1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationSpecification for cutout assemblies up to 100 A rating, for power supply to buildingsBS 7657:null010BS 7657:2010 BRITISH STANDARDnullublisnulling and copyrignullt informationThe
2、BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN null7null 0 5null0 62null75 7InullS 2nullnull120null50null null1null1null0null50The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullo
3、nullnullittee renullerence nullnullnullnull17 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnullnull01null12nullnull Dnullnullublication nullistorynullirst pnullnulllished nullnullly 1nullnullnullSecond nullpresentnull editionnull nullenullrnullary 2010Amendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affe
4、cted BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iBS 7657:2010nullontentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope and renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 2null nulllassinullcation 4null nullharacteristics 55 nullrodnullct innullornullation 76 Nornullal sernullice and nullonullnting conditions 77 nullonstrnullcti
5、onal and pernullornullance renullnullirenullents 8null Tests 15AnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull nullnullide to the nullninterrnullpted rated cnullrrent onullnullnullses nullnder nullarionulls conditions onull installation 28Binullliography 29nullist of figuresnullignullre 1 null nul
6、lillar ternullinal nullith direct pressnullre 10nullignullre 2 null Apparatnulls nullor inullpact test 19nullignullre null null nullechanical tests on secnullrity sealing lnullgs 20nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullanullinullnullnull tenullperatnullrenullrise at rated cnullrrent 14Tanullle 2 null
7、 nulleanull test cnullrrent 15Tanullle null null Type tests 16Tanullle null null Test nullalnulles nullor ternullinal pnullll tests 21Tanullle 5 null nullalnulles onull onullerload test cnullrrent 25Tanullle Anull1 null nullnullanullples onull derating nullor typical installation nullethods 28Summar
8、y of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null0null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 7657:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left blankBRITISH STANDARDnu
9、ll BSI 2010 null iiiBS 7657:2010nullorewordnullublisnulling informationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 2null nullenullrnullary 2010null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee nullnullnullnull17null Switchgear, Cnullntrnulllgear, and
10、nullnullnullnullnull cnullnullnullrdinatinullnnull A list onullorganinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard snullpersedes BS 7657:1nullnullnullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullelationsnullip w
11、itnull otnuller publicationsThis British Standard is to nulle read in connullnullnction nullith BS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007null nullnullwnullnullnullltage switchgear and cnullntrnulllgear nullnullart 1null nulleneral rnulllesnull The pronullisions onull the general rnullles dealt nullith in BS nu
12、llN 60nullnull7null1:2007 are only applicanullle nullhen specinullcally cited and they nullay nulle snullpplenullented or nullodinulled as detailed in the standardnullThe clanullse nnullnullnullering onull this British Standard nullollonulls that onullBS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007 as closely as pos
13、sinulllenull nullhere a snullnullclanullse onullBS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007 is not relenullant to this British Standardnull it is nullarnulled as nullnullacantnull or onullittednullnullnformation about tnullis documentThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the standard and introdnullces the nullo
14、llonulling principal changes:null the standard has nulleen aligned as closely as possinullle nullith the principal renullerence standardnull BS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007nullnull all other renullerences hanulle nulleen nullpdatednullnull the standard is nullore pernullornullance nullased and less p
15、rescriptinullenullparticnulllarly in respect to insnulllating nullaterialsnullnull nullore stringent heat and nullre pernullornullance renullnullirenullents nullor insnulllating nullaterials hanulle nulleen introdnullcednullnull the tenullperatnullrenullrise testing has nulleen enulltended to inclnu
16、llde typical installation conditions nullin a nulleter nullonullnull and threenullphase applicationsnullnullanullard warningsnullAnullnullnullnullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the nullse onull snullnullstances andnullor procednullres that can nulle innullnullrionulls to health inull ad
