ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf

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ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf_第4页
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ECA 186-E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for General Instructions and Index of Tests《无源电子元件测试方法 一般指导和测试索引》.pdf_第5页
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2、8 m 3234b00 0028551 L m i NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with

3、mini- mum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or sell- ing products not conforming to such standards, nor shall the existence of such standards preclude their voluntary use

4、by those other than EIA members whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adop- tion may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liab

5、ility to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. This Standard contains the major technical contents of International Electrotechnical Com- mission Publication 68-2, Basic Environmental Testing Procedures. It differs from Internatio

6、nal Electrotechnical Commission Publication 68-2 by having some different test procedures and some variations to the common testing procedures, These differences are well known to the U.S. Committee of Experts for the International Electrotechnical Commission Techhical Committee 50 and resolution of

7、 these differences will be sought in future meetings of TC-50. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOGlATiON PRCE: $3.00 EIA RS-186-E consists of this base document and a companion l series of test methods, (As of this publication date, thirteen test methods have been standardized.) For the conveni

8、ence of users, each test method has ben published as a separate EIA Standard. 1 s. EIA 1b-E ? 3234600 0028552 3 . - RS-186-E Page 1 STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR PASSIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENT PARTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INDEX OF TESTS (From EIA Standard RS-186-D and Standards Proposal No. 1271 formula

9、ted under the cognizance of the EIA P-9 Committee on Test Methods and Procedures.) 1, . SCOPE This Standard establishes uniform methods for testing electronic component parts. In case of conflict between this Standard and any individual component standards or detail specifications, the require- ment

10、s of the individual component standard or detail specification shall govern. 1.1 These test methods provide a number of test conditions of varying degrees of severity so that appro- priate test conditions may be selected for any component. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Component Part - For purposes of this Sta

11、ndard, the term “component part” includes basic circuit elements such as capacitors, resistors, switches, relays, transformers, and jacks. Specifically excluded are electron tubes, solid state devices and material and equipment test methods. 2.2 Individual component standards or detail specification

12、s - These contain such material a8 electrical ratings, physical requirements, procurement information, design and construction data, test sequence, covering a specific component part. The individual component standard or detail specification shall state the portions of this Standard which are applic

13、able. 2.2.1 Herein after, the term “individual component standard” will be used and shall be construed to mean other EIA component standards or any detail specification or drawing which refers to this test-method Standard. 2.3 Referee Test - A referee test is a retest under specific referee conditio

14、ns of a component part which has failed to meet requirements under standard atmospheric conditions. 3. NUMBERING SYSTEM Individual test methods are designated by the basic standard number followed by the number of the test method (assigned seridly) and an issue letter (capital-letter designation). T

15、hus, a test method may be specified as follows: Number Test Method 4, APPLICATION Individualcomponent standards developed by ELA Committees should employ the standard test methods contained herein in preference to other test methods differing in details. .= EIA Lb-E 78 3234600 0028553 5 W RS-186yE p

16、age 2. Individual component standards should refer to particular test methods as shown in the following a example: For Humidity (Steady State), specify “EIA RS-186, Method 1“ and thenecessary details and options listed at the end of the particular method. 5. STANDARD ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS Usual Con

17、ditions - Unless specific atmospheric conditions of test are specified in the individual test method, all measurements and tests are to be made under the following conditions: +15 to +3SC (+S9 to 95F) Temperature Relative Humidity 45% to 75% Air Pressure 86Wa to lO6kPa (650 to 800 mm. of Mercury) 6.

18、 STANDARD ATMOSPHERE FOR CONDITIONING AND REFEREE TESTS If the parameters to be measured depend on temperature, air pressure and humidity, and the law of dependence is unknown$ measurements shall be made under the following controlled conditions: If components fail to meet the specification requirem

19、ents under the standard atmospheric conditions above, they may be retested under the controlled conditions below. If components are to be conditioned prior to testing to bring them into equilibrium with the test atmosphere, the following controlled conditions should be used: Q) Ordinary Tolerance Cl

20、ose Tolerance Temperature 25 *Z0C (77 *3,6“F) 25 IloC (77 I1.8F) Relative Humidity 45 to 55% 48 to 52% Air Pressure As specified under Standard Atmospheric Conditions NOTE: Before measurements are made, the components shall be stored at measuring temperature and humidity for a time indicated in the

21、individual component standard to allow the test specimens to reach equilibrium with the testing environment. . EIA L8b-E 78 3234b00 0028554 7 M RS-186-E Page 3 e INDEX TO TEST METHODS NUMBER TITLE METHOD RS 186E General Instruction and Index of Tests RS 186-1E Humidity (Steady State) . I . 1 RS 186-

22、23 Moisture Resistance (Cycling) . 2 RS 186-33 Humidity (Steady State-Sealed Container) 3 RS 186-$E Dielectric Test (Withstanding Voltage) . 4 RS 186-53 SaltSpray(Corrosi0n) 5 RS 186-6E Mechanical Robustness of Terminals 6 RS186-7E . Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency. 10 to 55 Hertz) . 7 RS 186-93 Solderability . 9 RS 186-83 Vibration. High Frequency 8 RS 186-10E Effect of Soldering 10 RS 186-llE Thermalshockin Air 11 RS 186-123 Heat.LifeTest . 12 RS186-13E InsulationResistanceTest 13


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