1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 In nearly every case the first black Britons to move to the UK did so of their own will. Black South Africans, for all the oppression they endured for so long, never lost their culture, their languages and their sense of home. Bla
2、ck Americans, the only grouping in a nation of immigrants who did not originally come to the US out of their choice, appeared trapped in a perpetual struggle to define their identity. 2 “Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather. “ This statement, often made by Englishmen to describ
3、e the peculiar meteorological conditions of their country, is both revealing and true. 3 Although New Zealand was the first country in the world where women got the vote in 1893, it remains a sexist society in which male chauvinism of the pioneering period still rules many social patterns. 4 As a ga
4、mbler, I have always been attracted to Las Vegas. And I thought the city was the perfect place to take the biggest gamble of your life getting married. 5 The story of how oil transformed Kuwait is like a modern version of Aladdin and his magic lamp. Oil is the “lamp“ that enriched Kuwait. 6 In the p
5、rocess, he used and adapted Freuds ideas about the Oedipus complex, which Freud believed was as crucial to the development of the child, and especially of male children. 7 She had been reared in the tradition of great ladies, which had taught her how to carry her burden and still retain her charm, a
6、nd she intended that her three daughters should be great ladies also. 8 Rome was not built in a day. Rome cannot be seen in a day, a week, or even a year. Rome is an enormously colorful and alluring mixture of the old the Rome of ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the new. 9 Vera Pe
7、rlin Born on 28 November 1902 in St Johns, Newfoundland, Elizabeth Vera Crosbie Perlin is known for her pioneering work in providing education for children with special needs and developmental challenges. During her lifetime she received several awards, including first person to be named St Johns Ci
8、tizen of the Year in 1962, Newfoundland Woman of the Century from the National Jewish Council in 1967, Officer of the Order of Canada in 1968, and an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Memorial University in 1970. Vera Perlin received her education in St Johns and Toronto. In 1926 she married Albert B.
9、Perlin; they had three children, Ann Elizabeth, John and George. She helped to establish Newfoundlands first Home and School Association and served on the advisory board of the United Church Orphanage. It was during her tenure on this board that she became aware of the lack of educational facilities
10、 for developmentally challenged children. “ Mrs. Perlin firmly believed that children with a developmental disability should go to school to be nurtured by dedicated teachers who would help them achieve their potential. “ In 1954, with the full support of the United Church, she established the first
