1、3535789 005795Li 941 D - DAEN- RIM-P DEPARTMENT OF THE AWIY U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, U.C. 20314 ER 11-1-5 Regiil ati on NO. 11-1-5 15 July 1984 U. S. Amy CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTElrl 1. YCEPbiS). Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to update responsibil
2、ities and uidance for the quarterly Corps of Engineers Performance Measurement System 2. Applicability. This regulation is applicable to HQUSACE/OCE and to Engineer divisions and districts and other CE field operating activities (FOA) when their data is displayed in CEPMS. 3. General. a. Yanagers at
3、 all echelons of the Corps are dependent in varying degrees on stati stical ly deri ved displays of management data in eval uati ng the qual i ty of their performance and program effectiveness. describes the work efforts and related costs but conveys little information concerning customer satisfacti
4、on or the timeliness and quality of the Droduct or services provided. CEPMS addresses those factors and complements existing data which address the volume and costs of the Corps work. CEPIlS includes performance indicators which will collectively serve as one of several management tools to assess th
5、e quality of the Corps performance in major missi on areas. Most data used by the Corps b. CEPMS is produced in two volumes. Volume I is an executive summary i ndicati ng Corps-wi de performance. well as goals/targets. district/division/FOA and/or program. functional steps designed to provide gross
6、assessnents of the Corps performance in major programs. management assessments of performance measurement indicators with Drompti nq management to improve performance. Analysis is Drovi ded on each indicator as Volume II is more detailed, providing data by L c. The general concept of the CEPPIS proc
7、ess is that it embodies several The systnm encoinpasses staff waluition and goal of This regulation supersedes ER 11-1-5, dated 3C September 1980 PROBLEM HARD COPY hilb b Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3515789 0057955 888 m ER 11-1-5
8、 15 Jul e4 d. Additional fiele reporting under CEPMS will be held to a minimum. However, new data requirements in support of CEPMS are to be expected with the Corps dynamic programs and data needs. e. Performance Indicators. The CEPMS concept is aimed at defining criteria changes in the quality of p
9、erformance or trends in program effectiveness. individual uerformance indicators should serve at least the following purposes : which will permit aggreqate assessments for the purpose of signaling The (1) (2) Provide an indication of performance effectiveness in a specific area of concern to managem
10、ent. Be used in combination with other measures to develop an overall assessment of the Corps effectiveness. (3) Serve as the basis for formulating policy and providing guidance regarding the management, organization, and operation of activities to achieve more effective mission performance. f. Mana
11、qernent Assessments. The success of the system depends largely on the active participation by managers in examining the measurements and trends to det.ermine if performance is acceptable under conditions existing at the time. derived from staff evaluations, analysis and other related data sources. T
12、his calls for subjective judgments based on information which may be g. Actions to Improve Performance. As more specifically covered in paragraphs 4c,d, and e, below, CEPMS visualizes a decentralized system whereby the real influence on improvements must come from the operating managers who have dir
13、ect responsibility for the successful accomplishment of functionslprograms under their purview. 4. Responsibilities. a. OCE DirPctors and Chiefs of Separate Offices will: (1) Extract those data from reports and other source material under their purview which are specified in the performance indicato
14、r descriptions (Appendix A). (2) (3) (4) Take appropriate action based on their assessment of the CEPMS data pub 1 i shed quarter 1 y. Provide the Directorate of Resource Management, in predetermined formats, data for the CEPMS displays as appropriate. Provide specific norms, standards, goals, or ta
15、ruets, and analysis for performance indicators where practicable. (5) Designate an individual within Iheir office to monitor and coordipate all matters pertaining to CEPMS. 223 ? 2 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 a
16、 3515789 0057956 714 W ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 94 (6) Participate personal y in the quarterly Command Management Reviews (CMR) scheduled and presented hy Ui rectorate of Resource Managernent for the Chief of Engineers. b. (i) (2) Prepare financial summaries and other dat3 which reflect on (3) Directorate o