17、enullnullate precanulltions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical snullitanullility and does not anullsolnulle the nullser nullronull legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of tnullis documentIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull th
18、is British Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has nulleen prodnullcednullBS 7657:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullresentational connullentionsTh
19、e pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullCnullnullnullentary, enullplanatinulln and general infnullrnullatinulle
20、 nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic type, and dnulles nnullt cnullnstitnullte a nnullrnullatinulle elenullentnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle
21、 nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance witnull a Britisnull Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 7657:20101 Scope and references1null1 ScopeThis standard specinulles the renullnullirenullents nullor cnulltnullonullt assenullnullli
22、es nullp to 100 A ratingnull nullor ponuller snullpply to nullnullildingsnull nullach cnulltnullonullt assenullnullly pronullides a nulleans onull ternullinating sernullice canulllesnull nullnullse protectionnull a nenulltral nullacility andnullor a nulleans onull earthing the snullpplynulland antin
23、ulltanullper protectionnull nullnulltnullonullt assenullnulllies are snullitanullle nullor nullse on singlenullphase or threenullphase lonullnullnulloltage pnullnulllic electricity snullpply systenulls nullith a nullanullinullnullnull nulloltage nullp to nullnull0 null anullcnull and at a nullrenull
24、nullency onull 50 Hnullnull the nenulltral nulleing enullnullectinullely earthednullThe pronullisions onull the general rnullles dealt nullith in BS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007 are applicanullle to this standard nullhen specinullcally called nullornullnullnullTnull Clanullses and snullbclanullses, t
25、ables, nullgnullres and annenulles nullf the general rnullles thnulls applicable are identinulled by reference tnull nullS nullnull 60947null1null2007, fnullr enullanullple, nullS nullnull 60947null1null2007, 1.2.3null nullS nullnull 60947null1null2007, Table 1nullnullS nullnull 60947null1null2007,
26、nullnnenull nullnull1nullnull nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition
27、 onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnullnullnullnull nullnullwnullnullnullltage fnullses null nullart nullnull Snullpplenullentary renullnullirenullents fnullr fnullses fnullr nullse by nullnskilled persnullns nullfnullses nullainly fnu
28、llr hnullnullsehnullld nullr sinullilar applicatinullnsnull null nullnullanullples nullf standardinulled systenulls nullf fnullses null tnull null BS null2nullnull1null nullnullide nulln highnullnullnullltage testing techninullnulles null nullart 1null nulleneralBS 5null72null Specinullcatinulln fnu
29、llr dinullensinullns nullf cable ternullinatinullns fnullr nullnullltinullcnullre enulltrnullded snulllid dielectric insnulllated distribnulltinulln cables nullf rated nullnullltages 600null1000 null and 1900nullnullnull00 null hanulling cnullpper nullr alnullnullininullnull cnullndnullctnullrsBS 5n
30、ull67null nulllectric cables null Thernullnullsetting insnulllated, arnullnullnullred cables fnullr nullnullltages nullf 600null1000 null and 1900nullnullnull00 nullBS 600nullnull nulllectric cables null nullnullC insnulllated, nnullnnullarnullnullnullred cables fnullr nullnullltages nullp tnull and
31、 inclnullding 450null750 null, fnullr electric pnullwer, lighting and internal wiringBS 7null70nullnullnull10null nullnull and nullnull pnulllynulleric insnulllated cables fnullr nullse by distribnulltinulln and generatinulln nulltilities null nullart nullnull Specinullcatinulln fnullr distribnullti
32、nulln cables nullf rated nullnullltage 0null6null1 knull null Sectinulln nullnull10null nullnullC insnulllated cnullnullbined nenulltral and earth cnullpper wire cnullncentric cables with cnullpper nullr alnullnullininullnull cnullndnullctnullrs BS 7null70nullnullnull11null nullnull and nullnull pnu
33、lllynulleric insnulllated cables fnullr nullse by distribnulltinulln and generatinulln nulltilities null nullart nullnull Specinullcatinulln fnullr distribnulltinulln cables nullf rated nullnullltage 0null6null1 knull null Sectinulln 11null nullnullnullnullinsnulllated cnullnullbined nenulltral and
34、earth cnullpper wire cnullncentric cables with cnullpper nullr alnullnullininullnull cnullndnullctnullrsBS nullN 600null5null nulllectrical insnulllatinulln null Thernullal enullalnullatinulln and designatinullnBS 7657:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN 60216null1null nullnullide fnull
