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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 69及答案与解析 0 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ENQUIRY ABOUT BOOKCASES Example Answer Number of bookcases available: two Both bookcases Width: 【 L1】 _ Made of: 【 L2】 _ First bookcase Cost: 【 L3】 _ Colour: 【 L4】 _ Number of shelves: six

2、(four are 【 L5】 _) Second bookcase Colour: dark brown Other features: - almost 80 years old - has a 【 L6】 _at the bottom -has glass【 L7】 _ Cost: 【 L8】 _ Details of seller Name: Mrs. 【 L9】 _ Address: 41 Oak Rise, Stanton. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 Choo

3、se the correct letter, A, B or C.Which map shows the correct location of the sellers house? 10 Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Charity Art Sale The paintings will be displayed in the Star Gallery and in a nearby 【 L11】 _.The sale of picture

4、s will begin at 【 L12】 _on Thursday, and there will be refreshments beforehand. The money raised will all be used to help 【 L13】 _children in New Zealand and other countries. 11 【 L11】 12 【 L12】 13 【 L13】 13 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.20 W

5、hat instructions were the students given about their project? A they must do this B they can do this if they want to C they cant do this Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 21-25. 21 Choose a writer from a list provided. _ 22 Get biographical information from the Internet_. 23 Stu

6、dy a collection of poems. _ 24 Make a one-hour video. _ 25 Refer to key facts in the writers life. _ 25 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Other requirements for the project extract chosen from the authors work must reflect the 【 L26】 _and_of the author. studen

7、ts must find sound effects and 【 L27】 _to match the texts they choose. students must use a 【 L28】 _of computer software programs to make the video. students must include information about the 【 L29】 _of all material. Criteria for assessment completion of all components 25% 【 L30】 _(must represent es

8、sence of authors work) 50% artistic and technical design of video 25% 26 【 L26】 27 【 L27】 28 【 L28】 29 【 L29】 30 【 L30】 31 Extremophiles are life forms that can live in ( A) isolated areas. ( B) hostile conditions. ( C) new habitats. 32 The researchers think that some of the organisms they found in

9、Antarctica are ( A) new species. ( B) ancient colonies. ( C) types of insects. 33 The researchers were the first people to find life forms in Antarctica ( A) in the soil. ( B) under the rock surface. ( C) on the rocks. 33 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. How the ext

10、remophiles survive 34 Access to the suns heat can create a_for some organisms. 35 The deeper the soil, the higher the_of salt. 36 Salt can protect organisms against the effects of_.even at very low temperatures. 37 All living things must have access to_water. 38 Salt plays a part in the process of_.

11、which prevents freezing. 39 The environment of_is similar to the dry valleys of Antarctica. 40 This research may provide evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms and their possible_on other planets. 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 69答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 Mrs. Blake: Hello? Conor: Oh, hello. Im ringing about the

12、 advertisement in yesterdays newspaper. the one for the bookcases. Can you tell me if theyre still available? Mrs. Blake: Weve sold one, but we still have two available. Conor: Right. Er. can you tell me a bit about them? Mrs. Blake: Sure, er. what do you want to know? Conor: Well, Im looking for so

13、mething to fit in my study, so, well, Im not too worried about the height, but the widths quite important. Can you tell me how wide each of them is? Mrs. Blake: Theyre both exactly the same size. Let me see, Ive got the details written down somewhere. Yes, so theyre both 75 cm wide and 180 cm high.

14、Conor: OK, fine, that should fit in OK. And I dont want anything that looks too severe. not made of metal, for example. I was really looking for something made of wood. Mrs. Blake: Thats all right, they are, both of them. Conor: So, are they both the same price as well? Mrs. Blake: No, the first boo

15、kcase is quite a bit cheaper. Its just 15.00. We paid 60.00 for it just five years ago, so its very good value. Its in perfectly good condition. Theyre both in very good condition in fact, but the first one isnt the same quality as the other one. Its a good sturdy bookcase, it used to be in my sons

16、room, but it could do with a fresh coat of paint. Conor: Oh, its painted? Mrs. Blake: Yes, its cream at present, but as I say you could easily change that if you wanted. to fit in with your colour scheme. Conor: Yes, Id probably paint it white if I got it. Lets see, what else. how many shelves has i

17、t got? Mrs. Blake: Six two of them are fixed, and the other four are adjustable, so you can shift them up and down according to the sizes of your books. Conor: Right, fine. Well that certainly sounds like a possibility. Mrs. Blake: But the second ones a lovely bookcase too. Thats not painted, its ju

