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1、考博英语模拟试卷 194及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 The bed has been _ in the family. It was my great-grandmothers originally. ( A) handed out ( B) handed over ( C) handed down ( D) handed round 2 His lack of a college degree is a definite _. Otherwise he would get a better job. ( A) advantage ( B) fai

2、lure ( C) benefit ( D) handicap 3 There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _ with its surroundings. ( A) coincidence ( B) harmony ( C) uniform ( D) alliance 4 When Graham didnt come home from school, we were very worded about him. But fortunately he came to no _. ( A) i

3、njury ( B) hurt ( C) harm ( D) damage 5 We should always keep in mind that _ decisions often lead to bitter regrets. ( A) urgent ( B) hasty ( C) instant ( D) prompt 6 If you want to get into that tunnel, you have to _ away all the rocks. ( A) repel ( B) haul ( C) transfer ( D) dispose 7 Though her p

4、arents _ her musical ability, Jerrilous piano playing is really terrible. ( A) pour scorn on ( B) heap praise upon ( C) give vent to ( D) cast light upon 8 His career was not noticeably _ by the fact that he had never been to college. ( A) prevented ( B) restrained ( C) hindered ( D) refrained 9 Dur

5、ing the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to _ building materials to the upper floors. ( A) toss ( B) tow ( C) hoist ( D) hurl 10 Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of _ grouping is advisable. ( A) homogeneous ( B) in

6、stantaneous ( C) spontaneous ( D) anonymous 11 While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded _ the nurse Florence Nightingale. ( A) in line with ( B) in favour of ( C) in honour of ( D) in place of 12 Three weeks after the suicidal bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for th

7、ey believe more were _. ( A) on the verge ( B) on the sly ( C) on the spot ( D) on the loose 13 I was deeply impressed by the hostess _ and enjoyed the dinner party very much. ( A) hostility ( B) indignation ( C) hospitality ( D) humanity 14 All that day nay father was in _ as he had lost his wallet

8、. ( A) great anxiety ( B) ambition ( C) ill humour ( D) hospitality 15 The theory of the origin of the universe is just _ and lacks proof. ( A) spontaneous ( B) hypothetical ( C) intuitive ( D) empirical 16 The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been _

9、. ( A) identified ( B) guaranteed ( C) notified ( D) conveyed 17 When people become unemployed, it is _ which is often worse than lack of wages. ( A) laziness ( B) poverty ( C) idleness ( D) inability 18 Gasoline is _ by the spark plugs in the engine. ( A) ignited ( B) inspired ( C) excited ( D) ill

10、uminated 19 He gradually _ that his wife was right and he had to change his way of living. ( A) explored ( B) repelled ( C) simplified ( D) perceived 20 The greatest truths are perhaps those which, being simple in themselves, _ a large and complex body of knowledge. ( A) enlighten ( B) illustrate (

11、C) lighten ( D) illuminate 21 We most look beyond _ and assumption and try to discover what is missing. ( A) justifications ( B) illusions ( C) manifestations ( D) specifications 22 The magician made us think he cut the girl into pieces, but it was merely an _. ( A) illusion ( B) impression ( C) ima

12、ge ( D) illumination 23 She is a very _ student. Shes always talking about traveling to outer space. ( A) imaginary ( B) imaginative ( C) imaginable ( D) imagining 24 The entire family is _ in scientific research. ( A) dipped ( B) immersed ( C) saturated ( D) submerged 25 Dried vegetables are easy t

13、o use if you remember to _ them overnight. ( A) plunge ( B) soak ( C) put ( D) immerse 26 Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists. ( A) motivation ( B) perspective ( C) impression ( D) impact 27 Military order

14、s are _ and cannot be disobeyed. ( A) defective ( B) conservative ( C) alternative ( D) imperative 28 A plow is a farm _ used to break the soil before seeds are planted. ( A) instrument ( B) appliance ( C) device ( D) implement 29 I hope you are not _ that I obtained this money dishonestly. ( A) imp

15、lying ( B) involving ( C) deducing ( D) denoting 30 To call the music of another music-culture “primitive“ is _ ones own standards on a group that does not recognize them. ( A) putting ( B) emphasizing ( C) forcing ( D) imposing 31 The place did not appear to be popular, for it was completely desert

