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1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Natural abilities are like plants; they need pruning by study. 2 Your education and intellect is measured by your modesty. 3 None are less eager to learn than they who know nothing. 4 The highest result of education is tolerance.

2、5 It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense. 6 He who opens a school closes a prison. 7 Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more you must have of the former. 8 By natur

3、e all men are alike, but by education become different. 9 Education is not intended to make lawyers or clergymen, soldiers or schoolmasters, farmers or artisans, but men. 10 Prove that you can control yourself and you are an educated man; without this, all other education is good for nothing. 11 Pou

4、r water hastily into a vessel with a narrow neck, and little enters; but pour gradually, and in small quantities, and the vessel is filled. Such was the simile employed by Quintillian, to show the folly of teaching children too much at a time. 12 The possession of facts is knowledge; the use of them

5、 is wisdom; the choice of them, education. Knowledge is not power but riches, and like them has its value in spending. 13 Not all educated men are college graduates, nor are all college graduates educated men. An educated man is one who is useful to humanity, his profession or trade, and to himself.

6、 14 Only through education does one come to be dissatisfied with his own knowledge, and only through teaching does one come to realize the uncomfortable inadequacy of his own knowledge. 15 When a faculty has exclusive authority to determine its own membership, it has achieved full status as a profes

7、sional body. The standards applied measure the individuals performance of the several faculty functions teaching, research activity, and service to the community. 16 Today, virtually all of Americas more than 3,000 post-secondary institutions, from vocationally-oriented community colleges to researc

8、h universities, use the course-credit system. It is universally accepted in the United States as the standard way of organizing higher education. 17 An important development since World War II has been the growth of postdoctoral education, especially in the sciences. Postdoctoral fellowships have be

9、en defined by the National Research Council as appointments of a temporary nature “ which are intended to offer an opportunity for continued education and experience in research, usually though not necessarily, under the supervision of a senior mentor. “ 18 In 1971 OCLC (Online Computer Library Cent

10、er) in Dublin, Ohio, a world leader in cataloging and bibliographic control, launched a project that became known as World Cat. In the past thirty years, World Cat has become one of the worlds foremost bibliographic databases, which is used by libraries around the world. 19 Collegiate debating in th

11、e United States is a major educational enterprise. Sponsored by more than 800 schools, it is organized into networks of state and interstate competition, recognized through honor societies, and supported by state and national groups of teachers of forensics. 20 Electronic conferencing forums provide

12、 an opportunity for students to interact with each other, with the instructor, or anyone who has access to the forum. The interaction can be asynchronous, meaning that the discussants need not be present simultaneously. 21 Public or Private, US Schools Aim for Best Education Neighborhood Schools The

13、re is no great difference between city, suburb and village schools in the United States. Public schools teach the same subjects in the same grades across the land. Most school buildings look the same and have the same types of rooms inside. There is always a gym, a large room for basketball and othe

14、r sports. There is a lunchroom, a school library, and an auditorium, a very large room where all the students and teachers can meet. Most schools also have rooms for the school band to practice in. They have rooms for students to type and use computers. There are usually workshops for students to wo

15、rk with paint, wood, metal, and other materials. These are all part of most American public schools, no matter where they are. Each school serves a neighborhood, and neighborhoods are different. In some, the parents take an interest in what their children are doing at school. They give their time, t

16、heir ideas, and they may give gifts to their schools. Thats what makes a good school in America. Generally, it doesnt matter whether the neighborhood is rich or poor, whether it is in the city, the suburbs, or the countryside. What matters is the interest the neighborhood takes in its school. School

17、s try to interest students in their neighborhood, too. Trips to the firehouse, police headquarters, newspaper offices, and other places are very popular with young children. Some schools have newspapers written by students for their neighbors. Older students may clean up the neighborhood together. T

18、hey may earn money by washing cars, and use the money to help sick or elderly people in the neighborhood. There are ways students learn about the American way of life. They start with their neighborhood. Private Schools Private school does not mean better. But it does mean expensive. Public schools