18、st the natural wood colour, a dark brown. It was my grandmothers, and I think she bought it sometime in the 1930s, so Id say it must be getting on for eighty years old, its very good quality, they dont make them like that nowadays. Conor: And you said its the same dimensions as the first one. Mrs. B

19、lake: Yes, and its got the six shelves, but it also has a cupboard at the bottom thats really useful for keeping odds and ends in. Conor: Right. Mrs. Blake: Oh, and I nearly forgot to say, the other thing about it is its got glass doors, so the books are all kept out of the dust. So its really good

20、value for the money. Im really sorry to be selling it, but we just dont have the room for it. Conor: Mmm. So what are you asking for that one? Mrs. Blake: 95.00. Its quite a bit more, but its a lovely piece of furniture a real heirloom. Conor: Yes. all the same, its a lot more than I wanted to pay.

21、I didnt really want to go above thirty or forty. Anyway, the first one sounds fine for what I need. Mrs. Blake: Just as you like. Conor: So is it all right if I come round and have a look this evening, then if its OK I can take it away with me? Mrs. Blake: Of course. So youll be coming by car, will

22、you? Conor: Ive got a friend with a van, so Ill get him to bring me round, if you can just give me the details of where you live. Mrs. Blake: Sure. Im Mrs. Blake. Conor: B-L-A-K-E? Mrs. Blake: Thats right, and the address is 41 Oak Rise, thats in Stanton. Conor: OK. so Ill be coming from the town ce

23、ntre. Can you give me an idea of where you are? Mrs. Blake: Yes, you know the road that goes out towards the university. Conor: Yes. Mrs. Blake: Well, you take that road, and you go on till you get to a roundabout, go straight on. then Oak Rise is the first road to the right. Conor: Out towards the

24、university, past the roundabout, first left? Mrs. Blake: First right. And were at the end of the road. Conor: Got it. So Ill be round at about 7.00, if thats all right. Oh, and my names Conor. Conor Field. Mrs. Blake: Fine. Ill see you then, Conor. Goodbye. Conor: Goodbye. 1 【正确答案】 75 cm(s)/centimet

25、res 2 【正确答案】 wood 3 【正确答案】 15.00/ 15 /ifteen pounds 4 【正确答案】 cream 5 【正确答案】 adjustable 6 【正确答案】 cupboard 7 【正确答案】 doors 8 【正确答案】 95.00/ 95/ninety-five pounds 9 【正确答案】 Blake 10 【正确答案】 B 10 【听力原文】 Announcer: One of the most anticipated art events in Christchurch is the Charity Art Sale, organised this

26、 year by Neil Curtis. Neil, tell us all about it. Neil: Well, Diane, this looks like being the biggest art sale yet, and the best thing about it is that the money raised will all go to charity. So what you probably want to know first is where it is. Well, the pictures will be on view all this week,

27、most of them at the Star Gallery in the shopping mall, but we have so many pictures this year that were also showing some in the cafe next door, so do drop in and see them any day between 9.00 and 5.00. Now if youre interested in buying rather than just looking and we hope a lot of you will be the a

28、ctual sale will take place on Thursday evening, with sales starting at 7.30 refreshments will be available before the sale, starting at 6.30. Weve got about 50 works by local artists showing a huge range of styles and media, and in a minute Ill tell you about some of them. Youre probably also intere

29、sted in whats going to happen to your money once youve handed it over well, all proceeds will go to support children who are disabled, both here in New Zealand and also in other countries, so you can find an original painting, support local talent, and help these children all at the same time. Now l

30、et me tell you a bit about some of the artists who have kindly agreed to donate their pictures to the Charity Art Sale. One of them is Don Studley, who has a special interest in the art sale because his five-year-old daughter was born with a serious back problem. After an operation earlier this year

31、, shes now doing fine, but Don says he wants to offer something to help other less fortunate children. Don is totally self taught, and says hes passionate about painting. His paintings depict some of our New Zealand birds in their natural habitats. One relative newcomer to New Zealand is James Chang

32、, who came here from Taiwan nine years ago, at the age of 56. Mr. Chang had 13 exhibitions in Taiwan before he came to live here in Christchurch so hes a well-established artist and art has been a lifelong passion for him. His paintings are certainly worth looking at if you like abstract pictures wi

