ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf

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ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf_第1页
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ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf_第2页
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ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf_第3页
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ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf_第4页
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ETSI TS 101 197-2002 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB SimulCrypt Head-End Architecture and Synchronization (V1 2 1)《数字视频广播(DVB) DVB同时穴 头尾架构和同步(版本1 2 1)》.pdf_第5页
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1、ETSI TS 101 197 1.2.1 (2002-02) Technical Specificafion Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB SimulCrypt; Head-end architecture and synchronization 2 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Reference RTS/JTC-DVB-120 Keywords broadcasting, digital, video, DVB, TV ETSI 650 Route des Lucioles F-O6921 Sophia A

2、ntipolis Cedex - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Siret No 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association but non lucratif enregistre la Sous-prfecture de Grasse (06) No 7803/88 Important notice Individual copies of the present document can be downloaded from: http:l/w.etsi .orq The

3、present document may be made available in more than one electronic version or in print. In any case of existing or perceived difference in contents between such versions, the reference version is the Portable Document Format (PDF). In case of dispute, the reference shall be the printing on ETSI prin

4、ters of the PDF version kept on a specific network drive within ETSI Secretariat. Users of the present document should be aware that the document may be subject to revision or change of status. Information on the current status of this and other ETSI documents is available at 3 If you find errors in

5、 the present document, send your comment to: Cori vriaht Notifica tion No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2002. All rights reserved. E

6、TSI 3 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Contents Intellectual Property Rights 6 Foreword . 6 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 Scope 7 Common scrambling algorithm 7 Language 7 References 7 Definitions and abbreviations . 8 Definitions 8

7、Abbreviations . 9 Architecture 10 System architecture 10 Host head-end c 11 SimulCrypt CA componen 11 Description of components 11 Event Information Scheduler (EIS) 11 SimulCrypt Synchronizer (SCS) . 11 Entitlement Control Message Generator (ECMG) 11 Entitlement Management Message Generator (EMMG) 1

8、1 Private Data Generator (PDG) 12 Custom Service Information Generator (SIG) 12 Multiplexer configuration (MUX Config) 12 SI generator . 12 Program Specific Information (PSI) generator . 12 4.2.10 Multiplexer (MUX) . 12 4.2.11 Scrambler (SCR) . 12 4.2.12 Control Word Generator (CWG) 12 5 Description

9、 of interfaces 12 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3 5.4 5.5 Stream specific messages Interface principles Stream establishment Stream closure Channel closur Unexpecte

10、d communication loss . 14 Handling data inconsistencies . 14 EMMG MUX 16 Custom SI Generator SI Generator . 16 ETSI 4 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6 6.1 6.2 7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.

11、1.4.3 7.1.5 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 EIS MUX 16 EIS PSI Generator . 16 PSI Generator SCR 16 SCR onward . 16 SCS SCR . 17 SCS SCS 17 Generic

12、 message description 17 Generic message structure 17 Message-type values 18 hterface specific message description . 19 ECMG MUX and PDG SCS 5.1.1 Channel specific messages These messages are defiied further in clause 7.1.3. This interface shall carry the following channel messages: - Channel-setup;

13、- Channel-test; ETSI 13 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) - Channel-status; - Channel-close; - Channel-error. 5.1.2 Stream specific messages These messages are defiied further in clause 7.1.4. The interface shall carry the following stream messages: - Stream-setup; - Stream-test; - Stream-status; - -

14、 Stream-close-response; - Stream-error; - C W-provision; - ECM-response. S tream-clo se-re que st; 5.1.3 Interface principles For this interface, the SCS is the client and the ECMG is the server. The SCS has a prior knowledge of the mapping between Super-CAS-IDs and the IP addresses and port numbers

15、 of the ECMGs. When a new ECM stream is requested by the EIS for a given Super-CAS-ID value, the SCS will open a new stream with the appropriate ECMG. This might require the opening of a new channel (which involves the opening of a new TCP connection). NOTE: There can be several ECMGs associated wit

16、h the same Super-CAS-ID value (e.g. for performance or redundancy reasons). In such a case the SCS should be able to chose with which ECMG the connection will be opened based on either a redundancy policy or resource available. Chan ne1 establish ment There is always one (and only one) chann

17、el per TCP connection. Once the TCP connection is established, the SCS sends a Channel-setup message to the ECMG. In case of success the ECMG replies by sending back a Channel-status message. In case of a rejection or a failure during channel set-up the ECMG replies with a Channel-error message. Thi