11、 classroom for children with special needs, in the basement of the United Church Orphanage. She recruited Mollie Dingle, MBE, as teacher. In 1957, due to the need for more classes, Perlin bought a house. Her program quickly outgrew this new space, however, and in 1966 she undertook the construction
12、of a new “multipurpose building. named the Vera Perlin School in her honour. “ Her efforts ultimately led to the formation of the association now known as the Newfoundland Association for Community Living. Subsequently, the St. Johns branch of that association was called the Vera Perlin Society. In
13、1959 the provincial government awarded the Association a yearly grant, which lasted until 1971, when the government took responsibility for educating developmentally challenged children. Vera Perlin died in 1974. Her ideals are represented still today through the Vera Perlin Society, which serves as
14、 advocate and service provider for citizens who have developmental challenges. 10 Billi Dyer (Excerpt) If you were to draw a diagonal line down the state of Illinois from Chicago to St. Louis, the halfway point would be somewhere in Logan County. The county seat is Lincoln which prides itself on bei
15、ng the only place named for the Great Emancipator before he became President. Until the elm blight reduced it in a few months to nakedness, it was a pretty late-Victorian and turn-of-the-century town of twelve thousand inhabitants. It had coal mines but no factories of any size. “ Downtown“ was, and
16、 still is, the courthouse square and stores that after a block or two in every direction give way to grass and houses. Which in turn give way to dark-green or yellowing fields that stretch all the way to the edge of the sky. When Illinois was admitted into the Union there was not a single white man
17、living within the confines of what is now the county line. That flat farmland was prairie grass, the hunting ground of the Kickapoo Indians. By 1833, under coercion the chiefs of all the Illinois Indians had signed treaties ceding their territories to the United States. The treaties stipulated that
18、they were to move their people west of the Mississippi River. In my boyhood that is to say, shortly before the First World War arrowheads were turned up occasionally during spring plowing. The town of Lincoln was laid out 1853, and for more than a decade only white people lived there. The first Negr
19、oes were brought from the South by soldiers returning from the Civil War. They were carried into town rolled in a blanket so they would not be seen. They stayed indoors during the daytime and waited until dark for a breath of fresh air. Muddy water doesnt always clean overnight. In the running conve
20、rsation that went on above my head, from time to time a voice no longer identifiable would say, “ So long as they know their place“. A colored man who tried to attend the service at one of the Protestant churches was politely turned away at the door. The man cleaned out stables and chicken houses, k
