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1、雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 1及答案与解析 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Moving Company Service Report Example Answer Full Name: Jane Bond Phone Number: 【 L1】 _ USA Address: 509, 【 L2】 _ 1137, 【 L3】 _in Seattle Packing Day: 【 L4】 _ Date: 11th March Clean-up by:

2、 5:00 p.m. Day: 【 L5】 _ About the Price: Most expensive Storage Time: 【 L6】 _ 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 6 Where does the speaker decide to put items in? Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 7-10. A in emergency pack B in the personal package C in storage with

3、the furniture Items 7 cutlery and dishes 8 kettle 9 alarm clock 10 CD player 10 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.ANNUAL WULLABALLOO CONFERENCE 16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 17 Tickets are available ( A) only at the reception desk. ( B

4、) tomorrow evening. ( C) at any time before the reception. 18 The delegates will be charged_for lunch. ( A) $6.50 ( B) $ 15.00 ( C) $25.00 19 The restaurant is famous for ( A) steak. ( B) fish. ( C) barbecue. 20 The trip on Sunday costs ( A) $35 in total. ( B) $35 plus entrance fees. ( C) $35 plus l

5、unch. 20 Choose the correct letter, A, BorC. GENERAL COURSE DETAILS 21 What is the defining characteristic of a specialised course? ( A) taking a proficiency exam ( B) attending the class frequently ( C) compulsory and regular 22 The Microbiology courses are available for ( A) full-time and flexible

6、 study time students. ( B) Microbiology students only. ( C) the students on a flexible schedule. 23 The Biology courses are available for ( A) all the students. ( B) full-time students only. ( C) freshmen only. 24 Who are interested in Microbiology courses? ( A) people who need work experience ( B)

7、people traveling from off campus ( C) people who work at hospital 25 A Medical Science course will be opened next year because ( A) there are no experimental facilities. ( B) the lab equipment is too expensive. ( C) the building is damaged. 26 Which is the quickest increasing subject in enrollment ?

8、 ( A) Medical Science ( B) Statistics ( C) Environment Science 26 Choose THREE letters, A-G. Which THREE compulsory courses must be taken? A Medical Science B Computing C Mathematics D Laboratory Techniques E Statistics F Medicine G Environmental Science 30 Complete the sentence below. Write NO MORE

9、 THAN TWO WORDS for the answer. There are three full scholarships that cover tuition and provide $ 1,500 cash as a_. 30 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. How to Choose Flooring Materials Source 31 There are some man-made materials like_. 32 Before using, materia

10、l undergoes_. 33 Wood should be cut and_. 34 Stone should be cut and_. 35 Selection Aside from environmental factors, one should take_into account during construction. 36 Some properties of materials affect mood, such as_, texture and color. 37 Use a mathematical formula to choose the type of wood,

11、because_are subjective, which are ambiguous in verbal description. 37 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 1答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 CLERK: Good morning, maam, and welcome to “Australias Moving Experience“! How can I help you? WOMAN: Well, I hop

12、e you can help me, Im so up in the air right now. I,I. CLERK: Just calm down, now. Let me guess: youre moving and it has you a little confused. WOMAN: Thats it exactly. You see, Im relocating to the United States next month and Im having a hard time getting organised. CLERK: Here, fill out your name

13、 and address, and let me ask you a few questions. Oh, what should I call you? WOMAN: My name is Jane, Jane Bond. CLERK: OK, Jane, first of all, whats your work phone number? In case I have any questions about things. WOMAN: My work phone is 94635550. But please try not to call me too often there. My

14、 boss hates personal calls. CLERK: So does mine, maam, so does mine. And what address should we ship your things to? WOMAN: My new company is letting me stay temporarily at 509 Clark House, thats C-L-A-R-K, 1137 University Drive in Seattle. CLERK: Seattle? Beautiful city, I hear. Mountains right bes

15、ide the ocean, almost. Cooler than Australia too. OK, and when should we come pack your things? WOMAN: I guess that would be on Monday, March 11th. CLERK: Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We do that for a small additional charge. WOMAN: Yes, that would be helpful. I promised the

