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1、考博英语模拟试卷 195及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 And the topic “fat“ is forbidden. Even the slightest paunch betrays that one is losing the trim and _ of youth. ( A) vague ( B) vigor ( C) vogue ( D) vulgar 2 All specialists agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully _ t

2、he risks and benefits. ( A) valuing ( B) evaluating ( C) estimating ( D) weighing 3 Chinese often shake my hand and dont let go. They talk away contentedly, _ of my discomfort and struggle to disengage my hand. ( A) oblivious ( B) patent ( C) obvious ( D) pernicious 4 The word “foolish“ is too mild

3、to describe your behavior. I would prefer the word _. ( A) ideological ( B) idyllic ( C) idiotic ( D) idiomatic 5 Because of its excellence in quality, for the last two years, Audi car has _ Germanys Touring Car Championship. ( A) conquered ( B) contested ( C) dominated ( D) determined 6 What we con

4、sider a luxury at one time frequently becomes a _; many families find that ownership of two cars is indispensable. ( A) fashion ( B) necessity ( C) proclivity ( D) nuisance 7 The chief editor thought he took some liberties with the original in translation. So it was necessary that he make the _ sugg

5、ested. ( A) alterations ( B) alternatives ( C) alternations ( D) altercations 8 Many well-educated people dont believe that _ will endanger freedom of speech. ( A) censership ( B) censureship ( C) sensorship ( D) censorship 9 The _ of “snake“ is simply this: a legless reptile with a long, thin body.

6、 ( A) connotation ( B) denomination ( C) donation ( D) denotation 10 When the opposing player fouled, John let his anger _ his good sense and hit the boy back. ( A) got the feel of ( B) got the hang of ( C) got the better of ( D) got the worst of 11 Although this book claims to be a biography of Geo

7、rge Washington, many of the incidents are imaginary. ( A) fascinating ( B) factitious ( C) fastidious ( D) fictitious 12 The trade fair is designed to facilitate further cooperation between Chinese auto industries and overseas auto industries. ( A) promote ( B) protect ( C) preserve ( D) prolong 13

8、He was concerned only with mundane matters, especially the daily stock market quotations. ( A) rational ( B) obscure ( C) worldly ( D) eminent 14 The earthquake that occurred in India this year was a major calamity in which a great man was lost. ( A) casualty ( B) catastrophe ( C) catalogue ( D) cru

9、sade 15 The doctors were worried because the patient did not recuperate as rapidly as they had expected. ( A) withdraw ( B) emerge ( C) recover ( D) uncover 16 The purchaser of this lorry is protected by the manufacturers warranty that he will replace any defective part for five years or 50,000 mile

10、s. ( A) prohibition ( B) insurance ( C) prophecy ( D) guarantee 17 The boy could not reconcilehimself to the failure. He did not believe that was his lot. ( A) submit ( B) commit ( C) transmit ( D) permit 18 In some cities of North China, the noise pollution is as pronounced as that in Tokyo. ( A) c

11、ontemptuous ( B) contagious ( C) conspicuous ( D) contemplated 19 Trivial breaches of regulations we can pass over, but more serious ones will have to be investigated. ( A) exceed ( B) wither ( C) overpass ( D) neglect 20 We were discussing the housing problem when a middle-aged man cut in and said,

12、 “Theres no point in talking about impossibilities.“ ( A) intersect ( B) interject ( C) penetrate ( D) adulterate 二、 Cloze 20 Motorways are, no doubt the safest roads in Britain. Mile【 21】 mile, vehicle for vehicle, you are much【 22】 likely to be killed or seriously injured than on an ordinary road.

13、 On【 23】 hand, if you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to【 24】 than in a comparable accident【 25】 on the roads. Motorways have no【 26】 bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and【 27】 speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is【 28

14、】 in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 mph limit applying in built up areas in Britain. Added to this is the fact that motorway drivers seem to like traveling in groups with perhaps【 29】 ten meters between each vehicle. The resulting horrific pile-ups【 30

15、】 one vehicle stops for some reason-mechanical failure, driver error and so on-have become all【 31】 familiar through pictures in newspapers or on television. How【 32】 of these drivers realize that it takes a car about one hundred meters to brake to a stop【 33】 70 mph? Drivers also seem to think that

16、 motorway driving gives them complete protection from the changing weather.【 34】 wet the road, whatever the visibility in mist or fog, they【 35】 at ridiculous speeds oblivious of police warnings or speed restrictions【 36】 their journey comes to a conclusion. Perhaps one remedy【 37】 this motorway mad

