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1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 In this rapidly growing East Asian region, we are expecting to see 25 million more people moving to cities each year for the next two decades. 2 What Singapore has done over the past 40 years to build a truly livable and producti

2、ve city, we are only just starting to see happen in other major population centers around the world. 3 Openly available high-quality content on the web can also improve access to knowledge without diminishing a countrys human capital. 4 Worker ants have been used for pest control in China and other

3、Asian countries for centuries. 5 Those farmers no longer use pesticides to control fruit flies, and so are able to market their mangoes as organic to eager European consumers, vastly increasing their income. 6 Stock market declines have eroded the value of retirement accounts and pension funds. 7 Be

4、tter rivets would have probably kept the Titanic afloat long enough for rescuers to have arrived before the icy plunge, saving hundreds of lives. 8 The shock of the global credit crunch and soaring commodity prices reaches straight to the front doors of every family in every country. 9 The motorcycl

5、e-style trains look phenomenal with their glowing wheels, particularly in the indoor blue-hued launch area designed to look like the circuits inside a computer. 10 Boats are controlled magnetically so they can spin or go backwards to maximize views of all the scenes, which feature the latest animatr

6、onics technology. 11 Arab Dhow Discovered off Belitung For more than a decade, archaeologists and historians have been studying the contents of a ninth-century Arab dhow that was discovered in 1998 off Indonesias Belitung Island. The sea-cucumber divers who found the wreck had no idea that it eventu

7、ally would be considered one of the most important maritime discoveries of the late 20th century. The dhow was carrying a rich cargo 60, 000 ceramic pieces and an array of gold and silver works and its discovery has confirmed how significant trade was along a maritime silk road between Tang Dynasty

8、China and Abbasid Iraq. It has also revealed how China was mass-producing trade goods even then and customizing them to suit the tastes of clients in West Asia. “Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds“ at the new, lotus-shaped Art Science Museum designed by Moshe Safdie presents items from th

9、e Belitung wreck. Curated by the Asian Civilizations Museum here in Singapore and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington, the show is expected to travel to museums around the world over the next five to six years. “ This exhibition tells us a story about an extraordinary moment in globalization

10、,“ said Julian Raby, Director of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. “It brings to life the tale of Sinbad sailing to China to make his fortune. It shows us that the world in the ninth century was not as fragmented as we assumed. There were two great export powers: the Tang in the East and the Abbasid ba

11、sed in Baghdad. “ Until the Belitung find, historians had thought that Tang China traded primarily through the land routes of Central Asia, mainly on the Silk Road. Ancient records told of Persian fleets sailing the Southeast Asian seas, but no wrecks had been found, until the Belitung dhow. Its car

12、go confirmed that a huge volume of trade was taking place along a maritime route, said Heidi Tan, a curator at the Asian Civilizations Museum and a curator of the exhibition. Mr. Raby said, “ The size of the find gives us a sense of two things: a sense of China as a country already producing things

13、on an industrialized scale and also a China that is no longer producing ceramics to bury. “ He was referring to the production of burial pottery like camels and horses, which was banned in the late eighth century. “Instead, kilns looked for other markets and they started producing tableware and they

14、 built an export market. “ 12 Banning Biotechnology on Madeira Madeira is more than 500 kilometers from the African coast and is officially one of the “outermost regions“ of the European Union. Despite that far-flung status, Madeira catapulted into the center of the Unions agricultural and environme

15、ntal affairs last year when Portugal asked the European Commission for permission to impose an unprecedented ban on growing biotech crops there. Last week, the Commission quietly let the deadline pass for opposing Portugals request, allowing Madeira, which is one of Portugals autonomous regions, to

16、become the first EU territory to get formal permission from Brussels to remain entirely free of genetically modified organisms. Madeira will probably go ahead and implement the ban, a spokeswoman for the Portuguese government said Friday. Individual European countries and regions have banned certain

17、 genetically modified crops before. Many consumers and farmers in countries like Austria, France and Italy regard the crops as potentially dangerous and likely to contaminate organically produced food. But the case of Madeira represents a significant landmark, because it is the first time the Commis

18、sion, which runs the day-to-day affairs of the European Union, has permitted a country to impose such a sweeping and definitive rejection of the technology. The Madeirans main concerns focused on preserving the archipelagos biodiversity and its forest of subtropical laurel trees. Such forests were o

19、nce widespread on the European mainland, but were wiped out thousands of years ago during an earlier period of climate change. That has left Madeira with “ much the largest extent of laurel forest surviving in the world, with a unique suite of plants and animals,“ according to the United Nations Edu

20、cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which named the Madeiran laurel forest a World Heritage Site in 1999. The forest is also a growing attraction for tourists, who make up a significant portion of Madeiras earnings. In seeking to ban biotechnology on Madeira, the Portuguese government to