16、ed, and in any case _ to traffic. ( A) inadequate ( B) inaccessible ( C) incompatible ( D) insignificant 32 A budget of five dollars a day is totally _ for a trip round Europe. ( A) inadequate ( B) incapable ( C) incompatible ( D) invalid 33 I must go now. _, if you want that book Ill bring it next

17、time. ( A) incidentally ( B) accidentally ( C) occasionally ( D) subsequently 34 Being impatient is _ with being a good teacher. ( A) intrinsic ( B) ingenious ( C) incompatible ( D) inherent 35 The international situation has been growing _ difficult for the last few years. ( A) invariably ( B) pres

18、umably ( C) increasingly ( D) dominantly 36 Vostok is close to the coldest spot in the world, where an _ minus 128.6F was recorded in 1983. ( A) unreliable ( B) extra ( C) incredible ( D) impossible 37 I didnt say anything like that at all. You are _ purposely my ideas to prove your point. ( A) revi

19、sing ( B) contradicting ( C) distorting ( D) distracting 38 Please do not be _ by his had manners since he is merely trying to attract attention. ( A) disgusted ( B) embarrassed ( C) irritated ( D) shocked 39 These experiments all _ that a liquid exerts an upward force on any object placed in it. (

20、A) indicate ( B) suggest ( C) mean ( D) imply 40 All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor, _ of their multicultural communities. ( A) noticeable ( B) indicative ( C) conspicuous ( D) implicit 二、 Cloze 40 Human beings are animals. We breathe, cat end digest, and rep

21、roduce-the same life【 71】 common to all animals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans seem very much the same. However, biological understanding is not enough:【 72】 itself, it can never tell us what human beings are.【 73】 to our physical equipment the naked human body we are not an【

22、 74】 animal. We are tropical creatures,【 75】 hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical【 76】 , our species seems a poor【 77】 for surv

23、ival. But we have survived survived and multiplied and【 78】 the earth. Some day we will have a【 79】 living on the moon, a place with neither air nor water and with temperatures that turn gases into solids. How can we have done all these things? Part of the answer is physical.【 80】 its limitations, o

24、ur physical equipment has some important【 81】 . We have excellent vision and hands that can【 82】 objects with a precision unmatched by any other【 83】 . Most importantly, we have a large brain with an almost【 84】 number of neural【 85】 . We have used this physical equipment to create culture, the key

25、to our survival and success. If we live in the Arctic. we supply the warmth our tropical bodies need【 86】clothing, shelter, and【 87】 heat. If a million people want to live in a desert that supplies natural food for only a few hundred, we find water to grow food and【 88】 deficits by transporting supp

26、lies from distant places. Inhabitants of our eventual moon colony will bring their own food and oxygen and then create an artificial earth environment to supply necessities. With culture, we can overcome our natural limitations. It was not always【 89】 . 0ur distant ancestors were just animals, faced

27、 with the limits of their physical equipment. They had no【 90】 and lacked the physical capacity to use it. ( A) processes ( B) acts ( C) modes. ( D) procedures ( A) on ( B) with ( C) for ( D) by ( A) Stripped ( B) Pared ( C) Peeled ( D) Removed ( A) intelligent ( B) impressive ( C) influential ( D)

28、incentive ( A) barely ( B) hardly ( C) nearly ( D) scarcely ( A) meaning ( B) judgement ( C) perspective ( D) sense ( A) bet ( B) chance ( C) fact ( D) luck ( A) filled ( B) loaded ( C) stuffed ( D) scattered ( A) residence ( B) colony ( C) home ( D) empire ( A) Apart from ( B) With regard to ( C) W

29、ith the exception of ( D) In spite of ( A) abilities ( B) qualities ( C) powers ( D) possibilities ( A) maneuver ( B) manage ( C) manipulate ( D) manufacture ( A) animal ( B) animals ( C) skill ( D) skills ( A) infinite ( B) unknown ( C) boundless ( D) ceaseless ( A) connections ( B) relations ( C)

30、activities ( D) accesses ( A) for ( B) to ( C) with ( D) by ( A) artificial ( B) fake ( C) unreal ( D) unauthentic ( A) add up ( B) breakup ( C) makeup ( D) cutup ( A) this ( B) thus ( C) hence ( D) that ( A) intellect ( B) equipment ( C) competence ( D) culture 三、 Reading Comprehension 60 There are

