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1、职称英语(综合类) B级模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 It is obvious that he will win the game. ( A) likely ( B) possible ( C) clear ( D) probable 2 The earth moves around the sun. ( A) before ( B) round ( C) after ( D) over 3 Did anyone call when

2、 I was out? ( A) everyone ( B) someone ( C) nobody ( D) anybody 4 It took us a long time to mend the house. ( A) build ( B) destroy ( C) design ( D) repair 5 I dont quite follow what she is saying. ( A) observe ( B) understand ( C) explain ( D) describe 6 We can no longer tolerate his actions. ( A)

3、put up with ( B) accept ( C) take ( D) receive 7 Loud noises can be irritating. ( A) hateful ( B) painful ( C) stimulating ( D) annoying 8 In the background was that eternal hum. ( A) long ( B) never-ending ( C) boring ( D) extensive 9 The Constitutions vague nature has given it the flexibility to b

4、e adapted when circumstances change. ( A) imprecise ( B) apparent ( C) clear ( D) easy 10 Gambling is lawful in Nevada. ( A) enjoyable ( B) irresistible ( C) legal ( D) profitable 11 These are the motives for doing it. ( A) reasons ( B) excuses ( C) answers ( D) replies 12 The river widens considera

5、bly as it begins to turn west. ( A) extends ( B) stretches ( C) broadens ( D) bends 13 Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics. ( A) error ( B) puzzle ( C) attraction ( D) contradiction 14 With immense relief I stopped running. ( A) no ( B) little ( C) scarce ( D) enormous 15

6、A great deal has been done to remedy the situation. ( A) maintain ( B) improve ( C) preserve ( D) protect 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有 提及,请选择 C。 15 Dining Custom Every land has its own dining custom, and the United

7、States is no exception. Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner at 6:30, the hostess expects him to be there at 6 : 30 or not more than a few minutes after. Because she usually does her own cooking, she times the meal so that the

8、coffee and meat will be at their best at the time she asks the guest to come. If he is late, the food will not be so good, and the hostess will be disappointed. When the guest can not come on time, he calls his host or hostess on the telephone, gives the reason, and tells at what time he thinks he c

9、an come. As guests continue to arrive, the men in the group stand when a woman enters and remain standing until she found a chair. A man always rises when he is being introduced to a woman. A woman does not rise when she is being introduced either to a man or a woman unless the woman is much older.

10、When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is customary for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. Even an American may be confused by the number of knives, forks, and spoons besides his plate when he sits down to a formal dinner. The rule is simple, however: use them in

11、the order in which they lie, beginning from the outside. Or watch the hostess and do what she does. The small fork on the outside on the left is for salad, which is often served with the soup. The spoon on butter spreader, on a small bread-and-butter plate at the left. As the bread is passed, each g

12、uest puts his piece on the bread-and-butter plate. 16 As a country of immigrants, the U.S. does not have its own dinning customs. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 The guest is expected to arrive on time because the coffee and meat will be at their best at the time he is required to come.

13、( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 A woman usually rises when she is being introduced to an aged gentleman. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 At a dinner table, it is customary for the men to arrange chairs for ladies. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 At formal American

14、 dinner, the knives, forks, and spoons besides the plate are placed in a certain order. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 The right order to use the knives, forks and spoons at a formal dinner is from the left to the right. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 At a formal dinner, br

15、ead is usually served together with salad and soup. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 22 Is There a Way to Keep the Britains Economy Growing? 1. In todays knowle

16、dge economy, nations survive on the things they do best. Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering(工程 ) techniques. The French serve the best food and Americans make computers. 2. Britain specializes in the gift of talking. The nation doesnt manufacture much of anything. But it ha

17、s lawyers, stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk and more talk. The World Foundation think the UKs four iconic(图标的 )jobs today are not scientists, engineers, teachers and nurses. Instead, theyre hairdressers, celebrities, management consultants (顾问 ) and managers. But can

18、 all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can. 3. Although the countrys trade deficit was more than 60 billion in 2006, UKs largest in the postwar period, officials say the country has nothing to worry about. In fact, Britain does have a world-class pharmaceu

19、tical(制药学的 ) industry and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad. It also trades services-accountancy, insurance, banking and advertising. The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy. After all, the country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary

20、 tradition of which to be proud. Rock n roll is an English language medium, and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands. In other words, the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy. 4. However, creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UKs

21、 exports of goods and services . The industries are finding it hard to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in “innovation activities“, 3 percentage points below the EU

22、average and well below Germany(61 percent) and Sweden(47 percent). 5. In fact, it might be better to call Britain a “servant“ economy there are at least 4 million people “in service“. The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook, clean, and take care of their children. Many gradua

23、tes are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree. Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be, at the low-skill end of the service sector-in shops, bars, hotels , domestic service and in nursing and care homes. A. Growth of Economy_ B. “Servant“ Economy_ C. Strength of

24、 the Creative Economy D. Weakness of the Creative Economy E. Gift of Talking F. Export of Talking Machines 23 Paragraph 2_ 24 Paragraph 3_ 25 Paragraph 4_ 26 Paragraph 5_ 26 A. to find jobs B. to do low-skill jobs C. to feed its people D. to handle disputes E. to make a profit F. to worry about the

