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1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 18及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 John did not have to write the composition if he didnt want to. It was _. ( A) imperative ( B) optional ( C) critical ( D) unnecessary 2 The none of students in the class likes the mistress, who is used to being_ of everything they do.(2002年清华大

2、学考博试题 ) ( A) emotional ( B) optimistic ( C) interested ( D) critical 3 I cant understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.(2003年中国人民大学考博试题 ) ( A) compliment ( B) criticize ( C) flatter ( D) challenge 4 A narrow path_the stream to the other side of the park. ( A) j

3、oins ( B) crosses ( C) unites ( D) passes 5 In the week before Christmas, shoppers _ the stores. ( A) crammed ( B) stuffed ( C) crowded ( D) jammed 6 The decision was made at the_ moment when the countrys fate was at stake. ( A) optimum ( B) opportune ( C) crucial ( D) reckless 7 The_question in thi

4、s case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime ornot.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题 ) ( A) crucial ( B) forcible ( C) supreme ( D) valuable 8 Gasoline is processed from _ oil. ( A) crude ( B) raw ( C) rough ( D) tough 9 The liner is making a round-the-world _ this year. All the passengers are making th

5、e voyage for pleasure. ( A) voyage ( B) cruise ( C) journey ( D) excursion 10 Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when_in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.(2011年四川大学考博试题 ) ( A) gliding ( B) cruising ( C) piloting ( D) patroll

6、ing 11 The few remaining pockets of resistance were finally _ into submission by the ruthless methods of the conquering army. ( A) crashed ( B) crushed ( C) smashed ( D) defeated 12 When there were guests in the house, the deaf and dumb boy took his_from his parents so that he knew how to behave. (

7、A) instruction ( B) advice ( C) cue ( D) clue 13 How can you best _ in your students the speech habits of the English language? ( A) instill ( B) sustain ( C) cultivate ( D) inspire 14 No doctors could _ the patient of his strange disease. ( A) restore ( B) cure ( C) treat ( D) recover 15 The boy bu

8、rned with _ to know what was in the letter addressed to his sister. ( A) interest ( B) curiosity ( C) desire ( D) wish 16 The old woman is too _ about other peoples business. ( A) fond ( B) eager ( C) interested ( D) curious 17 I dont like my hair straight so I m going to have it_. ( A) sheared ( B)

9、 twisted ( C) deformed ( D) curled 18 David is the_ holder of the 5,000-meter race world record, but there is no guarantee that he will win in the Olympic Games. ( A) prevalent ( B) dominant ( C) current ( D) prominent 19 This subject is not included in the _ of the school. ( A) course ( B) discipli

10、ne ( C) curriculum ( D) outline 20 The wind blew hard. The waves _ the boat against the rocks. ( A) rushed ( B) dashed ( C) crashed ( D) crushed 21 It_ on Fred that he would fail the course if he did not study harder. ( A) dawned ( B) hit ( C) struck ( D) occurred 22 Its so cold outside that my fing

11、ers feel_. ( A) dead ( B) indifferent ( C) unaware ( D) unconscious 23 He is_to all requests tor help. ( A) dumb ( B) blind ( C) deaf ( D) uninterested 24 Congress was then in session, and a fierce _was going on over ratification of the treaty. ( A) debate ( B) discussion ( C) quarrel ( D) contentio

12、n 25 They had a fierce_as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.(2013年北京航空大学考博试题 ) ( A) debate ( B) clash ( C) disagreement ( D) contest 考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇 编 18答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 optional a.可作选择的,非强制的。 imperative a必要的,

13、极重要的;命令式的,必须做的。 critical a.决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评的,批判的。 unnecessary a.不必要的。 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本句说班里的学生没一个喜欢那位女老师,她惯于批评学生们所做的一切事。选项 “emotional情绪的,情感的; optimistic乐观的 ; interested感必趣的 ”都不对,只有 “critical批评的,苛刻的 ”符合句意,因此 D项正确。 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题中的 denounce的意思是 “公开指责,谴责 ”: criticize的意思是“批评,责备 ”,与之相符,如: His poli

14、cies were severely criticized (他的政策受到了严厉批评。 )其他三项 “compliment恭维,称赞; flatter奉承,过分夸赞:challenge挑战 ”都不正确。 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 cross v.穿过,越过; (使 )交叉, (使 )相交。 join vt. 加入,参加:连接,联合。 unite v.(使 )联合, (使 )结合, (使 )团结。 pass v.经过,穿过,通过。 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 crowd v.聚集,群集,拥挤 (如: They had managed to crowd into a train

15、The eager spectators crowded into the station Swimmers crowded the beaches )。 cram vt挤,塞:把 塞满。 stuff vt填装。 jam v.堵塞,挤满(注: crowd主要指人挤满,虽然也可指物: cram jam主要指物挤满,虽然也可指人 )。 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的 (the crucial test question; at the crucial moment)。 optimum a.最合适的,最优的,最佳的。 opportune a.适当的,适时

16、的。 reckless a.鲁莽的,不顾后果的。 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题的空格处足说这个案子的关键问题。 A项的 “crucial关键的 ”符合题意,如: at the crucial moment(在关键时刻、重要关头 )。其他三项 “forcible强制的,暴力的,有说服力的; supreme极度的,极大的,最高的, valuable贵重的,有价值的 ”都不正确。 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 crude a.天然的,未加工的 (crude oil; crude sugar; crude salt; crude materials)(crude的另外 两个四级意思是

