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1、2008 年国际货运代理(专业英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择题每题 1 分。以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。1 The seller had made a sales contract under the CFR term with the buyer,therefore the scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of the buyer includes( )(A)arranging export customs clearance(B) booking space with the NVOCC(C)

2、 arranging import customs clearance(D)booking space with the marine carrier2 According to INCOTERMS 2000,CPT means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by the( )but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination(A)buy

3、er(B) seller(C) carrier(D)forwarder3 According to UCP 600, the term“middle”of a month in the letter of credit shall be construcd as from the 11th to the 20th of the month and the term“first haIf“of a month shall be construed as ( )(A)from the 11 thto the 20th of the month(B) from the 1atto the 15th

4、of the month(C) from the 1atto the l0th of the month(D)from the 11 th to the 21at of the month4 The risks covered in FPA coverage basically means that only total or constructive total loss of the whole consignment of cargo,but no partial loss or damage is recoverable from the msurer resulting from n

5、atural calamities,such as ( ),lightning,tsunami,earthquake and flood(A)salvage charges(B) general average(C) ship collision(D)heavy weather5 ( )means that the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer,and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire

6、(A)Voyage chartering(B) Time chartering(C) Bareboat chartering(D)Contract of affreightment6 The bill of lading by itself is not a contract of carriage as it signed only by the carrier However,it provides evidence of contract of carriageIt serves as a receipt for goods delivered to the carrierBesides

7、,the bill of lading serves as a document of title enabling the goods to be transferred from the shipper to the consignee or any other partv bv endorsement The( )can not be transferred to the third parties bv endorsement(A)shipped BL(B) clean BL(C) straight BL(D)order BL7 The UCP published by the( ),

8、contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of documentary credit(A)CIFA(B) FIATA(C) BIMCO(D)ICC8 The documents commonly used in carriage of goods by sea are bills of lading, sea waybills, manifests,booking notes and delivery orders etc.Most of these documents are signed by the carrier o

9、r his agent except( )(A)booking notes(B) delivery orders(C) sea waybills(D)bills of lading9 Liner freight rates are fixed by liner operatorsThey are related more to the costs of operation and which remain comparatively steady over a period of timeThe liner rates are also subject to surcharges or adj

10、ustment factors which may be levied from time to time in order to enable the shipping lines to meet certain price variations in their inputs such as( ),the bunker adjustment factor and port congestion surcharges(A)currency adjustment factor(B) crew adjustment factor(C) water adjustment factor(D)admi

11、nistrative adjustment factor10 Which of the following modes of container transport may be FCLFCL?( )(A)CYCFS(B) CYCY(C) CFSCY(D)CFS CFS11 The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road, according to the CMR,the career is responsible for( ).(A)any wrongfu

12、l act of the consignor(B) inherent vice of the goods(C) neglect of the Consignor(D)omissions of carriers servants12 Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combinations are taking place,( )is similar to the rollon,rolloff system except that in the place of t

13、he rro-ro vehicle a rail car is used so that geographically separated rail systems can be connected by the use of an ocean carrier(A)Seaair(B) Airroad(C) Seatrain(D)Piggyback13 ( )is concemed with purchasing and arranging inbound movement of materials,pans,andor finished inventory from suppliers to

14、manufacturing or assembly plants,warehouses,or retail stores(A)Market distribution(B) Procurement(C) Manufacturing support(D)Inventory14 Each air waybill may have over ten copiesThey are sent to the shipper,the consignee,and various departments of the carrierThe copy marked( )is the copy that would

15、normally be presented under a documentary credit(A)“Original 1”(B) “Original 2”(C) “Original 3”(D)“Original 4”15 ( ),“International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations”,was funded in Vienna Austria on 31 May 1926(A)IFFFA(B) IATA(C) ICIFA(D)FIATA二、判断题每题 1 分。正确的用 A 表示,错误的用 B 表示。不选、错选均不得分。16

16、The forwarder can book spaces with ocean carrier on behalf of consignor basis on the CIFCFR terms in the sales contract made by the consignor as the seller with the buyer( )(A)正确(B)错误17 If the expression“on or about”or similar expressions are used in the LC according to UCP600,banks will interpret t

17、hem as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during the period from five days before to five days after the specified date,both end days excluded( )(A)正确(B)错误18 Under FCA term,if the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goodsthe seller is deemed to have fulfilled his obli