19、in the US are paid for by money from everyone; private schools are not. Parents who send their children to private schools must pay to do so. Parents may have enough money to pay for private schools. But these schools do not have to accept their children. Most private schools accept only children wh

20、o are already doing well in school and are able to work quietly. Some take only boys or only girls. Classes are often quieter and less crowded than classes in public schools. This gives children a chance to learn more of what their teachers are trying to teach them. Public schools do not teach relig

21、ion. So some parents choose private religious schools for their children. These schools each belong to a church. They give lessons about that religion. They give lessons in all the usual school subjects as well. Children at many private schools wear special school uniforms, all exactly the same. At

22、public schools, students wear what they want. They often dress in bright colors and tennis shoes. They sometimes invent new and wonderful fashions. Only about 17 percent of American children are sent to private schools. Most Americans really believe in public education. They want their children to g

23、o to schools that are free and are open to all. They want their children to make friends with everyone children of all races, from all kinds of families, with different talents, and different interests. 22 The British Educational System All over the world mention of English education suggests a pict

24、ure of the “public school“ , and it suggests in particular the names of certain very famous institutions Eton, Oxford and Cambridge; but people do not always realize what place these institutions occupy in the whole educational system. Oxford and Cambridge are universities, each having about 12,000

25、students out of a total of over 250, 000 students at all British universities. Eton is a public school, and the best known of the public schools, which, in spite of their name, are not really public at all, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age of thirteen to eightee

26、n years. The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education; only about one out of forty English boys goes to a public school, and out of 1, 500 goes to Eton. Apart from the so-called public schools, there is a complete system of state primary and seconda

27、ry education, which resembles in its general form the state education in most other countries. All children must, by law, receive full-time education between the ages of five and sixteen. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school provided by the public authorities, and the great majority a

28、ttend such schools. They may continue, still without paying fees, until they are eighteen. In presenting an overall picture of English education it would be reasonable to concentrate on the state system alone and refer briefly to the public schools. However, although the public schools are not impor

29、tant numerically, they have been Englands most peculiar and characteristic contribution to educational methods, and they have an immense influence on the whole of English educational practice and on the English social structure. For a hundred years most men in leading positions in banking, insurance

30、, high finance, some industries, the army, the church and conservative politics have been educated at public schools. Things are beginning to change but it will take time. Among the universities Oxford and Cambridge hold a dominant position. Of cabinet ministers who went to universities, nearly all

31、went to one or the other of these two, and to Oxford in particular. A student who receive further full-time education after the age of eighteen, either at a university or at a teachers training college or at some other college giving training of a special type, can usually receive a grant from the p

32、ublic authorities to cover his expenses, or almost all of them, unless his parents have a large income. But the number of young people who can enter universities is limited by the capacity of the universities, which is less than enough to take all the young people who have the basic qualifications f

33、or university admission. In practice, therefore, entry to the universities is competitive. But university degree courses are also available at polytechnics, and entry to the Open University is less restricted. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 23 浙江教育学院是浙江省政府所属的成人高等师范学院,始建于 1955年。学院主要承担大学

34、本科和专科学历教育以及浙江省中小学教师的进修培训任务。 24 本世纪将是一个以知识经济为主导的世纪,信息化、终身教育将成为社会发展的主旋律。 25 人才的数量和质量将成为新世纪各国竞争的焦点。 26 少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 27 学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短。所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还在继续研究。 28 胡适曾经说过一句话, “不要抛弃学问 ”。用今天的话来说,就是 “终身教育 ”。 29 易卜生说: “你最大的责任是把你这块材料铸造成器。 ” 30 教育不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。换言之,我们教育孩子并非仅仅出于教育他们的目的,我们的目的是使他们适应生活。 31 我们的教育应该