35、r the deternullinatinulln nullf thernullal endnullrance prnullperties nullf electrical insnulllating nullaterials null nullart 1null nullgeing prnullcednullres and enullalnullatinulln nullf test resnullltsBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1:200nullnull nullnullw nullnullltage fnullses null nullart 1nu
36、ll nulleneral renullnullirenullentsBS nullN 60nullnull5null1:2002nullA2:2006null nullnullnullsehnullld and sinullilar electrical appliances null Safety null nullart 1null nulleneral renullnullirenullentsnullBS nullN 606null5null2null10:2001null nullire hanullard testing null nullart 2null10nullnulll
37、nullwingnullhnulltnullwire based test nullethnullds null nulllnullwnullwire apparatnulls and cnullnullnullnulln test prnullcednullreBS nullN 606null5null2null11:2001null nullire hanullard testing null nullart 2null11nullnulllnullwingnullhnulltnullwire based test nullethnullds null nulllnullwnullwire
38、 nullanullnullability test nullethnulld fnullr endnullprnulldnullctsBS nullN 606null5null11null10:1nullnullnullnull nullire hanullard testing null nullart 11null10null Test nullanulles null 50 null hnullrinullnullntal and nullertical nullanulle test nullethnulldsBS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007null nu
39、llnullwnullnullnullltage switchgear and cnullntrnulllgear null nullart 1nullnulleneral rnulllesnull nullerms and definitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this British Standardnull the denullnitions ginullen in BS nullN 60nullnull7null1:2007 applynull together nullith the nullollonullingnullnullnull1
40、cutout assemblies, fuses and tnulleir componentsnullnull1null1 cutout assemblyconullnullination onull nullnullsenulllinnullnullsnullnull nenulltral ternullinalnullsnullnull earth ternullinalnullsnullnullconullnullined nenulltral and earth ternullinalnullsnullnull ancillary ternullinals nulllocnullnu
41、llsnullnullconnecting nullnits and antinulltanullper nullacilitiesnull as applicanulllenull so as to pronullide nullacilities nullor ternullinating sernullice canullles and a nulleans onullprotectionnull isolationnull and earthing onull electricity snullpplies to nullnullildingsnullnull1nullnull fus
42、e nullcutoutnulldenullice that nully nullnullsing onull one or nullore onull its specially designed and proportioned conullponents opens the circnullit in nullhich it is inserted nully nullreanulling the cnullrrent nullhen this enullceeds a ginullen nullalnulle nullor a snullnullnullcient tinullenul
43、lnullTnull The fnullse cnullnullprises all the parts that fnullrnull the cnullnullplete denullicenullnullBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1null Inullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1nullnull fusebase nullfusemountnullnullnulled part onull a nullnullse pronullided nullith contac
44、ts and ternullinalsnullnullTnull nullhere applicable, cnullnullers are cnullnsidered as part nullf the fnullsenullbasenullnullBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1null Inullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1nullnull fusebase contact nullfusemount contactnullcontact piece onull a nu
45、llnullsenullnullase designed to engage nullith a corresponding part onull a nullnullsenullInullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1null5 fusecarriernullonulleanullle part onull a nullnullse designed to carry a nullnullsenulllinnullnullBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1null Inullnu
46、ll 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null nullBS 7657:2010nullnull1null6 fusecarrier contact contact piece onull a nullnullsenullcarrier designed to engage nullith a corresponding part onull a nullnullsenullInullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnul
47、lnull1null7 fusenullolderconullnullination onull a nullnullsenullnullase nullith its nullnullsenullcarriernullBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1null Inullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1nullnull fuselinnullpart onull a nullnullse nullinclnullding the nullnullsenullelenullentnu
48、llsnullnull intended to nulle replaced anullter the nullnullse has operatednullBS nullN 6026nullnull1:2007nullA1null Inullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1nullnull fuselinnull contactcontact piece onull a nullnullsenulllinnull designed to engage nullith a corresponding part on
49、ull a nullnullsenullInullnull 60050nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1nullnullnull1null10 fuseunitnullnullsenullholder incorporating nenulltral and earth ternullinals nullithin an integral enclosnullrenullsnull nullhich can also inclnullde a protectinulle conuller nullor the ternullination onull nullnullltinullcore canulllesnullnull1null11 interconnecting unitnullnit pronulliding additional insnulllation protection and secnullrity nullor the condnullctors connecting a nullnullsenullnullnit to a tarinullnull nulleter nullnullTnull The tariff nulleter is assnullnulled tnull cnullnfn