ASTM F1107-2004 Standard Terminology Relating to Snowboarding《有关滑雪板的名词术语》.pdf

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ASTM F1107-2004 Standard Terminology Relating to Snowboarding《有关滑雪板的名词术语》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: F 1107 04Standard Terminology Relating toSnowboarding1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1107; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indic

2、ates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers terms used to describe thegeometry and common hardware used on snowboards (skis),snowboard bindings, and snowboard boots.2. Significance

3、and Use2.1 A standard set of definitions is needed to allow produc-ers, dealers, users, consumers, general interest individuals, andconsultants to use a common language for describing snow-boards, snowboard bindings, and snowboard boots.3. Terminology3.1 Definitions (Refer to Figs. 1-6):asymmetrical

4、this refers to a snowboard shape that does nothave a longitudinal line of symmetry. Heel-side and toe-sidesidecuts shaped and offset differently from each other; theyare not mirror images of each other. This typically requiresthat a different snowboard be utilized for regular-foot (leftfoot forward)

5、 and goofy-foot (right foot forward) snowboardbinding mounting positions (Fig. 5).asymmetrical offset, Os,Ohthe distance along the longitu-dinal axis that each side of an asymmetrical shape is offsetfrom the other side. Offset may be different at the shoulderand heel (Fig. 5).chord length(LTS) the s

6、traight-line distance between thesnowboard tail and the snowboard tip with the snowboardpressed flat to a plane surface to take out the camber (Fig. 2).DISCUSSIONEither method of measurement, at the manufacturersdiscretion, may be used to indicate nominal snowboard length orsnowboard size when round

7、ed to common lengththe difference between the projected length,Lp, and the sum of Lt+Lsor Lc=Lp(Lt+Ls) (Fig. 1).contact surface areathe product of the average width timesthe contact length expressed quantitatively as follows (Fig.4):Ac5bh1 2bm1 bv4Lc!developed length, LNthe bottom

8、contour length from thesnowboard tip to the snowboard tail, sometimes called thematerial length (Fig. 2).edgea sharp, narrow, steel surface that is attached throughoutthe length of the sidecut on the bottom edge of bottom camber, Hfthe height of the running surfacefrom a vertical p

9、lane surface measured at the highest point,with the snowboard held laterally on edge, free from theeffect of the snowboard weight.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F27 on SnowSkiing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F27.85 on Snowboarding.Current edition ap

10、proved Feb. 1, 2004. Published March 2004. Originallyapproved in 1988. Last previous edition approved in 1995 as F 1107 95.FIG. 1 Side View of SnowboardFIG. 2 Side View of Snowboard, Pressed Against a Flat SurfaceFIG. 3 Side View of Snowboard, RelaxedFIG. 4 Top View of a Symmetrical SnowboardFIG. 5

11、Top View of an Asymmetrical Snowboard1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.heel (of the snowboard)the widest part of the tail section ofthe snowboard (Fig. 4).hybrid asymmetricalthis refers to a snowboard shape that isasymm

12、etrical from side to side but symmetrical from tip totail, allowing the same board to be used by both regular-footand goofy-foot riders by reversing the direction of travel, butretaining the non-mirror image sidecut shapes of a fullasymmetrical (Fig. 6).inserta reusable, threaded attachment point fi

13、xed perma-nently in the snowboard at the time of manufacture, used tomount the bindings to the board. It is typically arranged in apattern corresponding to a particular binding manufacturerspattern.leasha cord-like device wherein one end is attached to thetop surface of the snowboard, or the binding

14、, and the otherend provides an apparatus to attach to one of the riders legs.projected length, Lpthe length of the projection of thesnowboard, measured between the snowboard tip and thesnowboard tail with the snowboard unweighted on a planesurface (unweighted meaning solely under the influence ofits

15、 own weight) (Fig. 1).running surfacethe entire bottom surface of the snowboardordered by the side geometry.self-weighted bottom camber, Hbthe height of the runningsurface from a plane surface, measured at the highest point,with only the influence of the snowboard weight (Fig. 3).shovel length, Lsth

16、e projected length of the forward turn-up,measured from the tip to the contact point where an 0.1-mmfeeler gage intersects the running surface with the snow-board unweighted on a plane surface (Fig. 1).shovel surface areathat surface forward of the shovelcontact point. The shovel contact point is lo

17、cated at Lsfromthe tip.sidecutthat line describing the curved portion of the snow-board contour limited by the lines at the bHand bVdimen-sions and defined by the bottom edge (Fig. 4).sidecut geometrythe configuration of the curve borderingthe running surface and defined by the bottom edge (Fig. 4).

