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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 178及答案与解析 1 Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why. 2 Should children pursue sport for recreation or as a

2、 form of competition? Give your opinion and reasons to support your argument. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 178答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 Learning to be competitive is clearly the best preparation for life. No one can be trusted. This becomes very clear as one has more experience in the world. Everyone is out to make their own li

3、ves better and must do everything they can to succeed. Let me explain. In the first place everyone knows that man is by nature a competitive, aggressive, and selfish animal. Even Darwin, in The Origin of the Species, makes it very clear that the weak will die, and only the strong will survive. Since

4、 this is our fate, the only intelligent thing to do is to be strong, and be a winner. Also, in the business world, everyone knows that the most important order of the day is to beat your competitors. This can only be done by competing by any and all means necessary to win. No one wants to go out of

5、business, so you must compete. Also, you must be better than the other employees you are working with, because in this age of downsizing, you do not want to be fired. Further, in the sports world, the strongest will come out as winners. They become our heroes and they are glorified in every way. In

6、fact, the only way our world rewards people is to give trophies to the winners, not to the losers. Everyone wants glory in life and learning to be competitive is the only path to glory. Therefore, the only way to survive in this world is to be competitive. To learn to cooperate is a ridiculous way t

7、o live ones life. In fact, I know that when I wish to beat someone who is weaker willed than I, I will use their foolish cooperative actions against them in the end. 2 【正确答案】 Every parent wants their child to have a happy childhood and to grow up as a well-balanced person. To this end, we adults sho

8、uld always present children with a view of a world which is true, good and beautiful. It is therefore easy to answer the question of whether sport for children should be regarded as recreation or as competition. Recreation is clearly the key to future happiness. When children take part in sport game

9、s just for fun, they will gain pleasure from them and cultivate good relationships with others and a sense of cooperation. It also allows children to view each other as collaborators, especially when they get in trouble. On the other hand, competition is absolutely destructive for children and the p

10、sychological damage cannot be over-estimated. Competitive games by definition must produce a loser and a winner. Defeat will undermine self-esteem and cause self-doubt. For winners, it does not build character: winning produces feelings of pride which are short-lived. The more the young compete, the

11、 more they need to compete to feel good about themselves. Once they fail to beat others, they will feel very frustrated. Competitive encounters have an equally toxic effect on childrens relationships among children. In a competition, each child inevitably comes to regard others as rivals or as obsta

12、cles to his or her own success. It leads children to envy winners and to dismiss losers. Children become suspicious of just about everyone, as nobody would trust a person who may gain from his failure. The problem is competition itself. If we would like our children to enjoy their childhood and make a friendly world for them, a playing field should not be turned into a battlefield.


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