18、gation to deliver the goods when they are delivered to that person( )(A)正确(B)错误19 Cargo insurance is one of the most important parts in international tradeThe minimum amount insured for the cargoes should be the CIF or the CIP value of the goods plus 10( )(A)正确(B)错误20 The sea waybill is a nonnegotia

19、ble document and made out to a consignee who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill ( )(A)正确(B)错误21 There are some standard forms of time charter party used in the time chartering businessThe two major forms are NYPE and GenconBy f

20、ar the largest number of time chartering are fixed on the basis of the Gencon Charter Party( )(A)正确(B)错误22 Received for shipment bill of lading,states definitely that the goods have been received by the carrier and confirms that the goods are actually on board the vessels( )(A)正确(B)错误23 The clean bi

21、ll of lading bears an indication that the goods were received without damages,irregularities or short shipment,usually the word“apparent good order and condition”is indicated on the BL( )(A)正确(B)错误24 Any export goods or import goods call be loaded or discharged only when written permission,known as“

22、port clearance”,is granted by the local authorities to the cargo owners.( )(A)正确(B)错误25 The carrier shall not be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition if the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage under the CMR convention( )(A)正确(B)错误26 The policy must be issued an

23、d signed by an insurance company or its agent. If more than one original is issued and is so indicated in the policy,all the originals must be presented to the bank,unless otherwise authorized in the letter of credit aeeording to UCP600( )(A)正确(B)错误27 For a supply chain to realize the maximum strate

24、gic benefit of logistics,the full range of functional work must be integrated( )(A)正确(B)错误28 In intemational air cargo transPortation, General Cargo Rates are applicable to named types of commodity and Specific Commodity Rates aye applicable to any type of commodity( )(A)正确(B)错误29 FIATA has created

25、several documents and forms to establish an uniform standard for use by freight forwarders worldwideFWB is one of them that means negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading( )(A)正确(B)错误30 Consolidation means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of ori

26、gin intended for several consignees at another point of destination, dispatching the parcels as one consolidated consignment to the consolidators agent at the destination and delivering them to their respective consignees( )(A)正确(B)错误三、多项选择题每题 2 分。以下备选项中有两项或两项以上符合题目要求,多选、少选、错选均不得分。31 From the logist

27、ical system viewpoint,( )are fundamental factors to transportation performance(A)cost(B) speed(C) consistency(D)procurement32 According to INCOTERMS 2000,( )mean that the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination and the risk of loss of or da

28、mage to the goods ends when the goods pass the ships rail in the port of shipment-(A)CFR(B) CIF(C) CPT(D)CIP33 The basic coverage in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is FPA,WA and All Risks coverageThe general additional risks including( )are covered in All Risks coverage(A)theftpilferagenondelivery

29、risks(B) intermixture and contamination risks(C) failure to delivery risks(D)flesh water andor rain damage risks34 The documents such as bill of lading,air waybill,sea waybill and insurance policy used for international trade play very important roles for the parties concernedPlease point out which

30、of the following documents serve as evidence of contract of cargo transportation?( )(A)Bill of Lading(B) Sea Waybill(C) Insurance Policy(D)Air Waybill35 A voyage charter party shall mainly contain the names of the parties,the name and nationality of the ship,its bale or grain capacity,description of

31、 the goods to be loaded,port of loading and discharge,time for loading and discharge,( )and other relevant matters(A)payment of freight(B) payment of hire(C) demurrage(D)deliveryredelivery36 FIATA has created several documents and forms,some of them including( )are signed by the forwarders to the ca

32、rgo owners and some of them are signed by the cargo owners to the forwarders(A)FBL(B) FWB(C) SDT(D)FCR37 Nowadays many documents are used in international cargo transportation,some of the documents can be transferred to the third parties and some can not be transferred to the third partiesPlease poi

33、nt out( )statements are right(A)insurance policy can be transferred to the third parties(B) insurance policy can not be transferred to the third parties(C) sea waybill can be transferred to the third parties(D)sea waybill can not be transferred to the third parties38 The Air Waybill(AWB)is the most

34、important document for a batch of air freight goodsThe AWB Humber is the identification of each consignmentIt comprises three parts:( ) (A)a threedigit prefix identifying the carrier(B) the main portion identifying the consignment(C) the main portion identifying the carrier(D)the last check digit fo

35、r accounting and security purposes39 Scope of freight forwarding services on behalf of the consignor includes( )in the sales contract made by the consignor as the seller with the buyer(A)booking space with the selected carder basis on the CIF terms(B) arranging cargo sea transport insurance basis on

