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1、职称英语(综合类) C级模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 We are sure that he will get over his illness. ( A) certain ( B) aware ( C) happy ( D) determined 2 The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. ( A) in despair ( B) in danger ( C)

2、in misery ( D) in pain 3 If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air is often the cause. ( A) start ( B) begin ( C) happen ( D) visit 4 The ice is not thick enough to bear the weight of a tank. ( A) suffer ( B) accept ( C) receive ( D) support 5 A small number of firms have ceased trading. (

3、 A) completed ( B) finished ( C) fulfilled ( D) stopped 6 She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired. ( A) killed. ( B) shot ( C) dismissed. ( D) murdered 7 The mountains look glorious at sunrise. ( A) inviting ( B) magnificent ( C) appealing ( D) pleasing 8 It seems h

4、ighly unlikely that she will pass the exam, ( A) very ( B) completely ( C) usually ( D) mostly 9 Their parents once lived under very severe conditions. ( A) sound ( B) hard ( C) strict ( D) tight 10 Michael is now merely a good friend. ( A) largely ( B) barely ( C) just ( D) rarely 11 Have you talke

5、d to her lately? ( A) lastly ( B) finally ( C) shortly ( D) recently 12 While we dont agree, we continue to be friends. ( A) Because ( B) Where ( C) Although ( D) Whatever 13 In judging our work, you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently. ( A) thought ( B) acco

6、unt ( C) mind ( D) brain 14 You must shine your shoes. ( A) polish ( B) clear ( C) wash ( D) mend 15 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident. ( A) secrets ( B) details ( C) benefits ( D) words 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该

7、句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 16 A Pay Rise or Not? “Unless I get a rise, Ill have a talk with the boss, Henry Manley,“ George Strong said to himself. George liked his job and he liked the town he lived in, but his wife kept telling him that his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the fam

8、ily. That was why he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby city about 50 miles away. He had been offered a job in a factory there, and the pay was far better. George lived in Wyeford, a medium-sized town. He really liked the place and didnt like the idea of moving somewhere else, but

9、if he took the job in Birmingham, he would have to move his family there. Henry Manley was the manager of a small company manufacturing .electric motors. The company was in deep trouble because, among other reasons, the Japanese were selling such things at very low prices. As a result, Manley had to

10、 cut his own prices and profits as well. Otherwise he would not get any orders at all. Even then, orders were still not coming in fast enough, so that there was no money for raises (加工资 ) for his workers. Somehow, he had to struggle along and keep his best workers as well. He sighed. Just then the p

11、hone rang. His secretary told him that George Strong wanted to see him as soon as possible. Manley sighed again. He could guess what it was about. George Strong was a very young engineer. The company had no future unless it could attract and keep men like him. Manley rubbed his forehead (前额 ); his p

12、roblems seemed endless. 16 Henry Manley was already deeply in debt. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 The job that had been offered to George in Birmingham paid better. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 If George took the job in Birmingham, he would have to leave his family at Wy

13、eford, ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Henry Manleys company was in deep trouble. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Henry Manleys company was making enough profits to raise the workers wages. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Henry Manley had no idea at all why George

14、 Strong wanted to see him. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 George Strong was the best engineer in Henry Manleys company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个

15、最佳选项。 23 Nice Name But Shes So Deadly 1 More than a million people in the United States were told to leave their homes over the weekend as Hurricane (飓风 ) Dennis headed to the Gulf coast, after killing at least 15 people in the Caribbean Sea. 2 If you read the news often enough, you may notice that

16、all hurricanes are given names. Why is that? Remember, there can be more than one hurricane operating at one time. Without naming them, we could get confused about which storm were talking about. 3 For hundreds of years, hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the particular religious day on wh

17、ich they occurred. One Australian meteorologist (气象学家 ) began giving womens names to tropical storms at the end of the 19th century, in 1953, the US National Weather Service, which is responsible for tracking hurricanes and issuing warnings, began using female names for storms. By 19791 both women a

