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1、职称英语(综合类) B级模拟试卷 10及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 We have to ask them to quit talking in order that all people present could hear us clearly. ( A) begin ( B) cease ( C) continue ( D) keep 2 The Klondike was the scene of one of the biggest gol

2、d rushes the world has ever known. ( A) location ( B) view ( C) event ( D) landscape 3 She has been the subject of massive media coverage. ( A) extensive ( B) negative ( C) expensive ( D) active 4 The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links. ( A) rejected ( B) investigated ( C) pro

3、posed ( D) postponed 5 The sea was calm and still. ( A) quite ( B) quiet ( C) yet ( D) rough 6 In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull. ( A) confuses ( B) excites ( C) scares ( D) satisfies 7 The committee comprises five persons. ( A) absorbs ( B) concerns

4、 ( C) excludes ( D) involves 8 The repair work involved modifying two of the windows. ( A) clearing ( B) changing ( C) mending ( D) painting 9 We derive knowledge mainly from books. ( A) deprive ( B) obtain ( C) descend ( D) trace 10 We all consider him a man of dynamic personalities. ( A) dangerous

5、 ( B) doubtful ( C) active ( D) easy 11 The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table. ( A) supplied ( B) gathered ( C) grasped ( D) made 12 The local government decided to merge the two firms into a big one. ( A) motivate ( B) combine ( C) compact ( D) nominate 13

6、 He emphasized a feasible plan which can be accepted by the both sides. ( A) favorable ( B) possible ( C) formal ( D) genuine 14 When does the next train depart? ( A) pull up ( B) pull down ( C) pull out ( D) pull in 15 Because administering the whole company, he sometimes has to work around the clo

7、ck. ( A) adjusting ( B) evaluating ( C) engaging ( D) managing 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提 及,请选择 C。 16 Energy for living things We have seen that all living things must take in and use energy to maintain their bod

8、ies, to grow, to obtain more energy, and to reproduce. Since the evolutionarily successful individual is one that leaves descendants in future generations, natural selection favours those individuals that can channel the most energy into producing offspring. The use of energy in other activities suc

9、h as feeding, fighting, or growing is selectively advantageous only so far as these activities result in the organisms accumulating more energy to produce offspring. Each individual has an energy income all of the energy that it acquires during its lifetime. It also has an energy budget, its allotme

10、nt of different amounts of energy to various activities. The most evolutionarily successful organisms are those which are most effective in conversion of energy to offspring. This does not mean that organisms use all their energy directly to produce offspring. For example, suppose that a tree conver

11、ts some of its energy into growing a large root system, the energy thus spent cannot be used to produce offspring. Its large root system may enable the tree to obtain a great deal of water and minerals from the soil and so to produce more leaves, another diversion of energy away from the production

12、of offspring. However, all of the leaves that the tree produces may then enable the tree to synthesize more food than it would have otherwise, and so allow it to make up for some of its previous energy expenditure by producing more offspring in the end. Thus organisms make energy investment which ma

13、y ultimately yield energy gains that can be reinvested in the production of offspring. Sometimes these investments will turn out to be selectively disadvantageous because they postpone production of offspring. If the organism meets an early death, it will never get a chance to reproduce. So any item

14、 in an organisms energy budget must have the potential to produce an ultimate productive gain that is equal to the risks involved in diverting energy away from the immediate production of offspring. 16 The most evolutionarily successful individual is one that directs the most energy to reproduction.

15、 ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 Sometimes the investment of energy can be disadvantageous to organisms. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 It would be a waste of energy for organisms to use energy in non-productive activities. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Each in

16、dividual has an energy income and an energy budget sa well. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Organisms derive most of their energy ultimately form their parents. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Not all energy of an organism is used in reproduction. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) N

17、ot mentioned 22 The ultimate significance of a trees growing a large not system can thus produce more offspring. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 23 Ocean Ecosy

18、stem Endangered 1. Spanning the oceanic divide between the U.S. and Russia, it is one of the richest and most commercially productive marine environments on earth, teeming with pollack (保镖 ) and halibut, fur seals and Stellers sea lions, horn puffins and murres. The seals and seabirds depend on catc

