BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf

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BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf_第1页
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BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf_第2页
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BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf_第3页
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BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf_第4页
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BS 7414-1991 Specification for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows materials type B《塑料窗用带热焊拐角连接的聚氯乙烯U型挤压空心型材外型规范 B型材料》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS7414:1991 Incorporating Amendment No.1 Specification for White PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows: materials type BBS7414:1991 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof the Elements andComponents (of Diverse M

2、aterials)for Buildings Standards Policy Committee, waspublished under the authorityof the Standards Boardand comes into effect on 29 March1991 BSI 04-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference ECB/46 Draft for comment88/12085 DC ISBN 0 580 19374 8 Comm

3、ittees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Elements and Components (of Diverse Materials) for Buildings Standards Policy Committee (ECB/-) to Technical Committee ECB/46, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of B

4、uilders Hardware Manufacturers Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Board of Agrment British Plastics Federation Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Health Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency) F

5、lat Glass Manufacturers Association Glass and Glazing Federation Institution of Fire Engineers London Housing Consortium Plastics Window Association Ltd. Royal Institute of British Architects Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments 8186 May1994 Indicated by a sideline in the margi

6、nBS7414:1991 BSI 04-1999 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword ii 1 Scope 1 2 Definitions 1 3 Raw materials 1 4 Profile properties 1 5 Profile marking 2 Appendix A Impact strength test 4 Appendix B Tensile-impact strength test 5 Appendix C Retention of tensile-impact str

7、ength after artificial ageing 6 Appendix D Reference method for measuring face surface flatness and parallelism 6 Appendix E Heat reversion test 6 Appendix F Heat ageing test 7 Appendix G Impact resistance at low temperature test 7 Appendix H Colour fastness test 7 Appendix J Weld factor test 8 Appe

8、ndix K Corner strength test 8 Figure 1 Specimen dimensions for the impact strength test 4 Figure 2 Specimen dimensions for the tensile-impact strength test 5 Figure 3 Apparatus for corner strength test 9 Figure 4 Points of maximum tensile bending stress 10 Table 1 Physical properties of PVC-U type B

9、 material 2 Table 2 Tolerances on dimensions 3 Publication(s) referred to Inside back coverBS7414:1991 ii BSI 04-1999 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Elements and Components (of Diverse Materials) for Buildings Standards Policy Committee. BS7412 should be

10、read in conjunction with this standard. White PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows: materials type A, are specified in BS7413. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are respo

11、nsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pagesi and ii, pages1 to10, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been

12、 updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on theinside front cover.BS7414:1991 BSI 04-1999 1 1 Scope This British Standard specifies requirements for the raw materials and properties of the finished profile after manufacture

13、 for white PVC-U extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastics windows manufactured from materials type B. Methods of test are given in Appendix A to Appendix K. NOTE 1Plastics windows made from PVC-U extruded hollow profiles are specified in BS7412 and requirements for white

14、PVC-U hollow profiles for plastics windows manufactured from materials type A are specified in BS7413. NOTE 2The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the definitions given in BS6100-1.3.5

15、and BS6100-1.5.1 apply together with the following. 2.1 die line a continuous longitudinal mark on the external faces of a profile that originates during extrusion 2.2 face surface a surface in a profile that is exposed to view when the window is closed 2.3 profile a length of extruded material of d

16、efined cross section 2.4 sink mark a depression on the surface of an extrusion 2.5 type B materials materials complying with the requirements of Table 1 3 Raw materials 3.1 Composition The profiles shall be made from type B materials consisting substantially of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-

17、U). NOTE 1Only those additives and pigments may be used that are necessary for the manufacture of the compound and for its subsequent conversion into sound, durable extrusions of good surface finish and mechanical strength as assessed by the requirements of Table 1 of this specification. NOTE 2Profi

18、les may contain a percentage of regranulated or repulverized material (up to10%). If reworked material is added or used it shall comprise the manufacturers own clean reworked material from products complying with this standard and the resulting profile shall comply with this standard. 3.2 Physical p

19、roperties The PVC-U material from which the profiles are made shall comply with the requirements given in Table 1. The tests shall be carried out on samples cut from the face surfaces of extruded profile except on samples for the apparent modulus of elasticity test which shall be carried out on pres

