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1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 60及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 _is supposed to be the essence of private enterprise. ( A) Compete ( B) Competition ( C) Competitive ( D) Competence 2 Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most_ areas in Japanese life. (

2、 A) sophisticated ( B) competitive ( C) considerate ( D) superficial 3 Unless my room is warmer tonight, Im going to_ to the hotel manager. ( A) complain ( B) argue ( C) blame ( D) reason 4 We _ Edisons success to his intelligence and hard work. ( A) describe ( B) subject ( C) attribute ( D) refer 5

3、 A small child has to learn to keep its _ before it can walk far. ( A) weight ( B) balance ( C) scale ( D) stability 6 They seem to be _ of all kind feelings for the poor. ( A) bankrupt ( B) unaware ( C) lacking ( D) vacant 7 I have a number of_to make about this hotel so I wish to see the manager.

4、( A) claims ( B) accusations ( C) explanations ( D) complaints 8 Dont poke your nose into what doesnt _ you. ( A) connect ( B) relate ( C) concern ( D) interest 9 Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical _. ( A) obligations ( B) regulations (

5、 C) observations ( D) considerations 10 When the young surgeon had difficulty with a delicate operation, he turned to a (n)_ surgeon for advice. ( A) lawyer ( B) adviser ( C) consultant ( D) consultation 11 Arguing about details_many hours of the committees valuable time. ( A) absorbed ( B) sacrific

6、ed ( C) assimilated ( D) consumed 12 The price increases were passed on by the firm to none but the _. ( A) clerks ( B) salesmen ( C) traders ( D) consumers 13 The_of coal in that factory is five tons a day. ( A) assumption ( B) resumption ( C) presumption ( D) consumption 14 Metals_when cooled and

7、expand when healed. ( A) decrease ( B) reduce ( C) condense ( D) contract 15 The cells(电池 )were designed to _ sunshine to electricity to run a motor. ( A) convert ( B) alter ( C) modify ( D) exchange 16 Reports that the general is to be dismissed are gaining_among government ministers. ( A) access (

8、 B) impetus ( C) currency ( D) reception 17 Its not safe to carry so much money with you. Youd better_the money in the bank. ( A) invest ( B) deposit ( C) store ( D) save 18 In a fit of_the sick man killed himself. ( A) expression ( B) suppression ( C) depression ( D) compression 19 I have heard man

9、y different _ of the same story. ( A) sayings ( B) statements ( C) comments ( D) descriptions 20 It doesnt make a bit of_ if you are late to my party. I just want you to come. ( A) difficulty ( B) trouble ( C) difference ( D) sense 21 The shopkeeper took off 5 percent _for cash. ( A) decrease ( B) d

10、iscount ( C) reduction ( D) commission 22 There were beautiful clothes _in the shop windows. ( A) spread ( B) demonstrated ( C) disclosed ( D) displayed 23 Before moving to another city, Mr. London_ of the house and the furniture. ( A) discarded ( B) dismissed ( C) discharged ( D) disposed 24 Accord

11、ing to Nobels famous will, the interest on his fund will be _ to five people who have made great contributions to mankind during the previous year. ( A) contributed ( B) devoted ( C) distributed ( D) allocated 25 Roger gave me some beautiful Japanese stamps in_ for two sets of 1960 British special i

12、ssue. ( A) turn ( B) exchange ( C) addition ( D) place 26 Most children in Great Britain are educated at the public _. ( A) cost ( B) payment ( C) expense ( D) charge 27 The charges of trade against the corporation proved to be without_. ( A) base ( B) excuse ( C) foundation ( D) reason 28 Every cam

13、era we sell comes with a two-year_. ( A) safety ( B) conservation ( C) confirmation ( D) guarantee 29 It will be very helpful if parents have seen the school environment and know what kind of tasks the school will_on the daily life of their child.(2013年 10月中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) compose ( B) impose ( C) d

14、ispose ( D) expose 30 To call the music of another music-culture “primitive“ is_ ones own standards on a group that does not recognise them. ( A) putting ( B) imposing ( C) forcing ( D) emphasizing 考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 60答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 competition n.竞争;比赛。 2 【正确答案】 B

15、 【试题解析】 competitive a.竞赛的,竞争的; (人 )好竞争的; (价格 )有竞争力 的(如: competitive games; Important posts are filled by competitive examinations Our firm offers you competitive prices He is a competitive young man and has competitive spirit )。 sophisticated a.(人 )老练的,富有经验的: (机器、武器等 )精密的,尖端的。 considerate(of to)a.考虑

16、周到的,体贴人的。superficial a.肤浅的,浅薄的:表面的。 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 complain vi抱怨 (句型: complain to sb of about sth;complain that) 。 argue vi.争论,争辩 vt论证,主张;说服 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 attribute sth to把 归功于:把 归因于,把 归咎于:认为 有。 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 balance n.平衡,均衡。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 bankrupt(of in)a.彻底缺乏的;破产的 (如: a man bankrupt

