1、 , () INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (ISC) ISO 4044 2014 (ISO 4044:2008, IDT) ISO 40442014 II , 1.092 . 1.22009 . , . , , , 1 412 , - ( ) , 5 2 3 , (. 22 2014 .73-) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AZ AM BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA 4 29 2014 . 2148- ISO 40442014 1
2、 2016 . 5 ISO 4044:2008 Leather Chemical tests Preparation of chemical test samples (. . ). (en). (IDT). . . 6 ISO 40442014 III , . () . , , 2015 , ISO 40442014 1 . Leather. Chemical tests. Preparation of chemical test samples 20160101 1 , . 2 : ISO 2419:2012 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Sa
3、mple preparation and conditioning (. . ) 3 , (“ground leather”) (“leather powder”). 4 4.1 700 1000 , (4 0,5) . . 5 . , . , . , . , , , , . 30 %, 50 . . , ISO 2419. 6 , . . ISO 40442014 2 () .1 ISO 2419:2012 - * * ISO 40442014 675.017.47:006.354 59.140.30 IDT : , , , , , 02.03.2015. 60x841/8. . . . 0,93. 33 . . 758. , 123995 , ., 4. www.gostinfo.ru infogostinfo.ru