DIN 168-1-1998 Knuckle threads - Part 1 Especially for glass containers thread sizes《圆螺纹 第1部分 特别用于玻璃容器 螺纹尺寸》.pdf

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DIN 168-1-1998 Knuckle threads - Part 1 Especially for glass containers thread sizes《圆螺纹 第1部分 特别用于玻璃容器 螺纹尺寸》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 168-1-1998 Knuckle threads - Part 1 Especially for glass containers thread sizes《圆螺纹 第1部分 特别用于玻璃容器 螺纹尺寸》.pdf_第2页
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1、DEUTSCHE NORM April 1991 I I Glass container knuckle thread finishes Thread sizes DIN 168-1 ICs 21.040.30 Descriptors: Knuckle thread, thread sizes, glass containers. Rundgewinde - Teil 1 : fr Glasbehltnisse - Gewindemae Supersedes December 1979 edition. In keeping with current practice in standards

2、 published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker. Foreword This standard has been prepared by the Normenausschu Verpackungswesen (Packaging Standards Com- mittee), Technical Committee Verpackungen aus Glas. Amendments In c

3、omparison with the December 1979 edition, the scope of the standard has been extended to include thread sizes GL 50 to GL 125, and the standard has been editorially revised. Previous editions DIN 168-1 : 1951 -03, 1971 -07, 1979-1 2. Dimensions in mm 1 This standard specifies dimensions for knuckle

4、threads intended mainly for glass container neck finishes. Scope and field of application Continued on page 2. Translation by DI N-Sprachendienst. In case of doubt, the German-language original should be consulted as the authoritative text. No part of this translation may be reproduced without the p

5、rior permission of Ref. No. DIN 168-1 : 1998-0 hl Deutsches Institut fr Nonung e. V., Berlin. buth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). English price group 06 Sales No. 0106 09.98 Page 2 DIN 168-1 : 1998-04 I Major diameter of Thread Pitch,

6、Number of d D external thread, internal thread, size P threads, n Limit Limit I devia- I devia- 2 Dimensions Details left unspecified are to be selected as appropriate. b=P.k 30“ ,-y Internal thread 1, *I I 1 GL 45 zj I I 1 &I 5 I c=z 2 RI = 0,366. b d2 pitch diameter b width of the thread profile c

7、 height of the thread profile k factor used for thread design i- b I (on glass container neck) I- P -I 61 Figure 1 Table 1 Radii :$ Minor diameter of Limit Limit devia- devia- tions tions k - 2 GL 12 -,“,35 0.7 10,7 12,32 0 12,42 +0,25 14,32 o 14,42 15,98 16,08 17,98 18,08 19,98 0 20.08 +0,3 23,08 2

8、2,98 -Oz5 22,64 22,74 26,08 o 12,l 16,l -0.4 2,5 I GL 16 0,62 1 GL 25 GL 25 0,675 GL 28 I 3 I 25,98 I 29,30 29,45 33,30 0 33,45 +0,4 37,45 - O 37,30 -I7 42,30 42,45 47,30 0 47,6 +0,5 53,6 -O“ 60 60,4 67 0 67,4 77,4 77 87 87,4 +i6 97 97,4 109 109,4 122 122.4 o 53,30 -1 O 1 0,99 GL 56 I I GL 63 I I GL 70 I 1 3 Designation Designation of a GL 25 single-start knuckle thread with a pitch, P, of 3 mm: Thread DIN 168 - GL 25 x 3


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