ASTM F1197-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Control Systems《防水拉门控制系统标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F1197-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Control Systems《防水拉门控制系统标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1197-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Control Systems《防水拉门控制系统标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F1197-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Control Systems《防水拉门控制系统标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: F 1197 00An American National StandardStandard Specification forSliding Watertight Door Control Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1197; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the ye

2、ar of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture, andtesting of controls and operating mechanisms for use with

3、sliding watertight doors meeting the requirements of Specifi-cation F 1196.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are for informa-tion only.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:A 312/A 312M Specification for Seamless and Welded A

4、us-tenitic Stainless Steel Pipes2F 1196 Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Assem-blies32.2 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Stan-dards:4IEEE 45 Recommended Practice for Electrical Installationson ShipboardIEEE 100 IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Elec-tronic Terms2.3

5、 Society of Automotive Engineers Standards:5J524 Seamless Low Carbon Steel Tubing Annealed forBending and FlaringJ525 Welded and Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel TubingAnnealed for Bending and Flaring2.4 Military Specification:MIL-S-901 Shock Test, H.I. (High Impact); Shipboard Ma-chinery, Equipment and

6、Systems, Requirements for62.5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers:Section VIII, Division 1, ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode, Pressure Vessels72.6 National Electrical Manufacturers Association:8Publication Number IS1.1 Enclosures for Industrial Con-trols and Systems3. Terminology3.1 Definiti

7、ons:3.1.1 control stationa location from which a slidingwatertight door may be closed.3.1.2 door controlthe device that must be physicallyactivated by the operator to initiate the opening or closing of asliding watertight door.3.1.3 door control systemthe system of components nec-essary to operate a

8、 sliding watertight door, consisting of thedoor control, operating mechanism, and interconnecting com-ponents.3.1.4 electrical control voltagethe voltage applied to thedoor controls, indicators, and alarms.3.1.5 electrical system voltagethe voltage generated bythe electrical power sources at which t

9、he operating mechanismwill operate.3.1.6 interconnecting componentsthose components be-tween the door control and the operating mechanism necessaryto cause the operating mechanism to move a sliding watertightdoor as directed by the door control or between the door andthe remote indicator. Interconne

10、cting components form amechanical, hydraulic, or electrical system between the controlstation and the door and between the door and the remoteindicator.3.1.7 local control stationa location adjacent to a slidingwatertight door from which the door may be opened or closed.3.1.8 manual controla door co

11、ntrol that requires theoperator to apply a continuous cyclic force, for example, theturning of a handwheel or operating of a pump handle, to causethe operating mechanism to function.3.1.9 operating mechanismthe device, be it mechanical,electric, or hydraulic, that directly causes a physical force to

12、 beplaced upon a sliding watertight door to cause its movement.power controla door control that requires the operator toexert a minimal physical force, for example, pushing of a1This specification is under the jurisdiction of Committee F25 on Ships andMarine Technology and is the direct responsibili

13、ty of Subcommittee F25.03 onOutfitting.Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2000. Published February 2001. Originallypublished as F 1197 89 (Reapproved 2000). Last previous edition F 1197 89(Reapproved 2000).2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07.4Available

14、from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 HoesLane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 088551331.5Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale, PA 150960001.6Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., P

15、hiladelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.7Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Headquarters,Three Park Ave., New York, NY 100165990.8Available from National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17thSt., Suite 1847, Rosslyn, VA 22209.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr

16、 Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.button, flipping of a switch, or holding of a lever, to cause theoperating mechanism to function.3.1.10 remote control stationa location from which a dooror doors can be remotely closed.3.1.11 remote indicatorthe device, mec

17、hanical or electric,located at a remote control station that indicates whether a dooris open, closed, or at an intermediate position.4. Classification4.1 Sliding watertight door control systems are of thefollowing types:4.1.1 Manuala door control system that requires theoperator to apply a continuou

18、s cyclic force to the doorcontroller to cause the operating mechanism to function.Manual control systems consist of the following types: MechanicalAn operating system, such as thatconsisting of a handwheel, shafting, gears, universal joints, anda rack and pinion assembly. HydraulicA sy