17、ness would be better driver education. At present, learner drivers are barred【 38】 motorways and are thus as far as this kind of driving is【 39】 , thrown in at the deep end. However, much more efficient policing is required,【 40】 it is the duty of the police not only to enforce the law but also to p

18、rotect the general public from its own foolishness. ( A) for ( B) after ( C) to ( D) by ( A) more ( B) far ( C) less ( D) lesser ( A) another ( B) other ( C) one ( D) the other ( A) come up ( B) occur ( C) be found ( D) arise ( A) everywhere ( B) elsewhere ( C) anywhere ( D) somewhere ( A) pointed (

19、 B) steep ( C) vertical ( D) sharp ( A) thus ( B) then ( C) so ( D) thereupon ( A) yet ( B) even ( C) still ( D) subsequently ( A) utterly ( B) simply ( C) barely ( D) purely ( A) because ( B) since ( C) when ( D) for ( A) too ( B) also ( C) unduly ( D) unreasonably. ( A) many ( B) much ( C) deeply

20、( D) profoundly ( A) to ( B) from ( C) at ( D) for ( A) Whatever ( B) However ( C) Whoever ( D) How ( A) push ( B) rake ( C) till ( D) plough ( A) unless ( B) before ( C) thus ( D) until ( A) to ( B) for ( C) of ( D) on ( A) from ( B) against ( C) away ( D) off ( A) related ( B) considered ( C) conc

21、erned ( D) touched ( A) but ( B) then ( C) them ( D) for 三、 Reading Comprehension 40 The next time the men were taken up onto the deck, Kunta made a point of looking at the man behind him in line, the one who lay beside him to the left when they were below. He was a Serer tribesman much older than K

22、unta, and his body, front and back, was creased with whip cuts, some of them so deep and festering that Kunta, felt badly for having wished sometimes that be might strike the man in the darkness for moaning so steadily in his pain. Staring back at Kunta, the Serers dark eyes were full of fury and de

23、fiance. A whip lashed out even as they stood looking at each other-this time at Kunta, spurring him to move ahead. Trying to roll away, Kunta was kicked heavily in his ribs. But somehow he and the gasping Wolof managed to stagger back up among the other men from their shelf who were shambling toward

24、 their dousing with bucked of seawater. A moment later, the stinging saltiness of it was burning in Kuntas wounds, and his screams joined those of others over the sound of the drum and the wheezing thing that had again begun marking time for the chained men to jump and dance for the toubob. Kunta an

25、d the Wolof were so weak from their new beating that twice they stumbled, but whip blows and kicks sent them hopping clumsily up and down in their chains. So great was his fury that Kunta was barely aware of the women singing “Toubob fa!“ And when he had finally been chained back down in his place i

26、n the dark hold, his heart throbbed with a lust to murder toubob. Every few days the eight naked toubob would again Come into the stinking darkness and scrape their tubs full of the excrement that had accumulated on the shelves where the chained men lay. Kunta would lie still with his eyes staring b

27、alefully in hatred, following the bobbing orange lights, listening to the toubob cursing and sometimes slipping and tailing into the slickness underfoot-so plentiful now, because of the increasing looseness of the mens bowels, that the filth had begun to drop off the edges of the shelves down into t

28、he aisleway. The last time they were on deck, Kunta had noticed a man limping on a badly infected leg. This time the man was kept up on deck when the rest were taken back below. A few days later, the women told the other prisoners in their singing that the mans leg had been cut off and that one of t

29、he women had been brought to tend him, but that the man had died that night and been thrown over the side. Starting then, when the toubob came to clean the shelves, they also dropped re that he would never give his consent to their marriage. Vowing that they would never be separated, the Indian maid

30、 and her lover walked hand in hand into the lake, as the dreary November sun cast long shadows on the land. They were followed by a group of orphan children whom Morning Star had befriended. All walked into the lake, singing the mournful death song of their people, while Tondo stood on the shore and

31、 cursed the lovers, cursed the blue water into which they all walked to their death. Ever since that day it would see that a jinx has been laid over Lake Ellsinore. Old-timers tell of a great upheaval in the lake which caused water to spout into the air like a geyser and turn blood-red. Later, it be

32、came known that three hundred springs of boiling mud and water were born in the valley during that upheaval. The springs reeked with sulphur. For many years after this phenomenon the lake remained peaceful. Then boats were overturned for an apparent reason, and few of their occupants ever returned t