35、让受教育者认识到,各行各业都是社会所必需的,以自己的工作为耻或藐视他人的工作,都是极其错误的。 32 “学习使人年轻,不学习等于死亡。 ”这句话适用于任何社会、任何时代。 33 事实上,世上许许多多人,特别是知识分子,都在不断地学习。我们不仅在课堂上学,而且在课外学。我们不仅从书本上学,而且从亲身经历中学。 俗话说,“学无止境 ”。学习是一个不断适应环境的过程。 34 读书的习惯是人类获得知识的最重要的方法之一;而我们在阅读属于自己的书籍时所得到的乐趣,远远胜于阅读借来的书时所得到的乐趣。所以,每一个人都应该在青年时期就开始搜集和收藏书籍。 35 我们必须首先弄清一个基本事实:真正要掌握语言,

36、主要是靠自己学,而不是靠别人教。学语言的人必须认识到,实际上一切都得靠自己的努力,如果他们知道如何学,没有老师也能学好;但若不知如何学习,教师也帮不了忙。 36 古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶,数百年来使人津津乐道的 故事,我们都可以轻而易举地在书本中得到,而且也无需很多的花费。但是我们必须懂得该如何来利用这笔财富,如何最大限度地从中汲取养分。 37 学生最需要从老师那儿得到的是热情热心和认真负责的态度,而优秀教师之所以为优秀教师,不是靠资格证书,而是靠真心实意地为学生好好服务;这样,所需要的其他各种教学能力也便会自然而然地发挥出来。 38 学习外语真正重要的是全得靠自己的努力。自己用好一个小时胜

37、过花在课堂上五个小时。如果自己不花费大量的时间去亲身体验运用外语的实际情况 (包括口语和书面语 ),出国学习外语也毫无意义 。 39 学习要打好基础,以后一生受用。在求学时代,应该暂时把兴趣放在一边,耐心接受教育的纪律,把自己锻炼成坚实的有用之才。至于对学问的兴趣,留到将来慢慢去享受也不迟。 40 中国的教育制度 中国实施九年制义务教育,也就是说,所有的孩子都必须上学读九年书,完成小学和初中的学业。学生想继续学习,就得通过各种不同水平的考试。升高中或中专,得通过入学考试。学生经过 2-3年的学习后,如果想上大学,就得通过全国大学入学统考。 学前教育 3一 6岁的儿童就近上幼儿园,学认字和其他一

38、些基本的 知识。在幼儿园里,孩子们玩游戏、唱歌、跳舞和表演。他们从小就受 “真善美 ”的教育。 小学教育 小学是六年制。在学校里,学生上语文、初等算术和德育等课程。此外还有体育课和课外活动。外语,如英语,在小学高年级是选修课。 中学教育 中学教育分两个阶段,即三年初中和三年高中。从初中开始,学生就学习像化学、物理和生物等理科课程和历史、地理、外语等文科课程,并大力提倡体育活动。 高中教育是初中的继续,学生要上文、理科各种指定的课程。此外,每年还组织各种不同水平的竞赛以鼓励学生努力学习,其中各 种 “奥林匹克 ”竞赛尤其令人关注。竞赛的目的是为全国大学入学统考作准备。考试一般按文、理科分别进行。

39、 高等教育 高等教育是为国家的发展培养各种专门人才。专科学校有两年制和三年制,大学本科有四年制和五年制。获得学士学位的学生可报考研究生。 41 英国教育系统 根据培生教育公司公布的全球教育排行榜,英国教育系统在发达国家中排在第六位。第一名和第二名被芬兰和韩国占据。 这一排行榜结合了国际性考试成绩以及 2006年到 2010年间的毕业率等数据。培生公司的首席教育顾问说,在教育成功的国 家,教师地位都很高,而且这些国家都有自己的 “教育文化 ”。对教育进行全球性比较变得日益重要 这一排行榜是在一系列国际性考试成绩以及上大学人数等教育系统评价指标基础上得出的。排名仅次于芬兰和韩国这两个教育大国的是亚