25、British economy 27 Every country has its own way_. 28 The British government doesnt seem_. 29 The creative industries find it difficult_. 30 Many graduates are employed_. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 30 New Foods and the New World In the last 500 years, nothing

26、 about people not their clothes, ideas, or languages has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree(可可树 ) by South American Indians, The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500s. And although it was very expensive,

27、it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on i

28、t that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the “Potato Famine (饥荒 )“ of 1845-1846, and thousands more were forced to leave their homeland and move to America. There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the oppo

29、site direction. Brazil is now the worlds largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries. But it is native to Ethiopia, a country in Africa. It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400s. According to an Arabic legend, coffee was di

30、scovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush. He tried one and experienced the “wide-awake“ feeling that one-third of the worlds population now starts the day with. 31 According to the passage, which of the following has changed the mos

31、t in the last 500 years? ( A) Food ( B) Clothing ( C) Ideology ( D) Language 32 “some“ in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to _. ( A) some cocoa trees ( B) some chocolate drinks. ( C) some shops ( D) some South American Indians 33 Thousands of Irish people starved during the “Potato F

32、amine“ because _. ( A) they were so dependent on potatoes that they refused to eat anything else ( B) they were forced to leave their homeland and move to America ( C) the weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing potatoes ( D) the potato harvest was bad 34 Which country is the lar

33、gest coffee producer? ( A) Brazil ( B) Colombia ( C) Ethiopia ( D) Egypt 35 Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage? ( A) One third of the worlds population drinks coffee. ( B) Coffee is native to Colombia ( C) Coffee can keep one awake. ( D) Coffee drinks were first

34、made by Arabs. 35 Teaching Poetry No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed“, until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last

35、 thing one hears of it. All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling “interpretation“ of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the word in his or her own voice, on records or o

36、n film, is obviously a special reward. But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting (背诵 ) it. I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing“ it, if there isnt time for both. I

37、 think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is “a criticism of life“, and “a heightening (提升 ) of life“. It is “an approach to the truth of feeling“, and it “can save your life“. It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more centr

38、al than it presently occupies. I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who dont like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else. But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense,

39、and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it. 36 To have a better understanding of a poem, one should _. ( A) discuss it with others ( B) analyze it by oneself ( C) copy it down in a notebook ( D) practice reading it aloud 37 Which of the following is NOT

40、mentioned as a function of poetry? ( A) Extending your life ( B) Saving your life ( C) Criticizing life ( D) Heightening life 38 According to the writer, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students _. ( A) to understand life ( B) to enjoy poetry ( C) to become teachers ( D) to become

41、poets 39 What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply? ( A) More stress should be laid on the teaching of poetry ( B) Poetry is more important than any other subject ( C) One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry ( D) Poetry is the foundation of all language and lite

42、rature courses 40 The phrase “make room“ in the last paragraph could be best replaced by _. ( A) build a booth ( B) provide equipment ( C) leave a certain amount of time ( D) set aside enough space 40 “Salty“ Rice Plant Boosts Harvests British scientists are breeding a new generation of rice plants

43、that will be able to grow in soil containing salt water. Their work may enable abandoned farms to become productive once more. Tim Flowers and Tony Yeo, from Sussex Universitys School of Biological Sciences, have spent several years researching how crops, such as rice, could be made to grow in water

44、 that has become salty. The pair has recently begun a three-year programme, funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, to establish which genes enable some plants to survive salty conditions. The aim is to breed this capability into crops, starting with rice. It is estimat

45、ed that each year more than 10m hectares (公顷 ) of agricultural land are lost because salt gets into the soil and stunts (妨碍生长 ) plants. The problem is caused by several factors. In the tropics, mangroves (红树林 ) that create swamps (沼泽 ) and traditionally formed barriers to sea water have been cut dow

46、n. In the Mediterranean, a series of droughts have caused the water table to drop, allowing sea water to seep (渗透 ) in. In Latin America, irrigation often causes problems when water is evaporated (蒸发 ) by the heat, leaving salt deposits behind. Excess salt then enters the plants and prevents them fu

47、nctioning normally. Heavy concentrations of minerals in the plants stop them drawing up the water they need to survive. To overcome these problems, Flowers and Yeo decided to breed rice plants that take in very little slat and store what they do absorb in cells that do not affect the plants growth.

48、They have started to breed these characteristics into a new rice crop, but it will take about eight harvests before the resulting seeds are ready to be considered for commercial use. Once the characteristics for surviving salty soil are known, Flowers and Yeo will try to breed the appropriate genes

49、into all manners of crops and plants. Land that has been abandoned to nature will then be able to bloom again, providing much needed food in the poorer countries of the world. 41 Which of the following statements about Flowers and Yeo is true? ( A) They are students at Sussex University. ( B) They are rice breeders. ( C) They are husband and wife. ( D) They are colleagues at an institution of higher learning. 42 Flower


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