20、sed plaques prepared from milled sheet under the conditions specified in ISO1163-2. 4 Profile properties 4.1 Storage and conditioning of test samples All samples shall be stored at20 5 C and shall not be tested sooner than16h after production. Samples shall be conditioned and tested in accordance wi

21、th the requirements of the relevant appendix. NOTE 1For the purposes of quality control routine testing the storage time can be shorter than 16 h providing the final storage temperature of20 5 C is obtained. NOTE 2The20 5 C is a storage temperature not a conditioning temperature. 4.2 Appearance and

22、finish The colour of the profile shall be uniform when viewed by normal or corrected vision at a range of1m, in45 north sky light viewing perpendicular to the surface as described in clause14 of method A01 of BS1006:1990. The external and internal face surfaces of the profile shall be free from fore

23、ign bodies, cracks, sink marks or die lines when similarly viewed. In an assembled window unit the total colour difference (%E*), measured to comply with BS3900-D8, BS3900-D9 and BS3900-D10 between any one and any other of the lengths of profile used shall not exceed1.0. 4.3 Manufacturing tolerances

24、 4.3.1 The profiles shall be straight such that the longitudinal axis of the profile, as measured on the face surfaces, may deviate from the straight line by not more than1mm/m. The cross section of the profile shall conform in shape and dimensions to the manufacturers drawing subject to the toleran

25、ces in4.3.2. 4.3.2 Tolerances on dimensions, outer wall thickness, surface flatness and on rebate grooves shall be as given in Table 2.BS7414:1991 2 BSI 04-1999 Table 1 Physical properties of PVC-U type B material If internal webs are present they shall be controlled so that at all times reinforceme

26、nt and other hardware are able to be fitted freely without prior web machining. 4.3.3 The mass of the profile per metre shall not be more than5% below the nominated value. 4.4 Heat reversion Main frame subsill and casement or sash profiles shall be tested in accordance with Appendix E. The mean maxi

27、mum reversion shall be not greater than2%. There shall also be not more than a0.4% difference between the individual face sides of the same sample. Glazing beads shall also be tested in accordance with Appendix E. The mean maximum reversion shall be not more than3% and there shall be not more than a

28、0.6% difference between the face side and the opposite side of the same sample. 4.5 Heat ageing When tested in accordance with Appendix F the profile shall show no bubbles, cracks or delamination. 4.6 Impact resistance at low temperature When main frame subsill and casement or sash profiles are test

29、ed in accordance with Appendix G, no sample shall exhibit cracking through the entire wall thickness of the profile. Ten samples per main frame, casement or sash profile shall be tested (five samples being used for each face) and there shall be no failures. Five samples per subsill profile shall be

30、tested on the upper visible surface and there shall be no failures. 4.7 Colour fastness When tested in accordance with Appendix H the maximum colour change allowed is that rated3-4 on the grey scale specified in method A03 of BS1006. The maximum colour difference when assessed by instrumental measur

31、ement in accordance with BS3900-D8, BS3900-D9 and BS3900-D10 shall not exceed7.0 CIELAB colour difference units (%E*). Any samples which, though they develop acceptable colour difference, show surface erosion with the development of loose pigment (chalking) shall be unacceptable. 4.8 Weld factor Whe

32、n tested in accordance with the method given in Appendix J, the weld factor shall be not less than0.7. NOTEIt is acknowledged that this test has some drawbacks but it is the best test that is currently available. 4.9 Corner strength When tested in accordance with the method given in Appendix K, the

33、weld joint shall not fracture below a stress level of20MPa. 5 Profile marking The main frame subsill and casement or sash profiles shall be indelibly marked at approximately1m intervals, in a position that will not be visible when the window is closed, with this British Standard number, i.e.BS7414:1

34、991 1) , and with a mark enabling the manufacturers name and date of manufacture of the extrusion to be traced without removal of the window. Subsills shall be similarly marked in a position that will be subsequently concealed by the window. Test Test method Minimum value Softening point BS2782:Meth

