏则在底部。在镜筒前部开了个窗洞,通过它可以看到荧光屏。镜筒保持高度真空以防止在其中通过的电子撞击空气中的分子,从而被冲散。 电子透镜的聚焦强度取决于通过磁透镜线圈的电流,电流通过线圈产生磁场。透镜的聚焦能力能够通过改变电流进行调节。因此,在电子显微镜内,透镜是固定的,对放大率和焦 距的调节是通过改变磁透镜线圈内的电流而进行的。

33、聚焦透镜把电子束聚焦在试样上,并会影响荧光屏的照明度,物镜聚焦成像,而投映透镜则改变放大率。 电子显微镜 (磁 )透镜具有与玻璃透镜同样的缺点,即产生色散和球面像差,但是却不能用于对玻璃透镜同样的方法加以纠正,因为没有 “负 ”电子透镜。 使用很少的透镜孔径来纠正球面像差,但这样做严重地影响了最终的图像清晰度。色散可以利用同一波长的电子来加以减少。要产生这样的电子,加速电压必须保持稳定,因为电子束的波长是与加速电子的电压有关的。 电子显微镜磁透镜还进一 步受像散的影响,像散对光学显微镜而言则影响很小,像散的形成,是由于透镜对互成直角的两根轴具有两个焦平面。 光学显微镜的像散是无法纠正的,但电子

34、显微镜的像散则可以纠正。电子显微镜的像散是由两个原因造成的,一是由于透镜本身的原因,二是由于物镜的孔径不干净 (孔径直径只有 2550微米 )。这两种情况都可以由一位熟练工人来纠正。实际上,电子显微镜之所以具有高清晰度,与其说是由于它的透镜的缘故,还不如说是由于与透镜无关的其他原因。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 电力牵引 一般认为 ,如果能得到合理的廉价电源,以电能为动力便是铁路运输最有效的、归根结底也是最经济的方式。电力机车并不像蒸汽机车那样,它不依靠驱动和点火能力或所用燃料的质量。此外,电力机车在装载任何一定负荷时,其可能行驶的速度完全可以预测,除了信号和线路检查或者严重生产

35、事故引起的晚点之外,能够严格遵守行车时间。由于能准确地按列车时刻表行车,列车在各车站的周转时间缩短了。因此,电力牵引与蒸汽牵引比较,前者更能充分利用机车车辆。 在郊区,电力机车由于电动机启动后能迅速加速,并能从限制速度迅速恢复到正常速度,所以与蒸汽机车比 较,在频繁停站的情况下,行车速度较高,而且连发列车的间隔距离较短。当使用带电机的多节车组的列车时,两组或多组客车的电机或是两台或多台机车,均由在驾驶室的一个司机来控制操作,而蒸汽机车则不可能如此,因为每个蒸汽机车必须由自己的驾驶员和司炉工操作;此外,只有在速度最快,载重量最大的客、货车上,电力机车上才需要有第二个人帮助观察信号,并在需要时,照

36、应一下电气设备,除此之外,并不需要有如蒸汽机车的司炉工。因此,大多数电气列车只有一个驾驶员,这就节省了相当多的人力。 电力列车的优点就谈到这里。其缺点方面则是面向 列车输送电流的线路设备和向导电线提供电流的变电站的费用非常之高。因此,直到现在,这个问题一直是更广泛地实现电气化的主要障碍。还有一个明显的缺点,不像蒸汽机车、内燃机车或电传动内燃机车,电气机车离开了导电线路就不能行驶。而且电源集中在大电站也意味着电源的任何严重故障可能造成很大的影响,使许多列车停驶。不过在英国这样的国家,用现代化配电网配电,一般可以迅速使用备用电源。最后一个缺点是:在严冬,导线上的结冰会妨碍将电源接上车,从而使列车严

37、重误点,冬天的早晨,伦敦郊区铁路通常就是这样。但是这种问题主要产生于从第三轨 而不是从高架线得到电力的那些电路。因此,在这些线路上必须有除冰车。冰冻的早晨,破冰车在线路上巡道,把一些液态化合物撒在轨道上,以便让冰层融化。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 【正确答案】 The per unit GDP energy consumption dropped by 4. 2 percent year on year, and carbon intensity was cut by about 5 percent,

38、the largest drop in many years. 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 We support the efforts to promote economic restructuring and upgrading in traditional industries, explore new and promising economic growth areas such as the Green Economy, the Blue Economy, and the Internet Economy, and promote green, circular, l

39、ow-carbon and energy-efficient development. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 As a non-renewable strategic resource, rare earth is being widely used in new energy, new material, energy conservation and environment protection, aviation and space, electronic information and other industries. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 I

40、n new energy, information and energy conservation and emission reduction, innovation-oriented SMEs have undergone tremendous changes. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 According to statistics, about 100,000 scientific and technological personnel are working in enterprises, rural areas and different sectors to he

41、lp SMEs overcome difficulties, make innovations in products and promote the technological upgrading. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 As the economic aggregate continues to expand, growth will mean more jobs and there will be greater tolerance to fluctuations. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 The governments important goal

42、 of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment, and the floor of the proper range is to ensure relatively adequate employment. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 We focused more on structural readjustment and other long-term problems, and refrained from being distracted by the slight short-term fluctuation

43、s of individual indicators. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 Chinas economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 The measures we have taken are good both for now and for longer-term interests, and will therefore enable us to prevent major fluctuations and make

44、 a “ hard landing“ even less possible. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 Digital, Analog, and Hybrid Computers A digital computer is a counting device that operates on discrete data. It operates by directly counting numbers ( or digits) that represent figures, letters, or other special symbols. Just as digital w

45、atches directly count off the seconds and minutes in an hour, digital processors also count discrete values to achieve the desired output results. In contrast to digital processors, however, there are also analog computers that do not compute directly with numbers. Rather, they deal with variables t

46、hat are measured on a continuous scale and are recorded to some predetermined degree of accuracy. Temperature, for example, may be measured to the nearest tenth of a degree on the Celsius scale, voltage may be measured to the nearest hundredth of a volt, and pressure may be measured to the nearest “

47、pounds per square inch“ value. Analog computing systems are frequently used to control processes such as those found in an oil refinery where flow and temperature measurements are important. Desirable features of analog and digital machines are sometimes combined to create a hybrid computing system.

48、 In a hospital intensive-care unit, for example, analog devices may measure a patients heart function, temperature, and other vital signs. These measurements may then be converted into numbers and supplied to a digital component in the system. This component is used to monitor the patients vital sig

49、ns and to send an immediate signal to a nurses station if any abnormal readings are detected. Analog and hybrid processors obviously perform important specialized tasks. But the overwhelming majority of all computers used for business and scientific applications are digital devices. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 Tube Construction The reason why deep-level boring is the invariable practice is to avoid interference with the complicated system of gas, water and electricity mains, telephone conduits, and drains and sewers, found under any great city. Also the tubes are engine


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