FAA 14 CFR PART 33-2011 Airworthiness standards aircraft engines《适航性标准 航空发动机》.pdf

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1、842 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) Pt. 33 A31.2 FORMAT (a) The Instructions for Continued Air-worthiness must be in the form of a manual or manuals as appropriate for the quantity of data to be provided. (b) The format of the manual or manuals must provide for a practical arrangement. A31.3 CONTENT The

2、 contents of the manual or manuals must be prepared in the English language. The Instructions for Continued Airworthi-ness must contain the following information: (a) Introduction information that includes an explanation of the balloons features and data to the extent necessary for mainte-nance or p

3、reventive maintenance. (b) A description of the balloon and its sys-tems and installations. (c) Basic control and operation informa-tion for the balloon and its components and systems. (d) Servicing information that covers de-tails regarding servicing of balloon compo-nents, including burner nozzles

4、, fuel tanks, and valves during operations. (e) Maintenance information for each part of the balloon and its envelope, controls, rig-ging, basket structure, fuel systems, instru-ments, and heater assembly that provides the recommended periods at which they should be cleaned, adjusted, tested, and lu

5、-bricated, the applicable wear tolerances, and the degree of work recommended at these pe-riods. However, the applicant may refer to an accessory, instrument, or equipment manufacturer as the source of this informa-tion if the applicant shows that the item has an exceptionally high degree of complex

6、ity requiring specialized maintenance tech-niques, test equipment, or expertise. The rec-ommended overhaul periods and necessary cross references to the Airworthiness Limi-tations section of the manual must also be included. In addition, the applicant must in-clude an inspection program that include

7、s the frequency and extent of the inspections necessary to provide for the continued air-worthiness of the balloon. (f) Troubleshooting information describing probable malfunctions, how to recognize those malfunctions, and the remedial action for those malfunctions. (g) Details of what, and how, to

8、inspect after a hard landing. (h) Instructions for storage preparation in-cluding any storage limits. (i) Instructions for repair on the balloon envelope and its basket or trapeze. A31.4 AIRWORTHINESS LIMITATIONS SECTION The Instructions for Continued Airworthi-ness must contain a section titled Air

9、worthi-ness Limitations that is segregated and clearly distinguishable from the rest of the document. This section must set forth each mandatory replacement time, structural in-spection interval, and related structural in-spection procedure, including envelope struc-tural integrity, required for typ

10、e certifi-cation. If the Instructions for Continued Air-worthiness consist of multiple documents, the section required by this paragraph must be included in the principal manual. This section must contain a legible statement in a prominent location that reads: The Air-worthiness Limitations section

11、is FAA ap-proved and specifies maintenance required under 43.16 and 91.403 of the Federal Avia-tion Regulations. Amdt. 314, 45 FR 60180, Sept. 11, 1980, as amended by Amdt. 315, 54 FR 34330, Aug. 18, 1989 PART 33AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: AIRCRAFT ENGINES Subpart AGeneral Sec. 33.1 Applicability. 33.3

12、 General. 33.4 Instructions for Continued Airworthi-ness. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and operating the engine. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limita-tions. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust ratings. Subpart BDesign and Construction; General 33.11 Applicability. 33.13 Reserved

13、33.15 Materials. 33.17 Fire protection. 33.19 Durability. 33.21 Engine cooling. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and structure. 33.25 Accessory attachments. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-supercharger rotors. 33.28 Engine control systems. 33.29 Instrument connection. Subpart CDesign and

14、Construction; Reciprocating Aircraft Engines 33.31 Applicability. 33.33 Vibration. 33.34 Turbocharger rotors. 33.35 Fuel and induction system. 33.37 Ignition system. 33.39 Lubrication system. Subpart DBlock Tests; Reciprocating Aircraft Engines 33.41 Applicability. VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Mar 01, 2011

15、 Jkt 223043 PO 00000 Frm 00852 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223043.XXX 223043wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-843 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 33.5 33.42 General. 33.43 Vibration test. 33.45 Calibr

16、ation tests. 33.47 Detonation test. 33.49 Endurance test. 33.51 Operation test. 33.53 Engine system and component tests. 33.55 Teardown inspection. 33.57 General conduct of block tests. Subpart EDesign and Construction; Turbine Aircraft Engines 33.61 Applicability. 33.62 Stress analysis. 33.63 Vibra

17、tion. 33.64 Pressurized engine static parts. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics. 33.66 Bleed air system. 33.67 Fuel system. 33.68 Induction system icing. 33.69 Ignitions system. 33.70 Engine life-limited parts. 33.71 Lubrication system. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems. 33.73 Power or thrust res