18、s means that the channel has not been opened by the ECMG and the SCS shall close the TCP connection. Stream establish ment The SCS sends a Stream-setup message to the ECMG. In case of success the ECMG replies by sending back a Stream-status message. In case of a rejection or a failure the EC

19、MG replies with a Stream-error message. Once the connection, channel and stream have been correctly established the ECM will be transferred. It can be transferred as sections or as TS packets. The ECMG indicates at channel set-up which kind of data object will be used. Once the connection, channel a

20、nd stream have been correctly established, ECMs will be transferred to the SCS as a response to the CW-provision message. Stream closure Stream closure is always initiated by the SCS. This can occur when an ECM stream is no longer needed or in the case of an error. This is done by means of a

21、 Stream-close-request message. A stream-close-response message indicates the stream has been closed. ETSI 14 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Channel closure Channel closure can occur when the channel is no longer needed or in case of error (detected by SCS or reported by ECMG). This is done

22、 by means of a Channel-close message sent by the SCS. Subsequently, the connection shall be closed by both sides. Chan ne I/S trea m test in g and stat us At any moment either component can send a Channel-test/Stream-test message to check the integrity of a channehtream. In response to this

23、message the receiving component shall reply with either a channel/stream status message or a channehtream error message. Unexpected communication loss Both SCS and ECMG shall be able to handle an unexpected communication loss (either on the connection, channel or stream level). Each componen

24、t, when suspecting a possible communication loss (e.g. a 10-second silent period), should check the communication status by sending a test message and expecting to receive a status message. If the status message is not received in a given time (implementation specific) the communication path should

25、be re-established. Handling data inconsistencies If the ECMG detects an inconsistency it shall send an error message to the SCS. If the SCS receives such a message or detects an inconsistency it may close the connection. The SCS (as the client) will then (re-)establish the connection, channe

26、l and (if applicable) streams. NOTE: The occurrence of a user defined or unknown parameter-type or messagetype shall not be considered as an inconsistency. 5.2 EMMG MUX The interface used is the EMMG PSI Generator Proprietary, not defined by the present document. 5.5 Custom SI Generator SI Generator

27、 Proprietary, not defined by the present document. 5.7 SI Generator MUX Config Proprietary, not defined by the present document. 5.9 MUX Config MUX Proprietary, not defined by the present document. 5.11 MUX MUX Proprietary, not defined by the present document. 5.14 SCS CWG Proprietary, not defined b

28、y the present document. 5.16 EIS SCS IChannel set-ui, 0x0221 -0x7FFF IDVB reserved IDVB reserved 08000-OXFFFF IUser defined IUser defined ETSI 19 ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) 0x0015 7 Interface specific message description 7.1 ECMG MUX and PDG MUX “I.“ Y“, section-TSpkt-flag I I Parameter-type v

29、alue I Parameter type I Typelunits I Length (bytes) 0x0005 datagram user defined variable 0x0006 Bandwidth u ims bf/k bis 2 7.2.2 Parameter seman tics 0x0007 0x0008 to Ox6FFF 0x7000 0x7001 0x7002 to Ox7FFF 0x8000 to OxFFFF bandwidth: This parameter is used in Stream-BW-request and Stream-BW-allocati

30、on messages to indicate the requested bit rate or the allocated bit rate respectively. It is the responsibility of the EMMG/PDG to maintain the bit rate generated within the limits specified by the MUX when the bandwidth allocation method is used (optional). It should be noted that the EMMG/PDG will

31、 operate from O kbit/s to the negotiated bit rate. The EMMG/PDG will not exceed the negotiated bit rate. If the bandwidth allocation method is not used the responsibility of bit rate control is not defined in the present document. Client-ID: The Client-ID is a 32-bit identifier. It shall identiSl un

32、iquely an EMMG/PDG across all the EMMGs/PDGs connected to a given MUX. To facilitate uniqueness of this value, the following rules apply: - in the case of EMMs or other CA related data, the 2 first bytes of the client-id should be equal to the 2 bytes of the corresponding CA-system-ID; in other case

33、s a value allocated by DVB for this purpose should be used. - Data-stream-ID: This identifier uniquely identifies a EMM/Private Data stream within a channel. Data-channel-ID: This identifier uniquely identifies a EMM/Private Data channel within a client-ID. datagram: This is the EMM/Private data. Th

