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1、职称英语(理工类) ABC级综合模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 We should be cautious in crossing a crowded street. ( A) careful ( B) intelligent ( C) quiet ( D) weary 2 Japan made a proposal to Korea for increasing trade between two countries. ( A) pr

2、eparation ( B) exception ( C) suggestion ( D) companion 3 I can hardly believe it, its amazing. ( A) over and over ( B) unconscious ( C) unreliable ( D) incredible 4 Peter is experiencing a difficult period in his life. ( A) going into ( B) going out of ( C) going over ( D) going through 5 Sandre ca

3、me across an important letter yesterday while cleaning the desk. ( A) mentioned ( B) read ( C) discovered ( D) walked away with 6 The old concerns lose importance and some of them vanish altogether. ( A) disappear ( B) develop ( C) linger ( D) renew 7 She has such exceptional abilities that everyone

4、 is jealous of her. ( A) regular ( B) specific ( C) extraordinary ( D) rare 8 Have you got a spare pen? ( A) new ( B) long ( C) thin ( D) extra 9 In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union. ( A) strange ( B) certain ( C) inconsistent ( D) proper 10 Sulphur

5、has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state. ( A) regularly ( B) accidentally ( C) sometimes ( D) successfully 11 Do you need anybody to assist you in your work? ( A) inform ( B) aid ( C) direct ( D) instruct 12 If you have any complaint please see the manager. ( A) protest ( B)

6、 criticism ( C) suggestion ( D) fault 13 Extremely refined behavior, however, cultivated as an art of gracious living, has been characteristic only of societies with wealth and leisure, which admitted women as the social equals of man. ( A) possible ( B) typicai ( C) interesting ( D) morally good 14

7、 Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark. ( A) inadequately ( B) hardly ( C) faintly ( D) sufficiently 15 Thus our conviction is reinforced that only social revolution can really solve the problems of the people. ( A) argument ( B) belief ( C) proposal ( D) theory 二、 阅读判断

8、 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 15 Look after Your Voice Often speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth. First gently

9、bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth. Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice. Before you begin your talk, be kind to your voice. Avoid milk or creamy dr

10、inks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice. If you sense that you are losing your voice, stop talking completely. Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes, but the best thing you can do is t

11、o rest your voice. If you need to see a doctor, perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime, do not even talk in a low voice. What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat? I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink

12、gives you a little confidence. The second drink gives you even more confidence. Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything, but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly. Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking. Perhaps you want to accep

13、t the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can. Goethe, who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools, said, “We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter.” Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new

14、habits. If you are willing to change, you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. 16 To solve the problem of dry mouths, one is advised to take cool milk. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 The first paragraph mentions th

15、ree ways of activating the saliva in the mouth. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 The writers advice about alcohol before you make a speech is to take one or

16、 two drinks so as to give yourself some confidence. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Due to the effect of alcohol, your thought and your mouth will not coordinate properly. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Goethe often did outdoor skating and swimming. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C

17、) Not mentioned 22 The writer cites Goethe to prove that one can change ones habits. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 22 Global Warming Smoke is clouding our vi

18、ew of global warming, protecting the planet from perhaps three- quarters of the greenhouse (温室 ) effect. That might sound like good news, but experts say that as the cover diminishes in coming decades, we are facing a dramatic increase of warming that could be two or even three times as great as off

19、icial best guesses. This was the dramatic conclusion reached last week at a workshop in Dahlem, Berlin, where top atmospheric scientists got together, including Nobel prize winner Paul Crutzen and Swedish scientist Bert Bolin, former chairman of the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPC

20、C). IPCC scientists have suspected for a decade that aerosols (浮质 ) of smoke and other particles from burning rainforest, crop waste and fossil fuels are blocking sunlight and counteracting the warming effect of carbon dioxide (二氧化物 ) emissions. Until now, they reckoned that aerosols reduced greenho

21、use warming by perhaps a quarter, cutting increases by 0.2 . So the 0.6 of warming over the past century would have been 0.8 without aerosols. But the Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure is even higheraerosols may have reduced global warming by as much as three-quarters, cutting increases

22、 by 1.8 . If so, the good news is that aerosols have prevented the world getting almost two degrees warmer than it is now. But the bad news is that the climate system is much more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously guessed. As those gases are expected to continue accumulating in the atmos

23、phere while aerosols stabilize or fall, that means “dramatic consequences for estimates of future climate change”, the scientists agreed in a draft report from the workshop. 23 A. Atmospheric Scientists B. The Calculations Made at the Berlin Workshop C. The Previous Calculations of the Effect of Aer

24、osols D. The Scientists Agreement E. The Authoritative Conclusion F. Greenhouse Gases 23 Paragraph 2 _ 24 Paragraph 3 _ 25 Paragraph 4 _ 26 Paragraph 5 _ 27 A. will influence future climate change B. was somewhat surprising C. will rise rapidly D. was known to us all E. was much higher than had been

25、 expected F. will drop dramatically 27 When the cover diminishes in the coming decades, temperature_. 28 The conclusion reached at the Berlin workshop_. 29 The Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure_. 30 The increase of greenhouse gases_. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内

