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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 44及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes note what went wrong; and determine what would have been a better way to act or what could have been done differently in order to achieve a more successful outcome. Then move on! Yes, erase the negative emotions; allow those memories of defeat, fru

2、stration or dissatisfaction to fade and move forward. Negativity erodes confidence. You need to put aside your disappointments and focus on successful outcomes. Oh, its not that easy. I can hear you saying. Well, no, its not easy to forget failure but no-one ever fails completely so congratulate you

3、rself on the areas where you did do well. Mentally replay the best bits even if theyre only a small part! Now, there are two more things you need to do. Firstly, rehearsal yes, you heard me rehearsal. Surely only actors in a play need to rehearse their parts? No, the truth is, we all need to rehears

4、e. This is a surefire way to build confidence. Before the match, the presentation, the exam or whatever, imagine yourself performing successfully in that particular situation. And heres the second tip-look confident. That will always give you an extra physiological advantage. So you can see that min

5、d and body work together on this. You have to think and act positively. Lets talk a bit more about how to look confident. If you have to overcome a challenge, get rid of that anxious expression and rigid posture, those downcast eyes and nervous gestures. Even if you dont feel very self-assured, you

6、can still give the appearance of confidence. Stand tall, hold your head up, make full eye contact and keep an open expression replace the frown with a smile if you can manage it. And those hunched shoulders? Relax those shoulder muscles. If you need to, take a deep breath and stretch to release pent

7、 up anxiety and tension. What if you have to make a difficult phone call, for example? Nobody can actually see you-so does it matter what you look like? Yes, it does. Practicing positive body language will help you cross the threshold into a confident mood. Before we move on to talk about goal setti

8、ng, it may surprise you to know that, once you have set a goal in life, the brain responds with a burst of activity, which we experience as.? thats right, happiness! And what happens when the goal is achieved? Yes, there is another burst of activity.and another feeling of happiness. 1 【正确答案】 positiv

9、e thinking/thought(s) 2 【正确答案】 performance 3 【正确答案】 successful outcomes 4 【正确答案】 rehearsal 5 【正确答案】 body language 6 【正确答案】 happiness 6 【听力原文】 THOMAS: Where have you been, Nadia? NADIA: Browsing in the bookshop. THOMAS: What took you so long? You said you were only going to be away 5 minutes. NADIA:

10、I was only gone for a quarter of an hour. Nadia said she was away for a quarter of an hour so the correct answer is B. fifteen minutes. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to

11、5. THOMAS: Where have you been, Nadia? NADIA: Browsing in the bookshop. THOMAS: What took you so long? You said you were only going to be away 5 minutes. NADIA: I was only gone for a quarter of an hour. THOMAS: Well, it seemed much longer than that. Did you buy anything? NADIA: I was tempted to get

12、the latest novel by Dan Brown but its quite heavy and Id have to carry it around with me. If I could have found a crossword puzzle book, Id have bought it; but in the end I was attracted to a front-page article in todays issue of the New York Times. THOMAS: Is that all you bought then? NADIA: Yes. L

13、ook, why dont you read the business section while I catch up on the news and then we can swap. THOMAS: Id rather have the entertainment section. NADIA: Are you looking for anything in particular? THOMAS: I just thought they might have a review in there of that new play that opened on Broadway yester

14、day. NADIA: The drama about that awfully cruel pirate? THOMAS: Oh, Id forgotten about that, mom, I wonder how good it is.actually I was thinking of the new comedy.the one about.the physician. NADIA: Doctor Hunter. THOMAS: Thats the one. NADIA: Well, when I was in the bookshop I overheard a couple ta

15、lking about it and they said it was fantastic not in the least bit boring. They especially liked the actor who played the main part-very smooth, apparently. THOMAS: Lots of fun, then? NADIA: Well, according to those two they thought it was hilarious. THOMAS: Ooh, well have to make a point of seeing

16、it when we get back. NADIA: Definitely. THOMAS: We didnt have time for breakfast and Im hungry. Do you fancy a coffee and a muffin? NADIA: Sounds like a good idea. THOMAS: And how will you have your coffee today? Long and black as usual? NADIA: I think I might have something different this morning.

17、THOMAS: What? You dont mean a flat white or some other milky one? NADIA: Oh, I dont know, I want something to perk me up. THOMAS: An espresso? Short and black with sugar? NADIA: Perfect! THOMAS: Will that be with a chocolate muffin or a berry muffin? NADIA: Ill try to stay off chocolate the berry so

18、unds healthier. THOMAS: And Ill have a plain one with butter. Wont be long. 7 【正确答案】 A 8 【正确答案】 C 9 【正确答案】 A 10 【正确答案】 A 11 【正确答案】 B 11 【听力原文】 RECEPTIONIST: Is there anything else I can help you with? GUEST: Actually, there is. The conference is in a building called Chancery Chambers but I dont have

19、 any idea how to get there. RECEPTIONIST: Oh, thats the funny-shaped building on the corner of King and Richard streets. Its quite straightforward really and only a few minutes walk. Look, Ill show you on this map. GUEST: Good. A map I like to follow a map if possible. RECEPTIONIST: Right, well, ste

20、p out the front entrance of the hotel and youre on Hob Street. Head south on Hob Street toward Gorse Lane and take the second on the left onto Vickers Street West. Go all the way down the hill past the Mexican ear on your left, the Rebel Hostel on your right and the big church on the corner of Allen

21、 Street. GUEST: Oh, I think I know the one. It has a huge steeple. RECEPTIONIST: Yes, youre right. When you get to the bottom of the hill, youll have to cross over the main street. GUEST: Whats the name of the main street? RECEPTIONIST: Mill Street. GUEST: Mill Street, ah yes, there it is. RECEPTION

22、IST: Cross the main street and continue onto Vickers Street East. Theres a big bank next to a bookshop on the corner. Go up the hill towards the entrance to the park. GUEST: Ive heard its very beautiful. RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes, well worth a look when youve got some free time. Anyway, dont go in the p

23、ark turn left into Kitchen Street youll walk past Bowens Bistro. Actually, probably the best place to get a good lunch at a reasonable price. After Bowens take the second left into Bakers Lane its a very short street-then take the first on your left onto King Street and you should see the art-deco Chancery Chambers building a bit further along on the corner of Richard Street. GUEST: Oh, thank you for that. Im most grateful. 12 【正确答案】 Mexican car 13 【正确答案】 Mill 14 【正确答案】 bookshop 15 【正确答案】 Kitchen 16 【正确答案】 King 17 【正确答案】 inventor 18 【正确答案】 manuscript 19 【正确答案】 bicycle 20 【正确答案】 exhibit


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