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1、货运代理人的服务范围练习试卷 1 及答案与解析一、单项选择题每题 1 分。以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。1 The scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of consignors includes( ) (A)booking space with consignee(B) paying the freight to the insurer(C) arranging import customs clearance(D)booking space with carrier2 A consignor refers

2、to the person who( ) goods.(A)receives(B) attends to(C) sends(D)takes delivery of3 It is usually the( ) who issues relevant documents such as the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders Certificate of Transport, etc.(A)consignor(B) consignee(C) freight forwarder(D)carrier4 Foreign exchange

3、 transactions, if any, are usually attended by the( ) as well.(A)commission agent(B) exporter(C) importer(D)freight forwarder5 A freight forwarder originally was a(n) ( ) performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks.(A)importer(B) exporter(C) shipper(D)commission agent二、判断题每题 1 分。正确的用

4、 A 表示,错误的用 B 表示。不选、错选均不得分。6 The freight forwarder takes delivery of the goods from the carrier and issues the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt( ) (A)正确(B)错误7 When freight forwarder pack the goods on behalf of exporter, should take into account the mode of transport. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误8 If necessary, th

5、e freight forwarder should pay the fees and other charges including freight for exporter. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误9 The freight forwarder will issue “Forwarders Certificate of Receipt” when he take delivery of the goods from exporter. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误10 The freight forwarder can not employ other agency to provi

6、de services both for exporter and importer. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误11 The freight forwarder would prepare all necessary documents for exporter if necessary.( ) (A)正确(B)错误三、多项选择题每题 2 分。以下备选项中有两项或两项以上符合题目要求,多选、少选、错选均不得分。12 Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the consigne

7、e( ) (A)Taking delivery of the goods from the carrier(B) Packing the goods for export(C) Arranging export customs clearance(D)Arranging import customs clearance13 A freight forwarder shall take into account the route, the mode of transport and applicable regulations, if any, in the( ) (A)country of

8、export(B) country of destination(C) country of transshipment(D)transit countries14 The following services( ) are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the exporter.(A)book space(B) pack the goods(C) export customs clearance(D)import customs clearance.15 When the forwarder pack the goods on behalf

9、of exporter, he should consider the( ) (A)mode of transport(B) nature of the goods (C) quantity of the goods(D)quality of the goods16 A freight forwarder, on behalf of the exporter, is expected to( ) (A)take delivery of the goods(B) pay the freight costs(C) arrange transit warehousing(D)arrange cust

10、oms clearance17 Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the import( ) (A)Monitor the movement of goods(B) check the relevant documents(C) Arrange import customs clearance(D)Weigh and measure the goods.18 If there is damage of goods during shipment, the freight for

11、warder will( ) on behalf of exporter.(A)Note damages(B) Pay fees to insurer(C) Assist exporter in pursuing claims.(D)Arrange for the insurance of goods.19 1)transit country 2) trade terms 3) general cargo 4) special cargoes5) the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt 6) the Forwarders Certificate of Tra

12、nsport7) trade contract 8) relevant documents 9) take delivery of the goods 10) mode of transport20 1)货运代理人2)外汇3)信用证 4)清关 5)委托代理人 6)转运国 7)货物的运输8)舱位9)提单 10)国际贸易货运代理人的服务范围练习试卷 1 答案与解析一、单项选择题每题 1 分。以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 C 是属于货运代理人代表进口商的职责。 D booking space with carrier 正确。【知识模块】

13、货运代理人的服务范围2 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围3 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围4 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围5 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围二、判断题每题 1 分。正确的用 A 表示,错误的用 B 表示。不选、错选均不得分。6 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围7 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围8 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围9 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围10 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围11 【

14、正确答案】 A【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围三、多项选择题每题 2 分。以下备选项中有两项或两项以上符合题目要求,多选、少选、错选均不得分。12 【正确答案】 A,D【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围13 【正确答案】 A,B,D【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围14 【正确答案】 A,B,C【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围15 【正确答案】 A,B【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围16 【正确答案】 A,B,C,D【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围17 【正确答案】 A,B,C【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围18 【正确答案】 A,C【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围19 【正确答案

15、】 1)转口国 2)贸易条款3)杂货 4)特殊贸易5)货运代理收货证书6)货运代理运输证7)贸易合同8)相关单据9)提货 10)运输方式【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围20 【正确答案】 1)freight forwarder 2)foreign exchange 3)letter of credit4)customs clearance5)commission agent6)country of transshipment7)movements of goods8)shipping space 9)bill of lading 10)International Trade【知识模块】 货运代理人的服务范围


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