16、landlord Id give her the keys back by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 14th. CLERK: Great, well just schedule the clean-up for that day. That way, the place will smell clean and therell be no dust. WOMAN: Well, you do think of everything! Oh, how much is this going to cost? CLERK: Here is a list of our ba

17、sic prices. WOMAN: Oh dear, this seems rather expensive! CLERK: Yes maam, but youre paying for the best. Were careful and were fast. Like we say, the only thing we break are speed records getting you moved. WOMAN: Well .maybe thats so.Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I dont want my furniture shipped

18、 with me. I wont be looking for an apartment till after I arrive in America. Would it be possible to put my furniture in storage here for a month, then have it sent along later? CLERK: Of course, we do that all the time. A couple of other things. Here at “A Moving Experience“, we try to pack your th

19、ings logically. We dont just throw stuff in boxes. CLERK: Do you have any special requests? You know, things you want packed in some special place, so you know where to find them? WOMAN: Like what? CLERK: Oh, I dont know .Things like dishes maybe. Not to be rude, but you look like a lady who likes t

20、o eat. WOMAN: Ahhh! Yes, I need my dishes and things where I can find them quickly. CLERK: Great. Well put those dishes and cutlery in what we call the emergency pack. Can you think of anything else? WOMAN: Ummm, I do have an antique tea kettle my great-grandmother gave my mother. I wouldnt want to

21、lose that. So I guess youd better put that in storage with the furniture. CLERK: Grandmas tea kettle with the furniture, got it! Say, how about things like your alarm clock? You dont want to miss your plane on the big day, right? WOMAN: Well, you certainly think of everything! Yes, thats right. Ill

22、also need my alarm clock where I can find it. CLERK: Fine, well put that in your personal package. And of course, well give you a list of where we pack everything. So, all youll have to do on Thursday the 14th is grab your luggage on your way out the door. Um, I couldnt help noticing the new CD play

23、er youre carrying. Is that a Samsung? WOMAN: Why yes, it is. One of their best. Cost me nearly a hundred dollars, it did! CLERK: Do you want to take special care of it? I mean its brand new. WOMAN: Take care of it, but nothing special. You can just put it in storage with the furniture. CLERK: That l

24、ooks like everything we need here. I guess youre all set. WOMAN: That was certainly quick. Thank you, young man. This has been a most moving experience! 1 【正确答案】 94635550. 【试题解析】 94635550本题需填写电话号码,从原文我们可知答案为94635550。注意电话号码中出现连续重复数字时的特殊读法, double表示双倍的、两个的,而 triple表示三倍的、三个的。所以此处 555的念法为 triple five。练习

25、数字最好的方法是自己快速朗读,提高反应速度。 2 【正确答案】 Clark House 【试题解析】 Clark House本题需填写地址。填写时要注意首字母大写,而一般生僻的名称材料中都会给出拼写,不必过于担心。 3 【正确答案】 University Drive 【试题解析】 University Drive本题同上。表示地点的名词首字母要大写,其次街道的组成一般有:数字、方向、名称、街道。本题中 Drive即为街道的意思。同理, Road, Street, Avenue, Path, Lane都有可能在地址题中进行填写。 4 【正确答案】 Monday 【试题解析】 Monday本题需要

26、注意,根据题目要求,我们得知空格处需填写星期中的某一天 (即 Day),此题应填 Monday,而如果是日期,则题目要求应该是Date。此外,记住首字母须大写。 5 【正确答案】 Thursday 【试题解析】 Thursday本题同上。所以答案为 Thursday。 6 【正确答案】 a/one month 【试题解析】 a one month本题为时间题。根据原文中 in storage here for a month,我们可得知,答案为 a month或 one month。 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A C B C本题为搭配题。对于此类题目,我们需把握这样一个原则:听力题目