21、ld the Commission that it would be impossible to separate crops containing genetically engineered material from other plant life. The “risk to nature presented by the deliberate release of GMOs is so dangerous and poses such a threat to the environmental and ecological health of Madeira that it is n

22、ot worthwhile risking their use, either directly in the agricultural sector or even on an experimental basis,“ the Portuguese told the Commission. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,网络安全攸关各国主权、安全和发展利益。 14 金融、电力、通信、交通等领域的关键基础设施是经济社会运行的神经中枢,是 网络安全重中之重。 15 互联网为全球经济社会发展带来巨大数字

23、机遇和红利,同时也带来前所未有的挑战。 16 中国有近 7亿网民,有 6万多家信息技术企业,其中阿里巴巴、腾讯等在美上市的中国信息技术企业近 50家,总市值近 5000亿美元。 17 目前,旅游业贡献了全球约 10的 GDP、 30的服务出口,是名副其实的第一大产业。 18 二十国集团应该在促进全球贸易增长方面发挥更大作用,继续反对保护主义,加强多边贸易体制,促进全球价值链深化发展。 19 杭州峰会将重点从创新增长方式、完善全球经济金融 治理、提振国际贸易和投资、促进包容联动式发展等方面共商合议,努力为世界经济发展提供新动能。 20 在北京中关村和深圳的大街上,创新工场、创客咖啡等年轻人创业的

24、新型孵化器大量涌现。 21 我们将深入实施创新驱动发展战略,推进大众创业、万众创新,鼓励发展众创、众包、众扶、众筹空间。 22 中国将抓住新一轮科技革命和产业革命的时间窗口,加快实施 “中国制造2025”、 “互联网 +”行动计划。 23 计算机系统的输入 有人将计算机信息系统比喻成人的中枢神经系统。进而可将输入作为信息系统的一部 分,因此,输入设备就可视为计算机系统的感官。 我们的输入感官,如视觉、声觉、触觉、味觉及嗅觉,将信息传输到我们的中枢神经系统,并将信息编码成大脑能够处理的模式。类似地,键盘、磁盘驱动器、扫描仪、传感器、摄像机及麦克风,都是计算机系统接收信息的方式,为了以后的处理,这

25、些信息又被编码。 通常,信息系统由输入数据和信息激活。同样,输入也能够停止处理,就像电灯开关能够开与关一样。所以,输入的主要任务是激活或停止信息处理。 输入是一个过程,它包括用设备将数据编码或转换成计算机能够处理的数字码。例如, 如果按下终端或个人计算机上的字母键 A,则激活了一个信息处理周期。该键是一个简单的开关,它感受手指的触压,并触发一个完成下列步骤的循环: (1)键盘编码,或转换成机器能识别的代码; (2)将已编码的数据储存在存储介质中以备处理; (3)在计算机的监视屏上显示字母 A。 了解输入过程后,将输入分成两大类是很有用的: (1)转录输入 通过将源文件的数据转录到另一种能够输入

26、到计算机系统的介质上的方法来获取数据; (2)直接源输入 无分离的转录步骤,而直接从输入源获取数据。输人技术的进步,已经可以避免转录输入而直接从输 入源获取数据。 24 轨道的作用 轨道有三种主要作用:支承列车重量,为顺利运行提供平滑表面和引导列车车轮前进。 铁路线路应尽可能地平直,因为坡度和曲线会增加机车的负荷和加速对轨道的磨损。牵引一列 (装载客货的 )列车爬上 1的坡度所需要的牵引力是平直的轨道上的(牵引力 )的五倍,而一度弯曲线需要增加牵引力 12 5一 25。 路基是上面铺着道碴、轨枕和钢轨的底基。路基有两种类型:路堑和路堤。路基应坚固,排水性好并具有足够的面积和厚度。 钢轨承受着机

27、车,车厢加在轨道上的荷载,轨枕支 承着钢轨,而道碴又支承着轨枕。今天,在运输繁忙的线路上使用着每米重达 60公斤或更重的钢轨,所谓 T形轨 (由其形状命名 )一直持续使用,因为经验证明这种钢轨是最实用,最经济的。 轨枕使钢轨之间保持适当的距离,轨枕支承着钢轨并把荷重传递到下面的道碴垫层上。经过现代化的化学方法处理后,枕木的使用寿命几乎增加了两倍,即由平均使用不到 10年延长到 20多年。为了节省木材和其他原因,混凝土轨枕发展得非常迅速,以至现在可以认为混凝土是制造轨枕的理想材料。 为了减少由钢轨传递的载荷冲击力可造成的 (对轨枕的 )机械磨损, 在轨枕与钢轨之间插人金属垫板,这些垫板把钢轨所承

