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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes look in a national or local Q12 restaurant guide available from bookstores, newsagents and at libraries; look in the local Yellow Pages telephone directory under “restaurants“. Most restaurants display their menu outside so that you can check what

2、they have to offer and their prices before you go in. Prices vary widely from one restaurant to another, so do look first. Opening hours vary. Most Q13 restaurants are open from about 11:00 or 11:30 a.m. for lunch through to about 9 or 10 oclock in the evenings. Some may open for a couple of hours f

3、or lunch, then close for a while and reopen at about 5 or 6 p.m. for dinner. Some may open for dinner only. Some pubs have permits to open 24 hours a day and many of these serve food 24 hours a day too. On Sundays, some restaurants may close early, and smaller ones may not open at all, but most rest

4、aurants are open 7 days a week. Tipping and service charges at restaurants in the UK can be confusing even for us Brits! When you pay your restaurant bill in the UK, tipping leaving Q14 extra money for good service is optional. However, most people do leave a tip, unless they were very unhappy with

5、the service. The usual amount is about 10 to 15 per cent of the total cost of the bill. Some restaurants will add a “service charge“, which is basically a tip, on to your bill automatically. If you think the service was poor, you do not have to pay this charge. In pubs, people usually only leave a t

6、ip if they receive service at their tables. If you are in a pub where you must go to the bar to order food, it is Q15 not usual to leave a tip. Takeaway food is very common in Britain. “Takeaway“ food is cooked food that you buy from the restaurant and take away to eat somewhere else. The most popul

7、ar kinds include hamburgers, pizzas, kebabs, Indian meals, Chinese meals, and fish and chips. Takeaway food is cheaper than eating the same food in the restaurant. If you do not want to go out to pick up your takeaway, you can let your takeaway come to you, since many restaurants offer a delivery se

8、rvice. You telephone in your order from home, and the restaurant delivers the food to your door. Some restaurants charge extra for Q16 delivery check when you place your order. It usually depends on how far away you are from the restaurant. Pubs and bars are an important part of social life in the U

9、K. Most of them have an informal, comfortable atmosphere, and going to the pub is an Q17 easy way to get together with friends. Beer is the most popular drink in pubs. There are two main kinds: lager is light in colour and bubbly or fizzy, where- as bitter is darker and heavier-tasting, and not very

10、 fizzy. Pubs also serve red and white wine, other kinds of alcohol, like gin, whisky, vodka and cocktails, and a range of non-alcoholic drinks, including mineral water, fruit juices, fizzy drinks colas, soda water, etc. and tea and coffee. As I mentioned before, many pubs serve food as well as drink

11、s. Traditional pub food is cheap and fairly basic, but you can also find pubs offering restaurant-quality food served in separate dining areas. Some pubs also provide entertainment, such Q18 as live music or quiz nights. These are especially popular with students. Keep Q19 an eye out for such entert

12、ainment events and remember that these nights are great opportunity to make new friends. The standard legal opening hours for pubs and bars are 11.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. Some pubs close for a while during the day. Many pubs and bars have special licences allowing them to stay open later and, as I sai

13、d before, Q20 some are even open 24 hours a day. The legal drinking age in the UK is 18. Children are not allowed inside pubs and bars, except where there is a special family room, a separate dining room or a garden area. Many pubs in the vicinity of the university have gardens, which makes them ext

14、remely popular during the warmer months. 11 【正确答案】 C, F, H 12 【正确答案】 A,C, E 13 【正确答案】 A 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【正确答案】 G 16 【正确答案】 charge extra 17 【正确答案】 informal (and) comfortable 18 【正确答案】 (separate) dining areas 19 【正确答案】 quiz nights 20 【正确答案】 special licenses 21 【听力原文】 Jenny: OK, lets take a look at thes

15、e accident statistics. Don, you looked at distracted drivers, right? Don: Yes, Jenny, I did. Distracted drivers cause between 25% and 50% of all U.S. motor vehicle accidents. Im afraid that the figures are not very exact on that point. The distractions are many, but according to studies, rubbernecki

16、ng, or slowing down to stare at another accident, caused the most accidents, accounting for 16% of all distraction-related crashes. Ken: 16% of all accidents? Don: No, Ken 16% of distraction-related ones. After rubbernecking, other common driver distractions included: driver fatigue, at 12%; looking

