ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf

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ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D5774-1995(2004)e2 Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Chemical Analysis of Extractables《橡胶的标准试验方法 可萃取性的化学分析》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 5774 95 (Reapproved 2004)e2Standard Test Methods forRubberChemical Analysis of Extractables1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5774; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、 revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.e1NOTEThe title was revised editorially in December 2004.e2NOTEEditorial corrections were made to 6.3, 9.2, 17.1.2, and 17.2.2 in May

3、 2005.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the chemical analysis ofextractables from synthetic rubbers and are intended forgeneral use on solid uncompounded styrene-butadiene copoly-mers commonly referred to as SBR.Analysis of other syntheticrubbers is also possible with some of these test methods.

4、Thetest methods and the sections in which they are covered are asfollows:SectionsTotal Extractables 4-11Organic Acid 12-19Soap 20-26Oil 27-42NOTE 1The nomenclature used in these test methods is in accordancewith Practice D 1418.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns,

5、 if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 297 Test Methods for Rubber ProductsChemic

6、alAnalysisD 1418 Practice for Rubber and Rubber LaticesNomenclatureD 4483 Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test MethodStandards in the Rubber and Carbon Black ManufacturingIndustries3. Reagents3.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade chemicals shall beused in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, i

7、t is intended thatall reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee onAnalytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, wheresuch specifications are available.3Other grades may be used,provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficientlyhigh purity to permit its use wit

8、hout decreasing the accuracy ofthe determination.TEST METHOD ATOTAL EXTRACTABLES4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Thin, narrow strips of the dried rubber are extractedthree times with 100 cm3of hot solvent for 10, 20, and 40-minperiods, respectively. The extracted rubber is then extracted for5 min in 100

9、 cm3of hot acetone to thoroughly remove theextraction solvent and aid drying of the rubber. The extractedrubber is then dried to constant mass. The difference in massbetween the original sample and the extracted sample is thetotal extractables.5. Significance and Use5.1 This procedure is intended to

10、 determine the total ex-tractable materials in rubber. It will give the combined amountof rosin and fatty acids, soaps, extender oils, defoamer tars,antioxidants, and other uncombined organic constituents thatare extractable in the solvent used. The rubber hydrocarbon canbe estimated by subtracting

11、the sum of the total extract, thetotal ash, the volatile matter, and carbon black content (forcarbon black masterbatch) from 100.6. Apparatus6.1 Wide-Mouth Flask, 400 to 500 cm3.6.2 Hot Plate and Reflux Condenser.NOTE 2Extraction apparatus in Fig. 1 of Test Methods D 297 may beused, but without the

12、extraction siphon cup.6.3 Filter Paper and Wire Gauze.1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 onRubber and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.11 on ChemicalAnalysis.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2004. Published December 2004. Originallyapproved in 1995.

13、Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D 5774 - 95 (2000).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.

14、3Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, AmericanChemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents notlisted by the American Chemical Society, see Annual Standards for LaboratoryChemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacope

15、iaand National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,MD.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.6.4 Weighing Dish or Watch Glass.6.5 Vacuum Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of105C and a pr

16、essure of 3.0 kPa (23 mm Hg) or less.7. Reagents7.1 Solvents:7.1.1 ETA (Ethanol-Toluene-Azeotrope)Prepare by mix-ing 70 volumes of ethyl alcohol and 30 volumes of toluene,refluxing the mixture for 4 h over calcium oxide and distilling.Discard the first and last portions, keeping only that distillate

17、coming over within a range of 1C. Distilling may be omittedif absolute grain alcohol or anhydrous formula 3A alcohol isused.7.1.2 H-ITM (Hydrous Isopropanol-Toluene Mixture)Prepare by mixing 75 volumes of anhydrous isopropanol with25 volumes of toluene and then mixing 92 volumes of thissolution with

18、 8 volumes of water.7.1.3 Acetone.8. Preparation of Sample8.1 Dry the sample in accordance with the proceduredescribed in 8.1.1 or Weigh a piece of rubber (at least 450 g) to the nearest0.1 g. Pass the rubber repeatedly through a laboratory mill,with the rolls of the mill maintained at 1

19、00 6 5C (212 6 9F)and the distance between the rolls at 0.25 6 0.05 mm (0.010 60.002 in.), as determined by a lead slug. Do not allow therubber to band, and take care to prevent any loss of sample. Atthe end of 4 min, weigh the rubber to the nearest 0.1 g. Pass therubber through the mill for an addi

