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1、考博英语模拟试卷 108及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 His parents gave many expensive toys as a kind of _ for his lameness and inability to play active games. ( A) remedy ( B) compensation ( C) treatment ( D) comfort 2 The meal was excellent; the sour-pepper soup was particularly _. ( A) addicted ( B) de

2、licious ( C) tasteful ( D) desirable 3 This man is _ to wine. ( A) addicted ( B) predicted ( C) dictated ( D) evicted 4 That battered old hat of his is a _ joke to all his friends. ( A) steady ( B) standing ( C) persisting ( D) stable 5 Dominic, the most _ pupil in class, will go to Harvard to study

3、 this September. ( A) indigenous ( B) indiscreet ( C) indulgent ( D) industrious 6 Mr. Morton gradually _ a knowledge of the subject. ( A) attained ( B) required ( C) acquired ( D) enquired 7 We must try to use our intellect _. ( A) to the greatest advantage ( B) for the most details ( C) by the rar

4、est chance ( D) of the greatest significance 8 I decided to get in touch with him _ after I received his letter. ( A) promptly ( B) quickly ( C) hastily ( D) urgently 9 I would like to get another table like this one, but the company that made it is out of _. ( A) order ( B) business ( C) practice (

5、 D) style 10 When you get excited, try to hold yourself _. ( A) up ( B) down ( C) off ( D) in 11 She was extremely lucky; when her great-uncle died, she _ a fortune. ( A) came by ( B) came over ( C) came into ( D) came about 12 Born of the same parents, he beam no _ his brothers. ( A) traits with (

6、B) resemblances to ( C) personalities between ( D) characters among 13 Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable _ to total cost of the product. ( A) relationship ( B) match ( C) measure ( D) proportion 14 Its an offer that you wont get again, so I would _ it if I were you. ( A) relate to ( B) c

7、ount on ( C) accept of ( D) jump at 15 The mountainous areas of the country are _ populated. ( A) infrequently ( B) sparsely ( C) slightly ( D) loosely 16 If profit and money are your first _, and commitment to people your least concern, you have failed education. ( A) potentiality ( B) priority ( C

8、) superiority ( D) responsibility 17 In almost all chemical-process plants, heat is _ by burning of fossil fuels-coal, oil, or natural gas. ( A) transformed ( B) conducted ( C) transferred ( D) generated 18 Many of the students have a grasp of the main structures, a reasonable vocabulary and a(n) _

9、idea of how to pronounce most words they come across. ( A) faint ( B) vague ( C) obscure ( D) rough 19 Our country was founded on the lofty principles of freedom and justice for all. Our lofty principles ought to be _. ( A) faced up to ( B) looked up to ( C) lived up to ( D) made up to 20 Human faci

10、al expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be _ controlled and modified. ( A) deliberately ( B) delicately ( C) definitely ( D) defectively 二、 Reading Comprehension 20 The man who invented Coca-Cola was not a native Atlantan, but on the day of his funeral every drugs

11、tore in town testimonially shut up shop. He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty miles away. Sometimes known as Doctor, Pemberton was a pharmacist who, during the Civil War, led a cavalry troop under General Joe Wheeler. He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began b

12、rewing such patent medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup. In 1885, he registered a trademark for something called French Wine Coca Ideal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant; a few months later he formed the Pemherton Chemical Company, and recruited the services of a bookkeeper named

13、 Frank M. Robinson, who not only had a good head for figures but, attached to it, so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition of a batch of syrup merely by sniffling it. In 1886, a year in which, as contemporary Coca-Cola officials like to point out, Conan Doyle unveiled Sherlock Holme

14、s and France unveiled the Statue of Liberty-Pemberton unveiled a syrup that he called Coca-Cola. It was a modification of his French Wine Coca. He had taken out the wine and added a pinch of caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some extract of cola nut and a few other oils

15、, blending the mixture in a three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar. He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson, with his flowing bookkeepers script, presently devised a label, on which “Coca-Cola“ was written in the fashion that is still

16、 employed. Pemberton looked upon his mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure, especially for people whose headache could be traced to over-indulgence. On a morning late in 1886, one such victim of the night before dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a dollop of Coca