21、ept furnaces going in the wintertime, mowed lawns and raked leaves and did odd jobs. The women took in washing or cooked for some white family and from time to time carried home a bundle of clothes that had become shabby from wear or that the children of the family had outgrown. I have been told by
22、someone of the older generation that on summer evenings they would sit on their porches and sing, and that the white people would drive their carriages down the street where these houses were in order to hear them. I am aware that “blacks“ is now the only acceptable form, but when I was a little boy
23、 the polite form was “coloured people“ ; it was how they spoke of themselves. In speaking of things that happened long ago, to be insensitive to the language of the period is to be, in effect, an unreliable witness. In 1953, Lincoln celebrated the hundredth anniversary of its founding with a pageant
24、 and a parade that outdid all other parades within the living memory. The Evening Courier brought out a special edition largely devoted to old photographs and sketches of local figures, past and present, and the recollections of the elderly people. A committee came up with a list of the ten most dis
25、tinguished men that the town had produced. One was a Negro, William Holmes Dyer. He was then sixty-seven years old and living in Kansas City, and the head surgeon for all the Negro employees of the Santa Fe line. He was invited to attend the celebration, and did. There was a grand historical pageant
26、 with a cast of four hundred and the Ten Most Distinguished Men figured in it. Nine of them were stand-ins with false chin whiskers, stovepipe hats, frock coats, and trousers that fastened under the instep. Dr. Dyer stood among them dressed in a dark-blue business suit and four nights running accept
27、ed the honour that was due him. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 浅花叫了一声奔着井沿跑去,她心里一冷,差一点没有栽到地上死过去。她想,竟来不及拉他一把,自己也跳到井里去吧。 12 (卢嘉川 )“但是,你这些想法和作法,恐怕还是为了你个人吧 ?”道静蓦地站了起来: “你说我是个人主义者 ?” 13 园里是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。 14 因为我的姨妈和朱自冶的姑妈是表姐妹,所以在抗战后期,在我的父亲谢世 之后, (我和母亲 )便搬进朱自冶的住宅。 15 “
28、喔,谢谢你一家了 !我的东西,请你少费心 !不管是阿狗阿猫,拖了来当做好主顾, ”大少奶奶说到这里忍不住扑嗤地笑了一声。 16 现在我在街上摆卦摊儿;好了呢,一天也抓弄个三毛五毛的。老伴儿早死了,儿子拉洋车。 17 庙旁住着一家乡宦,姓甄,名费,字士隐。 18 孔子 (公元前 551一前 479)是春秋时期鲁国人,名丘,字仲尼。 19 为头一人,头戴武巾,身穿团花线袍,白净面皮,三绺须,真有龙凤之表。 20 南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨 下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼,取 “富贵有余 ”的意思。 21 孟母教子 孟子幼时家迁居墓地附近,耳濡目染的尽是些丧葬礼仪的事情,他就和小
29、朋友一起模仿着挖墓筑坟的祭奠。孟母感到长此下去对儿子的教育不利,于是就搬家了。新居靠近集市,孟子又学着商人做买卖,怎样和人讨价还价,孟母不愿自己的孩子长大成个商人,于是又搬家了。第三次的新居在学校附近,孟子就跟着学生学习诗书礼仪,揖让进退,等等。孟母认为找到了理想的地方,于是决定在这里长住下去。由此可见,孟母深知环境对孩子成长的影响。这就是 “孟母三 迁 ”故事的由来。 孟子逐渐成长,一次未到放学时间就回家了,孟母把他叫到织布机旁,让他看自己织布。织了很长一段时间,孟母突然用刀子把布割断,孟子不明白怎么回事,连忙问母亲究竟。这时孟母耐心地对他说: “你学习半途而废,就如同我把这本来可以织成完整
30、的一匹布割断是一个道理。 ”母亲的谆谆教导,深深地印在孟子的脑海之中,从此他发奋图强,刻苦读书,终于成了战国时期,也是我国历史上著名的思想家、教育家。 22 朱自清 朱自清 (1898一 1948),字佩弦,浙江绍兴人,是我国著名的文学家、清华大学教授 。他一生清贫。 1948年,由于国民党统治区政治腐败,物价飞涨,朱自清身为清华大学中文系主任,每月薪水也只能买三袋面粉,一家人时常缺吃少穿。他本人身体十分虚弱,胃病日益严重,却无钱医治。但是, 6月 18日,他却在一份抗议美国扶日政策并拒绝领取美援面粉宣言上毫不迟疑地签了名。 朱自清拒领 “救济粮 ”,加重了家庭生活的困难,也进一步影响到了病情
