EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf

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EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf_第1页
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EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf_第2页
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EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf_第3页
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EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf_第4页
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EN 641-1994 en Reinforced Concrete Pressures Pipes Cylinder Type Including Joints and Fittings《包括管连接件和异型管件的带薄板套的钢筋混凝土压力管》.pdf_第5页
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1、CEN EN*b4l 94 3404589 O096352 867 BRITISH STANDARD Reinforced concrete pressure pipes, cylinder type, including joints and fittings The European Standard EN 641 : 1994 has the status of a British Standard BS EN 641 : 1995 CEN EN+b4L 94 M 3404589 009b353 T3 = BSEN641: 1995 was published under the aut

2、hority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 May 1995 O J3SI 1995 Amd. No. The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/504 Draft for comment 92/12638 DC ISBN O 680 24115 7 Committees responsible for this British Standard Date lxt affected The

3、preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to lchnical Committee B/504, Water supply, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Consulting Engineers Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Unvented Supply Systems Equipment (MODUSSE) British Bathroom Council British Fo

4、undry Association British Non-Ferrous Metals Federation British Plastics Federation British Plumbing Fittings Manufacturers Association Department of the Environment Department of the Environment (Drinking Water Inspectorate) Fibre Cement Manufacturers Association Limited Institute of Plumbing Insti

5、tution of Water and Environmental Management Local Authority Organizations Scottish Association of Directors of Water and Sewerage Services Water Companies Association Water Research Centre Water Services Association of England and Wales The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of

6、this standard, through subcommittees and panels: Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd. Concrete Pipe Association Concrete Society Department of Transport Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors Institution of Civil Engineers Institution of Highways and

7、Transportation CEN EN*b4L 94 3404589 0096354 b3T I BS EN 41 : 1995 Contents pape Committee responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Foreword 2 Text of EN 641 3 i CEN EN*b4L 94 m 3404589 009b355 576 m BS EN 641 : 1995 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by ichnical Co

8、mmittee B/504, and is the English language version of EN 641 23.040.50 Descriptors: Water pipelines, pressure pipes, potable water, water pipes, concrete tubes, reinforced concrete, armatures, metal plates, specifications, computation, equipment specifications, dimensions, tests English version Rein

9、forced concrete pressures pipes, cylinder type, including joints and fittings Tuyaux pression en bton arm me en tle, joints et pices spciales compris Stahlbetondruckrohre mit Blechmantel einschlie/3lich Rohrverbindungen und Formstcke This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-10-26. CEN memb

10、ers are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on applicatio

11、n to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the sa

12、me status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardizat

13、ion Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Komitee fr Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels O 1994 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref. No. EN 641 : 1994 E CEN EN*b4L 94 3404589 0096357 349 we 2 EN 641 : 1994 Foreword This European Standard for concrete pipes is a st

14、andard which was prepared by WG 5, Concrete pipes, of the kchnical Committee CEN/TC 164, Water supply, the Secretariat of which is held by AFNOR. During preparation of this standard the provisional results already available of CEN/TC 1WWG 1, General requirements for external systems and components,

15、and of CEN/TC 164/165/JWG 1, Structural design, were considered. in accordance with the CENXENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherland

16、s, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Contents Foreword O 1 2 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 4 4.1 4.2 Introduction Scope Materials Design and fabrication of pipe General requirements General Wall thickness Design of pipe Reinfor

17、ced concrete pipe, steel cyclinder type, not pretensioned Reinforced concrete pipe, steel cyclinder type, pretensioned Reinforcement Circumferential reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement Positioning and cover to steel Concrete and mortar Mix design Concrete strength - annex B (informative): Typic

18、al design procedure for pretensioned type pipe. 1 Scope This European Standard specifies the requirements and manufacture of reinforced concrete pressure pipe cylinder type, that is not prestressed, in sizes from DN/ID 250 to DN/ID 4000 inclusive. Pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe, in which the re

19、inforcement is wrapped, under low tension, directly on to the steel cylinder is covered by this standard and is not normally manufactured in sizes above DN/ID 1400. Larger sizes can be manufactured based on the concepts of this standard. These types of pipe are designed for the internal pressure, ex