17、 at scenery, at 10%; other passengers or children, Q21/22 at 9%; adjusting the radio, cassette or CD player, at 7%; Q23 and reading the newspaper, books, maps or other documents, at less than 2%. Jenny: Reading the newspaper? Its amazing what some people do while driving! You didnt mention cell phon

18、e use, Don. Don: Thats an increasingly serious cause of driver distraction, as Q24 more than 85% of cell-phone users talk on their phone regularly while driving. At least one study has found that driving and talking on a cell phone at the same time quadruples the risk of crashing, which is why many

19、cities have recently begun banning their use while driving unless a hands-free device is used. However, I couldnt find any precise statistics on the percentage of accidents caused by cell-phone use. Ill make a note to try and find out. Jenny: Good. Ken, you looked at driver fatigue in more detail, r

20、ight? Ken: Yes, I did. Drowsy drivers account for about 100,000 accidents every year in the United States. The risk is greatest from 11 Q25 p.m. to 8 a.m. , the time when most people are used to sleeping, however some people also become drowsy from noon to 2 p.m. Jenny: After a heavy lunch, perhaps?

21、 Ken: That would be my guess. Jenny: OK. I looked at drunk driving. An estimated 17,000 people are killed in alcohol-related crashes each year. This is an average of one death almost every half-hour. Drunk drivers were responsible for 30% of all fatal crashes during the week, but this percentage ros

22、e significantly over the weekends, during which Q26 53% of fatal crashes were alcohol-related. Don: The only way to prevent this type of accident is not to drink and drive. Whenever alcohol is involved, choose a designated Q27 driver in advance: This person should not drink at all before driving. Ke

23、n: Absolutely. I also looked at speeding, which is a threat because not only does it reduce the amount of time necessary to avoid a crash, it also increases the risk of crashing and makes the crash more severe if it does occur. In fact, when speed increases from 40 mph to 60 mph, the energy released

24、 in a crash more than doubles. Simply slowing down and obeying posted Q28 speed limits can go a long way toward making the roads safer. Don: Speeding is sometimes related to aggressive driving, which I looked at. Jenny: Did you find a definition of aggressive driving? I mean, it might be useful for

25、our research. Don: Actually, I did. According to the New York State Police, its anyone who operates a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of the other users of the streets and highways. Jenny: Good. Did you find any advice for people who come acr

26、oss aggressive drivers? Don: Yes, if you come across an aggressive driver, the New York State Police gives these tips to protect yourself. First, remain calm. Second, keep your distance. Third, do not pass unless you have to. Fourth, change lanes once it is safe. Fifth, if you cannot change lanes an

27、d an aggressive driver is behind you, stay where you are, maintain the proper speed and do not respond with hostile gestures. And finally, if the situation is serious, Q29 you may call 911 to report an aggressive driver. Ken: Jenny, you also looked at weather, right? Jenny: Yes. Inclement weather, i

28、ncluding heavy rain, hail, snowstorms, ice, high winds and fog can obviously make driving more difficult. You need more time to stop and may have trouble seeing the road clearly, so when the weather gets bad, be sure to leave extra room between the car in front of you and slow down. If necessary, pu

29、ll off the road to a rest stop or to the side of the road, well out of the traffic lanes until conditions Q30 improve. OK, now that weve got those, we need to think about . 21 【正确答案】 looking at scenery 22 【正确答案】 (other) passengers (and/or) children 23 【正确答案】 adjusting 24 【正确答案】 more than/over 85% 25

30、 【正确答案】 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. 26 【正确答案】 (over/at the) weekend(s) 27 【正确答案】 (a/the) designated driver 28 【正确答案】 (posted) speed limits 29 【正确答案】 situation is serious 30 【正确答案】 traffic lanes 31 【听力原文】 Lecturer: Id like to talk to you today about termite nests. Now, termite nests can be found in a variety o

31、f shapes and sizes depending on the age of the mounds and the species that construct them. Four general types of nests appear around the world: arboreal, subterranean, mound, and one-piece nests. Arboreal nests are often extensions from nests below ground connected by shelter tubes to a V-shape or a