18、ponse. 33.74 Continued rotation. 33.75 Safety analysis. 33.76 Bird ingestion. 33.77 Foreign object ingestionice. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor. Subpart FBlock Tests; Turbine Aircraft Engines 33.81 Applicability. 33.82 General. 33.83 Vibration test. 33.84 Engine o

19、vertorque test. 33.85 Calibration tests. 33.87 Endurance test. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test. 33.89 Operation test. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection test. 33.91 Engine system and component tests. 33.92 Rotor locking tests. 33.93 Teardown inspection. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbal-an

20、ce tests. 33.95 Engine-propeller systems tests. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit (APU) mode. 33.97 Thrust reversers. 33.99 General conduct of block tests. Subpart GSpecial Requirements: Turbine Aircraft Engines 33.201 Design and test requirements for Early ETOPS eligibility. APPENDIX A TO

21、PART 33INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS APPENDIX B TO PART 33CERTIFICATION STANDARD ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATIONS OF RAIN AND HAIL AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701 44702, 44704. SOURCE: Docket No. 3025, 29 FR 7453, June 10, 1964, unless otherwise noted. NOTE: For miscellaneous amendmen

22、ts to cross references in this Part 33, see Amdt. 33 2, 31 FR 9211, July 6, 1966. Subpart AGeneral 33.1 Applicability. (a) This part prescribes airworthiness standards for the issue of type certifi-cates and changes to those certificates, for aircraft engines. (b) Each person who applies under part

23、21 for such a certificate or change must show compliance with the appli-cable requirements of this part and the applicable requirements of part 34 of this chapter. Amdt. 337, 41 FR 55474, Dec. 20, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 3314, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990 33.3 General. Each applicant must show that

24、the aircraft engine concerned meets the applicable requirements of this part. 33.4 Instructions for Continued Air-worthiness. The applicant must prepare Instruc-tions for Continued Airworthiness in accordance with appendix A to this part that are acceptable to the Admin-istrator. The instructions ma

25、y be in-complete at type certification if a pro-gram exists to ensure their completion prior to delivery of the first aircraft with the engine installed, or upon issuance of a standard certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft with the engine installed, whichever occurs later. Amdt. 339, 45 FR 6

26、0181, Sept. 11, 1980 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and operating the engine. Each applicant must prepare and make available to the Administrator prior to the issuance of the type cer-tificate, and to the owner at the time of delivery of the engine, approved in-structions for installing and

27、operating the engine. The instructions must in-clude at least the following: VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Mar 01, 2011 Jkt 223043 PO 00000 Frm 00853 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223043.XXX 223043wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licen

28、se from IHS-,-,-844 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 33.7 (a) Installation instructions. (1) The lo-cation of engine mounting attach-ments, the method of attaching the en-gine to the aircraft, and the maximum allowable load for the mounting at-tachments and related structure. (2) The location and descrip

29、tion of engine connections to be attached to accessories, pipes, wires, cables, ducts, and cowling. (3) An outline drawing of the engine including overall dimensions. (4) A definition of the physical and functional interfaces with the aircraft and aircraft equipment, including the propeller when app

30、licable. (5) Where an engine system relies on components that are not part of the en-gine type design, the interface condi-tions and reliability requirements for those components upon which engine type certification is based must be specified in the engine installation in-structions directly or by r

31、eference to appropriate documentation. (6) A list of the instruments nec-essary for control of the engine, includ-ing the overall limits of accuracy and transient response required of such in-struments for control of the operation of the engine, must also be stated so that the suitability of the ins

32、truments as installed may be assessed. (b) Operation instructions. (1) The op-erating limitations established by the Administrator. (2) The power or thrust ratings and procedures for correcting for non-standard atmosphere. (3) The recommended procedures, under normal and extreme ambient conditions f

33、or (i) Starting; (ii) Operating on the ground; and (iii) Operating during flight. (4) For rotorcraft engines having one or more OEI ratings, applicants must provide data on engine performance characteristics and variability to en-able the aircraft manufacturer to es-tablish aircraft power assurance

34、proce-dures. (5) A description of the primary and all alternate modes, and any back-up system, together with any associated limitations, of the engine control sys-tem and its interface with the aircraft systems, including the propeller when applicable. (c) Safety analysis assumptions. The assumption