33、o tell the story. This continued for several years. At the same time, strong swimmers dived into the lake never to reappear. In 1833 and again in 1846, fish in the lake suddenly died. In the spring of 1850 came the Battle of the Gnats. They bred in the water of the lake and swarmed over the land. Th

34、ey invaded the countryside until the harassed inhabitants called for help. And in July 1951, the sky-blue waters of the lake vanished like mist before a noonday sun. When the bottom was laid bare there was no trace of a volcano, the bottomless pits, or the other disturbances of legend or fact. The c

35、opious winter rains of 1951 1952 have replenished the lake. But what menace does its haunting beauty hold today? For tomorrow? The once mighty Sobobas are few now. But the old men swear that their ancestors still haunt the lake. They nod grizzled head and murmur that the Great Tondos curse will fore

36、ver remain upon the lake. Only Time, the wise and silent one, can tell. 51 Which of the following statements is true of Lake Ellsinore? ( A) It is considered by legend to be rich in gold. ( B) It was once famous as a beautiful resort. ( C) It is located in a volcanic crater in California. ( D) It us

37、ed to be the center of a mining village. 52 Probably Tondos rage was due to the fact that _. ( A) Morning Star was too young to marry ( B) Tondos tribe and Palos tribe were enemies ( C) Palo mistreated his Soboba girl friend ( D) Palo vowed meet Morning Star in secret 53 According to the old-timers,

38、 on two occasions _. ( A) the water of the lake turned red ( B) lake water sprouted into the air ( C) the Gnats invaded the countryside ( D) fish in the lake suddenly died 54 The word “jinx“ (Line , Para. 6) probably means _. ( A) spell of bad luck ( B) hot air current ( C) strange tranquility ( D)

39、storm of unusual duration 55 Which can be considered the best title for the passage? ( A) The Curse of Tondo. ( B) The Beautiful Lake Ellsinore. ( C) The Mysterious Indian Tribes. ( D) The Tragic Love of Morning Star. 55 The crucial years of the Depression, as they are brought into historical focus,

40、 increasingly emerge as the decisive decade for American art, if not for American culture in general. For it was during this decade that many of the conflicts which had blocked the progress of American art in the past came to a head and sometimes boiled over. Janus-faced, the thirties look backward,

41、 sometimes as far as the Renaissance; and at the same time forward, as far as the present and beyond. It was the moment when artists, like Thomas Hart Benton, who wished to turn back the clock to regain the virtues of simpler times came into direct conflict with others, like Stuart Davis and Frank L

42、loyd Wright, who were ready to come to terms with the Machine Age and to deal with its consequences. America in the thirties was changing rapidly. In many areas the past was giving way to the present, although not without a struggle. A Predominantly rural and small town society was being replaced by

43、 the giant complexes of the big cities; power was becoming increasingly centralized in the federal government and in large corporations. Many Americans, deeply attached to the old way of life, felt disinherited. At the same time, as immigration decreased and the population became more homogeneous, t

44、he need arose in art arid literature to commemorate the ethnic and regional differences that were fast disappearing. Thus, paradoxically, the conviction that art, at least, should serve some purpose or carry some message of moral uplift grew stronger as the Puritan ethos lost its contemporary realit

45、y. Often this elevating message was a sermon in favor of just those traditional American virtues, which were now threatened with obsolescence in a changed social and political context. In this new context, the appeal of the paintings by the regionalists and the American Scene painters often lay in t

46、heir ability to recreate an atmosphere that glorified the traditional American values-self-reliance tempered with good-neighborliness, independence modified by a sense of community, hard work rewarded by a sense of order and purpose. Given the actual temper of the times, these themes were strangely

47、anachronistic, just as the rhetoric supporting political isolationism was equally inappropriate in an international situation soon to involve America in a second world war. Such themes gained popularity because they filled a genome need for a comfortable collective fantasy of a God-fearing, white-pi

48、cketfence America, which in retrospect took on the nostalgic appeal of a lost Golden Age. In this light, an autonomous art-for-arts sake was viewed as a foreign invader liable to subvert the native American desire for a purposeful art. Abstract art was assigned the role of the villainous alien; real

49、ism was to personify the genuine American means of expression. The arguments drew favor in many camps: among the artists, because most were realists; among the politically oriented intellectuals, because abstract art was apolitical; and among museum officials, because they were surfeited with mediocre imitations of European modernism and were convinced that American art must develop its own distinct identity. To help along this road to self-definition, the museums were prepared to set up an artificial do


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