20、tional 2 min, and reweigh it.If the weights at the end of the 4 and 6-min periods are within0.1 g, calculate the volatile matter; if not, continue passing thesample through the mill for 2-min periods until the weightremains constant within 0.1 g.8.1.2 Sheet out the rubber (at least 250 g) on a labor

21、atorymill, with the distance between the rolls set at 0.25 6 0.05 mm(0.010 6 0.002 in.), as determined by a lead slug, and thetemperature of the roll being no greater than 32C (90F).Weigh the entire sheet to the nearest 0.1 g. Place in aforced-circulation oven set at 100 6 5C (212 6 9F) so thatboth

22、surfaces of the sheet are exposed to the draft. Allow therubber to remain in the oven until the mass is constant to within0.1 g. Usually1hissufficient for rubbers containing no morethan 1.0 % moisture.8.2 Sheet the dry polymer to a thickness of 0.5 mm (0.020in.) or less. Cut approximately6gofthedrie

23、d, sheeted sampleinto strips not wider than 10 mm or longer than 50 mm.NOTE 3To ensure complete extraction of the rubber, the thickness ofthe sheet must not exceed the prescribed maximum.For rubber types that during extraction tend to mass or stick together(that is, low viscosity rubber and alum-coa

24、gulated rubber) and for rubbertypes containing materials that are otherwise difficult or slow to extract,the dried sheet may be prepared for extraction by one of the followingmethods to expedite and provide complete extraction:(a) Using a laboratory press with flat heated platens, press 1.5 to 1.7g

25、of the rubber into a tared 89 to 94-mm (3.5 to 3.7-in.) diameter circle ofeither stainless steel screen having openings of approximately 0.177 mm(80 mesh, 5.2 mil wire diameter) or of polyester monofilament screencloth4that has been previously extracted with the solvent being used.Remove any excess

26、rubber that extends beyond the edge of the screen.Accurately weigh the prepared rubber and screen. After the test iscompleted, the rubber can be burned off within a muffle furnace and thestainless steel screen can be reused.(b)Cut5to6gofthesheet into squares approximately 38 by 38 mm(1.5 by 1.5 in.)

27、 and weigh between two 50-mm (2-in.) squares ofpolypropylene screen5that previously has been extracted in the solventbeing used.9. Procedure9.1 Accurately weigh6gofthedried rubber strips.9.2 Add 100 cm3of the chosen solvent (ETA or H-ITM) tothe extraction flask, and add each strip of the weighed pol

28、ymerseparately to the flask, swirling the flask after each addition sothat each strip is thoroughly wetted with solvent to avoidsticking. To prevent the sample from sticking to the flask, afilter paper may be placed in the bottom of the flask and a wiregauze may be placed on the hot plate under the

29、flask. Samplepreparation, as described in Note 3(a)or(b) also may be used,if only the total extractables are to be determined.9.3 Reflux the contents of the flask on the hot plate for atleast 10 min (1 h max). Decant the solvent, rinse the rubberwith 20 cm3of fresh solvent, and add 100 cm3of fresh s

30、olventto the flask.9.4 Reflux the contents of the flask on the hot plate for atleast 20 min (1 h max). Again decant the solvent, rinse therubber with 20 cm3of fresh solvent, and add 100 cm3of freshsolvent to the flask.9.5 Reflux the contents of the flask on the hot plate for atleast 40 min (1 h max)

31、. Again decant the solvent, and then add100 cm3of acetone to the flask.9.6 Reflux again for 5 min to remove the extraction solventfrom the rubber. Decant and discard the acetone solution.9.7 Transfer the extracted rubber to a tared weighing dish.Place the dish in a vacuum oven and dry for1hat1056 3C

32、and a pressure not greater than 3.0 kPa (23 mm Hg). Reweighthe dried rubber.10. Calculation10.1 Calculate the percentage of total extractables as fol-lows:Total extract, % 5 100A 2 B!#/A (1)4The sole source of supply of the polyester monofilament screen cloth known tothe committee at this time is Cu

33、stom Filter Supply, 8581 Mosley, Houston, TX,77075, style PES212HC, 74/120 mesh. If you are aware of alternative suppliers,please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your com-ments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technicalcommittee,1which y

34、ou may attend.5The sole source of supply of the screen known to the committee at this time isa screen with 0.84 mm square openings and 0.25 mm diameter wire available fromSouthern Press and Media Co., P.O. Box 24, Augusta, GA 30903-0024 under thedesignation of 24 by 24 mesh,130 in. square openings,

35、10 mil diameter greenpolypropylene screen. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide thisinformation to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receivecareful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1whichyou may attend.D 5774 95 (2004)e22where:A