19、hing fish, and so do humans. More than 2,000 boats from the U.S., Russia, Japan, Norway, China, Poland and the Koreas haul in an annual catch worth roughly $1 billion. The portion taken off the shores of Alaska alone amounts to one-half the sea life caught by commercial fishing vessels in U.S. water

20、s. 2. But will the bounty (奖励 ) last? Since the majority of the worlds fisheries are in a state of collages, as too many boats chase too few fish, conservationists fear the same fate for the Bering Sea, the last great refuge of marine abundance. Competition among countries for the rights to fish cer

21、tain sectors of the sea is already fierce and could turn violent, as it has elsewhere in the world. The Russians have severely depleted (耗尽 ) fish stocks in their zone, and the international area open to all boats, called the Doughnut Hole, has been nearly stripped of commercial fish. 3. No species

22、is more important to man and beast than Pollack, the No. 1 ingredient (成分 ) of frozen fish sticks and the fish items served by chains like Burger King and Long John Silver. Each year the Bering Sea yields two billion kg of this bottom dwelling creature, making the Pollack business the biggest fish h

23、arvest in the world. 4. On the surface, that business is healthy: the Pollack catch has stayed near record levels. But signs of over fishing and an ailing ecosystem can be seem higher up in the food chain. The fur-seal population has not increased despite a long-standing ban on commercial hunting. T

24、he number of Stellers sea lions, which feed mostly on Pollack, has plunged 80% since the 1970s, and seabirds such as the red-legged kittiwake are also in trouble. 5. Even if fishing is brought under control, the Bering Sea faces threats that originate thousands of miles away. Wind currents from indu

25、strial areas far to the south bring in pollutants like insecticides and heavy metals, which collect in the tissues of wildlife and the local Inuit people. At the same time the region has been warming up, and part of the reason may be the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Whatever the c

26、ause, sea ice has been retreating farther to the north, making life harder for polar bears and other ice-dwelling animals. 23 A.Other threats to the Bering sea B.Pollack the most important kind o fish C.The problems many counties face D.How to protect Bering sea E.Over-fishing destroys the food chai

27、n F.Why to control fishing 23 Paragraph 2 _. 24 Paragraph 3 _. 25 Paragraph 4 _. 26 Paragraph 5 _. 27 A.the unrestricted harvesting of fish by human beings B.to sea-dwelling creatures C.by many other ecosystem D.threatening the Bering sea E.in the atmosphere F.on the verge of bankruptcy 27 Most of t

28、he worlds major fisheries are _. 28 Many seabirds are starving because of _. 29 Air pollution is a problem that is _. 30 The problem Bering sea faced is probably encountered _. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 31 The Acquisition of Two Companies The Provident Compa

29、nies, the No. 2 seller of individual disability insurance policies, agreed yesterday to buy the No. 1 insurer in the field in a deal that would give it more than 1/3 of the market. The $1.2 billion deal would eliminate about 600 jobs, give a big Swiss money-losing policies sold by the insurer that i

30、s being acquired, the Paul Revere company. Last year Providents insurance units had $2.6 billion in premium revenues and Paul Revere had $1.5 billion. About 57 percent of the combined $4.1 billion in premiums came from disability policies that were sold to individuals. Providents next largest compet

31、itor, the UNUM Corporation, has about 10 percent of the market. Paul Revere has been controlled since 1985 by Textron Inc. Textron acquired the insurer when it bought Avco Financial Services, which makes high interest rate loans to people whose employment and credit histories make them too risky for

32、 bank loans. JamesF.Hardymon, Textrons chairman and chief executive, said the sale “reinforces Textrons strategy to focus on its core manufacturing and finance businesses.“ He said, that up to half the income might be used to pay down the companys more than $10 billion of debt or to buy back stock.

