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1、考博英语模拟试卷 57及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 Brass concert music was_ to a new level in the 1880s when John Philip Sousa took over the U. S. Marine Band. ( A) strengthened ( B) headed ( C) lifted ( D) briefed 2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the U.S. President when many businesses were_ during the

2、 Great Depression. ( A) failing ( B) incorporating ( C) buying stocks ( D) expanding 3 Grand Teton National Park_ the most scenic portion of the glaciated, snow-covered Teton Range. ( A) excludes ( B) fulfils ( C) dominates ( D) expanding 4 Heat exhaustion is a condition caused by _to sunlight or an

3、other heat source which often results in dehydration and salt depletion. ( A) a reaction to ( B) overexposure ( C) a limitation of ( D) an absence of 5 Some authorities trace the jury system to Anglo Saxon or even more _Germanic times. ( A) remote ( B) similar ( C) austere ( D) barbaric 6 Hydrogeolo

4、gy is the study of water and its properties, including its _and movement in and through land areas. ( A) flow ( B) absorption ( C) distribution ( D) evaporation 7 A person s psychological_ has much to do with his or her happiness in life. ( A) state ( B) territory ( C) interest ( D) nation 8 Scienti

5、sts generally hold that language has been so long in use that the length of time writing is known to cover is_ in comparison. ( A) overwhelming ( B) uninspiring ( C) astounding ( D) trifling 9 The Lewis and Clark expedition _the ten Story of the Louisiana Purchase and beyond as far as the Pacific Oc

6、ean. ( A) located ( B) searched ( C) exploited ( D) developed 10 A loan refers to anything given on condition of its return or repayment of its _. ( A) excess ( B) debt ( C) currency ( D) equivalent 11 Malaria is all infectious parasitic disease that can be either acute or chronic and is frequent_.

7、( A) repeating ( B) terminal ( C) debilitating ( D) recurrent 12 Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun and its period of _is 88 days. ( A) movement ( B) evolution ( C) return ( D) revolution 13 Monkeys are excellent climbers, and most are_ tree dwellers. ( A) often ( B) primarily ( C) rarely ( D)

8、 savagely 14 The only safe way of distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms is to learn to _the individual species. ( A) identify ( B) classify ( C) isolate ( D) separate 15 Nepal is a country in central Asia that is landlocked and_ by the Himalayas. ( A) secluded ( B) bordered ( C) inte

9、grated ( D) opened 16 As a salesman, he works on a_ basis, taking 10% of everything lie sells. ( A) revenue ( B) commission ( C) salary ( D) pension 17 The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a _to maintain and develop good ties. ( A) score ( B) priority ( C) pledge (

10、 D) reward 18 The director of the research institute came in person to_ that everything was all fight. ( A) make out ( B) make sure ( C) make clear ( D) make up 19 Although the speaker was a well-known personality, his speech was poorly_. ( A) raised ( B) delivered ( C) lectured ( D) preached 20 Wou

11、ld you please bring me some catalogues? These are too old. ( A) modem ( B) fashionable ( C) up-to-date ( D) out-of-date 21 it is not considered _to pick one s teeth in public. ( A) respectful ( B) respected ( C) respectable ( D) respective 22 Beth could_ her coat easily because it has large red butt

12、ons. ( A) justify ( B) identify ( C) prove ( D) test 23 He was busy writing the essay all the morning, only _occasionally to have a cup of tea. ( A) breaking off ( B) breaking out ( C) breaking ( D) breaking away 24 The last guests to reach the hotel_ at 12 o clock at night. ( A) checked out ( B) ch

13、ecked up ( C) checked in ( D) checked on 25 Bill had been looking for his gloves for quite a while, which_ eventually under a cushion. ( A) turned up ( B) turned on ( C) turned down ( D) turned over 26 On hearing the news that her father died of a car accident, she _team. ( A) burst out ( B) burst i

14、n ( C) burst into ( D) burst forth 27 The electronic computer is _some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our own brains. ( A) taking care ( B) taking in ( C) taking off ( D) taking over 28 The picnic_ at last after being twice postponed. ( A) came off ( B) came up ( C) put on ( D) went on