27、顺序固定不变。因此,注意听选项出现的顺序就可以了。这是section 1,由于题目难度不大,所以选项没有替换。正确顺序为 ACBC。 8 【正确答案】 C 9 【正确答案】 B 10 【正确答案】 C 10 【听力原文】 Good morning everyone and welcome to the 2nd Annual Wullaballoo Conference on Mastering Computer Languages. I hope you all had a good trip. Before we get underway with todays programme, let

28、 me fill you in as to whats on tap for tomorrow, Sunday, February 19th. At 9:00 a.m. right here in the Main Hall well be hearing a lecture from Dr John Smith about “Computer as Teacher“. Professor Smith, from the University of Melbourne, is a world-class expert in the field of computer-assisted educ

29、ation, and his talk promises to be both stimulating and informative. Immediately afterwards, at 10:30, there will be a presentation of papers by various delegates. That, however, will take place in the Garden Room on the ground floor. If you dont yet know, the Garden Room is also called the Ballroom

30、, and well be gathering at the west end, the slightly raised area called Level 2. Just look for the crowd. If you get lost, there are signs in the foyer. After all that thinking, talking, and listening, I expect everyone will be a bit weary. So at 11:15, there will be a break for coffee, cookies, an

31、d other light refreshments. These will be available at the aptly named Refreshment Stand, placed by the door back here in the Main Hall. Also, if you choose to skip the formal lunch, you can buy a packed lunch at the stand for a reasonable price. I strongly urge you, however, to join us at the forma

32、l lunch. That wont be till one oclock sharp, so you have time to stroll about town a bit. Well be eating at Sea View Restaurant. The restaurant is located right here in the hotel, on the top floor. Its a good dozen flights of stairs, so I suggest you take the lift on the ground floor, eh? If youre n

33、ot fond of fish, there is an all-you-can-eat barbecue available as well. They even offer wallaby meat! After lunch, well troop back downstairs to Level 2 in the Ballroom for the presentation of further papers, which will begin at 2:00 p.m Please try to be on time. I know youll be a bit tired after l

34、unch, but the Ballroom echoes so with people coming in late. Thank you in advance. Once weve heard the papers, well break for afternoon tea at 3:10 p.m No need to walk. The manager of the refreshment stand has graciously agreed to have tea served in the Ballroom. Hes even promised us some special sc

35、ones, baked from a recipe of his dear old Scottish grandmother. Then, tea being drunk and scones munched, well retire here to the Main Hall for some closing remarks and questions. So, by 5:00 we should have the conference wrapped up. But the fun isnt over! This is Australia mates! Well be flocking t

36、o the hotels own Palm Lounge on the east side of the foyer for an informal reception. You can relax, mingle with the other delegates, and let your hair down a bit. This will run from 5:10 to 6:10, though youre free to stay as long as you like. The lounge manager has informed me that, for the duratio

37、n of the actual reception, you can have all-you-can-drink beer for $20.00 with purchase of an advance ticket. And, yes, tickets can be purchased from any conference organiser or at the front desk anytime between now and the start of the reception. I suggest you come by tomorrow evening to pick up th

38、e tickets since the conference hall only holds 800 people. That way you can also get your journey planned ahead of time and be sure not to miss this truly memorable conference. If you want cocktails, however, Im sorry. Youll have to pay for those at the regular price. Oh my goodness! Speaking of pay

39、ing, I see I forgot to tell you a couple of things. The first is about lunch. The charge for the lunch will be $15.00 for all you delegates. If you have guests with you, the cost is $25 for the general public, and $6.50 for children under the age of 10. Thats fifteen dollars each, not total for ever

40、yone! Another item is about the lunch menu. I very much urge you to try the fish. I mean, look at the restaurants name: Sea View. As the name suggests, it is a famous seafood restaurant. The chef is a Basque from Spain and he really gets quite put out when people ignore his fish specialties for burg

41、ers or barbecue. If fish isnt your thing though, try the steak - he makes an exquisite Filet mignon topped with bleu cheese and mushrooms. Finally, if youd like to buy a ticket, you can have both lunch and the unlimited beer for $35.00. I should have mentioned that earlier, but I am a bit forgetful.