20、ternal loads and bedding conditions designated by the purchaser. These types of pipes are also suitable for non-pressure load bearing applications. 3 Design and fabrication of pipe 3.1 General requirements 3.1.1 General The pipe shall have the following principal features: - a welded steel cylinder

21、with steel joint rings welded to each end; - a reinforcing cage or cages, in the form of a continuous helix of steel wire welded on to longitudinal bars, concentric steel hoops welded on to longitudinal bars, or welded steel fabric; - the cage can also be in the form of a steel rod wrapped directly

22、on to the steel cylinder or on to a first concrete layer covering the steel cylinder; - a wall of dense concrete covering the steel cylinder and reinforcing cage or cages both inside and outside; - a joint so designed that it will be watertight under all conditions of service, either using an elasto

23、meric sealing ring or with the steel end rings welded together on site. 3.1.2 Wall thickness lble 1 shows the minimum design thickness of pipe wall and the minimum design thickness of concrete lining for each type of pipe. Actual design loading conditions may require an increase in wall thickness. A

24、t the spigot section of the pipe, the shape of the steel end ring may require the thickness of the lining to be less than that specified in table 1. The internal diameter shall be maintained within the tolerance specified by the Common requirements. 2 Materials Materials are specified in clause 5 of

25、 EN 639 (Common requirements). An additional requirement is specified as follows: the maximum size of the aggregate shall not exceed one third of the concrete wall thickness, on either side of the steel cylinder. ) Should be considered as any product used for the conveyance and distribution of water

26、 for human consumption. page 4 EN 641 : 1994 CEN ENMb41 94 m 3404589 0096359 111 m Bble 1. Minimm design thickness hin, minimum design thickness of the concrete iining ti,-, including the thickness of the cylinder DN/ID 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1250 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000 2 1

27、00 2200 2400 2500 2600 2800 3000 3200 3500 4000 ti, - a combination of design pressure, dead loads and live loads. Under these given conditions, the tensile stresses of the steel calculated as indicated in the typical design procedure shown in informative annex A, shall not be greater than two third

28、s of the yield strength of the steel. 3.2.2 Reinforced concrete pipe, steel cglinder tgpe, pretensioned The reinforcement of the pipe shall consist of a welded steel cylinder on which a steel wire is directly wrapped under low tension. The pipe steel content and disposition shall be such that the pi

29、pe shall withstand the hydrostatic pressure in both service and transient conditions; the thickness of the steel cylinder, plus the size and pitch of the helixes shall be such that the stress in steel shall not exceed: - half of the yield strength of steel when the pipe is subjected to the design pr

30、essure; - two thirds of the yield strength of steel when the pipe is subjected to the maximum design pressure. The yield strength considered shall be the lower value of the steel cylinder and the spirals. The increase of the diameter of the pipe at the springline due to external loads is calculated

31、and checked in comparison with a maximum allowable value: where Di and Ax are given in mm, Di being the design internal diameter of the pipe. Informative annex B gives a typical design procedure for calculating stresses under pressure and deformations of pipe when subjected to external loading. x =

32、9,s io-6q2 - 2,2 io-3oi CEN EN+b4L 94 3404589 009b3bO 933 Page 5 EN 41 : 1994 3.3 Reinforcement 3.3.1 Circumferential reinforcement The circumferential reinforcement shall consist of steel wire hoops with joints butt or lap welded; steel wire formed in a continuous helix with joints butt or lap weld

33、ed or welded fabric shaped and lap welded. Ib ensure quality of joints representative specimens shall be tensile tested during which the strength of the weld shall exceed the strength of the parent steel. The clear space between circumferential wires shall be not less than 1,25 times the maximum siz

34、e of the coarse aggregate or 12 mm, whichever is the greater. For pretensioned concrete pressure pipe the circumferential reinforcement shall consist of a steel wire directly wound on to the steel cylinder. The wrapping tension shall be not less than 50 MPa, and not greater than 70 Mh. The tensile s

35、tress shall be checked during the winding operation. For the pretensioned pipe, a cement slurry shall be projected on to the steel cylinder prior to wrapping of the steel rod reinforcement. This slurry shall consist of 1,2 kg of cement to 1 1 of water, and shall be applied at a rate of not less than