15、29 He swallows his words so much that I can never _what he is saying. ( A) make out ( B) put up ( C) deal with ( D) take up 30 If you_ your influence, they may change their decision. ( A) compel ( B) exert ( C) expose ( D) vary 31 Do you have an afternoon _this week to meet the President? ( A) obtai

16、nable ( B) available ( C) visible ( D) reliable 32 He_ the job because it involved too much traveling. ( A) took up ( B) applied for ( C) turned down ( D) switched to 33 The media s _in the presidents private life switched the attention away from the real issues. ( A) capacity ( B) concentration ( C

17、) focus ( D) involvement 34 Juliet is not at work. She is taking a _until the end of this week. ( A) vocation ( B) vacation ( C) vacancy ( D) volume 35 In today s rapidly changing economy, opportunities _for those who are motivated and dedicated to achieving their career goals. ( A) abound ( B) refr

18、ain ( C) transcend ( D) uphold 36 His strange behavior confirmed his neighbors in their_ that he was guilty. ( A) suspicion ( B) doubt ( C) estimate ( D) imagination 37 Next week you d better bring all your questions here. We re going to have a question and-answer_. ( A) section ( B) service ( C) se

19、ssion ( D) course 38 This distinguished director _ the plot for the prizewinning film while he was still a college student. ( A) conceived ( B) constituted ( C) reflected ( D) calculated 39 The police have asked for the _of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the missing child. ( A) award ( B)

20、co-operation ( C) position ( D) helpfulness 40 He phoned his uncle who lived in the country, asking him to _his two schoolmates for the weekend. ( A) assemble ( B) accommodate ( C) raise ( D) resemble 二、 Reading Comprehension 40 You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe you v

21、e already done it but it wasnt very satisfying, and youd like to learn to do it better. I m talking, of course, about having a business lunch. Don t feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client. Most inexperienced,

22、overeager launchers believe the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and they re unsure how to mix the two. Don t worry! Business lunches aren t about either business or lunch, they re about building relationships. One of my business rules is “People d

23、o business with people they like.“ Often, it s not products, prices, or the company that makes the sale it s the person. Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to get to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working t

24、ogether easier. The single most important thing you can do at a business lunch even more important than picking up the tab is listen. You dont need a particular reason to ask someone to lunch, so dont wait until for a certain occasion or issue. Don t make it seem like lunch is going to be a sales ca

25、ll. Instead, try the straightforward approach. “We ve been doing business together for almost a year. I d like to take you to lunch and get to know you a little better.“ Or a little less straightforward, “I m often in your area, how about having lunch sometime?“ Have the other person suggest a place

26、 to cat “Is there a restaurant youve been wanting to try? Or if you have a limited budget, you choose a nice mid-priced restaurant. Forget MeDonald s. If you re thanking someone for an important order, take them to a really special, possibly new restaurant. If you did the inviting, you pick up the t

27、ab, even if your guest says, “I can put this on my company s credit card.“ But don t have a scene arguing over the cheek. You can just say, “You can get the next one.“ Some companies have policies that dont permit employees to be treated; in that ease, split the tab. 41 A business lunch can be viewe

28、d as successful if_. ( A) good relationship is established ( B) the client does not have to pay ( C) the client likes the food extremely ( D) business is touched upon during the lunch 42 According to the writer, one can offer to invite a client to lunch_. ( A) when there are sales to be dune ( B) wh

29、en the client feels hungry ( C) at an ordinary weekend ( D) on the clients birthday 43 Daring a business lunch it s important to_. ( A) make a deal with the client ( B) order nice, expensive food ( C) be a good listener ( D) inquire after the client s health 44 The following places might be good cho

30、ices for a business lunch EXCEPT_. ( A) nice, mid-priced restaurants ( B) fast food stores ( C) newly opened restaurants ( D) a restaurant that the client prefers 45 According to the passage, a successful businessman should know_. ( A) how to offer to pay for a business lunch ( B) what kind of food

31、is nice, yet inexpensive ( C) bow to make friends with clients ( D) which restaurants offer nice food 45 What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy. If the argument about the time scale for the appearance of life on Earth is correct, there ought to