33、th strong colour schemes, youll love them. Natalie Stevens was born in New Zealand, but has exhibited in China, Australia and Spain. As well as being an artist, shes a website designer. She believes art should be universal, and her paintings use soft colours and a mixture of media. Most of her pictu

34、res are portraits, so watch out some of them may even be friends of yours. And then we have Christine Shin, from Korea. Christine only started to learn English two years ago, when she arrived in New Zealand, but shes been painting professionally for over ten years and she sure knows how to communica

35、te strong messages through the universal language of art. She usually works from photographs, and paints delicate watercolours, which combine traditional Asian influences with New Zealand landscapes, giving a very special view of our local scenery. Well, thats all I have time to tell you now, but as

36、 well as these four, there are many other artists whose work will be on sale, so do come along on Thursday. We accept cheques, credit cards or cash and remember, even if you dont buy a picture, you can always make a donation! 11 【正确答案】 cafe 12 【正确答案】 7.30(p.m.)/seven thirty/half past seven 13 【正确答案】

37、 (the)disabled 14 【正确答案】 birds 15 【正确答案】 (art)exhibitions 16 【正确答案】 abstract 17 【正确答案】 designer 18 【正确答案】 portraits 19 【正确答案】 two/ 2 years /yrs 20 【正确答案】 photographs/photos 20 【听力原文】 Olivia: Hi, Joey. How are you doing? I heard you were sick. Joey: Oh, hi, Olivia. Yeah, I had a virus last week, and

38、I missed a whole pile of lectures, like the first one on the Great Books in Literature, where Dr. Castle gave us ail the information about the semester project. Olivia: I can give you copies of the handouts, Ive got them right here. Joey: Thats OK. I already collected the handouts but Im not very cl

39、ear about all the details. I know we each have to choose an individual author. I think Im going to do Carlos Castenada. Im really interested in South American literature. Olivia: Have you checked hes on the list that Dr. Castle gave us? We cant just choose anyone. Joey: Yeah, I checked, its OK. Who

40、did you choose? Olivia: Well, I was thinking of choosing Ernest Hemingway, but then I thought no, Ill do a British author not an American one, so I chose Emily Bronte. Joey: OK. and first of all it says we have to read a biography of our author I guess its OK if we just look up information about him

41、 on the Internet? Olivia: No, its got to be a full-length book. I think the minimum lengths 250 pages. Theres a list of biographies, didnt you get that? Joey: Oh right. I didnt realise we had to stick with that. So what do we have to do when weve read the biography? Olivia: Well, then we have to cho

42、ose one work by the writer. Again its got to be something quite long, we cant just read a short story. Joey: But I guess a collection of short stories would be OK? Olivia: Yes, or even a collection of poems, they said, but I think most people are doing novels. Im going to do Wuthering Heights, Ive r

43、ead it before, but I really want to read it again now Ive found out more about the writer. Joey: And then the video. we have to make a short video about our author and about the book. How long has it got to be? Olivia: A minute. Joey: What? Like, sixty seconds? And we gotta give all the important in

44、formation about their life and the book we choose. Olivia: Well you cant do everything. I wrote it down somewhere. yes, Dr. Castle said we had to find or write a short passage that helps to explain the authors passion for writing, why theyre a writer. So. we can back this up with reference to import

45、ant events in the writers life if theyre relevant but its up to us really. The videos meant to portray the essence of the writers life and the piece of writing we choose. Joey: So when we read the biography, we have to think about what kind of person our writer is. Olivia: Yes. and the historical co

46、ntext and so on. So for my writer, Emily Bronte, the biography gave a really strong impression of the place where she lived and the countryside around. Joey: Right, Im beginning to get the idea. Joey: Er. can I check the other requirements with you? Olivia: Sure. Joey: The handout said after wed rea

47、d the biography, we had to read the work wed chosen by our author and choose a passage thats typical in some way. that typifies the authors interests and style. Olivia: Yes, but at the same time it has to relate to the biographical extract you choose. Theres got to be some sort of theme linking them

48、. Joey: OK, Im with you. Olivia: And then you have to think about the video. Joey: So are we meant to dramatise the scene we choose? Olivia: I guess we could, but theres not a lot of time for that. I think its more how we can use things like sound effects to create the atmosphere. the feeling we want. Joey: And presumably visuals as well? Olivia: Yeah, of course I mean, I suppose thats the whole point of making a video but whatever we use has to be historically in keeping with the author. We can use things like digital image processing to do it all.


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