42、 Maybe I should avoid the beer after the conference, eh? Well, Ive said my bit. Are there any questions? 11 【正确答案】 Computer as Teacher 【试题解析】 Computer as Teacher本题型为横向表格题,所以尤其要注意表头时间的变换,即便有些空格无法判断答案,但表头时间是 我们跟上录音速度的一个重要依据。本题需要填写讲座名称,在听到 at 9: 00 a m要提笔准备了:Well be hearing a lecture from Dr John Smith

43、 about“Computeras Teacher“注意标题的每个单词首字母需要大写,介词除外。 12 【正确答案】 University of Melbourne 【试题解析】 University of Melbourne该信息比较好辨认,但与上一题连接紧密,很有可能在拼写上一题时,本题录音就已经读完,等反 应过来为时已晚。其次, Melbourne的拼写也是横在中间的一个难题。我们在准备雅思考试的过程中,对于澳洲、欧洲的重要国家及城市名称要尽可能熟悉。毕竟这是一个有关英澳留学的考试。本题也要注意大小写问题。 13 【正确答案】 top floor 【试题解析】 top floor表格题一

44、般顺序规整,由此我们也可看出最后一列需填写地点名称。在最后一列的第二行,我们可以看到 Garden Room on the ground floor这样的信息。而此空格处的句式为 Sea View Restaurant on,因此我们可以判断出本题也要填写楼层信息。以表头的时间为定位,听到 one oclock的时候,准备搜索楼层信息。原文: The restaurant is located right here in the hotel, on the top floor. 14 【正确答案】 ground floor 【试题解析】 ground floor同上。原文: I suggest

45、 you take the lift on the ground floor 15 【正确答案】 3:10 【试 题解析】 3: 10本题稍微有些难度。所填内容在表头,容易错过,而且存在表中后列信息前置的现象。原文: Well break for afternoon tea at 3: 10 p m在听到 afternoon tea之后才有时间出现。不过只要提前就有听时间的意识,做对的几率还是很大的。 16 【正确答案】 Palm Lounge 【试题解析】 Palm Lounge本题听到表头的时间下午 5点后,要集中搜索地点信息。原文: Well be flocking to the hot

46、els own Palm Lounge on the east side of the foyer for an informal reception其中 hotel, east side, foyer, informal reception这些信息都会造成一定的干扰。但是通过上面的表格,我们能看出这个 “地点 ”实际上指的就是带功能的房间。显然 Palm Lounge才是答案,因为 hotel范围过大,east side为方向, foyer是 Palm Lounge信息的补充,而 informal reception根本不能作为 entertainment(娱乐 )的地方。 17 【正确答案

47、】 C 【试题解析】 C本题中, A项是说只能在前台购票,显然不对, B项是 speaker建议明晚来取票,而文中提到: Tickets can be purchased from any conference organiser or at the front desk anytime between now and the start of the reception意思就是从现在起至招待会结束之前这段时间内,都可购票。所以 C为正确选项。 18 【正 确答案】 B 【试题解析】 B本题 A、 B、 C三个选项在原文中都有出现。但是要注意题干主语为 delegates,所以 B为正确选项。

48、其他选项对应不同的人群, A选项是针对儿童,而 C选项是针对普通大众的价格。 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 B本题 A、 B、 C选项都有出现。但是文中提到餐厅的名字为 Sea View,是一家有名的海鲜餐馆。由此可看出 B为正确选项。本题通过常识也可判断出正确答案。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A本题原文: If youd like to buy a ticket, you can have both lunch and the unlimited beer for $35 00所以 $35 00是含午餐和无限啤酒的总价, A应为正确答案。 20 【听力原文】 STUDEN

49、T: Hello .are you Professor Van Diezen? PROFESSOR: Yes, I am. And who might you be? STUDENT: Oh! Sorry, my name is Tina. Im a freshman here. They told me I should ask you for advice in choosing courses. PROFESSOR: Well, thats part of what Im here for. Please come in and sit down. Now, what are your questions? STUDENT: I, I almost dont know! Everything is so confusing! Like what is a “specialised course“? PROFESSOR: Oh, easy. A special


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