17、f Resource iqanagement vriil : make appropriate recommendations to the Commander, USACE. performance of Corps of Engineer programs. from the Di rectorate of Resource Planagement, including aparopriate eval uations which impact on functional areas external to OC and are Dertinent to performance measu
18、res estahl i shed for those functional areas. and the establishment of norms and standards. Coordinate the overall CEPIIS, provide staff quidance and policv, and Provide the HQUSACE staff with financial and other data available (4) Assist the HQUSACE staff in the development of performance indicator
19、s (5) Finalize and publish the quarterly CEPMS document within 30 days from the close of each quarter. (6) Schedule and present the quarterly Command Management Review (CMR) for the Commander, JSACE as an extension of the management information provided by CEPMS and re1 ated management docunents. As
20、 part of the C14R, recommend subjects for discussion to the HQUSACE Directors and Chiefs of Separate Offices. Provide the Commander, JSACE an independent review and analysis of information presented in the CEPPIS and related command management documents as back-up for subjects recommended for discus
21、sion or as an independent briefing on the Corps as a corporate body. (7) (8) c. ;)i vi sion Commanders are encouraged to: (1) initially to the general concept and nrocedures expressed in this ER. (2) Consider the need, based on local conditions, for developing and appying their own additional perfor
22、mance indicators as a means of supplementi nq and iwrovi nq di vi sion eval uations of di strict oerfornance. Establish a division-wide performance measurement system keyed (3) Based on experience overtirlie, recomaend imnrovements in the CEP:IS t7 DAEtl-RMM-P. (4) tloni tor aa ta 7ua1 i ty . Y,- -
23、LLJG 3 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-= 3535789 0057957 650 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 d. District Coinfianders are encouraged to: (1) (2) Implement a district performance measurement system to focus 03 the Extend the LEPM
24、S to include expansion of the HQUSACE established qual i ty and customer cati sfaction aspects of mission performance. performance indicators into areas of unique concern to the district commander. (3) Based on experience over time, recommend improvements in the CEPMS to (4) Insure data quality in t
25、heir reporting systems. their respective division engineers. e. Laboratories and other FOA are encouraged to: (1) Establ i sh an activity performance measurement system keyed initially to the general concept and procedures expressed in this ER. (2) Implement an activity measurement system to focus o
26、n the quality and customer satisfaction aspects of mission performance. (3) Based on experience over time, recommend improvements in the CEPMS to DAEN-RMM-P. 5. Procedures. The Appendix hereto contains descriptions/definitions of the performance indicators, and the identi fication and explanation of
27、 indicator data sources. This appendix will serve as the medium for initiating changes to the HQUSACE prescribed perforvance indicators. a. h. By the 23rd clay of the month following each fiscal quarter, the Di rectorate of Resource Management wi 11 : (i) Provide appropriate HQUSACE staff elements w
28、ith financial data required to support their assessments of field performance. (2) Assist HQUSACE staff elements in the interpretation of financial data. c. As soon after the end of each fiscal quarter as reportino cycles will permit, each HQUSACE staff element concerned will : (1) Extract data from
29、 field reports and other material under their purview which are required for input to the CEPMS publication. (2) Provide the Directorate of Resource Management by the 25th day of the month followinq each quarter, in prescribed formats, all data which is required for CEPMS publication. d. Within 30 d
30、ays following each fiscal quarter, the Directorate of Resource Manaqement will provide the complete CEPYS (Volume I and II) to OAS for distribution to field commanders and HQUSACE directors and chiefs of separate 4 I a 223 3 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin
31、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-T t !iR 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 offices. of CEPMS Volume II to OAS for publication. The Directorate of Resource Management. will provide the niaster copy e. Office of Administrative Services will distribute the CEPMS Volume II to the field within 45 days following t
32、he end of each quarter. FOR THE COFIMANDER: 1 APP A - Performance Indicators J PAUL W. TAYLOR Colonel, Corps of Engineers Chief of Staff zzuo 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3535789 0057959 423 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 (F42m =I cm- 42 I
