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1、职称英语(理工类) A级模拟试卷 15及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth. ( A) take out ( B) break off ( C) push in ( D) dig up 2 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September. ( A) play ( B) show (

2、C) send ( D) tell 3 This table is strong and durable. ( A) long-lasting ( B) extensive ( C) far-reaching ( D) eternal 4 He endured great pain before he finally expired. ( A) fired ( B) resigned ( C) died ( D) retreated 5 The girl is gazing at herself in the mirror. ( A) smiling ( B) laughing ( C) sh

3、outing ( D) staring 6 The index is the governments chief gauge of future economic activity. ( A) measure ( B) opinion ( C) method ( D) decision 7 Its sensible to start any exercise program gradually at first. ( A) workable ( B) reasonable ( C) possible ( D) available 8 A lot of people could fall ill

4、 after drinking contaminated water. ( A) boiled ( B) polluted ( C) mixed ( D) sweetened 9 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position. ( A) maintain ( B) better ( C) acquire ( D) support 10 She stood there, trembling with fear. ( A) jumping ( B) crying ( C) moving ( D) shaking 11 Med

5、ical facilities are being upgraded. ( A) expanded ( B) repaired ( C) improved ( D) transferred 12 Rock climbing is hazardous. ( A) interesting ( B) dangerous ( C) attractive ( D) useful 13 John is eligible for this job. ( A) accepted ( B) qualified ( C) rejected ( D) recommended 14 In order to impro

6、ve our standard of living, we have to accelerate production. ( A) involve ( B) decrease ( C) speed up ( D) give up 15 Mary looked pale and weary. ( A) worried ( B) ugly ( C) silly ( D) exhausted 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题, 每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果

7、该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 16 A Dolphin and an Astronomer One day in 1963, a dolphin named Elvar and a famous astronomer, Carl Sagan, were playing a little game. The astronomer was visiting an institute which was looking into the way dolphins communicate with each other. Sagan was standing on the edge of on

8、e of the tanks where several of these friendly, highly intelligent creatures were kept. Elvar had just swum up alongside him and had turned on his back. The dolphin wanted Sagan to scratch his. stomach again, as the astronomer had done twice before. Elvar looked up at Sagan, waiting. Then, after a m

9、inute or so, the dolphin leapt up through the water and made a sound just like the word “more“. The astonished astronomer went to the director of the institute and told him about the incident. “Oh, yes. Thats one of the words he knows,“ the director said, showing no surprise at all. Dolphins have bi

10、gger brains in proportion to their body size than humans have, and it has been known for a long time that they can make a number of sounds, What is more, these sounds seem to have different functions, such as warning each other of danger. Sound travels much faster and much further in water than it d

11、oes in air, That is why the parts of the brain that deal with sound are much better developed in dolphins than in humans. But can it be said that dolphins have a “language“, in the real sense of the word? Scientists dont agree on this. A language is not just a collection of sounds, or even words. A

12、language has a structure and what we call a grammar. The structure and grammar of a language help to give it meaning. For example, the two questions “Who loves Mary?“ and “Who does Mary love?“ mean very different things. If you stop to think about it, you will see that this difference doesnt come fr

13、om the words in the question but from the difference in structure. That is why the question “Can dolphins speak?“ cant be answered until we find out if dolphins not only make sounds but also arrange them in a grammatical order which affects their meaning. 16 The astronomer was not interested in the

14、way dolphins communicate with each other. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 The dolphin leapt up into the air because Sagan was too near the water, ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 Parts of the dolphins brain are particularly well developed to handle different kinds of sound. (

15、A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Dolphins are the most useful animals to humans. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Dolphins travel faster in water than any other animals. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Some scientists believe that dolphins have a language of their own

16、. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 Sounds can be called a language only when they have a structure and a grammar. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 23

17、 The Science of Sport 1 At the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, the Chinese athlete Liu Xiang equaled the world record for the 110 metres hurdles (跨栏 ) when he ran the race in 12.91 seconds. This record time had been set in 1993 by British sprinter (短跑运动员 ) Colin Jackson and 9 years went by before anot