35、s of the safety analysis as described in 33.75(d) with respect to the reliability of safety devices, instru-mentation, early warning devices, maintenance checks, and similar equipment or procedures that are out-side the control of the engine manufac-turer. Amdt. 336, 39 FR 35463, Oct. 1, 1974, as am

36、ended by Amdt. 339, 45 FR 60181, Sept. 11, 1980; Amdt. 3324, 47 FR 50867, Sept. 4, 2007; Amdt. 3325, 73 FR 48123, Aug. 18, 2008; Amdt. 3326, 73 FR 48284, Aug. 19, 2008 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations. (a) Engine ratings and operating lim-itations are established by the Admin-istrator a

37、nd included in the engine cer-tificate data sheet specified in 21.41 of this chapter, including ratings and lim-itations based on the operating condi-tions and information specified in this section, as applicable, and any other information found necessary for safe operation of the engine. (b) For re

38、ciprocating engines, ratings and operating limitations are estab-lished relating to the following: (1) Horsepower or torque, r.p.m., manifold pressure, and time at critical pressure altitude and sea level pressure altitude for (i) Rated maximum continuous power (relating to unsupercharged operation

39、or to operation in each supercharger mode as applicable); and (ii) Rated takeoff power (relating to unsupercharged operation or to oper-ation in each supercharger mode as ap-plicable). (2) Fuel grade or specification. (3) Oil grade or specification. (4) Temperature of the (i) Cylinder; (ii) Oil at t

40、he oil inlet; and (iii) Turbosupercharger turbine wheel inlet gas. (5) Pressure of (i) Fuel at the fuel inlet; and (ii) Oil at the main oil gallery. (6) Accessory drive torque and over-hang moment. (7) Component life. (8) Turbosupercharger turbine wheel r.p.m. VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Mar 01, 2011 Jkt

41、223043 PO 00000 Frm 00854 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223043.XXX 223043wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-845 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 33.15 (c) For turbine engines, ratings and operating limita

42、tions are established relating to the following: (1) Horsepower, torque, or thrust, r.p.m., gas temperature, and time for (i) Rated maximum continuous power or thrust (augmented); (ii) Rated maximum continuous power or thrust (unaugmented); (iii) Rated takeoff power or thrust (augmented); (iv) Rated

43、 takeoff power or thrust (unaugmented); (v) Rated 30-minute OEI power; (vi) Rated 212-minute OEI power; (vii) Rated continuous OEI power; and (viii) Rated 2-minute OEI Power; (ix) Rated 30-second OEI power; and (x) Auxiliary power unit (APU) mode of operation. (2) Fuel designation or specification.

44、(3) Oil grade or specification. (4) Hydraulic fluid specification. (5) Temperature of (i) Oil at a location specified by the applicant; (ii) Induction air at the inlet face of a supersonic engine, including steady state operation and transient over- temperature and time allowed; (iii) Hydraulic flui

45、d of a supersonic engine; (iv) Fuel at a location specified by the applicant; and (v) External surfaces of the engine, if specified by the applicant. (6) Pressure of (i) Fuel at the fuel inlet; (ii) Oil at a location specified by the applicant; (iii) Induction air at the inlet face of a supersonic e

46、ngine, including steady state operation and transient over-pressure and time allowed; and (iv) Hydraulic fluid. (7) Accessory drive torque and over-hang moment. (8) Component life. (9) Fuel filtration. (10) Oil filtration. (11) Bleed air. (12) The number of start-stop stress cycles approved for each

47、 rotor disc and spacer. (13) Inlet air distortion at the engine inlet. (14) Transient rotor shaft overspeed r.p.m., and number of overspeed occur-rences. (15) Transient gas overtemperature, and number of overtemperature occur-rences.(16) Transient engine over-torque, and number of overtorque oc-curr

48、ences. (17) Maximum engine overtorque for turbopropeller and turboshaft engines incorporating free power turbines. (18) For engines to be used in super-sonic aircraft, engine rotor windmilling rotational r.p.m. (d) In determining the engine per-formance and operating limitations, the overall limits

49、of accuracy of the engine control system and of the nec-essary instrumentation as defined in 33.5(a)(6) must be taken into account. Amdt. 336, 39 FR 35463, Oct. 1, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 3310, 49 FR 6850, Feb. 23, 1984; Amdt. 3311, 51 FR 10346, Mar. 25, 1986; Amdt. 3312, 53 FR 34220, Sept. 2, 1988; Amdt. 3318, 61 FR 31328, June 19, 1996; Amdt. 3326, 73 FR 48284, Aug. 19, 2008; Amdt. 3330, 74 FR 45310, Sept. 2, 2009 33


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