19、stem consisting of a hand pump,fluid power cylinder, and interconnecting pipe, tubing, valves,and fittings.4.1.2 PowerA door control system that requires only thatthe operator exert a minimal physical force to cause theoperating mechanism to function. Power control systemsconsist of the following ty

20、pes: ElectricA system consisting of a pushbutton,switch, or lever that activates, through an electric circuit, anelectric motor that drives a rack and pinion operating mecha-nism that applies the necessary force to open and close thedoor. HydraulicA system consisting of a lever-operate

21、dcontrol valve, hydraulic accumulator, and interconnected pipe,tubing, valves, and fittings that actuates a fluid power cylinderoperating mechanism that applies the necessary force to openand close the door. ElectrohydraulicA system consisting of a combi-nation of electric and hydraulic compo

22、nents, whereby a push-button, switch, or lever, through an electric circuit, activates anelectric motor that drives a hydraulic pump that supplieshydraulic fluid under pressure to an operating mechanismconsisting of a fluid power cylinder that applies the necessaryforce to open and close the door.5.

23、 Ordering Information5.1 Specify the following information when ordering:5.1.1 Quantity,5.1.2 Door type,5.1.3 Door class,5.1.4 Opening hand,5.1.5 Door size,5.1.6 Design pressure head of door,5.1.7 Type of control system,5.1.8 Electrical system voltage,5.1.9 Electrical control voltage,5.1.10 Distance

24、 from the door to remote control stations,5.1.11 Remote control panel requirements (if applicable),5.1.12 Supplementary requirements (if any),5.1.13 Additional requirements as contracted by the manu-facturer and purchaser, and5.1.14 ASTM specification designation.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 Cast

25、 iron components shall not be used unless shocktested and approved in accordance with MIL-S-901.7. Design of Manual Operating Controls7.1 All sliding watertight doors shall be provided with ameans of local and remote manual operation.7.2 The maximum force required to operate each manualcontrol shall

26、 be 25 lbs (11 kg), except that a maximum force of50 lbs (23 kg) is acceptable during wedging if applicable.7.2.1 Hand pumps may operate with an all around crankmotion or a reciprocating motion.7.2.2 Handwheels shall be at least 18 in. (457 mm) indiameter.7.3 Manual controls shall remain stationary

27、when the dooris operated by other means.7.4 Local Manual Controls:7.4.1 Local manual controls shall be capable of opening andclosing each door from both sides of the bulkhead.7.4.2 Local manual controls shall be located within 10 ft (3m) of, and in visual contact with, the door.7.4.3 Local manual co

28、ntrols shall always operate, even inthe event of rupture of hydraulic lines more than 10 ft (3 m)from the door.7.5 Remote Manual Controls:7.5.1 A remote manual control shall be provided above thebulkhead deck to close each door remotely. It shall not be possible to open a door remotely.7.5.2

29、A remote indicator, operable under all conditions,shall be located at the remote manual control station to indicatewhether the door is open or closed.8. Design of Power Operating Controls8.1 Each Class 3 door, as defined in Specification F 1196,shall be provided with local power controls for opening

30、 andclosing the door and remote power controls for closing thedoor. Door control systems intended for installation aboardCoast Guard inspected and certificated vessels shall complywith Supplementary Requirements S1 through S4 in addition tothe following.8.1.1 Local Power Controls: Local power

31、 controls shall be so located that theymay be held in the open position by a person passing throughthe doorway. The controls shall be at least 48 in. (122 cm) abovethe deck. The direction of movement of handles used to openand close the door shall be in the direction of the doormovemen

32、t.8.1.2 Remote Power Controls: Remote power controls shall be located on a centralcontrol station located on the navigating bridge. The central control station shall have a “mastermode switch with two modes of control. (1) The“ localcontrol mode shall allow any door to be locally opene

33、d andlocally closed after use without automatic closure of the door.F 11972(2) The “doors closed mode shall automatically close anydoor that is open. While permitting doors to be opened locally,either by power or hand, doors shall automatically reclose uponrelease of the local control mechanism when

34、ever the “doorsclosed mode is activated. A diagram shall be provided on the central controlstation showing the location of each door, with visual indica-tors to show whether each door is open or closed. A red lightshall indicate that a door is fully open, and a green light shallindicate that

