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1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 PART 1 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. Work What work do you do in your job? Was it difficult to get this kind of job? What do you enjoy about your job? Music What kin

2、ds of music do you like? Can you play a musical instrument? Do your friends and family have different musical tastes to you? Who is your favourite singer or musician? Have you ever been to one of their performances or seen one on TV? Names Is your family name a common one in your country? Do people

3、in your country usually have middle names? Does your name mean anything or have a special significance? Would you like to change your name? In your culture, do Women change theft names when they get married? 2 PART 2 Tell me about an environmental problem that is facing your country. You should say:

4、 -what the problem is; -how it arose; -how it influences life in your country and explain how this problem could be solved. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish. 3 PAR

5、T 3 Discussion topic: The Environment Example questions: What measures should the government and individuals in your country take to improve the environment? Can our environment ever be truly clean? What can we do to protect endangered animals? If we focus too much on the environment, wont our econo

6、my be less efficient? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 19答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Work I teach my native language to foreigners. Most of my students are young students, but some are businesspeople who have been sent to work in my country by their companies. I usually teach for six to eight hours

7、a day, six days a week. Most of my classes are in the morning or in the late afternoon. It wasnt very difficult. I studied language and literature at university and then did a teaching course afterwards. Whilst studying on the teaching course, most of us were offered jobs at various schools around t

8、he country. I enjoy meeting a variety of people from different backgrounds. All of my students are very friendly and often introduce me to their friends. Many of their friends then ask if I can teach them too. Music I like punk music. Its loud and full of energy. I also like the way that many punk m

9、usicians dress and have weird hairstyles. I used to like rock music, but I think that now a lot of the bands create music that is almost exactly the same, so Ive become bored with it. I still like some bands, such as U2. I can play the guitar. Im not very good, but I enjoy it. When I was a kid, my p

10、arents tried to get me to learn to play the piano. I can still play a little, but I dont really enjoy it. Most of my friends do. They prefer pop music or rock music. I have a few friends who like punk music, so we go to a club once or twice a month to listen to it. None of us have punk hairstyles th

11、ough! I dont have a favourite singer of musician, but my favourite band is the punk band “Defy“ from Germany. They are great! They are extremely loud, so you cant hear the words of the songs, but you can find them on their website. Many people think that punk music and lyrics dont make much sense, b

12、ut if you go to this website, youll find that that is not always tree. I havent seen a live performance by them, but I did find a DVD which was made of one of their American concerts. I hope to see them live one day. Names Its not very common, but its not very unusual either. I mean, Ive never met a

13、nyone with the same surname as me, but if you look in the phone hook in any city in my country, youll see it. My given name is pretty common. Yes, its quite normal. Not everyone has one, but around half the people do. Its quite common to have a middle name that refers to another member of the family

14、, particularly a parent or grandparent. Nowadays, some people give their children a middle name according to a star that they like-you know, a sports star or singer or actor or someone. I dont like that, but . My family name refers to a job-it means miller in my language. Clearly, sometime in the pa

15、st, there was a miller in my family. My given name also has a meaning, but to be honest I cant remember it right now. No. Im very happy with it. Its a fairly ordinary name. Some of my friends say that they would like to have an unusual name, but not me. Yes, they usually do. However, some women pref

16、er to keep their maiden names especially if they have a career or a famous person. 2 【正确答案】 OK. An environmental problem that is facing my country is a lack of clean water. This problem is caused by a general lack of fresh water and by industries that pollute water making it expensive to clean and r

17、euse. At the moment, it isnt causing any big problems in my country, but if the consumption of water by people and by industry continues to rise, there could be water shortages which would slow down economic development. I think that there a few ways in which this problem could be solved. The first

18、thing that needs to be done is to increase the supply of water. This could be done by building desalination plants along the coast so that seawater could be turned into fresh water. It could also be done through irrigation schemes. These could divert water from rivers to farmland. The second thing t

19、hat could be done is to encourage people to waste less water. Many people use clean water on their gardens. They should be encouraged to use dirty water- such as water that they have already used for bathing- for this purpose. They could use rainwater too. Another thing that needs to be done is to e

20、nforce existing laws on causing water pollution. This would make river water cleaner and make it easier to use. 3 【正确答案】 I mentioned a few possibilities in part two. Enforcing existing laws would be a good move. I also think that the government could encourage recycling. We recycle very little in my

21、 country, which is a pity because most of the waste could be used again rather than taking up valuable land in landfills. Some governments charge people to have their waste collected unless the waste is prepared for recycling. I think that this is a great idea. I doubt it. It would be nice, but ther

22、es always going to be waste around. However, I do believe that we can reduce the amount of waste to a minimum. We could use clean renewable fuels such as solar power and wind power. These dont pollute the environment. However, the problem at the moment is that it is difficult to use these forms of p

23、ower for factories that need a lot of power of for things like cars. I hope that in the future scientists and engineers will be able to solve these problems, allowing us to have a cleaner environment. I think that we need to create more areas where human development is minimal or zero. One of the bi

24、ggest problems that endangered animals face is that humans are encroaching on their habitats. In my country, much land is unsuitable for farming and could easily be made into wildlife reserves. Another thing that needs to be done is to prevent poaching. Its not just a question of having more guards

25、at wildlife reserves-the local people need to be encouraged to help. This could be done by creating opportunities for tourists to visit the reserves, bringing money to the local people. If you had asked me this question a few years ago, I would have certainly said yes, but now I have read about a lo

26、t of scientific developments that allow us to have a good economy without damaging the environment much. Take recycling for example. If people recycle more, that will create jobs and make raw materials for industry cheaper, as well as helping the environment, Its not only a question of the economy and the environment either. If there is less pollution, people will be healthier.


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