32、be many other stars, whose planets have life, on them. Some of these stellar systems could have formed 5 billion years before the Earth. So why is the galaxy not crawling with self designing mechanical or biological life forms? Why hasnt the Earth been visited, and even colonized. I discount suggest

33、ions that UFOs contain beings from outer space. I think any visits by aliens would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant. What is the explanation of why we have not been visited? One possibility is that the argument about the appearance of life on Earth is wrong. Maybe the pr

34、obability of life spontaneously appearing is so low that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy, or in the observable universe, in which it happened. Another possibility is that there was a reasonable probability of forming self-reproducing system, like cells, but most of these forms of life did not

35、! evolve intelligence. A third possibility is that there is a reasonable probability for life to form, and to evolve to intelligent beings, in the external transmission phase. But at that point, the system becomes unstable, and the intelligent life destroys itself. This would be a very pessimistic c

36、onclusion. I very much hope it isn t true. I prefer a fourth possibility: there are other forums of intelligent life out there, but we have been overlooked. There used to be a project called SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It involved scanning the radio frequencies, to see if we

37、could pick up signals from alien civilizations. I thought this project was worth supporting, though it was cancelled due to a lack of funds. But we should have been wary of answering back, until we have developed a bit further. Meeting a more advanced civilization, at our present stage, might be a b

38、it like the original inhabitants of America meeting Columbus. I don t think they were better off for it. 46 The author thinks that_. ( A) it is impossible that we encounter some alien form of life ( B) life only exists on Earth ( C) it is likely that we ll encounter some alien form of life ( D) bein

39、gs from outer space will never visit the earth 47 What does the word “discount“ (Para. 1 ) most probably mean according to the context? ( A) Doubt ( B) Accept ( C) Discharge ( D) Disregard 48 Which of the following is NOT among the four possibilities of why we haven t been visited? ( A) Forms of lif

40、e on the other planets dont evolve to intelligent beings. ( B) Earth is the only planet that contains life in the universe. ( C) Life on the other planets destroys itself ( D) Beings from outer space are too far away from us. 49 In the author s eyes, the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence_. (

41、 A) is unnecessary ( B) should be supported ( C) is a waste of money ( D) has not been done appropriately 50 By comparison, the author considers that _. ( A) a more advanced civilization will destroy us if they visit us at present ( B) the original inhabitants of America were better off because of C

42、olumbus visit ( C) being visited by a more advanced civilization will do us good ( D) we wouldn t be better off even though we were visited by the beings from outer space at present 50 To broaden their voting appeal in the presidential election of 1796, the Federalists selected Thomas Pinckney, a le

43、ading South Carolinian, as framing mate for the New Englander John Adams. But Pinckney s Southern friends chose to ignore their party s intentions and regarded Pinckney as a presidential candidate, creating a political situation that Alexander Hamilton was determined to exploit. Hamilton had long be

44、en wary of Adams stubbornly independent brand of politics and preferred to see his running mate, over whom he could exert more control, in the Presidents chair. The election was held under the system originally established by the Constitution. At that time there was but a single tally, with the cand

45、idate receiving the largest number of electoral votes declared President and the candidate with the second largest number declared Vice-President. Hamilton anticipated that all the Federalists in the North would vote for Adams and Pinckney equally in an attempt to ensure that Jefferson would not be

46、either first or second in the voting. Pinckney would be solidly supported in the south while Adams, yet both Federalists would outpoll Jefferson. Various methods were used to persuade the electors to vote as Hamilton wished. In the press, anonymous articles were published attacking Adams for his mon

47、archial tendencies and Jefferson for being overly democratic, while pushing Pinckney as the only suitable candidate. In private correspondence with state party leaders the Hamiltonians encouraged the idea that Adams popularity was slipping, that he could not win the election, and that the Federalist

48、s could defeat Jefferson only by supporting Pinckney. Had sectional pride and loyalty not run as high in New England as in the deep south, Pinckney might well have become Washington s successor. New Englanders, however, realized that equal votes for Adams and Pinckney in their states would defeat Ad

49、ams, therefore, eighteen electors scratched Pinckney s name from their ballots and deliberately threw away their second votes to men who were not even running. It was fortunate for Adams that they did, for the electors from South Carolina completely abandoned him, giving eight votes to Pinckney and eight


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