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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 97及答案与解析 1 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? 2 Some people think that, in order to improve the quality of education, students shoul

2、d be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others feel that this will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 97答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I di

3、sagree. I dont understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they dont attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class. In class th

4、ey receive the benefit of the teachers knowledge. The best teachers can do more than just go over the material in the textbook. They draw their students into discussion on the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional informati

5、on, or show documentary films on the subject. Also classes on any subject provide more than just facts. The students are taught how to learn, how to get information and then apply what theyve learned in other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They cant learn t

6、hem just by reading the textbook. By going to class, the students can learn how to work with the other members of the class. Many times, students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they are with people from different backgrounds and experi

7、ences. In this situation, they learn how to cooperate with people different from themselves to achieve a common good. In short, by going to class, students get more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are n

8、ot optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional. 2 【正确答案】 In many universities, students are asked to evaluate their teachers after each course. Some people believe the system has many advantages to the students and the teachers. Others argue that it would lead to poor discip

9、line in the classroom. Indeed, evaluation of their teachers by students has both pros and cons. There are many drawbacks in student assessment. First of all, students are very young and, compared with their teachers, are less knowledgeable both in theory and practice on a subject. Therefore, they ar

10、e unable to evaluate their teachers performance in a sound way. Secondly, student assessment would lead to poor discipline in the classroom. If each of the students is allowed to decide on what, how and when to learn, classroom management would become impossible. Thirdly, in order to gain a better e

11、valuation, teachers would seek to please each of the students by lowering the study requirements. This would do harm to students academic performance in the long run. However, advocates of student assessment have their reasons. Firstly, this kind of feedback can be used to improve teachers performan

12、ce. Teaching methods can only be successful if they are student-centred. Therefore, listening to the students constructive suggestions, teachers will have a better idea of what students needs are and can then adjust their teaching to meet them. Secondly, the process of writing evaluations will help

13、the students think in their own way independently. Students should be encouraged to learn by even challenging their teachers thinking. Thirdly, the matter could be considered in a commercial way. Teachers are those who provide paid educational services whiie students, paying for their education, are

14、 customers. In this way, it can be fully justified that students have the right to evaluate the services they receive. In my own opinion, student evaluations of teachers would be beneficial to both teachers and students. Teachers can adjust their teaching according to the information they obtain from the evaluation. Students ability of independent thinking and learning can be greatly improved. Moreover, the practice is the outcome of market economy. Students have rights to evaluate their teachers.


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