18、nd mens names were being used. One name for each letter of the alphabet (字母表 ) is selected, except for Q, U and Z. 4 So who decides which names are used each year? The World Meteorological Organization uses six lists in rotation, so each list is reused every six years. 5 Heres a list of the 2005 Atl

19、antic hurricanes, according to the US National Hurricane Centre: Arlene, Bret, Cindy, Dennis, Emily, Franklin, Gert, Harvey, Irene, Jose, Katrina, Lee, Maria, Nate, Ophelia, Philippe, Rita, Stan, Tammy, Vince, Wilma. 23 A. Reason for naming hurricanes B. Warning of an approaching hurricane C. Deadly

20、 women D. History of naming hurricanes E. Organization responsible for naming hurricanes F. Ways to track hurricanes 23 Paragraph 1_ 24 Paragraph 2_ 25 Paragraph 3_ 26 Paragraph 4_ 27 A. to track hurricanes and issue warnings B. to avoid confusion C. to stay at home D. to be given to tropical storms

21、 E. to make predictions F. to kill at least 15 people 27 Over a million people were warned not_ 28 The responsibility of the US National Weather Service is_ 29 Hurricanes are given names_ 30 30 At the end of the 19th century, womens names started_ 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文

22、内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 31 The Street Violinist I got up and dressed, stuck my violin under my jacket, and went out into the streets to try my luck. I wandered about for an hour, looking for a likely spot, feeling as though I were about to commit a crime. Then I stopped at last under a bridge near the stati

23、on and decided to have a try. I felt tense and nervous. It was the first time, after all. I drew the violin from under my coat like a gun. It was here, in Southampton, with trains rattling overhead, that I was about to declare myself. One morning I was part of the hurrying crowds, the next I stood a

24、part, my back to the wall, my hat on the pavement before me, the violin under my chin. The fist notes I played were loud and raw, like a declaration of protest. Then they settled down and began to run more smoothly and to stay more or less in turn. To my surprise I was neither arrested nor told to s

25、hut up. Indeed, nobody took any notice at all. Then an old man, without stopping, surreptitiously tossed a penny into my hat as though getting out of some guilty evidence. I worked the streets of Southampton for several days, gradually acquiring the truths of the trade by trial and error. It was not

26、 a good thing, for instance, to let the hat fill up with money the sight could discourage the patron. Nor was it wise to empty it completely, which could also confuse him, giving him no hint as to where to drop his money. Placing a couple of pennies in the hat to start the thing going soon became a

27、regular ritual, making sure between tunes, to hide most of the earnings, but always leaving two pennies behind. Old ladies were most generous, and so were women with children, shopgirls, typists and barmaids. As for the man, heavy drinkers were always willing listeners and so were big guys with musc

28、les. But never a man with a gentlemans hat, briefcase or dog. Respectable types were the meanest of all. Except for retired army officers, who Would yell “Why arent you working, young man?“ and then toss some money into the hat to hide their confusion. 31 How long did the author wander about in the

29、streets before he stopped under a bridge? ( A) A day. ( B) An hour. ( C) All morning. ( D) All afternoon. 32 The first time the author played the violin in the street, he expected ( A) he would became a great musician ( B) he would get into trouble ( C) people would be happy to give him money ( D) p

30、eople would stop and listen 33 The first person who gave him money ( A) was an old lady ( B) stopped and listened for a while ( C) dropped the money by mistakes ( D) didnt want to be noticed 34 According to the author, what is the best way to encourage people to give a street violinist money? ( A) T

31、o wear an attractive hat. ( B) To fill up the hat with money. ( C) To leave a couple of pennies in the hat. ( D) To empty the hat completely. 35 The retired army officers gave him money ( A) to show they were most generous ( B) to show they were most respectable ( C) to hide their confusion ( D) to

32、show they were rich 36 Some Things We Know about Language Many things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so. But some things we do know. First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no lang