26、容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 30 SQ3R A Proven method for effective textbook reading is the SQ3R method developed by Francis Robinson. The first step is to survey (the S step) the chapter by reading the title, introduction, section headings, summary, and by studying any graphs, tables, illustrations or charts. The

27、 purpose of this step is to get an overview of the chapter so that you will know before you read what it will be about. In the second step (the Q step), for each section you ask yourself questions such as “What do I already know about this topic?” and “What do 1 want to know?” In this step you also

28、take the section heading and turn it into a question. This step gives you a purpose for reading the section. The third step (the first of the 3Rs) is to read to find the answer to your questions. Then at the end of each section, before going on to the next section, you recite (the second of the 3Rs)

29、 the answers to the questions that you formed in the question step. When you recite you should say the information you want to learn out loud in your own words. The fifth step is done after you have completed step 2, 3, and 4 for each section. You review (the last of the 3Rs) the entire chapter. The

30、 review is done much as the survey was in the first step. As you review, hold a mental conversation with yourself as you recite the information you selected as important to learn. The mental conversation could take the form of asking and answering the questions formed from the headings or reading th

31、e summary, which lists the main ideas in the chapter, and trying to fill in the details for each main idea. 31 The passage implies that the SQ3R method_. ( A) needs to be proven ( B) leaves much to be desired ( C) turns out to be practicable ( D) cannot be used by every reader 32 The SQ3R method con

32、sists of_steps. ( A) three ( B) four ( C) five ( D) seven 33 According to the passage, the first step helps the readers_. ( A) read the first several paragraphs ( B) scan the whole chapter ( C) study the graphs ( D) get the theme of the chapter 34 Which of the following is the fourth step?_ ( A) To

33、question yourself. ( B) To read for information. ( C) To utter your answers. ( D) To draw a conclusion. 35 Which of the following statements is TRUE?_ ( A) In the last step, you should remember all the information. ( B) When you finish the last step, you will get both the main idea and the details.

34、( C) The mental conversation involves answering the questions asked by the author. ( D) While you are holding a mental conversation you select the important information. 35 Lateral Thinking Lateral thinking (迂回思维 ), first described by Edward de Bono in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards so

35、n. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but de Bono name was so famous, Caspers parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teachers might snap, “Where do you get that idea from?” “We had to be careful and not overdo it,” Edward admits

36、. Now Casper is at Oxford which once looked unlikely because he is also slightly dyslexic (通读困难 ). In fact, when he was applying to Oxford, none of his school teachers thought he had a chance. “So then we did several thinking sessions,” his father says, “using my techniques and, when he went up for

37、the exam, he did extremely well.” Soon after, Edward de Bono decided to write his latest book, “Teach Your Children How to Think”, in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share. Thinking is traditional

38、ly regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and everybody knows that children arent very logical. So isnt it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think? “You know,” Edward de Bono says, “if you examine peoples thinking, it is quite unusual to find faults of logic. But the faults of

39、 perception are huge! Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.” “Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternatives. 36 What is TRUE about Casper?_ ( A) He i

40、s Edwards son. ( B) He is an adventurous thinker. ( C) He first described lateral thinking. ( D) He is often scolded by his teacher. 37 Casper succeeded in applying to Oxford because_. ( A) he was careful and often overworked ( B) all of his school teachers thought he had a chance ( C) he used in th

41、e exam the techniques provided by his father ( D) he read the book “Teach Your Child How to Think” before the exam 38 It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Edward_. ( A) was likely to improve childrens logic with his book ( B) gave a description of lateral thinking several years after his son was

42、 born ( C) was prompted to study lateral thinking because his son was slightly dyslexic ( D) once taught businessmen how to think before he wrote for parents and children 39 According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements expresses Edward de Bonos view? _. ( A) Everybody knows that child

43、ren arent very logical. ( B) It is an uphill battle trying to teach children to think. ( C) We often think ineffectively because we take too limited a view. ( D) Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence. 40 Lateral thinking refers to the following EXCEPT_. ( A)

44、improving ones logic in thinking ( B) improving ones perception in thinking ( C) seeing the implications of what you are saying ( D) exploring the alternatives for what you are saying 40 Global Warming At the Kyoto conference on global warming in December 1997, it became abundantly clear how complex

45、 it has become to work out international agreements relating to the environment because of economic concerns unique to each country. It is no longer enough to try to forbid certain activities or to reduce emissions of certain substances. The global challenges of the interlink between the environment

46、 and development increasingly bring us to the core of the economic life of states. During the late 1980s we were able, through international agreements, to make deep cuts in emissions harmful to the ozone layer, These reductions were made possible because substitutions had been found for many of the

47、 harmful chemicals and, more important, because the harmful substances could be replaced without negative effects on employment and the economies of states. Although the threat of global warming has been known to the world for decades and all countries and leaders agree that we need to deal with the

48、 problem, we also know that the effects of measures, especially harsh measures taken in some countries, would be nullified (抵消 ) if others countries do not control their emissions. Whereas the UN team on climate change has found that the emissions of carbon dioxide would have to be cut globally by 6

49、0% to stabilize the content of CO2 in the atmosphere, this path is not feasible for several reasons. Such deep cuts would cause a breakdown of the world economy. Important and populous (人口众多的 ) lowor medium-income countries are not yet willing to undertake legal commitments about their energy uses. In addition, the state of world technology would not yet permit us t


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