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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 35及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes but how many of you have been tempted to go and grab the phone when it rings? My advice to you is to let it ring! And remember when youre filling the bath to put cold water in before the hot to prevent severe scalding in case baby climbs in before

2、its ready. Moving on to electrical dangers.first of all, power points. These have a fascination for toddlers and theyll shove things into the holes like hairpins, nails, screwdrivers-you name it. Points should always be fitted with protective plugs to prevent this. Teach children to respect all elec

3、trical appliances because they are all potential hazards. Do I need to mention cigarettes? Unfortunately, I still see parents smoking in spaces where their children have to inhale the cigarette smoke we all know the dangers of second-hand smoke.But even leaving a packet of cigarettes within reach is

4、 dangerous because eating just one cigarette may poison a small child. If quitting the habit is too difficult, please ensure all tobacco products are kept out of reach and smoke outside. Lastly, given our cold winters, I need to warn you about heating systems. Open fires and heaters must be covered

5、by protective devices. Even radiators and other sources of heat which are attractive to children can cause a nasty burn on sensitive young skin. Remember, there is never a good time to leave infants by themselves in a room where there is an unprotected source of heat. 11 【正确答案】 let it ring 12 【正确答案】

6、 protective plugs 13 【正确答案】 outside 14 【正确答案】 never 14 【听力原文】 PERRY: Hi, Opal. Any ideas about what we should do for our geography project? OPAL: Hi, Perry. Yes, Id like to do something on Wetlands. PERRY: I think thats a great idea where do we start? OPAL: With a definition of course something like

7、: a marshy area of land where the soil near the surface is saturated or covered with water, forming a special habitat for wildlife. PERRY: And we could add: the flora and fauna of the area are reliant on the water-logged soil for their survival. OPAL: Yes, thats a major problem actually when commerc

8、ial developers or farmers come along and decide to drain the swamps everything dies. The practice is all too common unfortunately. Did you know that, as a result, wetlands are recognized internationally as one of the most threatened types of habitat? PERRY: Thats right. Well have to be sure to discu

9、ss their importance in our assignment. OPAL: But, first, I think we should state some of the particular characteristics of wetlands. PERRY: Well, there are three that I can think of. To start with: wetlands are limited areas of open water, which vary depending on seasonal fluctuations. OPAL: Yes.and

10、 the second could be that theres usually a variety of water-tolerant flora on the banks and throughout the water. PERRY: Of course, depending on the time of year, there may be more or less water but levels generally remain quite shallow. OPAL: Okay.now lets move on to the importance of wetlands. PER

11、RY: Shall we start with plant and wildlife habitat? OPAL: Yes, I think we should point out that wetlands are homes for countless species of water birds, frogs, invertebrates and fish. PERRY: .and they support many varieties of water-loving plants. OPAL: which brings us naturally to the topic of biod

12、iversity even small wetlands act as borders between land and permanent water. They turn into refuge areas or sanctuaries in times of drought and they often support rare and threatened plants and animals found nowhere else. PERRY: Exactly. And theyre especially important as nurseries and breeding gro

13、unds for all kinds of fish, birds and invertebrates. OPAL: Wetlands are important for improving the purity of the water, too. PERRY: Yes, thats because the flow of water through the wetlands is slowed by bank and in-stream plants, and so it allows sediment to settle. Nutrients, such as nitrogen and

14、phosphorous and other pollutants are removed as the water passes through. 15 【正确答案】 L 16 【正确答案】 N 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 E 19 【正确答案】 D 20 【正确答案】 A 20 【听力原文】 OPAL: Okay, at this point I think we should look at mangroves.theyre important for nutrient removal. PERRY: I thin k nutrient recycling is more

15、accurate.and biological productivity.because wetlands are really very productive ecosystems. OPAL: Should we do a food web, then? PERRY: We should do a diagram of some sort showing the importance of mangrove trees but maybe not a food chain. OPAL: How about you explain it while I try and sketch it?

16、PERRY: Right. Well, lets start with the mangrove trees. Theyre very special because of their aerial roots that allow them to breathe even when the tide is high and their roots are under water. They can live in salt water and the salt enters through the roots, travels up to the older leaves and then

17、these die and drop back into the water. A unique feature of mangroves is their ability to develop leaves on their seeds while theyre still on the tree and the seedlings drop down planting themselves directly into the mud underneath. OPAL: Mum, got that. What happens to those older leaves that fall?