17、-Cola. Druggists customarily stirred a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water, but in this instance the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the fresh-water tap, a couple of feet off. Instead, he mixed the syrup with some soda water, which was closer at hand. The suffering customer perked up almo

18、st at once, and word quickly spread that the best Coca-Cola was a fizzy one. 21 What does the passage tell us about John Styth Pemberton? ( A) He was highly respected by Atlantans. ( B) He ran a drug store that also sells wine. ( C) He had been a doctor until the Civil War. ( D) He made a lot of mon

19、ey with his pharmacy. 22 Which of the following was unique to Frank M. Robinson, working with the Pembertons Company? ( A) Skills to make French wine. ( B) Talent for drawing pictures. ( C) An acute sense of smell. ( D) Ability to work with numbers. 23 Why was the year 1886 so special to Pemberton?

20、( A) He took to doing a job like Sherlock Holmess. ( B) He brought a quite profitable product into being. ( C) He observed the founding ceremony of Statue of Liberty. ( D) He was awarded by Coca-Cola for his contribution. 24 One modification made of French Wine Coca formula was _. ( A) used beer bot

21、tles were chosen as containers ( B) the amount of caffeine in it was increased ( C) it was blended with oils instead of water ( D) Cola nut extract was added to taste 25 According to the passage, Coca-cola was in the first place prepared especially for _. ( A) the young as a soft drink ( B) a replac

22、ement of French Wine Coca ( C) the relief of a hangover ( D) a cure for the common headache 26 The last paragraph mainly tells _. ( A) the complaint against the lazy shop-assistant ( B) a real test of Coca-Cola as a headache cure ( C) the mediocre service of the drugstore ( D) a happy accident that

23、gave birth to Coca-Cola 26 Between 1833 and 1837, the publishers of a “penny press“ proved that a low-priced paper, edited to interest ordinary people, could win what amounted to a mass circulation for the times and thereby attract an advertising volume that would make it independent. These were pap

24、ers for the common citizen and were not tied to the interests of the business community, like the mercantile press, or dependent for financial support upon political party allegiance. It did not necessarily follow that all the penny papers would be superior in their handling of the news and opinion

25、functions. But the door was open for some to make important journalistic advances. The first offerings of a penny paper tended to be highly sensational; human interest stories overshadowed important news, and crime and sex stories were written in full detail. But as the penny paper attracted readers

26、 from various social and economic brackets, its sensationalism was modified. The ordinary reader came to want a better product, too. A popularized style of writing and presentation of news remained, but the penny paper became a respectable publication that offered significant information and editori

27、al leadership. Once the first of the successful penny papers had shown the way, later ventures could enter the competition at the higher level of journalistic responsibility the pioneering papers had reached. This was the pattern of American newspapers in the years following the founding of the New

28、York Sun in 1833. The Sun, published by Benjamin Day, entered the lists against 11 other dailies. It was tiny in comparison; but it was bright and readable, and it preferred human interest features to important but dull political speech reports. It had a police reporter writing squibs of crime news

29、in the style already proved successful by some other papers. And, most important, it sold for a penny, whereas its competitors sold for six cents. By 1837 the Sun was was more than the total of all 11 New York daily newspapers combined when the Sun first appeared. In those same four years James Gord

30、on Bennett brought out his New York Herald (1835), and a trio of New York printers who were imitating Days success founded the Philadelphia Public Ledger (1836) and the Baltimore Sun (1837). The four penny sheets all became famed newspapers. 27 What does the first paragraph say shout the “penny pres

31、s“? ( A) It was known for its in-depth news reporting. ( B) It had an involvement with some political parties. ( C) It depended on the business community for survival. ( D) It aimed at pleasing the general public. 28 In its early days, a penny paper often _. ( A) paid much attention to political iss

32、ues ( B) provided stories that hit the public taste ( C) offered penetrating editorials on various issues ( D) covered important news with inaccuracy 29 As the readership was growing more diverse, the penny paper _. ( A) improved its content ( B) changed its writing style ( C) developed a more sensa

33、tional style ( D) became a tool for political parties 30 The underlined word “ventures“ in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by _. ( A) editors ( B) reporters ( C) newspapers ( D) companies 31 What is true about the Philadelphia Public Ledger and the Baltimore Sun? ( A) They turned out to be failures

