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1、雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 26及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Phone interview Name: John Murphy Example Answer Position applying for: lifeguard Street Address: 45【 L1】 _ Court Contact phone

2、 number: 【 L2】 _ Current part-time job: 【 L3】 _ Previous job at Ridgemont High School: 【 L4】 _ Additional relevant work experience: 【 L5】 _ Relevant skills/qualifications: CPR certification &【 L6】 _ CPR certification expiration date: 【 L7】 _ Preferred weekly shift: 【 L8】 _ Time available to start wo

3、rk: 【 L9】 _ Advertisement source: 【 L10】 _ 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 11 The lecture was organised by ( A) City of Nottingham. ( B) University of Nottingham Students Union. ( C) Nottingham Police Departme

4、nt. 12 The majority of crime on campus is ( A) Drugs and Alcohol. ( B) Violence. ( C) Theft. 13 The campus crime rate has_ so far this year. ( A) increased ( B) decreased ( C) stayed the same 14 Why is there added concern about crime? ( A) exaggeration in media ( B) crime TV shows ( C) factual news

5、articles 15 Carlos says if you are the victim of a crime, you should ( A) run away. ( B) resist. ( C) seek help. 16 What is the primary method for increasing safety? ( A) informing students and staff of safety precautions ( B) offering free self-defense courses to students ( C) reminding students to

6、 carry a mobile phone at all times 17 If a student must work late, it is most important to ( A) not return home until the morning. ( B) go back with a friend. ( C) bring a mobile phone. 18 It is dangerous to ( A) drive home late at night. ( B) carry a knife. ( C) carry pepper spray. 19 Students who

7、complete a self-defense course are ( A) more aware of dangers. ( B) mentally tougher. ( C) walking more confidently. 20 A university is ( A) not surrounded by walls. ( B) patrolled by military. ( C) completely safe. 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 21 Information on the test is from ( A) the

8、 teacher. ( B) a class. ( C) a handout. 22 This assignment is important because ( A) it will become a permanent record. ( B) it is a must for passing 11th grade English. ( C) it will affect the English level next year. 23 Bobby chooses football as project topic because ( A) he often plays football.

9、( B) his father loves football. ( C) he is interested in football. 23 What problems do the speakers identify for this project? Choose SEVEN answers from the box and write the letters, A-H, next to questions 24-30. Problems A too vague B too factual C too unreliable D too noisy E too long F too short

10、 G too complicated H too simple 24 Background sounds 25 Answers of questions 26 One of the questions 27 Time of answering 28 Recording equipment 29 Topic of project 30 Report on project 30 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. GIVING A SPEECH Reasons for nervousne

11、ss Lecturers often feel more nervous if the speech is【 L31】 _ Many think that the ability to make a good public speaking is【 L32】 _while in fact it is a skill that can be learned by anyone. How to prepare a quality speech The audience will only remember the【 L33】 _sentence of a speech. Ensure that y

12、our speech is【 L34】 _ Dos and Donts Dont start your speech until audience is【 L35】 _ You can make your main ideas or notes on cards or a【 L36】 _. You do not need to write down the 【 L37】 _speech. You can just write 【 L38】 _ ideas. Remember to 【 L39】 _ yourself to see how long your speech will be. Do

13、nt just 【 L40】 _a script. 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 26答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 【听力原文】 EMPLOYER: Hello, is this John Murphy? APPLICANT: Hi, yes it is. EMPLOYER: Hi John,

14、 this is Ed Heisenburg from the Wild Dunes Spa and Resort calling about your application for our lifeguard position. Do you have a few minutes to talk? APPLICANT: Yes, absolutely. EMPLOYER: Great. Could you give me your address? APPLICANT: Sure. 1My address is 45 Elsinore Court. EMPLOYER: Im sorry,

15、was that Eleanor? Could you spell that for me? APPLICANT: 1Sure - its Elsinore. E-L-S-I-N-O-R-E. EMPLOYER: Okay, thanks. And is this the number we should reach you at in the future? 099885767? APPLICANT: No, this is my home phone, but let me give you my 2mobile phone number instead: 077896245. Call

16、me on that one. EMPLOYER: Okay - Ill make a note of that. Could you tell me your availability? APPLICANT: Sure. I am usually available during afternoons or weekends. I would prefer not to be scheduled on weeknights because 3I work part-time as a waiter. EMPLOYER: That shouldnt be a problem, since we

17、 dont stay open very late anyway. And do you have any other employment experience? APPLICANT: Yes, I have worked at a few other places. 4I was the baseball coach at Ridgemont High School last season. EMPLOYER: I see. And do you have any other experience that you would like us to note on your applica

18、tion? APPLICANT: Yes. Last year 5I worked at the beach as a rescue diver. EMPLOYER: Rescue diver? That sounds intense! APPLICANT: Well, its really just like being a lifeguard, except in the ocean instead of a pool. So kind of like being a lifeguard at the worlds largest pool. EMPLOYER: Haha. I see.