32、 branch in a living tree. Termites try not to Q31 wander unprotected in the open air but instead build tubes composed of carton. Carton consists of earth and fecal material cemented together with salitionva. This combination becomes very durable when allowed to dry and creates perfect shelter tubes,

33、 sometimes covering the entire surface of a tree. These shelter tubes are used to connect subterranean nests with arboreal nests and also cover impenetrable surfaces to provide a dark and damp passage. Below ground nests are common where moisture remains at low levels Q32 throughout the year for the

34、 reason that construction of a subterranean nest minimizes evaporation and desiccation. In the case of subterranean termites, gigantic systems of underground tunnels and galleries can reach hundreds of feet to food sources, covering acres of land. A royal chamber is always Q33 present in the centre

35、towards the base of the nest where the reproductives are kept moist and well fed. When a colony becomes too oversized for the queen to keep up, secondary reproductives are created and satellite colonies emerge nearby to supplement the primary colony. Although below ground nests are more or less prot

36、ected from large predators, there is a threat of invasion from tunnelling animals and anything else that could enter the nest from underground. To protect a subterranean nest from such attacks, an astounding feat of natural engineering arises as a result of millions of years of defensive evolution.

37、Using a combination of earth, clay, sand, fecal material, and saliva the colony fabricates a thick, rock hard, waterproof pavement surrounding the nest. This impermeable Q34 barrier serves as a device to produce a self-sustaining environment as well as for protection of the settlement. The watertigh

38、t fortification also prevents water loss and reduces diffusion of the queens scent; the scent is amplified by confining it to the small area of the nest thus increasing its effectiveness. A predicament develops, however, due to subterranean nests airtight construction. Rising carbon dioxide levels a

39、re poisonous to termites and Q35 several gases are produced that must be expelled from the nest. To clear this obstacle, another inventive process takes place within the nest. Instead of ventilating the nest with hot dry air from the exterior that would dehydrate Q36 the colony, a system is set up t

40、o ventilate with cold moist air from below. With differential air pressure and specialised air chambers, the nest is kept well ventilated and water loss is all but eliminated. Termite mounds also known as hills are probably the most interesting and straightforward indication of termite presence. Man

41、y species build mounds, albeit for different reasons. Humans have contemplated termite mounds for thousands of years attempting to fathom how insects so small, blind, and mindless have such extraordinary and ingenious construction abilities. A variety of mound shapes and sizes can be constructed fro

42、m almost Q37 any material found or excreted by termites. Mounds are above ground and, depending on the species, can serve a plethora of uses including: a storage room, temperature control device, emergency residence, refuge from flooding, apparatus for ventilation, or as the entire nest itself. As w

43、ith any structure in biology, form reflects function. A mound with Q38 a large durable rounded peak, as is found in many tropical regions, functions to repel water from the mound during heavy rainstorms. A tall slender mound, similar to those often found in hot and temperate regions, acts to regulat

44、e temperature throughout the day. Termites in different areas have evolved to build mounds depending on local environmental conditions: daily and seasonal variations in temperature, precipitation, light intensity, etc. Magnetic mounds are at first puzzling; they take a thin wedge shape and are alway

45、s oriented in a north-south direction. Through a remarkable phenomenon of evolution, the species that construct magnetic mounds have capitalised on their position in reference to the Sun and Earth. The mounds always point to the Earths north magnetic pole, though magnetism has nothing to do with the

46、se termites. The reason for pointing their mounds in a north-south direction is directly related, to the daily change in temperature associated with the local environment. The days can be sweltering while the nights can be frigid; how does the mound deal with the temperature extremes and stay at a Q

47、39 relatively constant temperature? It is the orientation of the mounds that allow them to take advantage of the suns light energy. When the sun rises in the morning, the broad eastern side of the mound absorbs heat to recover from the cold night. In the middle of the day, only the top ridge of the

48、mound is in Q40 line with the suns rays; this prevents the mound from overheating in midday. During sundown, the western side of the mound is heated to counter the upcoming cold temperatures of night. 31 【正确答案】 (shelter) tubes 32 【正确答案】 low levels 33 【正确答案】 royal chamber 34 【正确答案】 pavement 35 【正确答案】 carbon dioxide 36 【正确答案】 ventilate 37 【正确答案】 C 38 【正确答案】 D 39 【正确答案】 F 40 【正确答案】 G


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