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1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 33及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) Introduction (compulsory) Good morning/afternoon. My name is _. Can you tell me your full name, please? What should I call you? Could you tell me where youre from? Can I see your identification, please?

2、 Thank you. Now in this first part Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Interview (choose 1) Lets talk about where you live. Where do you live? Have you always lived in this area? Which part of the area where you live do you find most interesting? Why? Lets talk about your studies. Do y

3、ou have a job or are you a full-time student at the moment? What type of job will your studies lead you to? For how many years will you need to study in order to become qualified? Interview (choose 2 ) Now lets talk about shopping. Which types of shops do you usually like to shop at? Why? What types

4、 of things do you buy most often? Why? Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? Why? Would you describe shopping as a hobby or a chore? Why? Lets talk about reading. What types of books do you enjoy reading? Why? Do most of your friends enjoy reading similar types of books? Which do you generall

5、y prefer, a book or the movie version of that book? Why? Is there anything that you dont like about reading? Why? Now lets talk about relaxing. What is your preferred way of relaxing? Why? What is the effect on you when you take time to relax? Do you think you have more or less time to relax nowaday

6、s than you used to? Why? Do other people you know have much time to relax? Why/Why not? 2 Individual Long Turn (3-4 minutes) Now, Im going to give you a topic and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, youll have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You c

7、an make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Heres some paper and a pencil for making notes and heres your topic: Id like you to talk about an interesting advertisement you have seen. Describe an interesting advertisement you have seen. You should say: where you saw the advertisement what it w

8、as advertising why you thought it was interesting and say why whether or not this advertisement influenced you to buy the product or service it was promoting. Rounding off questions: Do you often watch advertisements on television? Do you generally find advertisements interesting? 3 Two-way Discussi

9、on (4-5 minutes) Weve been talking about an advertisement you found interesting and now Id like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this. Lets consider first the topic of the advertising industry as a whole. Why do you think that some people become annoyed with advertisi

10、ng? Would you agree that advertising can be irritating? Why? How effective do you think the medium of advertising is? Why? What changes have there been in the way products are advertised and promoted over the last decade? Now lets talk about advertising and social issues. Advertisements for social i

11、ssues such as drink driving often use graphic images to convey their message. What in your opinion is the impact of these types of advertisements? Increasingly, a number of charities are utilizing advertising and marketing as a method of promoting their causes. How effective do you think these types

12、 of campaigns are? Some people feel that using celebrities to back a particular cause or social issue is a very effective way to encourage public support of that cause. Whats your opinion? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 33答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 I live in a city called Guile, which is in the s

13、outh west of China. It has beautiful scenery and mountains. No, my parents moved here when I was five years old. Before that, we lived with my grandparents in Shanghai but we moved because my parents found good jobs here. I think the mountains and unusual rocks that we have are the most interesting,

14、 because they are such a pretty landscape. I never get tired of looking at the different views around the city. At the moment I do both: Im a full-time student but I also have a part-time job related to my studies so that I can gain good work experience. Im studying to be a vet, so thats the career

15、that I hope to get into. Its very competitive though and I have to maintain a high average. In total, five years. Theres a lot of practical experience in the final year but of course thats unpaid work, so I cant wait to graduate and start working to pay off my student loan. All kinds of shops, I sup

16、pose, as it depends what Im buying. I do tend to prefer shopping in a large shopping mall, as theres everything you need in one place, so its very convenient. Well, I feel like Im always running to the supermarket to buy things Ive forgotten to make dinner, so probably the thing that I buy the most

17、is food. I cant stand shopping with other people because I waste so much time! I definitely prefer shopping on my own as I know what I like and where Im going. You know, I think shopping can be both. It totally depends on the circumstances-if youre running late and theres no car park and the superma

18、rket is busy, it can be a total nightmare. But ifI have lots of time, I really enjoy it. I dont really get that much time to read for fun, but when I do, I love the latest vampire books that have become really popular. I think they are just the right mix of romance and horror. Yes, I guess so althou

19、gh everyone has their own preferences as well. Some of my friends prefer classic literature while others like science fiction but we all love to talk about the Twilight books. Mostly, I have to say that the book is, nine times out of ten, always better. Having said that, I really enjoyed the Twiligh

20、t and Eclipse movies as well as I think they were great adaptations of the book. But most of the time, Id say the book is better. I hate reading boring scientific articles for university because they make me feel sleepy and they are so difficult to understand! Its like reading another language. I ha