19、EMPLOYER: So could you tell me about the relevant skills you have? Im guessing a lot, given your experience. APPLICANT: I am CPR certified and have 62 years of diving experience. EMPLOYER: Great! It sounds like you are well qualified for this position. When does your CPR certification expire? APPLIC

20、ANT: Hm. I think in November, but let me quickly check my CPR card .7actually, it expires in October. EMPLOYER: Okay, so regardless you have it through the end of the summer. When is your ideal time to work? APPLICANT: Since I work in the restaurant on weeknights, 8I like weekends best - specificall

21、y Saturday mornings. EMPLOYER: I see. We do already have a lot of staff available on Saturdays, but I do need an early morning shift lifeguard. How early could you work Saturday morning? APPLICANT: I can get there 9by 6.00 if need be. EMPLOYER: Youll be happy to know we open a little later than that

22、, but Ill put you down for Saturday mornings here. APPLICANT: Oh awesome! I cant wait to get started. EMPLOYER: How about you come in next Saturday, the 12th? APPLICANT: That sounds good. EMPLOYER: Great - we can figure out other shifts for you to work when you come in then. One last thing - just ou

23、t of curiosity, where did you hear about us? APPLICANT: 10I heard your ad on the radio while I was driving this morning. EMPLOYER: You know, I think youre the first person who has responded to our radio ads. Its almost always people who have seen us in the newspaper. APPLICANT: Yeah, I dont have tim

24、e to read through the newspaper every morning. I have plenty of time in the car to listen to radio ads. EMPLOYER: That makes sense. Well, thanks for your time, and well look forward to seeing you on the 12th. 1 【正确答案】 Elsinore 【试题解析】 本题需填写一个不常见的建筑名称,录音中给出了拼写。注意首字母大写。 2 【正确答案】 77896245 【试题解析】 本题需填写电话

25、号码。 注意 0的读法,可读作字母 O或者数字Zero。另外,两个数字连着出现时,其读法一般是 double加该数字。 3 【正确答案】 waiter 【试题解析】 本题需填写求职者现在的兼职工作。录音中比较明了,现在在兼职做 waiter(服务生 )。 4 【正确答案】 baseball coach 【试题解析】 本题题干中的 “Ridgemont High School”这个专有名词可帮助我们定位, “coach”一词可表示 “长途巴士 ”,不过在这里意为 “教练 ”。 5 【正确答案】 rescue diver 【试题解析】 本题需填写该求职者的其他工作经历,即 rescue diver

26、(救援潜水员 )。 6 【正确答案】 diving experience 【试题解析】 本题题干中的 “CPR”是定位词,专有名词一定会原封不动再次出现于录音中,通常题目的答案就位于该定位词的附近。 7 【正确答案】 October 【试题解析】 本题需填写日期,即 CPR证书过期日期。注意第一时间出现的November是陷阱,此外, “actually”是信号词,接在其后的通常是正确答案。 8 【正 确答案】 Saturday mornings 【试题解析】 本题需填写该求职者想在周几工作,录音里明确提出是每周六早上。 9 【正确答案】 6 (oclock) 【试题解析】 本题需填写时间,相

27、对简单,答案直接明了。 10 【正确答案】 radio 【试题解析】 本题需填写该求职者知道这则工作招聘的信息来源。根据录音材料:是在早上开车收听广播时听到的。注意后面的 newspaper陷阱信息:大多数人获得招聘信息是源于看报纸,但该求职者是通过 radio ads获知的。 10 【听力原文】 GEOFFREY: Good evening, Im Geoffrey Miller, from the University of Nottingham Student Union. And in this weeks free class, Carlos Garcia is going to t

28、ell us about safety around campus. Over to you, Carlos. CARLOS: Thank you, Geoffrey. And thank you for all of your attendance today. Also, 11I would like to thank the student union here at the university for organising this lecture. Well, I have been serving and protecting the city of Nottingham for

29、 over 20 years now as a member of the police department. Does anyone know what type of crime is the most prevalent on campus? I heard someone say drugs and alcohol - that actually isnt too much of an issue. Violence? Nope. Actually, 12the biggest thing we worry about here is theft. The nature of cri

30、me on Nottinghams campus is quite different from that of the surrounding areas. Crime rates across the East Midlands are very difficult to control. We would like to see the rate stay the same for this calendar year, but it has been increasing steadily over the past three years. 13On campus, however,

31、 Im happy to say that the overall crime rate has fallen this year. You wouldnt think so 14if you have seen the extremely exaggerated stories in the media. The media has done nothing but cause more concern about crime in our area. Even the crime shows you see today are a little bit farfetched, but at

32、 least viewers know they are not real events. We would really like to see more factual news articles out there so the public can have a rational sense of the safety level of our society. OK, lets move on to what to do when you see a crime. Do not get involved if at all possible, and do not draw too

33、much attention to yourself by running away in a conspicuous manner. Though most likely (and hopefully) you will not have to experience this situation, 15if you are being mugged please do not try to resist. Instead, be compliant and seek help after the incident. Like I said, though, it is highly unli