31、 several different methods that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses depends upon the experience of the forecaster, the amount of information available to the forecaster, the level of difficulty that the forecast situation presents, and the degree of accuracy or confiden

32、ce needed in the forecast. The first of these methods is the persistence method; the simplest way of producing a forecast. The persistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not Change. For example, if it is sunny and 87 degrees today, the persistence method predicts

33、 that it will be sunny and 87 degrees tomorrow. If two inches of rain fell today, the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow. However, if weather conditions change significantly from day to day, the persistence method usually breaks down and is not the best forecasting meth

34、od to use. The trends method involves determining the speed and direction of movement for fronts, high and. low pressure centers, and areas of clouds and precipitation. Using this information, the forecaster can predict where he or she expects those features to be at some future time. For example, i

35、f a storm system is 1,000 miles west of your location and moving to the east at 250 miles per day, using the trends method you would predict it to arrive in your area in 4 days. The trends method works well when systems continue to move at the same speed in the same direction for a long period of ti

36、me. If they slow down, speed up, change intensity, or change direction, the trends forecast will probably not work as well. The climatology method is another simple way of producing a forecast. This method involves averaging weather statistics accumulated over many years to make the forecast. For ex

37、ample, if you were using the climatology method to predict the weather for New York City on July 4th, you would go through all the weather data that has been recorded for every July 4th and take an average. The climatology method only works well when the weather pattern is similar to that expected f

38、or the chosen time of year. If the pattern is quite unusual for the given time of year, the climatology method will often fail. The analog method is a slightly more complicated method of producing a forecast. It involves examining todays forecast scenario and remembering a day in the past when the w

39、eather scenario looked very similar (an analog). The forecaster would predict that the weather in this forecast will behave the same as it did in the past. The analog method is difficult to use because it is virtually impossible to find a perfect analog. Various weather features rarely align themsel

40、ves in the same locations they were in the previous time. Even small differences between the current time and the analog can lead to very different results. 61 What factor is NOT mentioned in choosing a forecasting method? ( A) Imagination of the forecaster. ( B) Necessary amount of information. ( C

41、) Practical knowledge of the forecaster. ( D) Degree of difficulty involved in forecasting. 62 Persistence method will work well _ ( A) if weather conditions change greatly from day to day. ( B) if weather conditions do not change much. ( C) on sunny days. ( D) on rainy days. 63 The limitation of th

42、e trends method is the same as the persistence method in that _ ( A) it makes predications about weather. ( B) it makes predications about precipitation. ( C) the weather features need to be well defined. ( D) the weather features need to be constant for a long period of time. 64 Which method may in

43、volve historical weather data? ( A) The trends method. ( B) The analog method. ( C) Both climatology method and analog method ( D) The trends method and the persistence method. 65 It will be impossible to make weather forecasts using the analog method _ ( A) when the current weather scenario differs

44、 from the analog. ( B) when the current weather scenario is the same as the analog. ( C) when the analog is over ten years old. ( D) when the analog is a simple repetition of the current weather scenario. 65 Swimmers can drown in busy swimming pools when lifeguards fail to notice that they are in tr

45、ouble. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents says that on average 15 people drown in British pools each year, but many more suffer major injury after getting into difficulties. Now a French company has developed an artificial intelligence system called Poseidon that sounds the alarm when

46、 it sees someone in danger of drowning. When a swimmer sinks towards the bottom of the pool, the new system sends an alarm signal to a poolside monitoring station and a lifeguards pager. In trials at a pool in Ancenis, near Nantes, it saved a life within just a few months, says Alistair McQuade, a s

47、pokesman for its manufacturer, Poseidon Technologies. Poseidon keeps watch through a network of underwater and overhead video cameras. AI software analyses the images to work out swimmers, trajectories. To do this reliably, it has to tell the difference between a swimmer and the shadow of someone be

48、ing cast onto the bottom or side of the pool. “The underwater environment is a very dynamic one, with many shadows and reflections dancing around.“ Says McQuade. The software does this by “projecting“ a shape in its field of view onto an image on the far wall of the pool. It does the same with an im

49、age from another camera viewing the shape from a different angle. If the two projections are in the same position, the shape is identified as a shadow and is ignored. But if they are different, the shape is a swimmer and so the system follows its trajectory. To pick out potential drowning victims, anyone in the water who starts to descend slowly is added to the


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