18、PERRY: The fallen leaves, or litter, decay in the water and form a rich mud that feeds bacteria, worms and small crustaceans. OPAL: You mean things like prawns and crabs feed on the decomposed leaves? PERRY: Yes, and even little fish do as well. OPAL: And bigger fish feed on them. PERRY: Eventually

19、the remaining organic matter which is now just very tiny particles-is taken up through the root system providing nourishment for the mangrove trees. OPAL: And the cycle begins all over again. PERRY: Yes, thats exactly it, thats what well call it the nutrient cycle of mangrove litter. OPAL: Great. Il

20、l go home and work on this and well meet again tomorrow. PERRY: Okay, see you then. 21 【正确答案】 aerial roots 22 【正确答案】 seedlings 23 【正确答案】 decomposed leaves/litter 24 【正确答案】 nutrient cycle 24 【听力原文】 Good morning. Its good to see so many of you taking an interest in meteorology. As you are all newcomer

21、s to the topic, lets keep it simple to start with. ha fact, lets begin with a very simple definition of what meteorology is the suffix -logy gives you a clue at least you can all guess that it is the study of .something. Meteorology is in fact the scientific study of all changes in the atmosphere es

22、sential for forecasting the weather, of course. And you all know what weather is, right? The four main ingredients are.the sun, the atmosphere, water vapor and the wind. They all come together, disseminating heat from the sun around the globe and making clouds in the layer of the atmosphere directly

23、 above the ground which is called the troposphere. Look up into the sky and on almost any day of the year youll see clouds. Clouds form when water that has evaporated from the surface of the Earth condenses onto microscopic dust particles (or other particles ) floating in the air. Cloud formation ta

24、kes different shapes and they mostly get their names from Latin roots. Now, lets look at the five most basic. Well start with Cumulus which is a low cloud with a white, puffy appearance and most often composed of water droplets. It gets its name from cumuli meaning heap for its typical piled-up appe

25、arance. Now, lets move on to Stratus (from strata meaning layer ) these are the grey, horizontal ones (often with a fiat base) that you see on an overcast day and they too are mostly made up of water droplets. At this point, I should mention Fog, which you probably dont even think of as clouds, but

26、fog consists of very low stratus ground-hugging clouds. The high altitude Cirrus cloud, on the other hand is mostly made of ice crystals and appears wispy and thin almost hair-like in fact, thats where they get their name.from the word cirri meaning wisp of hair. They are generally fair-weather clou

27、ds. Not so the Cumulonimbus the tallest of all clouds they extend way up into the troposphere and these are the ones that produce lightning, thunder, heavy rain, strong winds and tornadoes. Beware the Cumulonimbus! You already know what cumuli means and it wont surprise you to find out that nimbus m

28、eans rain and, added as a suffix, is an indication of the clouds ability to produce precipitation which could be rain, snow or hailstones. As this course progresses, youll learn a lot more about cloud types but before I finish today, I want to go back to something I mentioned before dust. It is gene

29、rally accepted that when water vapor ascends in the process of cloud formation it condenses onto dust particles. So, it was assumed, large dust particles would produce larger droplets and enhance the formation of rain. However, recent research has shown the opposite to be true. Droplet size increase

30、s the farther the clouds are from dust-filled air. More dust reaching rain clouds produces less rainfall. Scientists have shown that as more and more dust enters a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out. The resulting smaller water droplets scatter instead of combining and growing l

31、arge enough to make up raindrops. This study shows that higher dust frequency is not inevitably the result of diminished rainfall but rather its cause! Therefore, loss of topsoil from over-grazing, over-cultivation or bad livestock management in areas neighboring desert will contribute to the contin

32、uing expansion of those arid regions. Your assignment for this week will be to read up on this research and write a report on how dust from damaged land may exacerbate drought conditions and lead to further desertification of arid areas. In other words, how land use has an impact on climate change. 25 【正确答案】 candidate must have two ( one for each question) in any order.“ 26 【正确答案】 sun, atmosphere/troposphere, vapour, wind 27 【正确答案】 A 28 【正确答案】 E 29 【正确答案】 C 30 【正确答案】 B 31 【正确答案】 D 32 【正确答案】 large(r) droplets 33 【正确答案】 rain(drops) 34 【正确答案】 expansion


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