28、受的负担传递到宽阔的轨枕面积上,从而有助于保护轨枕不受轨底切割和磨损作用的影响。车轮摩擦造成钢轨纵向爬行的趋势,特别是在多轨线路上,因此使用防爬器来防止这种移动。把防爬器安装到钢轨上,紧靠着轨枕的边缘。 道碴,一般是由碎石、煤渣、砾石或矿渣组成。道碴支承并衬垫着轨枕,使轨枕保持在适当的位置上,并帮助把轨道承受的载荷分散到路基上。道碴还有利于排水,从而就增加了轨道的稳固性和平稳的运行质量。 当列车进入弯道时,它的自然趋势是一直前进。列车之所以转弯是因 为曲线外轨道迫使它这样做。为了使列车安全地、更平衡地通过弯道,外轨要超高,也就是升高到高于内轨的高度,这样做是为了平衡列车由于弯道的缘故离开直线运

29、动而产生的离心力。一定曲线弯道的正确超高度要取决于列车运行的速度。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 12答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 东亚地区发展迅速,今后 20年里,该地区每年新增的城市人口将达到 2500万。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 新加 坡花了 40年时间,建成了一座真正宜居的、富有创造力的城市,而其他人口众多的大城市在这方面才刚刚起步。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 在互联网上公开可获得的高质量教学内容也能在不减少一国人力资本的情况下,使人们得以学习知识。 【知识模块】 英

30、译汉 4 【正确答案】 在中国和亚洲其它国家,工蚁治虫害的方法已有几百年的历史。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 这样他们就能把自己的芒果作为有机水果卖给亟待购买的欧洲顾客,收入也随之大幅增加。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 股市下跌导致退休金账户和养老金贬值。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 假如铆钉的质量好一些, “泰坦尼克 ”号可能就会漂浮得久一些,从而使救援人员有足够的时间在它沉入冰海之前赶到。这样就会挽救数百人的生命。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 全球信贷紧缩和商品价格飞涨带来的冲击直接影响到所有国家,影响到千家万户。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9

31、【正确答案】 这个摩托车风格的过山车闪着光的车轮看着太帅了,从一个看似电脑内部线路一样的室内出发,在蓝色光线 下看着尤其震撼。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 海盗船都由电磁科技控制,能够旋转、后倾,可以最大化地把所有景观尽收眼底,融入了最新的电子动画技术。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 勿里洞岛附近发现阿拉伯单桅帆船 1998年,在印度尼西亚勿里洞岛附近发现了一艘沉没的 9世纪阿拉伯单桅帆船,十多年来,考古学家和历史学家一直在研究船上装载的货物。发现该沉船的捕捞海参潜水员万万没有想到,这艘沉船最终会被看作 20世纪末叶海上最重大的发现之一。 这艘单桅帆船满载 货物,包括

32、六万件瓷器,还有各种各样的金银制品。它的发现证明,中国唐代与伊拉克阿拔斯王朝通过海上丝绸之路进行的贸易何等重要。它还表明,中国甚至在那时就已按照西亚客户的要求批量生产商品。 勿里洞岛沉船中的物品在新落成的艺术科学博物馆展出。这座莲花状博物馆由莫什 -萨福迪设计,展览题为: “沉船中的唐代珍宝与季风 ”。这次展览由新加坡当地的亚洲文明博物馆和华盛顿的亚瑟 -M-萨克乐美术馆共同主办,并将在今后五、六年内在世界各地博物馆巡展。 亚瑟 -M-萨克乐美术馆馆长朱利安 -拉比说: “这个展览告诉我们在全球化进 程中的一个特殊时刻发生的事情。它生动地再现了辛巴德航海去中国发大财的故事。它表明 9世纪的世界

33、并不像我们过去所认为的那样处于隔裂状态。当时有两个出口大国:一个是东方的大唐帝国,另一个是位于巴格达的阿拔斯王朝。 ” 在勿里洞岛附近发现沉船以前,历史学家一直认为中国唐代主要是通过中亚陆路,大部分是经由 “丝绸之路 ”,进行对外贸易的。古代文献有波斯船队在东南亚海域航行的记载,但在发现勿里洞岛单桅帆船之前,从未发现过任何沉船。亚洲文明博物馆馆长和此次展览的负责人谭海迪说,船上的货物证实当年大量贸易是通过海路进行的。 拉比先生说: “这次重大发现告诉我们两点:一是中国当时已是个从事工业化生产的国家;二是中国已不再生产陶瓷殉葬品了。 ”他指的是生产供陪葬用的骆驼、马匹等陶瓷制品。这种做法已于 8