18、sidecut magnitudethe maximum distance from a line drawnbetween the widest points of the snowboard and the edge ofthe snowboard (Fig. 4).snowboard bindings (feet retainers)apparatuses that attachthe riders feet to the snowboard. The three types ofsnowboard bindings have been identified as follows:har

19、d boot snowboard bindingsthese are designed to beused with hard boots, retaining the boots by means ofattaching the boot sole to the binding.soft boot snowboard bindingsthese are designed to beused with soft boots, retaining the boots by means of bindingstraps across the toe and ankle areas.step-in

20、snowboard bindingsthese are designed to be usedwith boots designed specifically for that binding. The bootand binding interlock by mechanical means.snowboard bootsfootwear appropriate for use with snow-board and snowboard bindings. The three types of snow-board boots have been identified as follows:

21、hard snowboard bootsplastic shell alpine ski-type outer-boots with the inner boot consisting of an alpine skiboot-type bladder for comfort and warmth. They aredesigned to be used with hard boot snowboard bindings.soft snowboard bootsouter boots typically consisting ofa rubber or plastic lower portio

22、n and a leather or nylonupper portion; the inner boot consists of an alpine skiboot-type bladder for warmth and support. They aredesigned to be used with soft boot snowboard bindings.step-in snowboard bootsthese are defined to be used withbindings designed specifically for that boot. The boot andbin

23、ding interlock by mechanical means.snowboarda single plane device ridden with a sidewaysstance with the feet somewhat perpendicular to the longitu-dinal axis of the device. The user slides on snow similar tothe way a skier does, except with both feet attached to asingle, wide ski.DISCUSSIONThe previ

24、ous revisions of this terminology standardreferred to a snowboard as a snowboard ski. The term snowboard andsnowboard ski are identical in their meanings. Certain organizationscontinue to use the term snowboard ski.snowboard afterbodythat portion of the snowboard aft ofPoint O, a distance of Lc/2 (F

25、ig. 1).snowboard bodythe portion of the snowboard within thedimension of Lc(Fig. 1).snowboard body centerPoint O, located a distance ofLc/2 + Ltfrom the tail of the snowboard (Fig. 1).snowboard forebodythat portion forward of Point O,adistance of Lc/2 (Fig. 1).snowboard longitudinal centerline(1) sy

26、mmetrical snow-board: the longitudinal axis of symmetry; (2) asymmetricalsnowboard: the longitudinal line that passes through thecenter of the insert pattern or through the manufacturer-indicated centers of binding mount areas on snowboardwithout inserts.snowboard shoulderthe widest point in the sho

27、vel sectionof the snowboard (Fig. 4).snowboard tailthe extreme rear edge of the snowboard (Fig.4).snowboard tipthe extreme forward point of the snowboard(Fig. 4).snowboard width, W (Fig. 5)the horizontal perpendiculardistance between two vertical parallel planes, placed oneither edge of the snowboar

28、d, parallel to the longitudinalcenterline of the snowboard.symmetricalthis refers to a snowboard shape that has alongitudinal line of symmetry, thereby allowing a singleNOTE 1Heelside sidecut deeper (exaggerated).FIG. 6 Bottom View of an Asymmetrical SnowboardF1107042board to be used for both regula

29、r-foot and goofy-footbinding mounting positions (Fig. 4).tail height, Htthe height of the underside of the tail from aplane surface with the snowboard unweighted on a planesurface (Fig. 1).tail length, Ltthe projected length of the tail turn-up,measured from the snowboard tail to the contact point w

30、herean 0.1-mm feeler gage intersects the running surface of thesnowboard ski resting unweighted on a plane surface (Fig.1).tail surface areathat surface from the tail contact point aft.The tail contact point is located Ltfrom the tail (Fig. 1).taperhalf of the difference between bVand bHor (bVbH)/2(

31、Fig. 4).tip height, Hsthe height of the underside of the tip from aplane surface with the snowboard unweighted (Fig. 1).waist (of the snowboard)the narrowest point of the snow-board body between the heel and the shoulder (Fig. 4).XbH, XbM, and XbVthe X coordinates of the locations of theserespective

32、 widths of the snowboard measured from the tail ofthe snowboard (Fig. 4).ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity o

33、f any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments a

34、re invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not re

35、ceived a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website(


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