34、kely that you will find yourself amidst a crime, but it is important to be prepared should it ever happen. We find that 16educating students and staff on the correct precautions to take is the best way to increase your safety. Just remember to be smart when youre out late at night, and avoid any are

35、a or person that looks suspicious. I know it sounds obvious, but I cannot stress this enough. It is also not a bad idea to have your mobile phone with you at all times, but be careful. If you are chatting on your smart phone on your way home, you are a prime target for thieves. Id like to see a show

36、 of hands - how many people have left work or the library after 10 p.m. to go home before? A lot of you, right? If you do have to go home late at night, please dont walk home alone. More often than not there is someone there that will be walking the same direction as you at some point. Walk home wit

37、h a friend or coworker. Even if you must use your phone to call someone that is nearby to walk with you, 17it is always safer to walk home with someone. So when youre walking home, you may feel more comfortable with some sort of self-defense, such as pepper spray. Now, its your call whether you want

38、 to carry something like this or not. However, 18I absolutely advise against carrying a knife or any other offensive weapon. All too often they can be used against you if you are disarmed, putting yourself in more danger. For all those interested, the recreation centre offers a free self-defense cla

39、ss to all students every Thursday evening. While obviously an introductory self-defense class may not equip you to fight off villains like a regular superhero, it does come in handy sometimes. 19After taking a self-defense class, you will surely be more aware of possible dangers and how to deal with

40、 them. So hopefully now you have a more complete understanding of the nature of crimes committed on your campus, and how to avoid being a victim. I know most students at the University of Nottingham are not the criminal types, but remember that 20there is no barrier like a wall or something keeping

41、non-students out. There is no army force securing the borders, and I doubt anyone wants it that way. The campus is generally a safe place, but it is not immune to small crimes once in a while. Alright. Thats all I have to say for today. Stay safe! 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题型为选择题,注意通过题干的已知信息对答案进行定位。该题需选择活

42、动组织方,根据录音,男生致谢的组织方为 “诺丁汉大学学生会 ”。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题注意先提到的陷阱选项 A和 B,录音中都予以否定。 Actually是信号词,其后的信息通常是正确答案。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题注意题干中的限定条件 “campus”以及 “this year”。录音中出现: We would like to see the rate over the past three years,故 A和 C均为陷阱选项;正确选项 B decreased对应录音原 “has fallen”。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题需选择对犯

43、罪变得更为担心的原因。错误选项 B是录音材料根本没有提到的,坚决不选。陷阱选项 C在录音中是说 “人们希望看到更多关于真实性犯罪的新闻报道 ”,只是在陈述录音中所提到的一个事实,并非对本题题干的回答。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题陷阱选项 A和 B在录音里都是以否定的形式出现的, 犯罪现场当下正确的做法是 C seek help(寻求帮助 )。 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题题干中的 “primary method for increasing safety”对应录音里的“best way to increase safety”,很明显,正确答案为 A。 17 【正确

44、答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题按照选择题的常识原则,排除选项 A。录音材料也提到了陷阱C选项中的 mobile phone,是说 “用手机打电话给朋友寻求陪同回家 ”。 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题选项 A录音中根本没有提到,坚决不选。选项 C中的 “pepper spray”在录音中提到是可以携带用来护身的,故不选。录音中 “advise against carrying a knife”及 “putting yourself in more danger”对应含义为 “dangerous to carry a knife”,所以正确选项为 B。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题

45、解析】 本题题干中的 “self-defense course”是定位词,录音里 “be more aware of possible dangers”对应正确答案 A。选项 B和 C根本没有提到,坚决不选。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题录音中 “no barrier like a wall”对应正确答案 A。此外,录音中提到 “no army force”,所以选项 B不对;同时录音提到 “generally a safe place”,可以看出选项 C说法太过绝对。 20 【听力原文】 TUTOR: Hi Bobby, go ahead and sit down. Tell

46、me about your research project. BOBBY: Well, I decided to research football, and keys for success on a football team. TUTOR: That sounds great. What are the guidelines for the test? Did the teacher talk to you about it in class? BOBBY: No, 21everything is on a handout that was passed out. It says th

47、at the first draft is due at the end of next week, and the second and third are due later on in the month. I dont understand why we have to keep revising and fixing it, Is this assignment really that important? TUTOR: Well, 22this project is a major requirement for passing 11th grade English and wil

48、l go on your permanent record. BOBBY: Oh really? Does that mean it will affect what English level I am placed in next year? TUTOR: Well, not exactly. You need a good grade to move on, but it is your overall grade and teacher recommendation that determines what level of English you are placed in next

49、 year. Anyway, tell me about your topic choice. Do you play football? BOBBY: Well, actually 23its because my father loves the sport. He watches it every weekend. TUTOR: Cool! Its a good idea to report on something youre interested in. TUTOR: I see you worked hard calling players and the head coach to talk, so lets see what information you got. BOBBY: Well, you have to listen carefully to


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