34、世纪末叶遭禁。 “于是陶窑开始寻找新市场,它们开始生产餐具并开拓出口市场。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 12 【正确答案】 马德拉岛禁用生物技术马德拉岛距非洲海岸 500多公里,是欧盟官方认定的 “最边远地区 ”之一。虽地处边远,去年马德拉岛却成为欧盟农业和环保事务的中心议题,当时葡萄牙要求欧盟委员会允许其颁布一项前所未有的禁 令,禁止在岛上种植生物技术作物。 欧盟委员会上周悄悄地拖过了反对葡萄牙请求的最后期限,这使作为葡萄牙自治地区之一的马德拉岛成为布鲁塞尔正式允许继续全面禁止转基因作物的第一块欧盟领土。葡萄牙政府的一位女发言人星期五说,马德拉岛现在就可能采取行动,执行这项禁令。 某些欧洲国家

35、和地区过去也曾禁种某些转基因作物。奥地利、法国、意大利等国的许多消费者和农民认为转基因作物有潜在危害,可能污染有机食品。然而,马德拉岛的情况却成为一个重要标志,因为这是作为处理欧盟日常事务机构的欧盟委员会第一次允许一个国家全面、 明确地拒绝这项技术。 马德拉岛人主要关注如何保护这一群岛的生物多样性及那里的亚热带月桂树。月桂树在欧洲大陆曾随处可见,数千年前却因早期气候变化绝迹。联合国教科文组织称,这让马德拉岛拥有 “世界上仅存的最大规模月桂树林和一批珍稀动植物 ”。 1999年,联合国教科文组织将马德拉岛的月桂树林列入世界遗产遗址。这片树林随之成为吸引越来越多游客的一大景点,而游客为马德拉岛带来

36、可观收入。 葡萄牙政府争取在马德拉岛禁用生物技术时,向欧盟委员会提出:将含有转基因物质的作物与其他植物分开是难以做到的。葡萄牙向欧盟委员 会指出, “有意放开转基因作物对自然界极其危险,会给马德拉岛的环境和生态健康带来威胁。因此冒险使用这些生物,无论是在农业中直接使用,还是限于试验,都是得不偿失的。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 【正确答案】 Cyberspace is a common space for human activities, and cyber-security is, therefo

37、re, a key issue which bears on the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 As the neural centre of economic and social operation, the critical infrastructures in such areas as finance, electricity, communication, transportation constitute the top priori

38、ty in cyber-security. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 The Internet has brought digital opportunities and dividends, but unprecedented challenges as well, in global socio-economic development. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 China, for its part, has 700 million Internet users and 60, 000 IT companies, among which 50 have

39、been listed in the US, including big names like Alibaba and Tencent, with a total market cap of over 500 billion US dollars. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Tourism now contributes to about 10 percent of global GDP and some 30 percent of services exports worldwide. It surely stands out as the largest sector in

40、 the economic mix. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 The G20 should play a bigger role in promoting global trade, continue to reject protectionism, strengthen the multilateral trading regime and deepen the development of the global value chain. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 The Hangzhou Summit will focus its discussions

41、on innovating growth models, improving global economic and financial governance, boosting international trade and investment and promoting inclusive and interconnected development in an effort to provide new drivers for the development of the world economy. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 The large number of n

42、ew incubators for young people to start up businesses, such as Innovation Works and Makers Cafes that have sprung up in the streets of Beijings Zhongguancun and the city of Shenzhen. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 We will further promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, encourage and develop crowd innova

43、tion, crowd sourcing, crowd support and crowd funding. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 The Chinese government will try to make the most of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. We will accelerate the implementation of “made in China 2025“ and “Intenet + “. 【知识模块】 汉

44、译英 23 【正确答案】 Computer System Input Someone used the analogy of a human central nervous system and a computerized information system. Further insight can be gained by considering input as part of such an information system: input devices are then viewed as some of the sense organs of a computer syste

45、m. Our input sense organs for sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell convey information to our central nervous system. Along the way, this information is encoded into a pattern that the brain can process. In an analogous way, keyboards, disk drives, scanners, sensors, cameras, and microphones are som

46、e of the ways computer systems receive information that is then encoded for processing. Generally, an information system is activated by the input of data or information. Input can also deactivate processing, just as a light switch can turn off a light as well as turn it on. Thus the primary role of

47、 input is to activate or deactivate information processing. Input is a process that involves the use of a device to encode or transform data into digital codes that the computer can process. For example, if you press the letter A on the keyboard of a terminal or personal computer, you activate an in

48、formation processing cycle. The key is simply a switch that senses a finger touch and triggers a cycle to accomplish the following: (1) the keystroke is encoded, or converted into a machine-readable code, (2) the encoded piece of data is stored in a memory location for later processing, and (3) the

49、letter A is displayed on the computers monitor screen. When learning about the process of input, it is useful to classify input into two broad categories: (1) transcribed input data that are captured by transcribing from source documents onto another medium that is capable of being input to a computer system and (2) direct source input data that are captured directly from their source without a separate transcribing step. Advances in input technology are moving the process of input away from transcription toward the capturing of data directly from their s


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