36、 1 litre per 2 square metres. 3.3.2 Longitudinal reinforcement The circumferential reinforcement in cages shall be accurately spaced and rigidly assembled by means of longitudinal bars or wires securely attached so that the cage is maintained in proper shape and position during the casting of the pi

37、pe. Reinforcement cages formed by steel wire wrapped directly on to the steel cylinder or on to a concrete layer external to the cylinder do not require longitudinal bars. 3.3.3 Positioning and cover to steel Reinforcement cages may be circular, elliptical or a combination of both. The minimum cover

38、 to steel shall be one times the maximum size of aggregate or : - 15 mm for pipe less than 800 DN/ID; - 20 mm for pipe equal to or greater than 800 DN/ID; whichever is the greater. 3.4 Concrete and mortar 3.4.1 Mix design The minimum cement content shall be 300 kg per . cubic metre of concrete or mo

39、rtar. The water cement ratio of the concrete or mortar shall be suitable for the method of placement and shall not exceed 0,45 after compaction. For pipes below 1000 DN/ID, a water cement ratio of 0,5 is allowed provided the minimum cement content is 385 kg per cubic metre of concrete. 3.4.2 Concret

40、e strength The minimum 28 day compressive strength of the concrete shall be 35 MPa (see 4.1). 4 Factory testing Fdctory testing is specified in subclause 5.3 of EN 639 (Common requirements). Additional requirements are specified as follows. 4.1 Concrete test A minimum quantity of three cylinders or

41、cubes per week of manufacture and per mix type of concrete shall be tested for the 28 day compressive strength (see 3.4.2). 4.2 Pipe test One in 250 pipes shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic test. Should a pipe fail the test, then a further two pipes from the same batch of 250 shall be tes

42、ted. If both pipes pass then the batch shall be accepted, If one or both pipes fail then the batch shall be rejected or each pipe in the batch shall be tested for individual approval. The finished pipe shall be subjected to a pressure test at: - maximum design pressure + 200 kPa or 1,2 times the max

43、imum design pressure, whichever is the greater, for DN/ID less than or equal to 1200; - maximum design pressure + 100 kPa or 1,2 times the maximum design pressure, whichever is the greater, for DN/ID above 1200. The pipe is restrained within a hydrostatic test rig and pressure tested for a period of

44、 5 min. During the test the pipe shall be absolutely watertight and show no leaks, weeping or defects considered detrimental to the pipes performance. No crack in the external surface shall be wider than 0,5 mm on a length exceeding 300 mm in accordance with 6.4.11 of EN 639. CEN EN*b4L 94 = 3404589

45、 O096363 8T Page 6 EN 641 : 1994 Annex A (informative) Typical design procedure excluding pretensioned type pipe A.l General The following guidelines for structural analysis show a typical method for the design of reinforced concrete cylinder pipe. These guidelines apply to all general cases. The pi

46、pe should be designed for the conditions given in 3.2.1 so that the tensile stress in the steel does not exceed the allowable stress as specified in 3.2.1. A.2 Notation Pipe internal diameter Pipe wali thickness Steel cylinder thickness Cross sectional area of steel cylinder per unit length Cross se

47、ctional area of spirals per unit length lbtal cross sectional area of steel per unit length Elastic modulus of steel Elastic modulus of concrete Bending moment per unit length in a longitudinal section of the pipe Normal force per unit length created in the longitudinal section of the pipe by the in

48、ternal pressure Longitudinal bending moment of a span-pipe Longitudinal force due to pipe end-loading by the internal pressure %nsile stress in steel cylinder Yield strength of the steel cylinder Bnsile stress in the spirals Compressive stress in concrete Pipe mean radius Area of steel in tension, p

49、er unit length Area of steel in compression, per unit length Distance between the steel in tension and the extreme concrete fibre in compression Lever arm A.3 Loads and forces Dead and live loads, coefficients for cross-sectional bending moments and thrust calculations and bedding angie should be determined in accordance with appropriate national standards transposing EN as available, or in the absence of such standards, with the appropriate regulations or recognized and accepted methods at the place where the pipeline is installed. (Normal forces due to


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