33、d +o c, t ai P m r. m z aJ c L 3 O o, aJ cz 8 m r. n W C ., r L o c, er c .r r “ m Y L O 3 c *r V L O u- rn c, VI O U U id O Y L 0 *I- 7 -7 i. rt: VI cnn ce O Q) U m 7 n c w- U W m 3 Y L O 3 v). a, L 5 L O cr a U U E: + O Y v1 a C L -I- U 7 -, a VI c,. VIV 3Q um lnln 3rnL QW vc, .- /.wu mcr A (d c,
34、4 c O .- ,.XI + -4 A-1 PROBLEM HARD COPY e Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3535789 0057960 145 4 L aJ c, L U. E O c, V aJ aJ v, .r * .r c r ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 aJ Lv) 4aJY KU OE .C rn c CO cun. Et) *I- E: (u (u E L *I- O x O d O Y- o
35、a- aJ- U O V 04 4 - 5 .c, .C W U LL. 3 I (u .-I n au E O c, VI O u L m E (u W c 4 *r *F n .I- A . c, E O U v) c, E aJ Y B r w 4 c, a n v) u c aJ L I- l v) c, tn O 0 5 L 9. 4 aJ tn E . aJuc x a I- w Lc, nv o .C .- I cc E I I W UQ) V L 3 O VI aJ o- rc L O cc t VA ar L CO 33 (5 Co VI L O 0 L aJ c c, O
36、L O Y- Y L O cc, nc aJw VE XT QW OaJ n 4 *I- Ln n Co cn n O L *- L -0v) f-GL L I- 4 L aJ C aJ c3 4 C tn 4 O 0 Ca Y, aJ tn K aJ Q x W I a A-2 PR13LEH HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-+ c, u E aJ ai F aJ Q, v, cn EX 11-1-5 15 J
37、ul 84 S e W E: *r z J 2 U E a E O e m O Q c: + Ln c e n .I- *Y .r ri Y- .o E: o m .I- n m m I N a n %?I n I rl e 2 Y- O m O u 8 m . .a cmaJ o El- .- o e.r c .I- + o e 4 U E: tu C O e m O Q c e Ln E N Y- O *F ar *F a ri r-u rC am UJ ri meu rl 4U E c3tu H I VIE Le cn*r om LO Da 5 .f - . c, c O O tu L
38、aJ e L o c O v *r .a- ar L a s rrl aj r-N a dL CEO U tucc v) w o E Q, J O m aJ o: t m U C aJ L + I VI L Y, O o r a c O I- I A-3 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c al m L O v) al cr: .r ? O z I v) -U E al L t- I v) c Y
39、, O u 5 L v! O L P- D 3535789 00579b2 Ti18 D ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 IC mu +c om c rn LU L al- o r o *I- CL LaJ u an* A-4 O PRBLEI HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-v) + E al 6 7 w 4 C, 4 c cLaJv)aJL lnonocs m 3535789 O057963 954
40、m ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 ln v)-r E rcr CJ 4 L W o L u E O C, V oi aJ v, .I- .I- .I- F v) C, v) O C-3 h m VI W I F *F I- . 2 F n v) U W x c, *I- E aJ E aJ m V) n aJY- *- CO rr 3L O w3 aJ v)v) IaJ -0 ws L- au x* V)wm QI u L 3 O v, A-5 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw
41、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3515789 0057764 890 ER 11-1-5 15 Ju1 84 O Y d- O N M O PJ N O Cu * ,e H W aJ Y- I c, v) O 0 a, v) 3 O I c P .I- U ma O0 in .- new L O rc C aJ LaJ LW x UY .I- L CO 33 v) c, v) O U v: 3 O r I c 5) c a c, V m L c E O V 6 1 ci -r c 4 L m a WA! L ao 3 L a- *-
42、 c *u; L mu c, c.r VIC v) oc,= V EaJ 7-L v) c, C aJ El (3 #- W a c, QI u L 3 O v, A-6 e PRDBLEH HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I 4 00 *v, c3 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 U W. m aJ c, IF 3 V m V + Y, c, VI O V #- o I L W -(u c .n fU
43、EU oc V c O v) 4 #- r E aJ mC“ 0 aJ Y E a, aJ tu E 4 E #- . aJ 0 L 3 O v) B I a F a3 SE W=I V L ow Y-b in VI- a v- n -1 L O + lu V U c Y- .r- c.) O 1 Q m 4 v) c, c “ E w Q e A- 7 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c, c
44、c A-a ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W 3515789 0057b7 5TT W I Id L 0, c, L U E O C, 0 W W v, .r .r .I- a v) r a w U C, c m c m z aJ W L s O v) aJ CL OQ v) Y L O 3 I u) O? VL Y ER 11-1-5 15 Jd 84 Jv) -Q OL :r E E n
45、 id= aJ U L 3 O m W m ci 5 a m id C, O +- O C, F- A- 9 PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . a 4 c c c aJ 4 Q, n rn m v) O v) e! aJ c L O c m u O aJ v) O L ! CL 4 Cu 3535789 0057968 436 vim u v) != O c m m ar *r- 7 n O
46、 4 J c, V 4 O c, c, aJ 0, L m * W U E a L 4 w aJ cn 4 c c aJ U L aJ r- *F n U U F O w aJ o vi c, 3 O E O L % -r r- aJ Ca L O co V Y o N A-10 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-35157139 00579b 372 1 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84
47、 aJ c L O c L W u E 9 L L r: O c, U J L c, In *r J *u -r- o - a, r c, c Ln m m O - ct O c O m aJ c, a U L U e U fu L c, c O V c O e- V- W LW +cl vi- c 0- va 3 ci *U m4: n E .l- c O co m Cu al U O o C O c U s L c, vi c O o aJ 9. h i- Y *C Cu te O a, E c, aJ r c, e Q vi !rl 3 o c O e V 3 L c, In c O 0
48、 .C - .C c v Co r- O U aJ U L (d 3 W 3 o d c L O Q aJ CL m N 1 o U 51 I z W 4 cl Y, o CL L O c, a V U c te O a tn O L 3 h *C U n v) W 3 o m a, V L O v, A-11 227 I PROBLEM HARO COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W 3515789 0057970 O94 ER 11-1-5 15 Jul 84 E O cn t L W W K Cn t W .r ar c V aJ J c c, E O O *r - V c: C E Q. w ie) c, m a F n m- L L O c, (II V W E *C U cc O W ln O n O L 1 Y- O VI c, VI O W F v 4 c- I e% U U c ;i O I - aI W c, (o U U c m 0, 5 L U O L