31、。他在日记中写道: “此事每月须损失六万法币,影响家中甚大,但余仍决定签名。 ”他认为,这是关系到民族气节的大事,所以自己 “决不逃避个人责任 ”。更可贵的是,此后不到两个月 ,他病重住院,临终时还叮嘱家人: “我是在拒绝美援面粉的文件上签过名的。我们家以后不要买国民党配给的美国面粉 !”朱自清至死不渝,维护了中华民族的气节和尊严。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 最初移居英国的黑人几乎都是出于自愿的。而南非黑人,虽然长期忍受压迫,但从未丧失自己的文化、语言和家乡感。美国黑人
32、,在美国这一移民国度里,是唯一非自愿的移民群体,看来深陷于为确立自己的身份和地 位而作出长期斗争。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 “各国皆论气候,唯独咱们英国论天气。 ”英国人谈起本国独特的气象状况时,常说这句话,既给人以启发,又实事求是。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 尽管新西兰早在 1893年就成为世界上第一个妇女获得选举权的国家,但它至今依然存在性别歧视,殖民开垦初期的大男子主义还笼罩着社会的许多方面。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 作为一个赌徒,拉斯维加斯永远是我梦寐以求的地方。而且我觉得,选择这里进行你一生最大的赌博 结婚 是最合适不过了。 【知识模块】
33、 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 石油如何改变科威特的故事简直就是天方夜谭中阿拉丁神灯故事的现代版本。石油就是使科威特富起来的 “如意神灯 ”。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 在这个过程中,他采用并调整了弗洛伊德关于俄底浦斯情结 (恋母情结 )的观点。弗洛伊德认为,这个情结对于儿童,尤其是男孩的发展至关重要。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 她自己就是在大家闺秀的传统中被抚养大的,这一传统教育她如何在承受重负的情况下仍能保持魅力。如 今她打算让她的三个女儿也成为大家闺秀。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 罗马不是一天建成的,也不可能用一天、一星期、甚至一年的时间看遍。罗马绚
34、丽多彩、引人入胜,它是旧罗马 古代罗马、中世纪罗马、文艺复兴时期罗马 与新罗马的综合体现。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 维拉 -珀林 伊丽莎白 -维拉 -克罗斯比 -珀林 1902年 11月 28日出生于加拿大纽芬兰省圣 -约翰斯市。她因在为特殊需要和遭遇发育障碍的儿童提供教育方面 做出开创性贡献而闻名。她一生曾获得多个奖项: 1962年被授予 “圣 -约翰斯年度公民 ”,她是获得此项殊荣的第一人; 1967年被全国犹太人委员会授予 “纽芬兰世纪妇女 ”称号; 1968年被授予 “加拿大功勋官员 ”; 1970年被纪念大学授予法学名誉博士学位。 维拉 -珀林曾在圣 -约翰斯和多伦多
35、接受教育。 1926年与艾伯特 -珀林结婚,育有三个子女:安 -伊丽莎白、约翰和乔治。她帮助成立了纽芬兰第一个 “家庭学校联合会 ”,并在 “联合基督教会孤儿院 ”顾问委员会任职。也正是在这个委员会任职期间,她意识到发育障碍儿童教育设备的短缺 。 “珀林夫人坚信,发育残疾儿童应当走进学校,接受有奉献精神的教师的培养。这些老师会帮助他们发挥自己的潜能。 ”1954年,在联合教会的鼎力支持下,她为那些特殊需要儿童在联合教会孤儿院的地下室里建起了第一间教室,并聘请商务教育学硕士莫莉 -丁格尔作老师。 1957年,鉴于对教室需求的增长,珀林购买了一栋房子。但是,没过多长时间,新增的房子的面积便不能满足
36、她的规划的要求了,于是, 1966年她开始建造 “以她自己名字命名的多功能大厦 维拉 -珀林学校。 ”她的不懈努力最终促成了纽芬兰社区生活协会的成立。随后 ,该协会的圣 -约翰斯分会被命名为 “维拉 -珀林协会 ”。 从 1959年起,纽芬兰省政府每年都向该协会划拨一笔补助金,直到 1971年,省政府接管了发育障碍儿童的教育工作为止。 维拉 -珀林于 1974年去世。直至今天,维拉 -珀林协会仍然体现着她的理想,积极地为那些发育障碍儿童呐喊并提供服务。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 比里 -戴尔 (节选 ) 如果你划一条从芝加哥到圣路易斯、斜穿伊利诺伊州的对角线,则中点大约在洛根县
37、附近。洛根县址所在林肯镇,这使该镇引以自豪:在这位解放黑奴 的伟人成为总统之前,这是惟一一个以他的名字命名的地方。这里曾发生过榆枯病,几个月之间全镇变得赤裸一片;此前它是一个非常漂亮的具有维多利亚晚期风格的、世纪之交的小镇,约有一万两千居民。小镇有几座煤矿,但是大小工厂一个也没有。县政府办公大楼前的广场和几家商店一直是 “繁华地带 ”,再走过一两个街区,四面尽是草地和民房。再往外看,便是墨绿色或金黄色的田野,一直伸展到天际。 伊利诺伊州加入美国时,在今天的洛根县境内没有一个白人居住。那一片平展的农田曾经是基克普印第安人的大草原和猎场。 1833年伊利诺伊州的印第安酋 长们迫于威吓,签下了一系列
38、协议,将领土割让给美国。协议规定,酋长们必须带着他们的人民迁至密西西比河以西。还在我的孩童时代 即第一次世界大战前夕 春天耕地的时候,不时会有印第安人的箭头翻露出来。 林肯镇 1853年建镇,之后大约十几年中一直只有白人在那里居住。首批黑人是内战时从南方归来的士兵带回的。为了不被发现,黑人是被用毯子裹着带到镇里的。白天他们呆在家里,天黑了才能出去透口新鲜空气。 混乱的情况不会一夜之间得到澄清。在那些没完没了的、使我懵懵懂懂的谈话中,有一个我难以辨认的声音常常会说: “只 要他们规规矩矩的。 ”一个黑人要去参加基督教堂的礼拜仪式,会在门口被人客客气气地拦回去。 男人们清扫马厩和鸡舍,冬日里要烧旺
39、壁炉,修剪草坪,耙走枯叶,还干一些其它的零活儿;女人们要为白人家庭洗涮、做饭,时常也会把一大包穿旧的、或是那家的孩子穿不得的衣服带回家。一些上了年岁的人告诉我,夏天的夜晚黑人们常常坐在廊道里唱歌,白人们会驾着马车到他们居住的街上去听他们唱歌。 我意识到现在 “黑人 ”是惟一可以接受的词语,但在我还小的时候,礼貌的词语是“有色人 ”:当时的黑人也是这么称呼自己。当你谈及很久以前的事情 时,如果对那一时期的语言不敏感,实际上你对那一时期所作的见证是不可靠的。 1953年林肯镇举行了建镇百年纪念。那年举行的盛大庆典和游行是人们记忆中最为辉煌的一次。信使晚报为此出过专刊,主要登载了旧照片、小镇里已故的
40、和健在的名人简介,以及年长者的回忆。一个委员会推出小镇的 “十大杰出人物 ”名单,其中一位是黑人,名叫威廉 -霍姆斯 -戴尔。他时年 67岁,住在堪萨斯城,是负责治疗圣菲铁路线上黑人员工的主任外科医生。人们邀请他参加庆典仪式,他欣然前往。这场气势雄伟、名垂小镇的盛典有演员 400余人, “十大杰出人物 ”也身在其中。其余九人都是替身,他们粘上假胡须,戴着高筒礼帽,穿着双排纽扣的礼服,裤子系到脚背下。戴尔医生身着深黑色商务服装,跻身其中,一连四个晚上接受属于他的礼遇。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 【正确答案
