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1、考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 14及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 Traditionally, supporters mark Labor Day in the context of labor versus corporations, as working people versus big business. But, now that labor has become so involved in business ownership through contributions to pension funds and mutual funds, is

2、 it time to think again, to celebrate something new? Over roughly the past half century, working people have bought up a huge chunk of big business. And union-sponsored pension plans rank among the biggest institutional investors. Working people, both union and non-union, now own a piece and often a

3、 big piece of just about everything in business, from multinational corporations to mini-malls down the street. If youre a working person who contributes to a pension fund, mutual fund, or life insurance policy with a savings component, youre one of the new owners of big business (and many small bus

4、inesses), too. That may come as a surprise, since most working people contribute only modest amounts to their retirement plans. But they more than make up for that in the number of active contributors. If youre still not sure, try this on your calculator: Multiply a contribution of $ 1 000 per perso

5、n per year by one million working people. Answer: $ 1 billion dollars per year. Now note the existence of literally hundreds of millions of working people here and in other countries. And theyre contributing new money every year. This shift of business ownership from rich people to working people ma

6、y be the greatest economic transformation since the Industrial Revolution. Management guru Peter Drucker has called it “The Pension Fund Revolution;“ however, now that mutual funds and insurance companies have also become major investors on behalf of working people, I prefer to call it the “Ownershi

7、p Revolution. “ So what does all this mean? Well, for starters, it should lead to an end of complaints about the profits of corporations and allegations about “greedy corporations. “ After all, much of that profit now goes toward the current and future retirement incomes of working people. Whats mor

8、e complicated, though, is the relationship between working people who own a big company and other working people employed by that same company. How to share corporate profits through continuing employment and higher wages, or through higher returns to shareholders remains a difficult issue, especial

9、ly for those working people who lose their jobs. (385 words) 1 What is the implication of the first sentence in the first paragraph? ( A) Working people prefer to work in the big corporations. ( B) In the past, individuals and businesses are two entities as employee and employer. ( C) Labor Day is a

10、lways celebrated by both workers and companies. ( D) The supporters of Labor Day are usually appreciated and accepted by big corporations. 2 Guru“ (Line 2, Para. 5) probably means_. ( A) an acknowledged and influential leader ( B) a well-known professor ( C) the chairman of the board ( D) an advocat

11、or 3 What form is most beneficial to you as a working person? ( A) Hire you all through your lifetime. ( B) Give you higher wages or salaries. ( C) Offer you salary, bonus and retirement pension. ( D) Let you become a shareholder. 4 What is NOT the significance of the shift of business ownership? (

12、A) People can have income even they dont go to work. ( B) The employee wont blame the boss for his unfair allocation of profits. ( C) Workers wont complain about “greedy corporations. “ ( D) Retired workers can still receive money if they have contributed retirement plans before. 5 What the real mea

13、ning does the author want to convey in Paragraph 4? ( A) Most working people consider the contribution of S 1 000 per person per year too much. ( B) You can get $ 1 billion dollars after your retirement if you contribute $ 1 000 each year now. ( C) You pay less, but get more. ( D) There are so many

14、people who are actively involved in this retirement plan. 5 Suicide terrorism is the readiness to sacrifice ones life in the process of destroying or attempting to destroy a target to advance a political goal. The aim of the psychologically and physically war-trained terrorist is to die while destro

15、ying the enemy target. In the 1980s suicide terrorism was witnessed in Lebanon, Kuwait and Sri Lanka. In the 1990s it had spread to Israel, India, Panama, Algeria, Pakistan, Argentina, Croatia, Turkey, Tanzania and Kenya. With enhanced migration of terrorist groups from conflict-ridden countries, th

16、e formation of extensive international terrorist infrastructures and the increased reach of terrorist groups in the post Cold War period, suicide terrorism is likely to affect Western Europe and North America in the foreseeable future. There are now 10 religious and secular terrorist groups that are

17、 capable of using suicide terrorism as a tactic against their governments and/or foreign governments. They are: the Islam Resistance Movement and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad of the Israeli occupied territories; Hizbullah of Lebanon; the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Gamaya Islamiya of Egypt; the Arme

18、d Islamic Group of Algeria; Barbar Khalsa International of India; the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam of Sri Lanka; the Kurdistan Workers Party of Turkey; and the Osama bin Laden network of Afghanistan. There were also four pro-Syrian, Lebanese and Syrian political parties engaged in suicide terror

19、ism in the 1980s, but they are currently inactive in the terrorist front. These groups staged around 25 suicide attacks in Lebanon. As more than one group claimed some of the attacks, perhaps to diffuse the threat to the group, it is difficult to identify the group responsible. The groups engaged in

20、 suicide operations in Lebanon alongside Hizbullah were the Natzersit Socialist Party of Syria; the Syrian Nationalist Party; the Lebanese Communist Party; and the Baath Party of Lebanon. There are two types of suicide operations: battlefield and off the battlefield. In battlefield operations, suici

21、de bombers are integrated into the attacking groups. Most off-the-battlefield operations have involved single suicide bombers. In the case of the LTTE and Hamas, there have been multiple suicide bombers. The targets have been static and mobile, against infrastructure and humans. Suicide bombers have

22、 destroyed military, political, economic and cultural infrastructure. They have committed terrorist attacks by killing civilians in buses, crowded places and in buildings. Suicide bombers have also assassinated political and military VIPs. (386 words) 6 What is the function of the first sentence? (