33、Paul Reveres remaining public shareholders will get $26 in cash for each share, Provident stock worth $26, or $20 in cash and Provident stock worth $6. To finance the deal, Provident is getting a $300 million infusion of cash from the Zurich insurance Group of Switzerland, which is buying a 15.2% st

34、ake in Provident under an agreement allowing it to increase the stake to 40%. Provident, which is based in Chattanooga, Tenn., announced a $423 million write-off on individual disability policies in December 1993. Paul Revere, which is based in Worchester, Mass., has not taken a similar write-off, s

35、aid John M. Hanon, an analyst at Derby Securities. Provident, Paul Revere and other companies have previously said that they had to pay claims on diseases not even known when the policies were written and that many disability claims resulted in larger than expected benefits payment. The deal drew mi

36、xed responses from insurance ratings agencies, which had ranked both companies in the upper grades, indicating a strong likelihood that they would be able over the long haul to pay claims. 31 Which of the following is TRUE according to Para. 1? ( A) No. 1 insurer acquired the No. 2 insurer. ( B) No.

37、2 insurer acquired the No. 1 insurer. ( C) This deal provided 600 more job opportunities. ( D) This deal would produce 1/3 more market share. 32 Who would write off the money-losing policies? ( A) Paul Revere Company. ( B) The acquired insurer, ( C) provident Companies. ( D) Textron Company. 33 How

38、much was earned from both companies sale of the disabilities policies? ( A) $ 2.6 billion. ( B) $ 1.5 billion. ( C) $ 4.1 billion. ( D) $ 2.3 billion. 34 All of the following companies may be the owner of Paul Revere EXCEPT _. ( A) Textron ( B) UNUM Corporation ( C) Avco Financial Services ( D) Prov

39、ident Companies 35 According to the passage, why had the rating agencies ranked both companies in the upper grades? ( A) Because both companies were claimed very often. ( B) Because both companies were never claimed. ( C) Because both companies were able to pay claims. ( D) Because both companies we

40、re not able to pay claims. 36 International community Some people say the international community is only a fiction. Others say it is too elastic a concept to have any real meaning. Some say there are no internationally recognized norms, goals or fears on which to base such a community. Oped pages r

41、efer routinely to the “so called“ international community. I believe these skepties are wrong. The international community does exist. It has an address. It has achievements to its credit. When governments, urged along by civil society, come together to adopt a statute for the creation of an Interna

42、tional Criminal Court, that is the international community at work for the rule of law. When we see an outpouring of international aid to the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Greece, witch is the international community following its humanitarian impulse. When people come together to ress govern

43、ments to relieve the worlds poorest countries from crushing debt burdens, that is the international community throwing its weight behind the cause of development. When the popular conscience, outraged at the carnage caused by land mines, obliges governments to adopt a convention banning those deadly

44、 weapons, that, too, is the international community in action. There are many more examples of the international community at work, from east Timor to Kosovo, but there are important caveats. Too often the international community fails to do what is needed. It failed to prevent the genocide in Rwand

45、a. In East Timor, it acted too late to save many hundreds of lives and thousands of homes from wanlon destruction. The international community has not done enough to help Africa at a time when Africa needs it most and most stands to benefit, And it allows nearly 3 billion people almost half of all h

46、umanity to subsist on $2 or less a day in a world of unprecedented wealth. The international system for much of our century has been based on division and hard calculations of realpolitik. In the new century, we can and must do better. I do not mean to suggest that an ear of complete harmony is with

47、in our reach. Of course, interests and ideas will always conflict. But we can improve on this centurys dismal record. The international community is a “work in progress“. Many strands of cooperation have asserted themselves over the years. We must now stitch them into a strong fabric of internationa

48、l community for an international era. 36 According to what some people say, the international community _. ( A) is an organization recognized internationally ( B) is a concept with no fixed explanation ( C) is invented by a fiction writer ( D) is a community with an adaptable pattern 37 From what go

49、vernments do we can infer that _. ( A) the world is really a disastrous place for people to live in ( B) human beings are facing various threats to their life ( C) governments are often forced to come together to deal with some world affairs ( D) the international community is an actual multifunctional organization 38 In the third paragraph, the writer implies that _. ( A) the international community has not done as much as we expected ( B) the international community is capable of action against


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