18、her athlete was able to run as fast. 2 Record-breaking in all track events is slowing down and we appear to be moving much closer to the limits of human performance. Nevertheless, every four years, records which were previously thought to be unbeatable are broken. So whats behind this never-ending i

19、mprovement in performance? And how long can we keep breaking records? is there a limit to human performance or will athletes continue to gain seconds? 3 Most experts agree that it isnt the athletes bodies which have changed but the huge advances in sport science which have enabled them to improve th

20、eir performances. The individual athlete obviously has to have the necessary skill and determination to succeed, but the help of science and technology can be significant. Research has brought a better understanding of the athletes body and mind but the advances in sports equipment technology have a

21、lso had an important impact on human performance. 4 Scientists have shown that an athletes bodys needs vary according to the type of sport. This research has helped top sports people to adapt their training programme and diet better to their particular needs. Running the marathon and cycling, for ex

22、ample, are endurance (耐力 ) sports and require a different parathion (硝苯硫磷脂 ) to that of a 100-metra sprinter. In some sports, changes in techniques have significantly improved performance. 5 But in any sport, a players success or failure results from a combination of both physical and mental abiliti

23、es. Most coaches use psychological techniques to help their athletes cope with stress and concentrate on their performance. For example, the English football team listens to music in the changing rooms before a game to help the players relax and not feel so nervous. Before a difficult match, tennis

24、players are encouraged to use visualization (想象 ) techniques to build confidence and this is almost as good as practice. 6 But as science begins to dominate sport, are we in danger of losing sight of the heart of the competition, the sporting challenge? Whats more, are all these advantages fair? 23

25、A Different sports require different training programs. B Science may be too important today. C Sports equipment has been improved a lot. D Athletes are still breaking records. E Sport science helps improve athletes performances. F Mental training is as important as physical training. 23 Paragraph 2

26、 _. 24 Paragraph 3 _. 25 Paragraph 4 _. 26 Paragraph 5 _. 27 A to avoid psychological techniques B to break records C to better understand the athletes body and mind D to time and space E to be replacing the sporting challenge F to human performance 27 It is more difficult for todays athletes _. 28

27、We dont know if there is a limit _. 29 Research has helped coaches _. 30 Scientific advances are suspected _. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 31 Obesity (肥胖 ): the Scourge (祸害 ) of the Western World Obesity is rapidly becoming a new scourge of the western world, d

28、elegates agreed at the llth European Conference on the issue in Vienna Wednesday to Saturday. According to statements before the opening of the conference of 2,000 specialists from more than 50 countries 1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 250 million are obese. Professor Bernhard Ludvi

29、k of Vienna General Hospital said,“ Obesity is a chronic illness. In Germany, 20 per cent of the people are already affected, but in Japan only one per cent.“ But he said that there was hope for sufferers thanks to the new scientific discoveries and medication. Professor Friedrich Hopichler of Salzb

30、erg said, “We are living in the new age (but) with the metabolism of a stone age man.“ “I have just been to the United States. It is really terrible. A pizza shop is springing up on every comer. We have been overran by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization.“ Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a

31、 potential killer. Hopichler said,“ Eighty per cent of all diabetics are obese, also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressure and fifty per cent with adipose tissue complaints.“ “Ten per cent more weight means thirteen per cent more risk of heart disease. Reducing ones weight by ten p

32、er cent leads to thirteen per cent lower blood pressure.“ Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve their financing of preventive programs. “Though the health insurance pays for surgery (such as reducing the size of the stomach) when the body-mass index is more

33、 than 40. That is equivalent to a weight of 116 kilograms for a height of 1.70 meters. One should start earlier.“ Ludvik said that prevention should begin in school. “Child obesity (fat deposits) correlates with the time which children spend in front of TV sets.“ The consequences were only apparent