23、A) Definition. ( B) Description. ( C) Example. ( D) Support. 7 Where did “suicide terrorism“ first appear? ( A) Israel. ( B) Algeria. ( C) Kuwait. ( D) North America. 8 What does “tactic“ (Line 2, Para. 3) paragraph mean? ( A) Strategy. ( B) Target. ( C) Purpose. ( D) Route. 9 What can we conclude a

24、bout the four pro-Syrian, Lebanese and Syrian political parties? ( A) They have been arrested. ( B) They have dismissed themselves. ( C) They have been wiped out. ( D) They have not launched any attacks lately. 10 What can be inferred from the last paragraph? ( A) Suicide bombers have never attacked

25、 innocent people. ( B) Off the battlefield means terrorists dont use weapons. ( C) The LTTE and Hamas is an example of off-the-battlefield operation. ( D) The terrorist dies for his country and people, so he is a hero. 10 More changes occurred in America in the late 19th century than any other time

26、period. The country went through rapid expansion from residents of its land to cuisine to transportation of goods and people. While the last quarter of the 20th century brought many modern conveniences, the century before brought this country things that would be nearly impossible to live without. T

27、he development of railroads was the single greatest change in the 19th century. In only twenty-five years, almost 70 000 miles of tracks were laid. This in itself was a great feat, because of all the people and products used in the building of the railroads. In order to build railroads, forests were

28、 cut down to lay the track. Iron was needed for pins and also for building the trains. Coal and wood were needed to run the trains, and many people were needed to build the railroads. Railroads enabled people to see places they had never seen before. Before railroads were built, no one would venture

29、 much past their nearest town, which was often miles away. After railroads were brought to the United States, people could travel halfway across the country in the same amount of time. They were definitely more beneficial for hauling goods than horses and wagons. A horse could only haul a wagon of o

30、ats about twelve miles in a day, while railroads could carry many times the size hundreds of miles, all in the same amount of time. Many more goods were produced at this time, because they could be carried all over the country. Railroads changed many daily habits of Americans. Their diet was diversi

31、fied because foods could be transported to places that it could not be grown. All over America fresh produce was available year-round. People ate foods that they had never even heard of, just because they were not available to their region. Another major change railroads brought was standardized tim

32、e. Until then, people lived according to the sun, and watches were practically useless. One mans watch would be set for 1:30 and someones in the next town could be set for 3:00. This caused many problems for train schedules. Not having a standardized time meant that two trains could be going in oppo

33、site directions on the same track, which inevitably caused accidents. So, in the 1880s, standardized time was set up in America. (392 words) 11 This passage mainly discusses_. ( A) changes in the 19th century America ( B) changes in the 20th century America ( C) advantages of modern conveniences ( D

34、) development of railroads in America 12 What does “feat“ (Line 3, Para. 2) mean? ( A) Exploit. ( B) Fiction. ( C) Knob. ( D) Label. 13 Which of the following is NOT true? ( A) There were many changes than the railway in the late 20th century America. ( B) The development of railroads made people tr

35、avel wherever they wanted. ( C) Changes brought conveniences to American people. ( D) The advantage of railroads is only to shorten the traveling time. 14 What can be inferred from this passage? ( A) Before railroads were built, people were too lazy to leave home for other places. ( B) Before time w

36、as standardized, one mans time was always one hour and half later than anothers. ( C) Railroads changed peoples learning habits as well. ( D) More things were created in the 19th century than in the 20th century of America. 15 What will be probably discussed after this selection? ( A) Other changes

37、than the railway in the late 19th century America. ( B) The changes in the 20th century America. ( C) Standardized time was applied to other fields. ( D) The achievements in other transportation means. 考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 14答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 【知识模块】 阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 劳动节原本是体力劳动者的纪念日,它体现劳

38、动关系的不同,即雇佣与被雇佣的关系。但是由于现在有了抚恤基金和互助基金,资产拥有者也发生了变化,雇佣与被雇佣的关系也就不同于以前了。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 guru是 “受下属崇敬的领袖、头头 ”之意。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文章倒数第二句可以判断出当 “当股东的利润最大 ”,故选 D。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 B、 C和 D项的内容在第六段都能找到,故选 A。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 结合第三段来看,无论你参加的 pension fund, m

39、utual fund还是life insurance,你将付出的少,得到的多。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第一句是对 suicide terrorism名称的解释,在写作手法上称之为“定义法 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从第二段第一句可以看出,在 80年代第一批出现人肉弹的三个国家里,只有 Kuwait在四个选项里有,故选 C。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 tactic和 strategy都是 “策略 ”之意。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析

40、】 参考第四段第一句的后半部分:他们目前没有在恐怖战线上活动。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 battlefield与 off the battlefield的区别在于前者统一活动,后者则单独活动。由于 LTTE和 Hamas紧跟在 off the battlefield解释之后,我们认为答案是 C。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文章第一句就点出了主题一一美国 19世纪末的变化比任何一个时期的变化都要多,这个主题一直延续到文章结尾,故选 A。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析 】 A“功绩 ”相当于 feat。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 错在多了 “唯一 ”二字。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由于文章第一句说, 19世纪所发生的变化大于任何一个时期,自然也包括 20世纪,故选 D。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文章主题句在第一段最后一句,即 “谈论 19世纪后期的变化 ”,但在正文里只谈了铁路,所以如果还有续文,应该谈论其他方面的变化。 【知识 模块】 阅读理解


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