40、洲的香港、日本和新加坡,它们也拥有出色的教育系统。 英国是教育水平位于平均线以上的国家中排名最靠前的,其他教育水平中上的国家还包括荷兰、新西兰、加拿大和爱尔兰。其后是排名居中的国家,包括美国、德国和法国。排名最靠后的国家是墨西哥、巴西和印尼。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 8答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 与生俱来的才能需学习才能提高,犹如植物需修剪才能成长。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 谦虚是衡量一个人教育程度和聪明才智的标准。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 越是无知,越是不想学习。

41、 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 教育的最高境界是宽容。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 与其受过教育而无常识,还不如有常识而未受过教育 。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 谁开办一所学校,谁就关闭了一座监狱。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 监狱和学校之间的关系是此长彼消:学校越少,监狱就会越多。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 人之初,性本同;教不同,习相远。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 教育的目的是造就人,而不是培养律师、牧师、军人或教师,也不是培养农夫或工匠。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 有自控能力的人,才能算是有教育的

42、人;否则,一切其 它教育都毫无用处。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 急急忙忙把水注入瓶颈狭窄的容器,进入容器的水就很少;慢慢把水注入,每次少一点,容器就很快会注满。古罗马修辞学家和教师昆体良就是用这个比喻告诉我们,一下子想教会孩子很多东西是多么的愚蠢。 (对孩子的教育,拔苗助长是十分愚蠢的做法。 ) 【知识模块】 英译汉 12 【正确答案】 占有资料是知识,运用资料是智慧,选择资料是教育。知识不是力量,而是财富。像财富一样,知识也是有价值的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 13 【正确答案】 并 非所有有知识的人都是大学生,也并非所有的大学生都是有知识的。真正有知识的人应该有益于人类,有益

43、于自己的专业或行业,有益于自己。 【知识模块】 英译汉 14 【正确答案】 只有接受教育,才会因自己知识的欠缺而感到不满;只有从事教学,才会因自己知识的不足而感到不安。 【知识模块】 英译汉 15 【正确答案】 只有当大学的一个系能独立自主地决定自己的成员,才算是真正取得了专业团体的地位;而衡量每个教师完成系里工作的标准是:教学、科研和对社会的服务。 【知识模块】 英译汉 16 【正确 答案】 如今,美国 3000多所大学几乎全都实行学分制,包括以职业培训为主的社区大学和以科研为主的大学。在美国,作为组织高等教育的标准形式,学分制得到了广泛的认可。 【知识模块】 英译汉 17 【正确答案】 二

44、次大战以来博士后教育已经取得了重要的进展,尤其在自然科学的领域中。根据美国国家研究委员会的定义,博士后研究是一种临时性的职位,“旨在提供继续教育和增加研究经验的机会,通常应在资深导师的指导下进行工作,虽然这并非是必要的条件。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 18 【正确答案】 俄亥俄州都柏林 的网上电脑图书馆中心 (OCLC),在图书编目和书目控制方面世界领先。 1971年,该中心开始了一项以 “世界猫 ”而闻名的计划。30年来, “世界猫 ”已成为全球最先进的书目数据库之一,并为全世界的图书馆广泛采用。 【知识模块】 英译汉 19 【正确答案】 在美国,大学辩论是一项重要的教育事业。该项辩论由 8

45、00多所大学发起,由一些荣誉社团认可,并得到州和全国的辩论学教师团资助。这种大学辩论通常在州内和各州之间进行。 【知识模块】 英译汉 20 【正确答案】 电子会议论坛为学生与学生、学生与导师或与 任何进入论坛的人士相互交流提供了一种机会。这样的相互交流可以不必同时进行,也就是说,讨论者不必同时在线。 【知识模块】 英译汉 21 【正确答案】 美国教育质量为本 公立学校 在美国,城里的学校、郊区的学校或农村的学校都差不多。在全国各地的公立学校,同一年级教同样的课程。大部分学校的建筑看上去也一样,里面房间的式样也没有多大差别。 学校里一般都有一个健身房,在里面可打篮球和做各种其他运动。此外,还有食