34、later on. No more than fifteen per cent of obese people lived to the average life expectancy for their population group. scourge n. 天灾 ;祸害 obesity n. 肥胖症 overrun vt. 侵扰;蹂躏 obese adj. 肥胖症 diabetic n. 糖悄病患者; adj.糖尿病的 medication n. 药物疗法 adipose adj.脂肪的;肥胖的 metabolism n.新陈代谢 31 It is estimated that ther

35、e are _ people suffering from obesity in the world. ( A) 250,000,000 ( B) 1,200,000,000 ( C) 1,450,000,000 ( D) 950,000,000 32 It seems that the _ people are least affected by obesity among the developed countries and areas mentioned in the passage. ( A) European ( B) German ( C) American ( D) Japan

36、ese 33 Which of the following is NOT often accompanied by obesity? ( A) High blood pressure. ( B) Fatty tissue complaints. ( C) Diabetes. ( D) Stomach ache. 34 What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure? ( A) Ten per cent less body weight means ten per cent less

37、 risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. ( B) Thirteen per cent more body weight means ten per cent more risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. ( C) The more body weight one gains, the more risk of heart disease and high blood pressure he has. ( D) The less body weight one gains, the

38、more risk of heart disease and the less risk of high blood pressure he has. 35 From the last paragraph we may infer that one of the effective measures suggested by Ludvik to prevent children from being obese would be ( A) not to permit them to watch TV at all ( B) to tell them to spend less time wat

39、ching TV ( C) to turn off TV when they are in front of TV sets ( D) to calculate accurately the time that a child spends watching TV 36 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack? In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers are trying hard to so

40、lve a question that a month ago would have been completely unthinkable: Can building be designed to withstand catastrophic blasts inflicted by terrorists? Ten days after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for

41、 Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) headquartered at UB traveled to ground zero as part of a project funded by file National Science Foundation, visiting the site as part of an MCEER reconnaissance visit. They spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such struc

42、tures and to search for clues on how to do so in buildings that were damaged, but still are standing. “Our objective in visiting ground zero was to go and look at the buildings surrounding the World Trade Center, those buildings that are still standing, but that sustained damage“ said M. Bruneau. Ph

43、. D. “Our immediate hope is that we can develop a better understanding as to why those buildings remain standing. While our long-term goal is to see whether earthquake engineering technologies can be married to existing technologies to achieve enhanced performance of buildings in the event of terror

44、ist attacks,“ he added. Photographs taken by the investigators demonstrate in startling detail the monumental damage inflicted on the World Trade Center towers and buildings in the vicinity. One building a block away from the rowers remains standihg, but was badly damaged. “This building is many met

45、ers away from the World Trade Center and yet we see a column there that used to be part of that building.“ explained A. Whittaker. Ph. D. “The column became a missile that shot across the road. through the window and through the floor.“ The visit to the area also revealed some surprises, according t

46、o the engineers. For example, the floor flaming system in one of the adjacent buildings was quite rugged, allowing floors that were pierced by tons of fairing debris to remain intact. “Highly redundant ductile framing systems may provide a simple, but robust strategy for blast resistance,“ he added.

47、 Other strategies may include providing alternate paths for gravity loads in the event that a load-bearing column fails. “We also need a better understanding of the mechanism of collapse.“ said A. Whitaker. “We need to find out what causes a building to collapse and how you can predict it.“ A. Reinh

48、orn, Ph. D. noted that “earthquake shaking has led to the collapse of many buildings in the past. It induces dynamic response and extremely high stresses and deformations in structural components. Solutions developed for earthquake resistant design may be directly applicable to blast engineering and

49、 terrorist. Part of our mission now at UB is to transfer these solutions and to develop new ones where none exist at present.“ aftermath n. 后果,结果 in the vicinity 附近 debris n. 碎片 reconnaissance n. 勘察;侦察 ductile adj. 可伸展的,易变形的 36 The question raised in the first paragraph is one _. ( A) that was asked by structural engineers a month ago ( B) that is too difficult for structural engineers to answer even now ( C) that was never thought of before the terrorist attack (


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