33、uage, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another. Furthermore, in historical times, there has never been a race of men without a language. Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, who are, as we say, u

34、ncivilized, but the languages they speak are not primitive. In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing. This has not always been well understood; indeed, the direct contrary has often been stated. Popular ideas of the language of the A

35、merican Indians will illustrate. Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises. Study has proved this to be nonsense. There are, or were, hundreds of American Indian languages, and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old. They are certa

36、inly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with, but they are no more primitive than English and Greek. A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the la

37、nguage. Finally, we know that language changes. It is natural and normal for language to change; the only languages which do not change are the dead ones. This is easy to understand if we look backward in time. Change goes on in all aspects of language. Grammatical features change as do speech sound

38、s, and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language. 36 In the second paragraph the author thinks that _. ( A) some backward race doesnt have a language of its own ( B) some race in history didnt possess a language

39、 of its own ( C) any human race, whether backward or not, has a language ( D) some races on earth can communicate without language 37 According to the author, people of underdeveloped cultures can have_ language. ( A) complicated ( B) uncivilized ( C) primitive ( D) well-known 38 The author has used

40、 American Indian language as an example to show that they are _. ( A) just as old as some well-known languages ( B) just as advanced as some well-known languages ( C) more developed than some well-known language ( D) more complex than some well-known language 39 Which of the following statement is I

41、NCORRECT? ( A) Language is a means of expressing a particular culture. ( B) All languages can well express their respective Cultures. ( C) Some primitive languages can also express their cultures. ( D) Some primitive languages are better than other languages. 40 According to the author language chan

42、ges are most likely to occur in _. ( A) grammar ( B) pronunciation ( C) vocabulary ( D) intonation 41 Inspecting a Used Car The scariest part of buying a used car is not being completely sure of what condition its in. A car thats been in a major accident is always a bigger risk, but sellers often tr

43、y to hide this information. Andrew Blealdey, evaluator-inspector, runs a mobile vehicle inspection service in Montreal. For about $ 80 be will perform a full, unbiased inspection on a used vehicle. In his 10 years as a professional inspector, Bleakley has seen a lot. He warns “Watch out for dealer d

44、emonstration vehicles which are used not new. They may have been in a collision.“ He adds that it is not uncommon in Ontario and Quebec especially for unscrupulous sellers to roll back the odometer or to even disengage it. Bleakiey has special tools to check for this. Bleakley always recommends hiri

45、ng all independent technician to inspect the condition of a used car before you buy it. The problem is finding someone qualified to do the inspection. Which he says generally doesnt mean just any mechanic. A thorough mechanical inspection includes checking the compression, all major systems, includi

46、ng the engine, electrical and charging systems, transmission and drive line, fluids, brakes, suspension, and steering. Essential, too, is all inspection of the cars body and finally a road test. There are, however, a few things everyone can do before buying a used Car: Do a visual check of the car.

47、Look at the right rear door hinges. If they are very worn, or the door doesnt close well, the car may have been used as a taxi. Holes in the roof could mean the car was used for deliveries. Check for oil leaks on the pavement. Note that leaks are not necessarily a significant problem- it depends on

48、the cause. Dont assume that new 100 king brake and accelerator pedals mean the car hasht been driven much. Resellers know people check these details and can buy new pads for around $ 6. Copy down the vehicle identification number (VIN), a 17-character combination of numbers and letters, from the veh

49、icles dashboard. In Ontado, ask the dealer or seller for the Used Vehicle Information Package. This gives details of previous owners, any outstanding liens on the car, and the fair market value of the vehicle. collision n.碰撞;碰撞事故 odometer n.里程表 compression n.压缩;压缩量 brake n刹车 pedal n踏脚 lien n,扣押权 unscrupulous adj.办不择手段的 disengage v.松开;使脱离 transmission n传输 suspension n,悬架 hinge n,铰链 dashboard n仪表板 41 According to the passage, in buying a s


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