46、堂、图书馆和礼堂;在礼堂里,可以举行全体师生大会。许多学校还有音乐教室,学 校的乐队可在里面排练。另外还有电脑房,学生可在里面打字和使用电脑。一般学校还有工场间,学生可以学做油漆工、木工或金工等各种工艺活。不管在哪里,美国大部分公立学校都必须具备这些基础设施。 每个学校都服务于一个社区。当然,社区之间是有差别的。在有些社区,家长对孩子在学校里的活动比较关心,他们会为学校花点时间,提些建议,甚至还会送些礼物给学校。 所有这些,都是美国好学校所必须具备的条件。一般来说,社区是否富有,学校是否在城里、郊区或乡下,这些都没有什么关系。重要的是,社区对学校是否关心。学校也尽量吸引 社区里学生的兴趣。学校

47、经常组织孩子去参观消防站、警察局、报社办公室或其他机构。 在有些学校,学生为自己的社区办报纸。年龄大一点的学生也为社区打扫卫生。他们也为别人洗车,赚来的钱帮助社区里的老人和病人。 学生也能学到有关美国生活方式的知识,这种学习往往从社区开始。 私立学校 私立学校并不一定比公立学校好,但上私立学校肯定比上公立学校贵。公立学校的办学经费用的是每一个公民纳税的钱,而私立学校却不是这样。家长如果想把自己的孩子送到私立学校去念书,他们就得自己付钱。 即使家长有钱付学费 ,私立学校也不一定非得把孩子收下来。大部分的私立学校一般都只收学习成绩较好而又遵守纪律的学生。有的私立学校只收男生,而有的私立学校又只收女

48、生。与公立学校相比,私立学校每个班的人数要少些,学生也能遵守课堂纪律。这样,学生在学校里就能学到更多的知识。 公立学校不设宗教课程。所以,有些家长就把自己的孩子送到私立的教会学校去上学。这类教会学校一般都属于某个教派,在学校里,他们就给学生上自己教派的宗教课程。当然,其他学校教的所有的课程,教会学校也都得教。 许多私立学校的学生都得穿式样统一的校服。在公立学校 ,学生爱穿什么就可穿什么。他们往往穿着艳丽的衣服和网球鞋;有时,学生们也会搞些新花样,很快就成为流行的时装。 在美国,只有 17的孩子上私立学校。大部分家长更喜欢公立学校。他们让自己的孩子上公立学校,因为公立学校的气氛更自由,并且面向大

49、众。家长希望自己的孩子能与不同种族和不同家庭出生的孩子交朋友,也希望他们能接触具有不同才能和不同兴趣的伙伴。 【知识模块】 英译汉 22 【正确答案】 英国的教育制度 在全世界,人们只要一提到英国的教育,就会想起一幅 “私立的贵族学校 ”的图景,尤其是 能使人想到一些著名的学校 伊顿公学、牛津大学和剑桥大学;但一般人其实并不了解这些学校在整个英国的教育体制中究竟占有什么样的地位。全英国的大学生人数大约有 25万多,但牛津大学和剑桥大学才各有一万两千左右的学生。伊顿公学是一所贵族化的私立学校,也是最好的一所 “公学 ”。尽管其名称是“公学 ”,却根本不是 “公立学校 ”,而是一所独立的私立中学,只招收 13一 18岁的男生。实际上, “公学 ”只占整个中学教育体系中很小的一部分。大约 40个男生中,只有一个能进 “公学 ”学习, 1500个男生中,只有一个能上伊顿公学。 除了所 谓的 “公学 ”之外,还有一种完整的公立中小学教育体系;一般来说,这种公立中小学的教育体系,在形式上与其他国家基本相同。法律规定,所有 516岁的孩子必须接受全日制教育。任何孩子都可到政府资助的公立学校学习,学费全免。大多数孩子都上公立学校读书。他们可以免费上学一直到 18岁。在全面介绍英国的教育状况时,主要应该着重介绍公立体制,关于私立的 “公学


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