34、e datagram can be transferred in either section or TS packet format according to the value of section-TSpkt-flag. Data-type: Type of data carried in the datagram in the stream. The field shall have the value Ox00 for EMM data. Values for other private data types are user defined. Data-type uimsbf 1

35、Error-status see clause 7.2.5 2 Error-information user defined variable DVB Reserved DVB reserved User defined Error-status: See clause 7.2.5. Error-information: This optional parameter contains user defined data completing the information provided by error-status. It can be an ASCII text or the par

36、ameter ID value of a faulty parameter for example. section-TSpkt-flag: A value of “O“ shall indicate that the EMM or private datagrams carried on the interface are in MPEG-2 section format. A value of “1“ shall indicate that these datagrams are in MPEG-2 transport stream packet format. ETSI 28 Param

37、eter ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Number of instances in message 7.2.3 data-channel-ID Channel specific messages Chan ne I-setu p message 1 section-TSp kt-flag 1 The Channel-setup message (messagetype = Ox001 1) is sent by the EMMG/PDG to the MUX to set-up a channel once the TCP connecti

38、on has been established, as described in clause It shall contain the client-ID parameter indicating to the MUX the EMMG/PDG that is opening the channel. Parameter Chan ne I-test message Number of instances in message client-ID 1 The Channel-test message (message-type = 0x0012) can b

39、e sent at any moment by either side to check: - - the channel is in an error free situation; the TCP connection is alive. The peer shall reply with a Channel-status message if the channel is free of errors, or a Channelerror message if errors occurred. data-channel-ID Chan ne I-s tat us mess

40、age 1 Para meter Number of instances in message The Channel-status message (message-type = 0x0013) is a reply to the Channel-setup message or the Channel-test message (see clauses and All the parameters listed above are mandatory. The values of the parameters shall be those current

41、ly valid in the channel. data-channel-ID Chan nel-close message 1 section-TSp kt-flag 1 ETSI Para meter Number of instances in message client-ID 1 data-channel-ID 1 29 Parameter ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Number of instances in message Chan ne I-error message client-ID data-cha

42、nnel-ID error-status error information 1 1 1 to n Oton Parameter A Channel-error message (message type = 0x0015) is the sent by the MUX when a channel level error occurs. A table of possible error conditions can be found in clause 7.2.5. Number of instances in message 7.2.4 Stream specific messages

43、client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D data-type Stream-setup message 1 1 1 1 Parameter Number of instances in message The Stream-setup message (message-type = Ox01 11) is sent by the EMMG/PDG to set-up a stream once the channel has been established, as described in clause 7.2.4.

44、2 Stream-test message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D 1 1 1 Parameter The Stream-test message (message-type = Ox01 12) is used to request a Stream-status message for the given client-ID, data-channel-ID and data-stream-ID. The Stream-test message can be sent at any moment by either entity.

45、 The peer shall reply with a Stream-status message if the stream is free of errors, or a Stream-error message if errors occurred. Number of instances in message Stream-status message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D 1 1 1 The Stream-status message (message-type = Ox01 13) is a reply

46、 to the Stream-setup message or the Stream-test message. The values of the parameters shall be those currently valid in the stream. ETSI 30 Parameter ETSI TS 101 197 V1.2.1 (2002-02) Number of instances in message Stream-close-request message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D 1 1 1 P

47、arameter The Stream-close-request message (message-type = Ox01 14) is sent by the EMMG/PDG to indicate the stream is to be closed. Number of instances in message Stream-close-response message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D 1 1 1 Parameter The Stream-close-response message (message

48、-type = Ox01 15) is sent by the EMMG/PDG indicating the stream that is being closed. Number of instances in message Stream-error message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D error-status error-information 1 1 1 1 to n Oton Parameter A Stream-error message (message type = Ox01 16) is the

49、 sent by the MUX when a stream level error occurs. A table of possible error conditions can be found in clause 7.2.5. Number of instances in message Stream-BW-request message client-ID data-channel-ID data-stream-l D bandwidth 1 1 1 Oto1 The Stream-BW-request message (message type = Ox01 17) is always sent by the EMMG/PDG and can be used in two ways. If the bandwidth parameter is present the message is a request for the indicated amount of bandwidth. If the bandwidth parameter is not present the message is just a request for information about the currently allocated bandwid


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