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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 181及答案与解析 1 Overpopulation has been an issue faced by many countries. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. 2 In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 181答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 In mo

2、st countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, educati

3、on to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialised and

4、 developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there are usually more crimes, which are often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crim

5、es. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant but who does not want to give birth should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are punished financially

6、 if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the “one-child policy“ is beginning to have an effect in the worlds most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations, such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion cont

7、inues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. 2 【正确答案】 People nowadays are living much longer than their counterparts in the past. In China, the average life expectancy has reportedly increased

8、more than 4 years since 1990. Among various factors that contribute to this phenomenon are the continuously advancing food condition, the rapidly developing medical care system, and finally the current stable social and economic circumstance. The food condition overall is becoming better and better,

9、 and is an important factor that makes people live much longer than before. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, and sterilized skim milk. Furthermore, foods are more nutritious, not to mention various carefully designed nutritious products. Of equal imp

10、ortance is the rapidly developing national medical care system. Development of modern technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expense, but in the past, they are all probably lethal. Dental technology seems de

11、veloped little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to peoples longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect

12、: he might even die of a toothache! Finally, the current stable economic circumstance is also a great influential factor. Social and economic circumstance has a dramatic effect on peoples life expectancy. It was reported that Russian life expectancy dropped from 70 to 58 shortly after the disintegra

13、tion of the previous Soviet Union. Apparently, people have less pressure in a more stable society, and the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. At the same time, various types of insurance are readily available, which make people feel safe, therefore indirectly contributes significantly to longevity of people.


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