36、 = mass of the original dry sample, g, andB = mass of the extracted dried sample, g.11. Precision and Bias611.1 The precision results for these test methods wereoriginally derived from an interlaboratory test program (ITP)conducted prior to the adoption of Practice D 4483 as thereference precision s

37、tandard for Committee D11 test methodsand therefore was not conducted according to the guidelines setforth in Practice D 4483. However, the results of that ITP havebeen translated into Practice D 4483 precision expressionformat and are given in this section. See Practice D 4483 forterminology and ot

38、her statistical calculation details.11.2 The precision results in this precision and bias sectiongive an estimate of the precision of the test method with thematerials used in the particular ITP as described in 11.3. Theprecision parameters should not be used for acceptance orrejection testing of an

39、y group of materials without documen-tation that they are applicable to those materials and thespecific testing protocols of the test method.11.3 The Type 1 precision is based on a program thatemployed three materials (rubbers), with tests on each of twodays by eight laboratories. A test result is t

40、he average of twodeterminations. The precision data are given in Table 1.11.4 Bias is the difference between an average test value andthe reference (true) test property value. Reference values donot exist for this test method; therefore, bias cannot beevaluated.TEST METHOD BORGANIC ACID12. Summary o

41、f Test Method12.1 Thin narrow strips of the dried rubber prepared asdescribed in 8.1 and 8.2 are accurately weighed to secure about6 g. The polymer strips are extracted twice in hot extractionsolvent. The solvent extracts and rinsings are combined in a250-cm3volumetric flask and made up to volume wi

42、th freshsolvent. A 100-cm3portion of the extract solution is titrated tothe first color change with 0.1 M NaOH solution, using thechosen indicator. The titration and sample mass are used tocalculate the organic acid.13. Significance and Use13.1 This procedure is intended to determine the organicacid

43、 remaining in a synthetic rubber. There are two testmethods: B for alum-coagulated polymers, andAfor all others.While these procedures were developed for emulsion SBR,they may be applicable to other emulsion polymers. Organicacid in the polymer may affect cure rate of compounded stock.14. Apparatus1

44、4.1 Typical Laboratory Apparatus.15. Reagents15.1 Solvents:15.1.1 Ethanol Toluene-Azeotrope (ETA)See 7.1.1. Notapplicable when testing alum-coagulated polymers.15.1.2 Alternative Extraction SolventHydrousIsopropanol-Toluene Mixture (H-ITM)See 7.1.2. H-ITM isapplicable to all polymers, and especially

45、 the alum-coagulatedpolymers.15.2 Indicator Solutions:15.2.1 Meta-Cresol Purple Indicator Solution (0.1 %), inethyl alcohol or in water. Neutralize each 0.1 g of indicator inthe solution with 26.2 cm3of 0.01 M NaOH solution beforediluting to volume. Store the indicator solution in a brownbottle out

46、of contact with fluorescent lights, which will causethe solution to deteriorate.15.2.2 Thymol Blue Indicator Solution (0.2 %)Dissolve0.06 g of indicator in 6.45 cm3of 0.02 M aqueous NaOH anddilute to 50 cm3with distilled water. (Recommended for usewith H-ITM extracts.)15.3 Sodium Hydroxide Standard

47、Solution (0.1 M)Prepare and standardize a 0.10 M solution of sodium hydroxide(NaOH).16. Preparation of Sample16.1 Prepare a sample in accordance with 8.1 and 8.2.17. Procedures17.1 Procedure ANon-Alum-Coagulated Polymers:17.1.1 Weigh a 6-g specimen of the dried rubber strips to thenearest 1 mg.17.1.

48、2 Add 100 cm3of the chosen solvent (15.1) to theextraction flask and add each strip of the weighed specimenseparately to the flask. Swirl the flask after each addition sothat each strip is thoroughly wetted with solvent to avoidsticking. To prevent the sample from sticking to the flask, afilter pape

49、r may be placed in the bottom of the flask, and a wiregauze may be placed on the hot plate under the flask. Samplepreparation, as described in Note 4(b), also may be used.17.1.3 Reflux the contents of the flask on the hot plate for atleast 10 min (1 h, max). Decant the solvent into a 250-cm3volumetric flask, rinse the sample with 20 cm3of fresh solvent,adding the rinsing to the flask. Add 100 cm3of fresh solvent tothe extraction flask.17.1.4 Reflux the contents of the flask on the hot plate for atleast 20 min (1 h, max). Again decant the solvent into thev


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