41、】 Qianhua screamed and ran to the well. In a moment of horror she almost fainted and fell. She thought that since she had failed to save him, she might as well jump in and make an end of herself. 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 ( Lu Jiachuan) “Are you sure your thoughts and wishes arent determined by personal
42、considerations?“ he asked. Lin Daojing sprang to her feet. “Do you mean that Im an egoist?“ 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be expended. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 My maternal aunt and Zhu Ziyes paternal a
43、unt were cousins, so when my father died toward the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, my mother and I moved into one of his rooms. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 “Thank you very much! In the future, please dont concern yourself so much about my affairs. Bringing home Tom, Dick or Harry
44、 and claiming hes a real buyer!“ The girl giggled in spite of herself. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 I keep a fortune-tellers stall on the sidewalk and can scrape up three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long died. My sons a rickshaw-boy. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Beside this temple lived a gentleman
45、named Zhen Fei, whose courtesy name was Shiyin. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Confucius, who lived from 551 B. C. to 479 B. C. , was born in the state of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history (770B. C. -476B. C. ). His given name was Qiu, and courtesy name Zhongni. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 The le
46、ader of the band wore a military cap and flowered silk costume. He had a clear complexion, his beard was fine and he looked every inch a king. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fo
47、rtune. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 How Mencius Mother Taught Her Son When Mencius was young, his family lived near a cemetery, fully exposed to funeral ceremonies. He and his playmates imitated burying and mourning proceedings. Mencius mother thought the surroundings were not good for his education, so she
48、 decided to move. They moved to a place next to a fair, and Mencius began to learn the ways of business people, bargaining and haggling. His mother didnt want her son to become a businessman, so she moved again. This time they moved into the house near a school, and Mencius began to learn the classi
49、cs and etiquette along with the students. His mother thought this was the right place for him and decided to stay there for good. This shows that Mencius mother realized the importance of environment for childrens growing up. These are the stories about how “ Mencius mother moved three times“. One day, Mencius came back home before school let out. His mother called him to the loom side and let him watch her weaving. After a long time, she suddenly cut the cloth she had woven with a knife, much to Mencius bew