17、 ofin morals spirit The newspapers accused the Government of being bankrupt in of ideas Severe business losses left the company bankrupt )。 unaware(ofthat)a.没意识到的,没觉察到的。 lacking(in)a.缺乏 (某种品质、特点等 )(注:lacking在此可以称作形容词或现在分词,后面跟 in+名词,这里的名词一般是表示品质、特点的抽象名词 )。 vacant a.未被占用的;空的。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 complai

18、nt n抱怨 ,怨言,不满之事;控告,申诉。 claim n.要求;主张,断言。 accusation n指责,控告;罪名。 explanation n解释,说明。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 concern vt.涉及,关于;使关心,使挂念 (如: This matter concerns all of us I am not concerned with that matter any longer His illness concerns me very much be concerned with about for over sth对 表示关心或忧虑。注:过去分词作定语放在名

19、词前面表示 “关切的 ”。如: with a concerned look:放在名词后面表示 “有关的,相关的 ”,如: We shall have to consult the persons concerned )。 connect vt连接,联系 (句型: connect A and to B; The pipe connects with the sewer )。 relate v (使互相 )关联 (句型: relate A and to with B; relate to sth )。 interest vt使感兴趣,引起 的关注 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 conside

20、ration n.考虑;要考虑的因素,原因;关心,顾及。 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 consultant n.会诊医师,顾问医 生;顾问。 lawyer n.律师。 adviser n.顾问。 consultation n.商议;磋商;会诊。 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 consume vt消耗,花费。 absorb vt吸收:吸引 的注意,使全神贯注于。 sacrifice vt牺牲,献出。 assimilate vt吸收,消化:使同化。 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 consumer n.消费者,用户;消耗者。 clerk n店员;职员,办事员 salesma

21、n n.售货员,推销员。 trader n.商人。 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 consumption(of)n (可加不定冠词 )消耗 (量 ),消费 (量 )。assumption n假定,臆断;担任,承担。 resumption n重新开始 (做某事 )。presumption n (与 the连用 )假定,揣想,大胆,冒昧,放肆。 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 contract v.收缩,缩小,缩短。 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 convert(into to)v.(使 )转变为, (使 )转化为。 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正

22、确答案】 A 19 【正确答案】 D 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 make(a)difference有影响,有关系,重要。 make trouble制造麻烦,捣乱。 make sense(以话语作主语 )讲得通,有意义,言之有理。 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 discount n.(价格、债款等的 )折扣。 decrease n.减小,减少。reduction n.减少,缩小。 commission n.佣 金,回扣;授权,委托。 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 display vt陈列,展览。 spread v.摊开,伸开。 demonstrate vt演示,说明;

23、表露,显示。 disclose vt揭露,泄露,透露。 23 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 dispose(of)vi处理掉,销毁,扔掉,卖掉 (如: He disposed of his old car and bought a new one )。 discard vt扔掉,抛弃。 dismiss vt解散;解雇,免 的职; (认为不重要 )不再考虑。 discharge vt允许 离开,释放;排出,放出 (废物 )。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 distribute vt.分发,分配,分送;分布。 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 in exchange for作为交换,

24、以交换。 in turn(两个或两个以上 )依次地,轮流地;交替地;转而,反过来。 in addition(to)而且,此外,另外,加之。in place在 (应该在的 )位置上。 26 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 expense n.花费; (pl.)费用 (at the expense of费用由 承担,花 的钱;对 不利,靠牺牲 的利益。 27 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 foundation n.根据;基础; (pl.)地基 (如: This theory has no foundation in fact. A building must be laid on a firm

25、foundation )。 base n.基(础 ),底座;基地。 excuse n.借口,理由。 reason n.理由,原因。 28 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 guarantee n保证,担保;保修单。 safety n.安全,平安。conservation n保存,保护;守恒,不灭。 confirmation n证实,批准;加以证明的东西,加以肯定的话。 29 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 A项 “compose”意为 “组成、构成,作曲 ”: B项 “impose”意为 “征税、把 强加于 ”; C项 “dispose”意为 “排列、布置,安排、处理 ”; D项“expose”

26、意为 “暴露,使遭受 ”,本句是说学校为孩子布置作 业。 impose sth on sb意为 “强加某事物于某人 ”,因此选择 B项。 30 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 impose(sth on sb )vt把 强加于,强迫 接受: (征税等 )(impose ones views ones will on sb: impose difficult conditions of peace on the enemy; impose a new tax on cigarettes)。 force sth on sb (虽然某人不愿意但 )硬要某人接受 。 emphasize vt.强调。


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