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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 1 Some people argue that knowledge from books is of greater importance than that from experience while others hold the totally different opinion. Which one do you think is more important? 2 Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is listening to the advice of

2、 family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 96答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 People are always learning and practicing throug

3、h their whole lives. From reading words in textbook such as toy, car, etc., people develop concepts and ideas. They further understand the actual meaning of these words by playing toys, riding cars, etc. Education (books) and experience are the two main channels for people to gain their knowledge. E

4、ach plays a different role for people. In my opinion, knowledge from experience is more important than that from books. Experience firstly can prove whether the knowledge from books is true or false. Textbooks are very wonderful in teaching people essential principles. However, people can only under

5、stand the reai meaning of those from books and justify them if they are right through practices. A few hundred years ago, people learnt from textbooks that the earth was flat. However, navigators found that was wrong through observations and voyage. Knowledge from experience can improve and advance

6、the world and our society. As books have limitations, they only teach us about what people found in the past. The knowledge from the books is constrained to the certain conditions and environment. For example, the university course only taught me very simple cases. Most knowledge I possess is obtain

7、ed from various difficult and complicated cases in my career. There are a lot of new inventions and new products, which couid not be found yet in textbooks. Our society and world are developed through continuous practices. Some knowledge, never found in books, such as Internet, e-business, etc. are

8、all developed through new practices. “The truth comes from practices and experience“, so goes an old saying. People are continually discovering new things and assessing the credibility of knowledge written in books. The knowledge from experience helps us much more than that from books. 2 【正确答案】 As w

9、e grow, we learn many things about life. Some of these lessons are easy and some are difficult. What is the best way to learn them? Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while some people believe that it is better to learn through personal experience. Both metho

10、ds have their advantages. In the first case, learning by listening to others, we have the benefit of learning from others mistakes and are thus being able to avoid them ourselves. We can take advantage of the experience and wisdom of our friends and family. This will help us make better decisions an

11、d avoid costly errors. Furthermore, the people who know us well can advise us effectively because they understand our strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, they are sometimes able to see situations more objectively than we are. In the second case, learning through doing, we have the advantage

12、of gaining meaningful experience. We will no doubt better remember the lessons we learn when we enjoy the rewards or suffer the consequences ourselves. Moreover, we can often develop other skills through personal experience and can learn from our mistakes. Finally, no two people are exactly alike. T

13、herefore, what family and friends think may be suitable for them, but not appropriate for us. Given a choice between these two ways of learning about life, I would still choose the former, learning through the advice of others. This is because I believe I should take advantage of all the resources a

14、vailable, and the experiences of my family and friends are a valuable resource. For example, if I were preparing to take my first trip abroad on my own, the advice of others who have already experienced such a trip could only help me. Just as we can learn from history, we can learn from the past actions of those close to us.


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