35、od120B 80 C Apparent modulus of elasticity BS2782:Method335A (Rate of strain=5mm/min) 3 000MPa Tensile yield stress at23 C BS2782:Method320C (Rate of strain=5mm/min) 44MPa Impact strength BS2782:Method359 (seeAppendix A) 8kJ/m 2 Tensile-impact strength at23 C at0 C ISO8256 Method A specimen type5 (s

36、eeAppendix B) 600kJ/m 2 400kJ/m 2 Retention of tensile-impact strength after artificial ageing Appendix C 75% of original value 1) Marking BS7414:1991 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturers declaration of conformity, i.e.a claim by or on behalf of the manufacturer that the product

37、 meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely the responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conformity, which may also be desirable.BS7414:1991 BSI 04-1999 3 Table 2 Tolerances on

38、 dimensions (a) Overall dimensions across face surfaces The dimension A between internal and external face surfaces of the profile shall be subject to a tolerance of 0.3mm and shall be held over the full width of the face surfaces. (b) General overall dimensions All other overall profile dimensions

39、shall be subject to a tolerance of 0.5mm. NOTEDimension B illustrates an example of a general overall dimension. (c) Outer wall thickness All outer wall thicknesses shall be subject to a tolerance of 0.3mm. (d) Face surface flatness When measured in accordance with the method described in Appendix D

40、 the difference between maximum and minimum readings across the face shall not exceed0.3mm. NOTEThree examples are shown (all dimensions are in millimetres). Example 1. Indicates a convex face surface. Example 2. Indicates a concave face surface. Example 3. Indicates convex and concave face surfaces

41、 combined. (e) Extruded rebate grooves for fixings All extruded grooves shall be subject to a tolerance of 0.3mm.BS7414:1991 4 BSI 04-1999 Appendix A Impact strength test A.1 Test specimens A minimum of ten specimens shall be cut from the face sides of profile material, with the length L of the spec

42、imens along the direction of extrusion. The specimens shall have the dimensions and notch configuration shown in Figure 1. Notches shall be machined on unnotched specimens prepared in accordance with6.1 of BS2782-3:Method359:1993 with the exception of the notch dimensions which shall be in accordanc

43、e with Figure 1. Notching shall be carried out on a milling machine or lathe using a single tooth cutter, a planing machine using a single tooth cutter or by broaching. NOTEIt is emphasized that the notch quality is important in order to obtain valid results. The notch precision and surface finish s

44、hould be inspected prior to test. Inspection may be by the use of an optical device with a magnification of 50. A.2 Procedure Condition and test the specimens by the method specified in BS2782-3:Method359. NOTE 1The pendulum used for the test is to have an impact energy of1.0J as characterized in Ta

45、ble 1 of BS2782-3:Method359:1993. Calculate the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the specimens tested. NOTE 2Some, or all, test specimens of certain materials may exhibit ductile breaks. If all specimens break in the ductile manner the impact strength is sa

46、tisfactory. If a proportion of specimens tested break in the ductile manner, the impact strength of the material is as the value calculated from the results obtained only from those specimens broken in the brittle manner. NOTE 3Impact strength values obtained for a set of specimens which break in th

47、e brittle manner would normally be expected to achieve a coefficient of variation of less than20%. If the coefficient of variation for a set of specimens is greater than20%, it is recommended that a further set of specimens is tested. Figure 1 Specimen dimensions for the impact strength testBS7414:1

48、991 BSI 04-1999 5 Appendix B Tensile-impact strength test B.1 Test specimens A minimum of twenty specimens shall be cut from the face sides of profile material, with the length l of the specimens along the direction of extrusion. The specimens shall have the dimensions shown in Figure 2 (specimen ty

49、pe5 of ISO8256). The specimens shall be machined with a milling machine. All machined sides of the specimens shall be free of visible defects, scratches or other imperfections. The cutting action of the machining tool shall be in the direction of the length of the specimen. B.2 Procedure Condition and test the specimens in accordance with method A of ISO8256. Test ten specimens at both temperatures of23 C and0 C. NOTE 1For tests at0 C, specimens should be broken within10s of removal from the cooling atmosphere. NOTE 2The pendulum


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