35、it is closed. A flashing red light shall indicate thata door is in an intermediate position. The central control station shall be fitted with a testbutton to verify that all lights at the station are in properworking order.8.2 Actuating ComponentsDoors that are required to bepower operated sh

36、all be fitted with the necessary equipment touse electric, hydraulic, or other power sources. Actuatingcomponents include hydraulic valves, electric operators, orother suitable means of sequencing for automatic operation.Each drive unit shall be protected from injury caused by ajammed door, excessiv

37、e electrical current, or excessive hydrau-lic or pneumatic pressure. No clutch device shall be used.8.3 Connections and circuits shall be designed and installedso that a failure in one door circuit will not cause a failure inany other door circuit. Any failure in an alarm or indicatorcircuit shall n

38、ot result in a loss of power for the door operation.The control system shall be such that a short or open circuitwill not result in a closed door opening. The connections shallbe such that leakage of salt water into local controls shall notestablish a circuit that will cause a closed door to open.9.

39、 Design of Electrical Components9.1 Electrical components shall meet the applicable require-ments of IEEE Standard 45.9.2 Electrical motors, associated circuits, and control com-ponents located below the bulkhead deck shall be designed tooperate submerged (NEMA 6 per NEMA Publication IS1.1).9.2.1 El

40、ectric door position circuits and components locatedbelow the bulkhead deck shall be hermetically sealed, asdefined in IEEE 100.9.3 Door movement warning signals and all electricalequipment located above the bulkhead deck shall be watertight(NEMA 4 per NEMA Publication IS1.1).10. Design of Hydraulic

41、 Components10.1 All hydraulic components shall be designed with aminimum 4:1 factor of safety.10.2 Hydraulic cylinders shall be designed for a burstingpressure of not less than four times the maximum allowableworking pressure.10.3 Accumulators shall be designed, constructed, andtested in accordance

42、with Section VIII, Division 1 of theASME Code.10.4 Hydraulic pipe and tubing shall be stainless steel,Specification A 312/A 312M, or seamless tubing, SAE J524 orJ525.10.5 Hydraulic fluids shall have a minimum flashpoint of315F. In addition, the fluid shall be suitable for operation ofthe hydraulic s

43、ystem through the entire temperature range towhich it may be subjected.11. Operating Requirements11.1 Door control systems, both manual and power, shall bedesigned to open and close doors against a 15 list. In addition,the operating mechanisms shall be designed to close the dooragainst a static head

44、 equivalent to a water height of at least 1m above the sill on the centerline of the door.11.2 A manual control system must be designed to close adoor in not more than 90 s.11.3 All hydraulic systems shall be designed so that anyhydraulic “line break more than 10 ft (3 m) from the door willnot preve

45、nt local power or hand closing or remote powerclosing of the door.11.4 Power control systems shall close doors at an approxi-mately uniform rate of closure, but in no case shall the closuretime, from the time a door begins to move to the time it reachesthe fully closed position, be less than 20 s or

46、 more than 40 s.11.4.1 Simultaneous ClosingMeans shall be provided forclosing all power-operated doors simultaneously. When a largenumber of doors are involved, automatic means may beprovided for operating the doors in sequence, with preferencebeing given to doors in the lowest part of the vessel. T

47、hearrangement shall be such that all doors can be closed in notmore than 60 s after actuation of the master mode switch.11.5 An audible alarm, distinct from any other alarm in thearea, shall give warning whenever the door is closed remotelyby power and shall sound for at least 5 s, but no more than

48、10s, prior to door movement for Class 3 doors. In the case ofremote hand operation, the audible alarm may be configured tosound only when the door is moving. Additionally, consider-ation should be given to supplementing the audible alarm witha visual alarm in high noise areas.11.6 See Supplementary

49、Requirements for installation de-tails.12. Inspection and Testing of Doors and Controls12.1 Shop Tests and Inspections:12.1.1 Shop Test of Operating ControlsA prototype of onedoor and frame of each design together with its manualoperating equipment, and in addition its power control equip-ment if a Class 3 door, shall be mounted on a structure in theshop in a vertical position. The setup for horizontal slidingdoors shall be such that it can be tilted one way to demonstratethat the manual controls can close the door against a 15 listand, in additi


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