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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 208及答案与解析 1 You are travelling and have lost something that is expensive. The lost item is insured. Write a letter to the insurance company. In you letter describe how it happened explain what you have done claim a compensation 2 Having finished your final exams, you have gone straight ho

2、me without saying goodbye to your roommate. Write a letter to him/her. In you letter show your apology explain the situation invite him/her home during the vacation 雅思 (写作)模拟试卷 208答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 Dear Sir or Madam, I am one of your customers, and I just lost an expensive video recorder on a trip. I j

3、oined in a holiday tour last week. But on March 12th, when I finished one days sightseeing and went back to the hotel, I found my video recorder which was in a drawer missing, i had to recharge the batteries of the recorder so I did not bring it with me on that day. I asked the floor waiter about th

4、e recorder but he said he did not even notice it. I also complained to the manager of the hotel. He said he was sorry for my loss but he could do nothing about it. So I had to call the police. When I returned from the trip, i remembered that some of my properties, including the recorder, were insure

5、d by your company. Therefore, I am writing to let you know that I would like to claim compensation from you. I have enclosed a copy of the police statement. I look forward to your timely reply. Yours sincerely, Fan Yang 2 【正确答案】 Dear David, I am writing to apologise for the abrupt way I departed rig

6、ht after the exams finished. It was terribly rude of me to have left without saying goodbye to you, especially as we have been such good roommates. Not only did we help each other to study over the past term, but we also shared many leisure interests. The fact is that when I learned that I had passe

7、d the exams with high marks, I was so excited that I could not wait to get home and tell the good news to my parents. You see, they had been worried about the low grades I had been getting. Im sure you will understand my feelings. Anyway, I want to let you know that I very much value our good relati

8、onship. To make up for my thoughtless behavior toward you, i want to invite you to come and stay with my family during the vacation. My hometown is located in a very scenic part of the country, and there are lots to do and see. You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish, so please write and let me know your decision. Yours sincerely, Fan


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