34、. ( B) They were later purchased by James Gordon Bennett. ( C) They were also founded by Benjamin Day. ( D) They became well-known newspapers in the U. S. 32 This passage is probably taken from a book on _. ( A) the work ethics of the American media ( B) the techniques in news reporting ( C) the his

35、tory of sensationalism in American media ( D) the impact of mass media on American society 32 Forget what Virginia Woolf said about What a writer needs-a room of ones own. The writer she had in mind wasnt at work on a novel in cyberspace, one with multiple hypertexts, animated graphics and downloads

36、 of trancey, chiming music. For that you also need graphic interfaces, ReslPlayer and maybe even a computer laboratory at Brown University. That was where Mark Amerika his legally adopted name; dont ask him about his birth name-composed much of his novel Grammatron. But Grammatron isnt just a story.

37、 Its an online narrative (grammatron. com) that uses the capabilities of cyberspace to tie the conventional story line into complicated knots. In the four years it took to produce it was completed in 1997 each new advance in computer software became another potential story device. “I became sort of

38、dependent on the industry“, jokes Amerika, who is also the author of two novels printed on paper.“ Thats unusual for a writer, because if you just write on paper the“ technology is pretty stable.“ Nothing about Grammatron is stable. At its center, if there is one, is Abe Golam, the inventor of Nanos

39、cript, a quasi-mystical computer code that some unmystical corporations are itching to acquire. For much of the story, Abe wanders through Prague-23, a virtual “city“ in cyberspace where visitors indulge in fantasy encounters and virtual sex, which can get fairly graphic. The reader wanders too, bec

40、ause most of Grammatrons 1,000-plus text screens contain several passages in hypertext. To reach the next screen, just double-click. But each of those hypertexts is a trapdoor that can plunge you down a different pathway of the story. Choose one and you drop into a corporate- strategy memo, Choose a

41、nother and theres a XXX- rated sexual rant. The story you read is in some sense the story you make. Amerika teaches digital art at the University of Colorado, where his students develop works that straddle the lines between art, film and literature. “I tell them not to get caught up in mere plot,“ h

42、e says. Some avant-garde writers Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino-have also experimented with novels that wander out of their authors control. “But what makes the Net so exciting,“ says Amerika, “is that you can add sound, randomly generated links, 3-D modeling, animation.“ That room of ones own is tur

43、ning into a fun house. 33 The passage is mainly to tell _. ( A) differences between conventional and modern novels ( B) how Mark Amerika composed his novel Grammatron ( C) common features of all modern electronic novels ( D) why Mark Amerika took on a new way of writing 34 Why does the author ask th

44、e reader to forget what Virginia Woolf said about the necessities of a writer? ( A) Modern writers can share rooms to do the writing. ( B) It is not necessarily that a writer writes inside a room. ( C) Modern writers will get nowhere without a word processor. ( D) It is no longer sufficient for the

45、writing in cyberspace. 35 As an on-line narrative, Grammatron is anything but stable because it _. ( A) provides potentials for the story development ( B) is one of the novels at (grammatron. com) ( C) can be downloaded free of charge ( D) boasts of the best among Cyber stories 36 By saying that he

46、became sort of dependent on the industry, Mark Amerika meant that _. ( A) he could not help but set his Grammatron and others in Industrial Revolution ( B) conventional writers had been increasingly challenged by high technology ( C) much of his Grammatron had proved to be cybernetic dependent ( D)

47、he couldnt care less about new advance in computer software 37 As the passage shows, Grammatron makes it possible for readers to _. ( A) adapt the story for a video version ( B) walk in the story and interact with it ( C) develop the plots within the authors control ( D) steal the show and become th

48、e main character 38 Amerika told his students not to _. ( A) immerse themselves only in creating the plot ( B) be captivated by the plot alone while reading ( C) be lagged far behind in the plot development ( D) let their plot get lost in the on-going story 38 In 1993, a mall security camera capture

49、d a shaky image of two 10-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of a Liverpool, England, shopping center. The boys lured Jarfies Bulger, away from his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town. The excursion ended at a railroad track. There, inexplicably, the older boys tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and pummeling him to death with bricks before


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