17、: “简陋的,粗糙的;粗鲁的,粗俗的 ”: a crude shelter in the forest; a crude drawing; a crude theory; crude people; crude behavior)。 raw a.未加工过的;未煮过的,生的:未经训练的,没有经验的。 rough a. 粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;粗略的,大致的。 tough a.(食物等 )老的,难嚼的; (人 )强壮的,坚强的:能吃苦耐劳的;困难的,艰苦的。 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 cruise n.航行,航游。 voyage n.航海,航行,旅行。 journey n.(一般指陆地上

18、的长途 )旅行,行程。 excursion n.远足,短途旅行, (集体 )游览。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在给出的选项中: gliding“滑动,滑翔 ”; cruising“巡航,航行 ”;piloting“引航,领航 ”; patrolling“巡逻,巡查 ”。根据句意和各个选项的意思可知,正确答案是 B。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 crush vt.镇压,压倒;压碎,碾碎 (如: The army quickly crushed the uprising The military government has successfully crushed all

19、opposition Our hopes have been crushed To make wine you first crush grapes )。 crash vt坠落,坠毁;碰撞。 smash vt.打碎,粉碎;推翻:猛力冲击。 defeat vt打败,击败,战胜;挫败,使落空。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 cue n.提示;暗示,信号 (take ones cue from sb学 的样;听 的劝告; follow sb.s cue按某人的指点行事; on cue恰在这个时候 )。instructions n.(pl.)命令,指示,用法说明。 advice n劝告,意见。

20、 clue(to)n.线索,提示 (注: instruction和 advice均是通过口授的方式给予劝告或指示,而一个聋哑的孩子是不会知道他父母在说什么的,因此只能是 take his cue from his parents才是正确答案 )。 13 【正 确答案】 C 【试题解析】 cultivate(in)vt.培养,养成,陶冶 (精神、习惯、情操等 ):耕作,种植 (to cultivate the habit of+动词 ing形式; cultivate ones mind by reading books;cultivate a love of art)。 instill(into

21、)vt逐渐灌输 (思想 )。 sustain vt保持,使 持续不息;支持;维持 (生命 )。 inspire vt.鼓舞,激励;给 以灵感。 14 【正确答案】 B 【 试题解析】 cure vt治愈,治好;消除,改正 (坏毛病 )(句型: cure sb为某人治好病; cure an illness治好病: cure sb of an illness治好某人的病: cure sb. of a bad habit使某人改掉坏习惯 )。 restore vt归还,交还;恢复,修复。 treat vt.治疗,医治 (句型: treat sb为某人治病; treat an illness治病; t

22、reat sb. for an illness为某人治病 )。 recover(from)vi.恢复,痊愈 。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 curiosity n好奇 (心 )(如: He looked at her in with curiosity )。interest n.兴趣。 desire n.愿望,欲望 (desire for to+动词原形 that sb do)。wish n.愿望,希望。 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 curious(about)a好奇的,爱打听他人私事的。 fond(of)a.喜爱的,喜欢的。 eager(for to+动词原形 )a.热切

23、的,渴望的。 interested(in)a.对 感兴趣的。 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 curl v.卷, (使 )卷曲; (使 )蜷曲; (烟 )缭绕,盘绕 (如: She curls herhair Her hair curls naturally Tim curled up inbed She curled her lips Smoke curls slowly up from the chimney)。 shear vt剪,剪断;削减。 twist v.搓,捻;旋转;扭歪,扭伤;歪曲。 deform vt.损 坏 的形状; (使 )变扭, (使 )变形。 18 【正确答案】

24、 C 【试题解析】 current a.现实的,当前的;通行的,流行的。 prevalent a.(某种思想、现象、东西 )流行的,普遍的,常见的,经常出现的。 dominant a.支配的,统治的,占优势的。 prominent a.突出的,杰出的;突起的。 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 curriculum n课程, (学校的 )全部课程。 course n (一门 )课程,教程。 discipline n学科。 outline n 提纲,概要。 20 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 dash vt猛掷; vi.猛冲,飞奔。 rush vt.匆忙做,加速进行;把 急忙送往;催促,使

25、加紧干; vi.仓促行动。 crash v.碰撞;坠落,坠毁。crush vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压,压倒。 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 dawn on upon sb (以事物作主语,以人作宾语 )明白过来,想到(如: It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help It suddenly dawned upon me why he was so interested in my story) 22 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 dead a.死的;无感觉的。 indifferent(to)a.冷漠的,不关心的,不积极。 unaw

26、are(of)a.没有察觉的。 unconscious(of)a.失去知觉的,没有知觉的 (一般以人作主语,不以人体的一部分作主语 )。 23 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 deaf(to)a.(本义 )耳聋的; (引申 )不愿听别人意见的,装聋的。 24 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 debate n. v (一般指在正式会议上就重大问题所进行的,严肃认真的,常常是激烈的 )辩论,争论,讨论。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查单词词义。 A项意为 “争论,讨论 ”; B项意为 “冲突,抵触 ”; C项意为 “不一致,意见的分歧 ”,为不可数名词; D项意为 “竞赛,争论 ”。本句意为 “就是否公司应该恢复数年前破裂的贸易关系,他们进行了激烈的讨论 ”, A符合题意。


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