21、dnt really thought about that I suppose I just like to watch TV or a movie, or hang out with friends. Those are the ways that I relax because I like to switch off and do nothing. Well, I suppose my muscles become less tight and any tension I have kind of disappears. My mind starts to feel calm and m

22、y whole body just unwinds. Its a great feeling! I actually probably have a bit more time to relax just at the moment, because Im on holiday from university, but when the semester starts again I would say I definitely have less time than I used to when I was at high school, for instance. Study takes

23、up most of my time. I think so. I mean most people are busy and work hard, but finding time to relax is important to them too, so they make time. My fellow students are like me though, always studying for the next test, so we dont really get that much time to just chill out and relax. 2 【正确答案】 An ad

24、vertisement that I saw on television recently, which I actually really enjoyed, is for a company called Expedia, I think. The company has something to do with booking online hotel rooms and flights or something. Anyway, the advertisement has lots and tots of people outside in a field and each of the

25、m is a hotel housekeeping staff member, making up a beautiful hotel bed. It starts with them unfolding the sheets and tucking in the comers, and they all do it in unison, so the effect is quite interesting, kind of like a dance. Then they all fluff the pillows and its funny, because its all quite se

26、rious but one man does his a bit too hard and feathers come flying out. After that all the staff stretch their backs, again all together, and finally they place a couple of chocolates on the bed, so that everything is perfect. Then finally they all stand by the bed they have made. Overall the advert

27、isement is beautifully made, with great styling, and no terrible voice over or rushed talking. I think the number of beds is quite dramatic, and is designed to show that the company has a really wide network and can offer lots of choice to their customers. Its also like a little story, and makes you

28、 wonder about all the people all over the world who work hard making hotel beds so in that sense its not only quite a charming story but its also something we can all relate to. However, I think what makes the ad really special is the song which it features, which is so catchy and melodic that it is

29、 very memorable. I remembered the song before I remembered what the ad was for. The song is by an Australian singer who wrote it especially for the ad, but now her singing career has really taken off and she is releasing an album which I think is great. I dont know if this ad would influence me to b

30、uy flights or hotel rooms online at Expedia, but it certainly did make me aware of the brand and I even goggled the song to see who it was by, so in that way it is kind of like double exposure, for Expedia but also for the singer. I think its very clever marketing. No, I dont. Its only occasionally

31、that one catches my eye. No, not really. There are too many and they are too frequent. 3 【正确答案】 I think the reason why people get annoyed with advertisements is due to the fact that they are everywhere: on the bus, on the train, on the television, on the radio, on the internet. It sometimes feels li

32、ke advertising is never-ending, so I think a lot of people find this really intrusive, repetitive and well just boring, as a lot of ads are not well designed or thought out and seem basic and boring. Thats the funny thing: its effective in many ways. I think it has a role in making people aware of n

33、ew and innovative products and services and in that way it is very effective. However I think some types of advertising are more effective than others, such as targeted advertising to a particular demographic, or even more subtle types of advertising such as sponsorship and product placement. There

34、are many different methods of advertising. Well, as I mentioned I think the industry is evolving in the sense that it is finding more subtle ways to express advertising messages. For instance, product placement in popular television shows or movies is growing in popularity. Sponsorship of anything f

35、rom a radio show to the Olympic Games is another change which has become more and more popular over the last ten years. Also, formats of advertising have had to change as lots of people have in many ways gone online for their main media source, so ads on websites and bogs are now commonplace. Im sur

36、e there will be more changes in future, too. I think when these types of advertisements first came on television, they were extremely effective because they were so shocking and people responded to them, so the effect was positive in that people definitely thought twice before drinking alcohol and t

37、hen getting into their cars to drive home. However, over time I believe people have become quite desensitized to these images, particularly the drink driving type ads, and they just tend to switch off. I think this has made people tired and bored of the issue. In todays market, everything is a produ

38、ct or service, and charity campaigns are no exception, so I think some of these charities who have taken on board marketing concepts or even used professional agencies to take care of their branding have been very clever. These campaigns can be incredibly effective, because they use advertising and

39、marketing psychology to build awareness of an issue and accordingly, turn that awareness into donations and so on. Nowadays, charities have to compete for our attention just like any other business. My opinion is that celebrity endorsements of a cause are free, as long as they believe in and underst

40、and what it is they are backing. For instance you cant have a celebrity standing up and supporting an anti-fur campaign and then being photographed the next day wearing a fur coat, as it has zero credibility. Thats an extreme example, but I guess what Im trying to say is that a lot of these celebrities who endorse a cause dont actually know anything about it, nor do they live their lives according to the cause. So I think charities have to be very careful about who they approach for this type of role.


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