36、 the FOB terms(C) arranging for export clearance basis on the CIF terms(D)arranging for export clearance basis on the FOB terms40 Please point out which of the following statements are right( )(A)The time of shipment should be stipulated in a clear and flexible way in the LC(B) The time of shipment

37、should not be stipulated in a clear and flexible way in the LC(C) If the LC simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date which means these two dates are not the same(D)If the LC simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date which means these two dates are the same四、完型填空每小题 1 分

38、。每题答案只能选择一个,多选不得分。40 The five primary modes of transportation are rail,road ,pipeline,water,and air Each has different economic and service characteristics【B1】offers the costefiective,energy efficient transport of large quantities of goods over long distances【B2】offers more flexibility and versatili

39、ty to the shipper than virtually any other forms of transportation【B3】are primarily used to move petroleum,natural gas,and chemicals For suitable commodities,pipelines are the most efficient mode of transportThey offer a closed system with little risk of loss or damage to the products moved and extr

40、emely low costThe most expensive of all the modes,【B4】offers the fast service but at a relative high price【B5】 occurs on inland waterways and oceansThough slower than other modes,this form of movement is also relativelv inexpensive41 【B1 】(A)Rail transport(B) Road transport(C) Truck transport(D)Air

41、transport42 【B2 】(A)Water transport(B) Road transD0rt(C) Rail transport(D)Pipelines43 【B3 】(A)Air transport(B) Rail transport(C) Pipelines(D)multimodal transport44 【B4 】(A)air transport(B) CYCY(C) sea train(D)rail transport45 【B5 】(A)Road transport(B) Water transport(C) Pipelines(D)truck transport45

42、 Documentary credits are separate transactions from the contract of sales with which thev are re1atedIn documentary credits【S1】ave concerned only with documentsand their decision whether or not to pay, accept or negotiate under a credit depends solely off whether the documents presented conform to t

43、he terms and conditions in the 【S2】When the beneficiary submits documents that contain discrepancies or errors,the banks will reject the documents and retum them to the 【S3】 for resubmission after correctionsSeen from a different perspective,even if the importer becomes bankrupt after the shipment,t

44、he beneficiary is entitled to payment by the issuing bank as long as he is able to present the correct【S4】stipulated in the creditThat banks deal only with documents and not performance of the【S5 】is key to the operation of documentary credits46 【S1】(A)sellers(B) buyers(C) banks(D)carders47 【S2】(A)s

45、ales contract(B) credit(C) shipping order(D)bill of lading48 【S3】(A)applicant(B) beneficiary(C) opening bank(D)importer49 【S4】(A)money(B) drafts(C) bills(D)documents50 【S5】(A)contract of sales(B) credit(C) bill of lading(D)booking note51 commission agent52 time of shipment53 general average54 notify

46、 party55 CAF56 CMR57 FWR58 ICC59 constructive total loss60 export manifest61 The latest date for shipment shall not be extended by reason of the extension of the expiry date andor the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documentsIf no such latest date for shipment is stipul

47、ated in the credit,banks will not accept transport documents indieating a date of shipment later than the expiry date62 自然灾害63 跟单信用证64 租购合同65 货物的固有缺陷66 供应链管理67 记名提单68 提货单69 散装舱容70 无船公共承运71 保险单72 提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。提单中载明的向记名人交付货物,或者按照指示人的指示交付货物,或者向提单持有人交付货物的条款,构成承运人据以交付

48、货物的保证。五、英文单证操作题72 根据下列所提供的信用证条款的主要内容及有关信息,填写集装箱托运单和商业发票有关项目。 Irrevocable Documentary Credit Number:LC2235866686 Date:March 5,2004 Date and place of expiry:April 30,2004 Qingdao,China Advising bank:Bank of China Beneficiary:China ABC import and Export Corp Applicant:UKTom Corp Shipment from:Qingdao t

49、o London,on or about April 5,2004 Partial shipments :Not allowed Transshipment:Not allowed Description of goods:100Cotton Towel as per SC NOCH2004 Total amount:USD 1 0000(SAY US DOLLARS TEN THOUSANDS ONLY) Total quantity:200 Cartons Total gross weight:20500 KGS Total measurement:30CBM Price term:CIF London,U K Following documents required: +Signed commercial invoice in triplicate +Packing list in triplicate +Full set of three clean on board o


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